Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 749 The cosmic dragon that feeds on the sun

"Dimensional blade!"

On the mountain road outside the Warcraft Mountains, Lin Lei looked at Hai Wen with excitement and said: "It was the forbidden wind magic [Dimensional Blade] just now, right?!"

Hai Wen was slightly startled, and immediately integrated the wind divine body into his main body, making the two into one, and then said with a smile: "You are referring to the move I just made, right?"

"That's right!" Lin Lei nodded repeatedly.

Haiwen shook his head and chuckled: "In principle, that move can indeed be called the Dimensional Blade, but it is not the forbidden wind magic [Dimensional Blade] that you know - don't believe you look!"

As he spoke, Haiwen raised his right hand, and countless wind elements gathered in his palm to form a palm-sized light cyan wind blade.

The moment the light blue wind blade was formed, the surrounding space was suddenly torn apart, and countless small holes burst out.

But then, all the healing power of the space itself will repair these cracks, resulting in a strange scene where the space is constantly torn apart and repaired.

"This is the forbidden wind magic [Dimensional Blade]..."

"Lin Lei, do you see the difference?"

Haiwen looked at lei calmly.

Linley frowned tightly, and seemed to have some understanding in his heart, but he couldn't fully grasp the key point.

At this moment, Drinkwater flew out of the coiled dragon ring on his hand and turned into the soul of an old man wearing a moon-white robe. He looked at the light blue wind blade in Haiwen's palm and said thoughtfully. : "I seem to understand!"

"Lin Lei, think about it, did Hai Wen's blow just now have this kind of space healing phenomenon?"

"..." Lin Lei was startled for a moment, then said with bright eyes, "No!"

"It seems you finally grasped the key!"

Haiwen smiled and turned his head, looking at the palm-sized light cyan wind blade and explained: "Yes, the so-called dimensional blade of forbidden wind magic is actually a wind blade that has been strengthened to the extreme. If you observe carefully, You will find that there are countless winds inside the dimensional blade rotating fast or slowly along some strange circuits, forming the ultimate wind blade that can cut space."

"In other words, this magic actually relies on pure power to achieve the effect of cutting space."

"And the blow I just sent was essentially based on the power of the dimension itself."

"Explained from the perspective of laws and mysteries, the wind-type forbidden magic [Dimensional Blade] contains three laws and mysteries: fast, slow, and dimensional, but each of them does not reach a too high level, just because they are combined with each other, Only then did he have the power to tear apart space."

"But the attack I just launched is purely mysterious in the laws of dimensions, and it is also a dimensional blade in the true sense."

"……have you understood?"

Haiwen looked at lei seriously.

The expression on Lin Lei's face kept changing, sometimes he was suddenly enlightened, sometimes he was frowning and confused.

Seeing this scene, Delinkovart couldn't help but sigh.

In his eyes, Lin Lei's understanding could be regarded as a genius among geniuses, but in front of Haiwen, a monster among geniuses, Lin Lei's understanding was still far behind.

However, even so, Drinkwater still believes that Linley's ultimate achievement will never be inferior to that of Haven.

Because in the nearly ten years they have been together, he has noticed Lin Lei's terrifying will and perseverance.

It is a strong mentality that will never give up moving forward no matter what setbacks it suffers. It is the most ideal so-called seeker's will that Delincovoort pursues in his heart.

With such a will as support, even if Lin Lei is left behind midway, he will eventually reach the finish line gritting his teeth.

"I seem to understand..."

Linley suddenly raised his head and looked at Haiwen with bright eyes.

The magic power all over his body stirred up, pulling the wind elements around him to rotate continuously.

Seeing this scene, Haiwen was slightly startled, and then praised: "Sure enough, he has made a breakthrough, he is indeed my nephew!"

Linley dispersed the surrounding wind elements and scratched his head in embarrassment.

"I have just broken through to level eight. Compared with my uncle, I am already far behind..."

"That's right, so keep working hard!"

Haiwen said to Linley seriously.

Linley also looked serious and nodded very solemnly.

Seeing that these two uncles and nephews chatting casually were the two ultimate Versailles uncles, Delinkovart's white beard couldn't help but curl up.

Do these two boys have a correct understanding of themselves? !

Not to mention Haiwen, who became a lower god of the wind system at the age of fifteen, Lin Lei, a fifteen-year-old eighth-level magician, is also the leading genius in the history of the entire Magnolia Continent!

But such a genius seemed worthless in front of these uncle and nephew.

Uncle Haiwen felt that his nephew still needed to work harder, and his nephew Linley not only agreed very much, but even felt extremely ashamed of the speed of his practice.

Damn it, if I had had this kind of talent back then...

Delinkovart looked at the two of them with complicated eyes, feeling both envious and relieved in his heart.

Later, Hai Wen began to feel the lower wind power in his body, and Lin Lei was also experiencing the Purple Blood Divine Sword he had just obtained.

The two of them were doing their own thing and talking casually, just like they did in Wushan Town when they were children.

"Uncle, do you think that god-level monster will listen to you?"

"Who knows..." Haiwen replied casually, "Anyway, if you don't listen, I will kill him."

"I also think you will do this."

Linley said as he poured fighting energy into the Purple Blood Divine Sword.

In an instant, the originally weird and weird purple soft sword straightened under the action of fighting spirit and turned into a sharp purple long sword.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lei's eyes immediately lit up and he couldn't help but said: "This thing seems to be very suitable for wind-type fighting skills!"

Haiwen turned his head and glanced at the Purple Blood Divine Sword, nodded and said: "Indeed, but the true power of this sword cannot be fully unleashed until you become a god-level powerhouse."


Lin Lei was startled for a moment, then hesitantly said: "Uncle, you don't have a weapon yet, do you?"

Haiwen glanced at him, shook his head and said, "I know what you mean, but this thing is not suitable for me. I actually prefer knives to swords."

"Besides, I also have this..."

Having said this, Haiwen raised his right hand, and the originally white palm was instantly wrapped in black scales and turned into a ferocious and thick jet black dragon claw.

Seeing this scene, Lin Lei exclaimed, and then he remembered the real reason why he came to the Misty Valley.

"By the way, uncle, why is the blood pool you mentioned in your letter missing?"

"Oh, um, I dug it up five years ago. I originally planned to take it home as a family treasure, but something happened in the middle, so I was delayed here for a few years."

After hearing Haiwen's explanation, Linley suddenly realized.

"So that's it. No wonder the blood pool is missing..."

Hai Wen glanced at him and asked, "Are you also going to use it to activate your bloodline?"

Linley asked doubtfully: "Isn't it possible?"

Hai Wen looked him up and down, nodded and said: "Yes, yes, but this kind of dragon blood has some negative effects. After activation, it will take some time to contain the nuclear radiation on the body."


Linley stuttered a bit as he pronounced these three strange syllables.

Haiwen nodded and said: "Yes, nuclear radiation!"

"And not only will there be nuclear radiation after the transformation, but the dragon's blood itself also contains some radiation."

"You should be able to bear it, but don't even think about mediocre people like my cousin. Let's capture another holy dragon for him and let him activate his own dragon-blooded warrior bloodline!"

After hearing Haiwen's straightforward words, Lin Lei agreed in his heart, but he couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed on his face.

There is a saying that a son should never speak of his father's faults. Lin Lei was a filial son, so naturally he would not speak out about his father's shortcomings as straightforwardly as Hai Wen did.

However, he also knew that Hogg did not have much talent. It had been nine or even nearly ten years since Haiwen created the "Yunlong Technique" that could transform into a half-dragon. However, Hogg only started as a sixth-level warrior. Promoted to level eight.

At the same time, Hai Wen had become a god, and Lin Lei had also reached the peak of the eighth level with dual cultivation of magic and martial arts.

According to this progress, it will take at least ten more years for Hogg to reach the point where he can withstand Godzilla's blood.

For such a long time, Hogg, who has always been proud of his bloodline and eager to become a dragon-blood warrior, will definitely not be able to accept it, so he might as well settle for the next best thing and grab a random sacred dragon to help Hogg activate his bloodline.

Thinking of this, Lin Lei nodded and said gratefully: "Then I'll leave it to you, uncle!"

"As a family, don't be so open to outsiders."

Haiwen shook his head and said something, then waved his hand and released the blood pool he had dug out before from the golden-red bracelet.

"Come on, Linley, before going home, let's be baptized in the blood of the strongest cosmic dragon - the mythical beast Godzilla!"

"The most...strongest space dragon?!"

Linley opened his eyes wide and looked at the dragon blood pool in front of him with a shocked expression that exuded an ominous aura.

Haiwen nodded and explained with a serious expression: "Zuo Yu told me that this kind of dragon is called Godzilla, and it is a dragon beast that can naturally step into the divine level when it reaches adulthood!"

"It lives in the vast universe and feeds on the sun. The so-called nuclear radiation is the energy fluctuation emitted by the sun, and the energy called the nucleus is the essential energy of the sun..."

Linley's eyes widened and he said in shock: "So powerful?"

Haiwen nodded solemnly and said: "Well, I thought Zuo Yu was lying to me before, but when I really mastered the form of Godzilla, I discovered that this so-called nuclear energy is indeed some kind of fire-based law and mystery, that kind of The cosmic dragon named Godzilla probably reached the level of God when he became an adult because of the mysterious laws of fire..."

Lin Lei couldn't understand what he was hearing, and Delincovoort next to him also had a look of amazement on his face.

"You become a god when you grow up. Is there such a terrifying existence in the world?"

"...What, even Grandpa Delin doesn't know?"

Linley turned to look at Drinkwater, the expression on his face became even more shocked.

Seeing this scene, Zuo Yu felt a little embarrassed for some reason.

He quickly stretched out his strength from the bracelet and controlled the blood in the blood pool to fly in front of Lin Lei.

“Okay, stop chatting—Lin Lei, what are you waiting for? Drink it quickly!”

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