Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 738 Magic Talent Test

"Good ambition!"

Zuo Yu sat on the sofa of the mansion in the storage space, gave a thumbs up to the ceiling, and almost said a line like "I, Lin Zhongtian, will only rely on myself in my life" for Haiwen.

Soon after, candlelight burned in the dining room of the Baruch family mansion, illuminating the entire room.

Four members of the Baruch family, including four-year-old Wharton, sat around the rectangular dining table.

Halfway through the meal, the patriarch Hogg put down his knife and fork, looked at Lin Lei and said, "I heard that you often take roasted hare to the backyard recently?"

Lin Lei blinked, hesitated for a moment, and nodded: "Yes, father, I recently found a very cute cub in the backyard, so I often think about getting some food for it."

"So that's it."

Hogg nodded, obviously he didn't care very much in his heart, he just wanted to use this matter to start the conversation.

Hai Wen glanced at Lin Lei, then turned to look at the dinner plate and said calmly: "Be careful."

Lin Lei was startled for a moment, and then he realized that his uncle should already know about the Shadow Rat.

He scratched his head in embarrassment and whispered: "I will do it, uncle."

Hogg looked at the two of them with a smile, pondered for a moment, and said, "Oh, by the way, weren't you two very interested in magic before? Exactly one week later, in the royal capital 'Finlai City', about magic. Test enrollment will begin soon.”

"Do you... want to participate?"

Upon hearing Hogg's words, Linley was startled at first, and then he couldn't help but show hesitation.

He thought that now that he had the teachings of a saint magician, his progress would definitely be much faster than that of those magic academies.

Under such circumstances, the eight-year-old naturally did not want to leave his hometown, let alone his father and younger brother.

"Could you please help me arrange it, cousin? The two of us will go."

Hai Wen, who was next to him, suddenly spoke and made a decision for Lin Lei.

Linley came back to his senses and quickly looked at Haiwen, as if he was hesitant to speak.

Hai Wen glanced at him and said calmly: "The so-called magician is an existence that pursues the truth of heaven and earth. It is the stupidest decision for a real magician to be stubborn!"


Lin Lei looked at Hai Wen with a blank expression, as if he was suddenly calmed down by these words.

"He's right." Drinkwater's solemn voice suddenly sounded in his mind, "Although I am a magician from the Holy Domain, after all, I haven't been in contact with the magic world for more than five thousand years. It's been more than five thousand years. , during this long period of time, I don’t know how many new types of magic will be born.”

"Lin Lei, Wushan Town is still too small. If you really want to become a magician, you need to step onto a broader stage!"

Hearing the words of Haven and Drinkwater, Linley couldn't help but feel his heart beat.

He nodded solemnly: "I understand, I will take the magic admissions test!"

Seeing the looks of Lin Lei and Hai Wen, Hogg couldn't help but laugh, and said somewhat amusingly: "Looking at the looks of you two, those who don't know would think they have become magicians!"


Hai Wen and Lin Lei looked at each other, and both could see the smile in each other's eyes.

Hog, Don't Know Anything, Baruch nodded, and said with a face full of relief: "Then the matter is settled. In five days, I will arrange for you to go to the royal capital of Fenlai City!"

Five days later, Hogg arranged for the guard captain Hillman to send the two of them to the royal capital, while he stayed at his ancestral home and sat in Wushan Town.

Before leaving, Haiwen stood beside the carriage and watched with cold eyes the interaction between Lin Lei and the black mouse.

Perhaps because he discovered that Lin Lei had the intention to leave, the black shadow rat that he had fed for a long time suddenly changed its fearful appearance and sprang out from the backyard of the Baruch family, circling around Lin Lei reluctantly.

Linley was also quite reluctant to give up. He knelt down and whispered something to the black shadow rat.

After a short while, Shadow Rat seemed to have made up his mind and suddenly bit Lin Lei.

Hillman, who was originally cheerful, was shocked when he saw this. Just as he was about to step forward, he was stopped by Haven.

"Master Haiwen?"

"Don't be nervous, that monster has already planned to sign an equal soul contract with Lin Lei."

"...Equal Soul Contract?"

Hillman stared at Haven blankly, as if he had never heard of such a thing.

Haiwen explained calmly: "Generally speaking, the contract signed between humans and monsters is only a master-servant contract, but in fact, few people know that there is an equal contract between humans and monsters."

"This kind of equal contract can only be initiated by a Warcraft, and a Warcraft can only sign an equal contract once in its life."

" there such a thing?" Hillman couldn't help but turn his head and looked at Linley and the shadow rat in surprise.

A trace of blood was seen flowing from the corner of the shadow mouse's mouth, and it merged with the blood on Lin Lei's calf to form a strange black magic circle.

Not long after, the black magic circle split into two and turned into two black lights, which penetrated into the bodies of Lin Lei and the little shadow mouse respectively.

Linley stood there in a daze for a long time. It was not until Hillman finally couldn't bear it anymore and called him that he gradually came back to his senses.

"Don't worry, Uncle Hillman, I'm fine!"

A smile appeared on Lin Lei's face, and he happily raised the shadow mouse: "I just named him Beibei, and now Beibei is my monster!"

"...It's actually true!"

Hillman looked at him with surprise and joy.

Haven glanced at them, turned and climbed into the carriage.

"Stop talking and come up quickly, time waits for no one!"

"oh oh!"

Linley and Hillman both nodded quickly, stepped forward, and boarded the carriage.

In the many countries west of the Magnolia Continent's Warcraft Mountains, they are mainly divided into two camps.

One of them is the Holy Alliance, which is dominated by the Holy See of Light, and the other is the Dark Alliance, which is dominated by the Holy See of Darkness.

The two major alliances are competing against each other, each controlling many kingdoms and principalities based on their beliefs.

The Finlay City that Haiwen and others are heading to is the royal capital of the Kingdom of Finlay, a powerful kingdom affiliated with the Holy Alliance.

The entire city of Finlay is mainly divided into two major areas: east and west. The eastern area is directly under the jurisdiction of the Kingdom of Finlay and the royal family, while the western area houses the church of the Holy See of Light, so it is basically controlled by the Holy See of Light.

As the royal capital of the Kingdom of Finlay, Finlay City is also the leading prosperous city in the entire Magnolia Continent.

It covers an extremely vast area and has more than one million residents under its rule. If the floating population is included, the number will be at least several million.

As the leading ancient family in the Kingdom of Finlay, the Baruch family has declined now, but it was once prosperous in the past. Therefore, the straight-line distance between Wushan Town, commanded by the Baruch family, and the royal capital is actually not that far.

Haiwen and others set out in the morning and entered the gate of the royal capital in the evening.

After arriving at the hotel that had been booked through a long time ago, Haven and others put down their luggage. Hillman was full of excitement and threatened to take his two children to the famous Champs Elysees Avenue in the royal capital to see the world.

But unfortunately, Haiwen was not interested in this.

Although Lin Lei was somewhat interested in this, when he saw Haiwen's refusal, he always regarded his uncle as a role model and refused accordingly.

With no other choice, Hillman could only stay in the hotel in despair and follow the instructions of the patriarch Hogg to 'protect' the two eight-year-old children.

The next morning, on Greenleaf Road, one of the main roads in Fenlay East City, most of the buildings on both sides of the road were luxuriously decorated mansions, most of which belonged to the kingdom's nobles, and a few of them belonged to luxurious businessmen.

But among all the mansions, the tallest building still belongs to the Holy See of Light.

It is a public building funded and built by the Church of Light. The floors and walls of the building are engraved with mysterious and complex magic arrays, which can cooperate with many magic instruments to accurately test the subjects' magic talents.

On weekdays, this building serves as the church in the eastern area of ​​Finlay City.

In late autumn, this place will become the busiest testing site in the entire Finlay City.

At this time, the sun had just risen from the horizon, and Haiwen and others had already arrived here.

They thought they had arrived very early, but they did not expect that the nobles of the royal capital arrived earlier than they did. Luxurious carriages gathered from all directions, filling the empty square in front of the building.

"There are so many people!"

Linley stood at the door, looking at the nobles who were greeting each other with emotion on his face.

Haiwen next to him frowned, seeming to feel very uncomfortable with this crowding phenomenon.

The vast majority of the more than a thousand people gathered in the hall were aristocrats from the royal capital and their children, and only a small number were children of small rural aristocrats like Hai Wen and Lin Lei.

As for civilians other than the nobility, there were almost none.

Because the registration fee for this test alone requires ten gold coins, and once admitted, the tuition will be even higher, and ordinary civilian families simply cannot afford it.

But as long as their children are admitted, nobles will naturally support them.

Therefore, there are still civilians who borrow money to gamble on their luck...

It's a pity that most of these civilians end up in debt.

After all, in this world, differences in bloodline exist, and the descendants of magicians are more likely to become magicians.

At this moment, a priest wearing black robes walked out of the door in the corner of the hall.

Many nobles chatting in the hall closed their mouths and looked at the priest quietly.

The originally noisy hall fell silent instantly, and the priest in black robes smiled and said loudly: "The admissions staff of all major magic academies are ready. I announce that the magic test has officially begun!"

"Anyone who wants to take a magic test, please follow me into the side door and queue up."

After saying that, the black-robed priest turned around and walked towards the side door.

The crowd in the hall started to move, and many nobles walked over with their children.

Hillman considered himself a country boy and had a natural inferiority complex towards the nobles of the royal capital, so he was afraid to go with them.

Haven noticed this, sighed, and then stuffed the registration fee into Hillman's arms.

"You two, take the money and follow me, do you understand?"

After saying that, Haven took steps forward without hesitation and strode towards the crowd.

Seeing Haiwen's tough yet calm look, Hillman and Lin Lei looked at each other, subconsciously obeyed Haiwen's order, and spread out their legs to follow Haiwen's footsteps.

Seeing this scene, Delinkovart, who was hiding in the ring, couldn't help but sigh.

"This child is a born noble!"

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