Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 752 What magic are you going to use?

Ernst Academy of Magic, in the open-air venue dedicated to magic proficiency tests, more than thirty magic teachers, including the deputy dean, Professor Drante, gathered at the surrounding judges' seats, whispering with great interest. He looked at the students below.

The so-called end-of-year test is actually a free magic proficiency test provided by the college to students.

This kind of test is not a strict final exam, so there are no hard and fast rules. You can take it if you want to, or it doesn't matter if you don't.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, such a test only requires the presence of four teachers.

But this time, not only dozens of teachers were present for the test, but even the always busy deputy dean Professor Drante also rushed over.

As for the reason, it's very simple. Of course, it's because the most famous pair of genius uncles and nephews from Ernst College finally showed up!

After the news spread, not only the teachers, but also students from all grades in the college came over to join in the fun.

The usually deserted testing venue suddenly became extremely crowded, and many wind magic students were forced to use the 'Levitation Technique' to fly into the air, so that they could barely grab a good position around the venue.

"As for..."

Among the girls' group at the edge of the crowd, a beautiful girl with fair skin and blond hair sighed helplessly, looking at the crowded venue in front of her and complained: "How come I didn't know before that there are so many students in our college."

"Because everyone is busy with their own things~"

The blue-haired girl next to him chuckled: "Besides, there is no point in participating in something like the end-of-year test if you don't break through a big level."

"In previous years, only fifty or sixty people took the test, and most of them were freshmen who were easy to break through. Students like us usually only take it once every few years or even ten years."

"Such a lively scene like this year has not happened for a long time..."

At this point, the blue-haired girl suddenly paused, then took the blonde girl's arm in surprise and said: "Delia, look, our college's number one genius, Haiwen, and your Lin Lei are here!"


Delia was slightly startled, then her pretty face turned red and she said, "It's mine, don't talk nonsense, Lin Lei has a girlfriend."

The blue-haired girl blinked her eyes and teased: "Hey~ don't you know, he has already broken up with that girl!"

……broke up?

Delia stared at her blankly, and then couldn't help but turn her head and look at the entrance of the venue.

The dense crowd gave way to a passage, and two tall young men wearing sky-blue academic robes walked slowly through it.

Feeling the excitement, admiration, or expectation of the seniors, juniors, and juniors around him, Lin Lei, who had never been used to such occasions, couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed.

Next to him, Hai Wen frowned and looked up at the judges' table in surprise, as if he was saying, 'Why are there so many people this year?'

Deputy Dean Drant noticed Haven's gaze, immediately smiled slightly, and said loudly using wind magic: "I announce that Ernst Magic Academy, Magnolia Calendar Year 9997, the year-end magic test will now officially begin!"

"Haven Baruch, Linley Baruch, who of you two comes first?"

After hearing the words of Vice Dean Drante, the whole place fell silent.

Everyone's eyes turned to Haiwen and Linley at the entrance of the venue.

Lin Lei was slightly startled, suppressing the numbness in his scalp and whispered: "What do you mean, it's just us?"

"What do you think, third child?" Yale's slightly smiling voice came from the crowd next to him, "With you two Baruch here, how can other students have the nerve to do their best!"


lei looked at yale, george and reno in astonishment.

Renault laughed and said: "No, you two are the only ones participating in the test this year, everyone else is here to watch the fun!"

"So that's it..."

Hai Wen nodded, then turned his head and looked straight at Lin Lei.

Lin Lei's expression froze, then he sighed and said helplessly: "Okay, okay, I'll do it first!"

After saying that, Linley walked into the center of the venue and looked up at the magic teacher in front of him who was in charge of the test.

The magic teacher said with a smile: "Lin Lei, please use the earth magic 'Ground Spear Array' in the center of the field. We will determine your magic level based on the size of the earth spear and the range of the earth spear array."

Hearing the magic teacher's words, all the students watching looked expectant.

But Linley shook his head and said softly: "I want to change to a different magic."

"Oh?" Vice Dean Drant raised his eyebrows and asked with a smile, "What magic?"

"Sacred Armor of the Guardian of the Earth."

As soon as he said this, the surrounding earth magic students suddenly exclaimed.

They all know that the 'Earth Guardian Holy Armor' is an advanced magic that can only be released by earth magicians of level five or above.

Lin Lei wanted to test it with the 'Sacred Armor of the Guardian of the Earth' to prove that he was at least a fifth-level magician. Before this year, Lin Lei's record in the academy was only a third-level magician two years ago.

In just two years, was he directly promoted to a fifth-level magician?

The magic teacher in charge of the test frowned and said with some hesitation: "It is not impossible to change the magic, but the 'Sacred Armor of the Guardian of the Earth' is not a magic suitable for level evaluation, because at the fifth and sixth levels, it has With the same expressive power, the armors are all made of magic rocks, making it difficult to evaluate and judge based on their appearance.”

"Only when you advance to level seven, the armor will be transformed into magic jade. Level eight will be magic crystal jade, level nine will be platinum, and after the sanctuary, it will be the strongest magic diamond..."

"In other words, the Earth Guardian Holy Armor is only suitable for magic level evaluation of level seven or above."

"Lin Lei, although you are a little slack in the earth magic course, it is impossible not to know about it, so..."

Having said this, the magic teacher paused, then narrowed his eyes slightly, suppressing the shock in his heart and asked: "Can I think that you are already a seventh-level magician?"

As soon as this statement came out, the whole place was silent. Everyone was shocked and speechless by the teacher's guess.

Lin Lei smiled slightly and said softly: "Teacher, can I start the test?"

Although he did not answer directly, this confident attitude was equivalent to acknowledging that his strength was above level seven.

The magic teacher couldn't help but turn his head and look at Vice Dean Drant.

The latter nodded solemnly, and then the magic teacher turned around and said: "Let's start..."

Lin Lei nodded, immediately closed his eyes, and silently recited the magic incantation of the 'Sacred Armor of the Guardian of the Earth'.

Not long after, earth elements surrounded him, condensing into a pair of crystal jade holy armor covering his body.

The earth-yellow light circulated on the crystal jade on the surface of the holy armor, like the earth-yellow sun rising in the field, making everyone on the field, including more than thirty teachers, stunned.

"Jing... Jingyu?!"

Deputy Dean Drant stood up suddenly and couldn't help but exclaimed: "Lin Lei, are you an eighth-level magician?!"

As soon as these words came out, it was like pressing a sound switch, causing a storm in the entire audience.

All the students looked shocked and discussed the test results in excited whispers.

"A fifteen-year-old eighth-level magician..."

"...Are you kidding me?!"

"So, wouldn't Dixie have been left behind by him a long time ago?"

Everyone was talking excitedly, and their words always mentioned Dixie, who was also known as Lin Lei in the academy.

The students who entered the school in the same batch as Haiwen were called the "strongest batch" by the new students.

Among them, except for Haven, who is leading by a cliff and the undisputed first talent, the debate about whether the second talent is Linley or Dixie has not subsided in Ernst College.

It can be said that before today, there were still many students at Ernst College who thought Dixie was a second-tier talent.

But after today, Linley will completely end this topic due to the absolute strength gap.

A fifteen-year-old eighth-level dual-system magician!

This kind of talent, even in the entire Magnolia Continent's ten-thousand-year history, is the undisputed number one genius in history!

...No, we can’t rush to a conclusion yet.

Vice-President Drant turned his head sharply and stared at the calm-looking Haven at the edge of the field.

Now that Lin Lei has become an eighth-level magician, what about Hai Wen, who has always crushed Lin Lei?

What level would he be now, a fifteen-year-old ninth-level magician of the fourth element?

Or...has he already entered the holy realm that even he dreamed of?

Thinking of this, Vice Dean Drant's eyes became extremely complicated, including excitement and expectation, as well as unspeakable regret and jealousy.

After a moment, Lin Lei took off his 'Earth Guardian Holy Armor' and walked to Hai Wen under everyone's excited gaze.

"It's your turn, uncle."

"...It's really troublesome!"

Haiwen sighed, then floated up in front of everyone, raised his right hand and pointed it at the sky. He didn't care about the test teacher's opinion, and just recited the incantation to himself.

In an instant, a strong wind suddenly rose, and countless wind elements gathered crazily from the sky and the earth.

The excessive elemental fluctuations even triggered the giant defensive magic arrays engraved in a large number of buildings in the academy, causing an extremely large blue magic light shield to appear in the sky above the entire academy.

"This...this is?!"

The expression on Deputy Dean Drant's face has changed from shock to horror.

He stared at the magic shield in the sky with wide eyes, then turned his head sharply, stared at Haven and shouted: "Haven, wait a minute, what magic are you going to use?!"

The teachers at the judges' table and the students in the venue also came to their senses and looked at Haiwen with shock on their faces.

Haven glanced at Vice Dean Drant and said calmly: "Forbidden magic of the wind system - Dimensional Blade."

As soon as he finished speaking, the ten-meter-long light cyan wind blade flew out in an instant, easily tearing apart the blue magic shield above the academy, then tearing open the surrounding space and sinking into the endless sky.

Not long after, the light cyan wind blades flying high into the sky were controlled by Haiwen and dispersed.

The torn blue shield on the top of his head slowly healed under the influence of the magic circle.

The drastic changes in the sky subsided, but the stormy waves in everyone's hearts continued to surge.

The whole place fell silent.

Haiwen's feet were off the ground and suspended in the air. He turned his head calmly, looked down at the judges' table and said:

"Mr. Vice President, is the test over?"

"The over!"

Deputy Dean Delante came to his senses, immediately took over the test teacher's job, and said excitedly:

"Haven, Lord Baruch, fifteen years old, Holy Domain Magister!"

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