Entering the testing room behind the door, Haven ignored the bright and reflective marble under his feet, ignored the huge crystal lamp hanging above his head, and looked directly at the row of chairs in the front.

There, sat the high-ranking priests of the Holy See of Light and recruiters from major magic academies.

One of them was a middle-aged man wearing a white robe, with the badge mark on his chest that Haiwen had paid special attention to before.

"This is it!"

A smile appeared on Haven's face.

Before coming, he had already inquired about any famous magic schools in Finlay Kingdom.

Among them, the 'Ernst Magic Academy', named after the legendary Pope 'Ernst' of the Holy See of Light, is the leading magic academy in the Holy Alliance and even the entire Magnolia Continent.

Even in the eyes of many people, Ernst Academy is the number one magic school in the world.

With such a title, the threshold for enrolling students in Ernst College will naturally be very high. Almost all students who enter the college are true geniuses in the magic field, and their future achievements will be limitless.

Because of this, Ernst College enrolls only a small number of students each year.

Hai Wen felt that he could definitely get in, but Lin Lei...

Haven glanced at the nervous little boy next to him with some concern.

At this time, the black-robed priest stood on the magic circle in the center, smiled and said to everyone: "The test location is the magic circle in the center. Everyone who participates in the test is asked to line up at the line outside the circle. No one can wait. If you cross the white line and violate it..."

While the black-robed priest was still talking about the precautions, Haiwen turned his head and said calmly: "Let's go, Lin Lei."


Linley nodded quickly, consciously took the twenty gold coins from Hillman, held them in his two small hands, and followed Haven's footsteps.

Not long after, this year's magic talent test finally began.

There are many auxiliary tools for testing, but only few of them can be used by subjects.

Haiwen observed it and found that the previous subjects basically only used two tools.

One is a luminous crystal ball, which should be a tool for judging the affinity of elements based on the glowing light.

The other is the magic circle engraved on the ground, which seems to bring a kind of mental oppression, and based on how long the subject persists, his specific mental power level is judged.

"...Is the method so crude?"

Haiwen looked at the boy who was testing in the magic circle with some speechlessness.

Lin Lei next to him clenched his fists nervously.

Because he found that the elimination rate of the test in front of him was really high.

The boys and girls who can be brought here can be said to have gone through a heavy screening, but even so, none of the top ten subjects passed...

Among them, there was even a young man whose mental strength was four times that of his peers, but he was still ruthlessly eliminated by the bald old man in charge of the test.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lei finally realized how stupid his previous behavior of being complacent about the number ten times was.

"Don't worry, Linley."

Delinkvoat's figure appeared next to him and said with a smile: "With my meditation training for the past six months, your mental power is at least fifteen times that of your peers. This number is quite high even among magicians. That’s it!”

"May I?"

lei couldn't help but glance at hawen beside him.

Drinkwater was speechless for a moment and said helplessly: "Don't compare with him, this kid is a monster, a veritable monster!"

As he said that, Drinkwater was suddenly startled, because he found that the boy named Haven next to him seemed to have glanced at him indifferently.

……How can this be? !

Even if he had flown out of the ring, at least he would have to be a saint-level expert to spot him!

This kid... could it be that his mental power is already comparable to that of a strong man from the Holy Realm?

Drinkwater was shocked. Just when he was hesitating whether to return to the ring, Haven's eyes moved from him to Linley, and then said calmly: "Get ready, it's your turn soon."


Linley nodded repeatedly, and then took a few deep breaths to calm down his agitated mood.

Soon, the bald old man in charge of the test called Linley Baruch’s name.

Lin Lei looked determined, stepped forward, walked to the center, and then put his hand on the crystal ball.


In an instant, the entire crystal ball suddenly lit up. The dazzling earthy yellow and azure light reflected each other in the crystal ball, and there was also a faint stream of fiery red in it.

The light was so dazzling that people nearby couldn't help but squint their eyes.

Afterwards, the entire hall fell into silence, and everyone stared blankly at the light in the center.

The bald old man in charge of the test looked at the paper in his hand tremblingly, then swallowed, suppressing his excitement and said: "Linley Baruch, eight years old, elemental affinity test, medium fire element, excellent earth and wind element. wait!"

As soon as these words came out, the entire hall was in an uproar.

Even Delinkovart couldn't help but look at Linley in surprise.

"...This kid is even super at the wind element?"

Lin Lei also didn't expect that he actually had three types of talents, and two of them were the highest level of super.

To be honest, without the previous conversation with Drinkwater, he would have been very proud of this result.

but now……

Lin Lei glanced at Hai Wen, who looked calm outside the magic circle, and thought to himself: "This is nothing, it's far worse than my uncle!"

"Please stand in the center of the magic circle."

When it came time to test his mental strength, the bald old man rarely used the word "please".

Lin Lei was startled for a moment, then nodded calmly and walked over.

When he reached the center of the magic circle, the light magic [Deterrence] suddenly turned on, and a dazzling white light bloomed and enveloped Lin Lei.

Linley frowned slightly and immediately felt a sense of mental intimidation and oppression.

At the beginning, this sense of oppression was relatively easy for Lin Lei, but as time passed, the white light blooming from the magic circle became brighter and brighter, and the sense of oppression became stronger and stronger.

Finally, Linley couldn't hold on anymore, gritted his teeth and knelt down on one knee, putting his hands on the ground.

The atmosphere in the hall was silent for a moment, and then waves of exclamations erupted.

Because Linley's mental strength test scores have far exceeded all previous subjects.

The bald old man said loudly: "The mental strength test result is eighteen times that of people of the same age, excellent!"

Excellent mental power and super elemental affinity!

This result is considered to be among the best in previous tests.

After hearing Lin Lei's test results, the recruiters from major magic academies couldn't sit still. They stood up excitedly and stepped forward to offer an olive branch to the young man in the magic circle.


The bald old man shouted solemnly, then glanced at them coldly and said: "Don't disturb the testing process."

After saying that, the bald old man turned his head, looked at Lin Lei and said kindly: "Lin Lei, you go and take a rest first!"

"Well, thank you!"

Linley forced a smile, wiped the cold sweat from his forehead, and walked out of the magic circle.

Haiwen came towards him and patted him on the shoulder: "Well done."

Lin Lei was startled for a moment, then said with a smile on his face: "Brother, come on!"

When he returned to Uncle Hillman, who was full of excitement, a middle-aged man in a white robe had been waiting there. He said with a smile: "Excellent mental power, super elemental affinity, and super dual element. wait……"

"Lin Lei, you are very welcome at Ernst College. Are you willing to join?"

Hearing the middle-aged man's words, Hillman was so excited that his arms were shaking, and he wished he could agree to it for Lin Lei right now.

Linley was also very happy, but he bowed first and said politely: "It is an honor for me, Linley Baruch, to be invited by Ernst College. However, before I answer you, please allow me to consult Please give me your uncle’s opinion.”


The middle-aged man in white robe was slightly startled and turned his attention to Uncle Hillman beside Lin Lei.

Linley shook his head: "Uncle Hillman is the captain of my family's escort team. My brother-in-law is the one who is being tested now!"


The middle-aged man in white robe was stunned when he heard this, and subconsciously turned his head to look behind him.

At this moment, a brilliant and brilliant light burst out from the center of the hall, making everyone in the hall unable to open their eyes.

Even the powerful middle-aged man in white robe subconsciously narrowed his eyes.

"This...how is this possible?!"

The bald old man suddenly stood up and looked at the figure in front of the crystal ball with a shocked face.

"The four elements of Earth, Fire, Feng Shui are super!"

"And it's the best of the best!"

The middle-aged man in white robe stared blankly at Hai Wen, who had just taken his hand away from the crystal ball. He couldn't help but swallow, turned his head, looked at Lin Lei and asked cautiously: "That's... your brother-in-law." ?”

Lin Lei nodded calmly, with a look on his face that said, "Sure enough, that's true."

Afterwards, in the silence of the whole hall and in full view of everyone, Haiwen calmly walked into the magic circle.

The bald old man came back to his senses and looked at the black-robed priest with excitement on his face.

The black-robed priest nodded and immediately activated the magic circle to test his mental strength.

It's just different from before. This time he activated a more precise advanced magic circle.

This kind of magic array will convert all the magic power in the magic crystal into mental deterrence, so it will not bloom with white light like before. At the same time, its mental deterrent level will not start from doubling the basic level, but all at once. It has risen to ten times the level.

But even so, Haiwen still stood in the center with a calm face, seemingly unaware of any pressure at all.

Time passed like this minute by minute, until at a certain moment, Haiwen suddenly turned his head and looked at everyone in surprise.

"That...has it started?"

Everyone: "...?"

Listen to what others say?

The bald old man's eyes widened and he couldn't help but look at the black-robed priest.

The black-robed priest nodded and immediately increased the level of mental deterrence by a large margin.

At this time, Haiwen finally realized that he seemed to have been accidentally tricked by them.

So he quickly raised his hands and said: "Report, I can't hold on any longer!"

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