Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 750 Be careful, I will kill your whole family!

Looking at the suspicious dragon's blood that kept exuding an ominous aura like needle pricks in front of him, Lin Lei blinked his sore eyes, gritted his teeth, and opened his mouth to swallow the fist-sized blood mass.

Half an hour later, with Haiwen's help, Linley finally successfully activated his own bloodline.

Haiwen controlled the water polo to wash away all the sweat and blood on Lin Lei's body, and then looked at the humanoid monster in front of him that was covered in jet-black scales and nodded with satisfaction.

"Great, now you're a Godzilla warrior too!"


Lin Lei felt the growing strength in his body, and an excited smile couldn't help but appear on his determined face.

Suddenly, the smile on his face froze, and he touched his head in confusion and said, "Wait, where are the dragon horns? Where are my dragon horns?"

With a smile on his face, Haven said slowly: "I forgot to tell you that Godzilla is a hornless dragon."


Linley was stiff for a moment, but soon he laughed in relief.

Seeing this scene, Haiwen couldn't help but widen his eyes and said unwillingly: "Hey, are you relieved so soon? Think about it, no horns, bare, how ugly it is!"

"It doesn't matter, as long as you are strong enough!"


Just when Hai Wen fell silent, Lin Lei suddenly discovered that his Grandpa Delin had disappeared, so he quickly asked: "Grandpa Delin, why did you return to the ring?"

"Because I noticed that the power called nuclear radiation in you is constantly eroding my soul."

"Not only that, look around you, the trees, flowers and plants have all changed under this power!"

Speaking of this, Drinkwater couldn't help but sigh: "What a terrifying power. Now I believe that there is actually a god-level dragon clan that feeds on the sun..."


Linley was stunned when he heard this, turned around and looked at the environment around him that was eroded by nuclear radiation, and then quickly grabbed Haiwen and said: "Uncle, hurry up and teach me how to contain nuclear radiation, I don't want to go back with this thing. "

Hai Wen came back to his senses, glanced at Lin Lei, sighed and said: "You are lucky, I have mastered the trick, and I can help you contain the nuclear radiation as soon as possible in half a month at the latest..."

"That's great, without further ado, let's get started now!"

Half a month later, in the Finlay Kingdom, Haven and Linley had returned to Ernst Academy of Magic.

I have to say that Ernst College is indeed different from other magic colleges. The layout alone can be called grand.

In other magic schools, if a student disappeared without a word for five years, he would have been classified as missing and his elders or guardians would have been advised to withdraw from the school.

But Ernst College was different. Not only did they not impose any accountability on Haven, they didn't even reclaim his single dormitory.

When I came back this time, the water teacher I met at the entrance of the academy greeted Haiwen with a smile and told him not to forget to take the magic level evaluation exam at the end of the year when he came back.

Haiwen expressed great satisfaction with the school's indifferent behavior.

Because of this, he decided to participate in the magic level evaluation at the end of the year and give the Ernst Academy a big surprise with the forbidden magic that can only be unleashed by holy magicians.

But this also means that he will have to be a student at the Magic Academy for a period of time before the end-of-year test.

In the commercial street inside the Ernst Academy of Magic, in the private room on the highest floor of the Deli Hotel.

Haiwen put on a sky-blue college uniform and sat across from the long square table. While tasting the exquisite dishes on the table, he listened to Lin Lei talk about what happened in his seclusion in the past few years.

Five years is a long time for Hai Wen and Lin Lei, who are only fifteen years old.

Many things worth mentioning also happened during this period. For example, Linley's younger brother Wharton Baruch detected the bloodline of a dragon-blooded warrior. Now he has been sent to the O'Brien Empire by Hogg, preparing to enter the continent's No. 1 empire. One of the O'Brien Warrior Academy training.

The patriarch Hog Baruch showed the kingdom the level of an eighth-level warrior and led the guards of Wushan Town to repel several beast tides. Therefore, he was canonized as an earl by the king and commanded seven villages including Wushan Town. A town.

In addition, Lin Lei also truthfully told Hai Wen about some of his own improvements.

For example, the stone carving technique taught to him by Delincovothe - the flat knife style.

This stone carving technique is not only a secret method to enhance spiritual power, but also can really make Lin Lei a master of stone carving.

Nowadays, Linley's stone carvings have reached a very high level, and many of his works have even been placed in the highest-level stone carving hall in Fenlai City, becoming expensive works of art sought after by the nobles of the kingdom...

In addition to the above things, Haiwen is also very interested in Lin Lei's love life.

Under his questioning, Linley embarrassedly admitted that he had indeed fallen in love with a girl named Alice.


Haven said with surprise: "Isn't it Delia?"

Lin Lei was startled for a moment, and then said with a smile: "How is it possible? Delia and I are indeed good friends, but they are just good friends, not to the point of liking each other. As for Alice, she is from Welling Academy of Magic The student was also the one I met when I first went to the Warcraft Mountains for training..."

Lin Lei had a smile on his face and chattered incessantly, as if he had fallen into memories.

Hai Wen didn't pay attention to Lin Lei's words, and said to Zuo Yu in surprise: "Didn't you say that Delia is Lin Lei's true love? What's going on with Alice?"

"Harmful~" Zuo Yu said nonchalantly, "Who didn't meet a few scumbags when they were young?"

"Don't worry, Linley will eventually discover that Delia, who has been waiting for him, is his true destination!"

Haven frowned and said, "You mean, Alice will eventually break up with Lin Lei?"

Just as Zuo Yu was about to answer, he suddenly looked startled, with a thoughtful look in his dark red eyes.

In the original work, Alice did break up with Linley and then chose to marry a nobleman, but now, Haven plans to graduate from Ernst College as a Holy Magician.

In this way, the Baruch family became a prominent family with powerful men in the holy realm.

If Alice and the family behind her had any brains, they would not be able to let go of Lin Lei's thigh in this situation.

“Hiss—no, isn’t this harming Delia!”

"As expected, I still want to make fun of Lin Lei and Delia..."

Zuo Yu did not answer Hai Wen's words, and instead began to think about how to break up... no, how to make Lin Lei recognize the reality.

When he didn't get an answer, Haiwen frowned, as if he thought of something.

At the same time, Lin Lei had also changed the topic and started talking about business seriously.

"By the way, uncle, I forgot to tell you. My father wrote me a letter before and said that when you come back, he will let us go home. He has something important to tell us."

"……whats the matter?"

"I don't know either, but I guess it's most likely a matter of 'slaughter' with the sword."

Linley replied casually while eating the exquisite dishes.

Haven nodded thoughtfully.

The sword 'Slaughter' is the personal weapon of Baruch, the first-generation dragon-blooded warrior, and is also the inherited treasure of the Baruch family.

After the fall of the Baruch family, a patriarch actually sold the sword 'Slaughter' in order to maintain the family's luxurious life. Since then, every patriarch has regarded this as a shame and is determined to take back the family's inherited treasure.

As the contemporary patriarch of the Baruch family, Hogg is naturally no exception.

When Hai Wen and Lin Lei left their hometown, he had told them to take back the sword of "Slaughter".

"...Is such a small thing worthy of such a big fanfare?"

Hai Wen was speechless. He immediately put down his chopsticks, looked at Lin Lei and said, "Have you heard any news about the sword's 'slaughter' in recent years?"

Lin Lei smiled and said: "It's true. I asked Yale to inquire about it before - do you still remember Yale?"

Haiwen nodded and said: "Of course, the oldest one in your 1987 dormitory."

Lin Lei smiled and said: "Yes, that's him. He comes from the Dawson Chamber of Commerce, one of the three major chambers of commerce in the Magnolia Continent. His financial resources and connections are amazing. With his help, I successfully found out the news about the Saber's Slaughter. In the hands of the Lucas family in the royal city.”

"The Lucas family..."

Haiwen nodded thoughtfully: "I'll remember it. I'll go there in two days and I'll definitely get it back."

"...Huh?" Lin Lei was stunned for a moment and then asked quickly, "What do you plan to do with it?"

Haiwen glanced at him and said matter-of-factly: "Of course I asked politely!"

Two days later, in front of the Lucas family's mansion in the royal city.

Haiwen was wearing a black robe, and looked at the gate of the mansion in front of him with black lines on his head.

"No, Zuo Yu, I have become a god. Do I still have to hide my face to use weapons?"

"Help your nephew!" Zuo Yu said earnestly, "If you show up now, wouldn't Alice know that the Baruch family has a strong man from the holy realm? In this way, how can we test whether she is sincere towards Lin Lei? "


Haiwen rubbed his temples with a headache, and said helplessly: "It doesn't matter if you really do, right?"

"Anyway, with me here, it shouldn't be a problem for Alice to marry into the Baruch family, right?"

Zuo Yu sternly refused: "No, that is a lifelong event and will be with you for hundreds of millions of years in the future!"

Haiwen said with black lines on his head: "Then what if I have to show up?"

Zuo Yu snorted: "What, your wings will become hard after you become a god?"

"Would you like me to help you recall what the fear of the weak is..."

Just as the two were bickering and arguing, the guard of the Lucas family mansion walked over with a dark face.

"You, yes, it's you. What are you looking at? This is Lu..."


Before he finished speaking, the guard striding forward shot backwards like a discharged cannonball, instantly crashing through the door and falling into the courtyard.

At this time, many nobles were standing in the pavilion in the courtyard behind the door, talking and laughing while looking at the gorgeous flowers in the garden.

Hearing the noise coming from the gate, the head of the Lucas family, Marquis Jeb, was startled, and then looked at the gate with an angry look on his face.

"Dino, what are you doing? You don't know that I'm receiving distinguished guests... eh?"

Marquis Jeb was stunned, staring blankly at the guard who fell to the ground vomiting blood and the big hole in the door of the mansion.

The next second, the entire three-meter-high gate shattered, along with the decorative eaves above.

A figure in black robes floated up from outside the door, exuding powerful pressure at the level of the Holy Domain, and flew above everyone's heads, looking down expressionlessly at the astonished and frightened nobles below.

After a little discernment, Haiwen shifted his gaze to the silver-haired old man in the center.

"Are you Marquis Jeb?"

"It''s me..."

The silver-haired old man was trembling with fear and couldn't help but said: "My lord, you don't know that my Lucas family..."

"Did I let you talk?"

Hai Wen said such a sentence in a gloomy manner, which immediately frightened many nobles into silence.

"Very good." Haiwen nodded and said expressionlessly, "I'll give you a piece of advice. I'm in a bad mood right now, so take out the sword and kill it quickly, otherwise..."

Haiwen narrowed his eyes and said with murderous intent all over his body: "Be careful, I will kill your whole family!"

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