Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 751 The famous scene of stone sculpture ‘waking up from a dream’


With a loud noise, Haven slapped the broad and heavy sword in his hand on the table. Then, under the stiff gazes of the four dormitory brothers Lin Lei, Yale, George, and Reno, he unceremoniously sat down next to Lin Lei, picked up a glass of fruit wine, and took a sip. And done.

When he came to his senses, Lin Lei couldn't help but smile bitterly.

He wanted to say something, but after seeing the sword, he suddenly seemed to be struck by lightning and froze in place.

The three brothers next to him looked at each other in confusion.

Yale frowned and looked at the sword for a while. Suddenly his pupils shrank and he exclaimed: "Slaughter with a sword?!"

"That's right." Haiwen put down his wine glass and glanced at Lin Lei and said, "I'm coming back with the sword Slaughter, but this heavy sword is too bulky and doesn't suit my temperament. You'd better take it back and give it to Hogg in the future. Or give it to Wharton."


Linley came back to his senses, raised his hand and stroked the sword, and couldn't help but ask: "Uncle, why did you come back?"

Haiwen glanced at him and said, "Didn't I tell you to ask for it? People in the Lucas family are very easy to talk to. I just asked him to take out the sword, and he took it out and returned it to me."


Lin Lei and Yale looked at each other with doubts in their eyes.

At this moment, outside the private room of the hotel, a middle-aged man belonging to the Dawson Chamber of Commerce knocked on the door politely, then hurried to Yale's side and whispered a few words in his ear. .

After listening, Yale couldn't help but swallowed and looked at Haven with a strange look.

After pondering for a moment, he waved the middle-aged man to leave. Then he met the eyes of Lin Lei, Hai Wen and others and said hesitantly: "Well, I just received news that an unknown powerful man from the Holy Domain has sneaked in. Wangcheng, ran to the Lucas family's mansion and extorted a treasure..."


Haiwen suddenly raised his voice and said with an unhappy face: "What is blackmail?!"

"I obviously gave them a level 9 fire magic crystal core. In terms of value alone, it is much higher than the original auction price of the sword 'Slaughter', right?"

…So it’s really you? !

lei looked at hawen with a wry smile.

The other three people stood up suddenly and looked at Haiwen with shock on their faces.

"Sacred...sacred realm powerhouse, Haiwen, have you stepped into the sacred realm?!"

"How can this be?!"

"You are only fifteen years old, right?"

"Is the information wrong? For example, you used the seventh-level wind magic 'Flying Technique', but they mistakenly thought you were a powerful person from the Holy Domain..."

Although a fifteen-year-old seventh-level magician is still shocking enough, it is nothing compared to a fifteen-year-old Saint Domain powerhouse.

Facing the unbelievable Yale trio, Haiwen had no intention of explaining. He just sneered and said: "Okay, okay, it seems that a ninth-level magic crystal core is not enough. How about adding a forbidden magic?"

Linley was shocked when he heard this, and quickly stood up and held down Haiwen, then winked wildly at his three good brothers.

But unfortunately, at this time, the Yale trio were already immersed in the shocking news of Hai Wen's promotion to the Holy Realm, and were completely unaware of Lin Lei's eyes.

After a long time, the three Yale students finally reluctantly accepted this shocking fact.

They sat in their seats, looking at Haiwen in shock, excitement, or melancholy.

"A fifteen-year-old magician from the Holy Land..."

Yale couldn't help but exclaimed: "Haven, are you really a human being?"

They originally thought that Lin Lei's progress in being promoted to a seventh-level magician in five years was already perverted enough. Unexpectedly, Haiwen was even more perverted. He disappeared for five years and directly became a holy magician after his return.

Is this kind of talent too exaggerated?

After thoroughly digesting the news, Yale frowned and whispered: "Haven, this matter has now been taken over by the Holy See of Light. They have sent many strong men from the Holy Domain to the Dongcheng District of the Royal City to investigate this person. An unknown strong man from the holy realm.”

"We at the Dawson Chamber of Commerce have also received a notice from the Holy See of Light, asking us to cooperate with their investigation."

Speaking of this, Yale quickly said: "Of course, I will definitely not betray you. I just want to know your attitude. After all, you have become a magician of the Holy Domain. To be honest, there is no need to hide your head and tail."

"It's just a Lucas family. As long as you reveal your identity, what will happen even if it's really a robbery?"

Haiwen naturally understood this truth. If it weren't for Zuo Yu's request, he actually planned to reveal his identity and trade with the Lucas family.

But now...

Hai Wen glanced at Lin Lei and sighed: "I plan to officially graduate as a Holy Magician in the year-end test, so before the year-end test begins, please help me cover up the news."


Renault's eyes suddenly lit up and he said excitedly: "What a great idea!"

"Disappear for five years and become a blockbuster. I like this kind of plot the best!"

Yale also breathed a sigh of relief: "So that's it, I understand!"

Time flies, and in the blink of an eye, another month and a half has passed.

In the mountains behind the Ernst Academy of Magic, the continuous heavy snow covered the entire mountains with a layer of silver.

In front of the silver-white woods, there is a ten-meter-wide clearing. In the center of the clearing is a three- to four-meter-long boulder. Standing next to it is a man holding a carving knife. He is covered in snow at the moment and has his eyes closed in silence. Hair boy.

Beside the boy, a black mouse stood in the snow, looking around warily, obviously guarding the boy.

Not far away, Yale, George, and Renault looked at Linley's back with complicated eyes.

Suddenly, a figure descended from the sky and landed silently in front of the three people.

"How's the situation?"

Hai Wen looked at Lin Lei's back and asked softly.

Renault shook his head and said in a worried tone: "I don't feel very good. Lin Lei was standing there three hours ago. Until now, he has not moved a step or said a word..."

Yale's eyes turned cold and he said coldly: "It's all that bitch. If Lin Lei hadn't been unwilling, I would have caught her and made amends!"

"Humph, this is fine now. After the test at the end of the year, I want to see if her new love still dares to marry her..."

The words of the two made Beibei, the shadow mouse guarding Lin Lei, aware of Hai Wen's arrival.

It immediately jumped up, turned into an afterimage, and rushed into Haiwen's arms. Then it raised its head, looked at Haiwen's face with its slightly moist black eyes, and kept making "squeaky" sounds in its mouth. The voice sounded a little aggrieved.

Haiwen rubbed its head comfortingly, and then said angrily to the bracelet: "Zuo Yu, what on earth did you do?"

"To be honest, I didn't really do anything. I just guided Lin Lei and Alice to go to the Church of Light when they were dating, and then it naturally developed into what it is now..."


Haven raised his eyebrows, his face full of distrust.

"Don't believe it?" Zuo Yu curled her lips and said, "If you don't believe it, ask yourself later!"

Hai Wen glanced at Lin Lei's back, shook his head and said, "How can I ask this..."

Zuo Yu smiled and said, "Let me tell you, Alice's family, including her, are all devout believers of the Illuminati Religion. In the eyes of Alice and her family, everything in the world is a gift from the Lord." and grace.”

"But Linley firmly believes that personal struggle and destiny are in his own hands."

"The two of them are completely different from their outlook on life, to their values, to their world view. It's just because a young girl has just begun to fall in love, so they came together temporarily under the influence of hormones."

"Now that I have revealed the truth for them, breakup has become an inevitable result."

But even Zuo Yu didn't expect that he induced Lin Lei and Alice to break up a year in advance, but still failed to prevent Alice from seamlessly connecting.

No, it should be said that the young man named Kalan has been eyeing Alice for a long time. No matter when Lin Lei breaks up with her, he will take advantage of it and seize Alice's blank mind.

Hearing Old God Zuo Yu's words, Haiwen couldn't help but frown.

At this moment, Lin Lei, who had been silent for a long time, suddenly moved. The flat knife in his hand danced and fell on the boulder in front of him, chipping away countless thick and thin waste stone chips.

I'm coming!

Zuo Yu poked out his consciousness from the bracelet and watched with interest the famous scene of the birth of the stone sculpture 'Dream Awakening' in front of him.

Hai Wen hugged Beibei, the shadow mouse, and looked thoughtfully at Lin Lei, who danced the carving knife into an afterimage.

He could feel that with the waving of the carving knife, the surrounding earth and wind elements were flying around Lin Lei, and Lin Lei's spirit was constantly integrated into the stone sculptures. At the same time, in this state of spiritual compatibility, he was rapidly moving. increase.

"...Is this the Ping Dao School?"

"Well, it's quite useful below the sanctuary level."

In this way, three days and three nights passed quickly.

In the original work, Lin Lei was only a sixth-level magician at this time, so he spent ten days and nights carving this work.

But now, Lin Lei is already an eighth-level magician, and his mental power is dozens of times stronger than in the original work. Therefore, it only took him three days and three nights to complete this masterpiece that will go down in history in the future!

“For half a year, everything seemed like a dream, and now, the dream has finally awakened. Let’s call this work ‘Awakening from a Dream’!”

Lin Lei looked at the stone sculpture in front of him with emotion. He felt that his mind was more relaxed than ever before, as if all his past emotions were completely entrusted to this stone sculpture, and nothing remained.

Behind him, Haiwen looked at the finished stone sculpture in front of him with interest.

Next to them, Yale, Reno, and George stared blankly at the stone sculpture.

The entire stone sculpture is composed of five stone sculptures that look like women. Each woman's face is modeled after Alice, and her other movements, postures, and charms are all different.

But without exception, every part of the stone sculpture seems to have a soul.

When others look at it, they will naturally have emotional resonance in their hearts.

Hai Wen discovered that this was the result of Lin Lei's remaining spiritual power on the stone sculptures. This spiritual power was not simply attached to the stone sculptures, but was mixed with the creator's strong emotions and attached to every scratch on the stone sculptures. .

"What an amazing piece of work!"

Haiwen chuckled and praised, then hugged Beibei and walked to Linley.

Beibei cheered and ran into lei's arms happily.

Linley rubbed its head apologetically, then looked up at Haiwen and said firmly: "Uncle."


"I have decided that during the end-of-year exam, I will graduate with you!"

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