Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 753 Cemetery of the Gods

High in the sky, Lin Lei recalled the commotion at the test site yesterday and sighed helplessly while flying.

"Uncle, I know you plan to show off the strength of the sanctuary, but there is no need to release forbidden magic, right?"

"Otherwise?" Haiwen glanced at him and said calmly, "The only thing that can prove the identity of a holy magician is forbidden magic, right?"

"And what I released was only the single forbidden magic 'Dimensional Blade'. If it were replaced by 'Destroying Storm' or 'Heaven and Earth Shattering', the entire Ernst Academy would become history."

Linley looked at him speechlessly, then rubbed his temples with a headache.

"No, have you forgotten what magic I used?"

"Of course not, Guardian Saint of the Earth..."

Halfway through, Haiwen's voice stopped abruptly.

Lin Lei sighed and said: "Now you realize that the Earth Guardian Holy Armor will turn into magic diamonds when in the sanctuary. You only need to show the Earth Guardian Holy Armor like me to prove your identity. There is no need to release it." Forbidden magic!"


Haiwen turned his head and did not answer.

Linley looked at his side face speechlessly, and then sighed helplessly.

"By the way, is it really okay if we just run away?"

"Mr. Vice-President yesterday threatened to find the best painter to paint our portraits, and also to find a master of stone carving to place our statues in Ernst College. Your statue can be placed at the front, with The first-generation dean is tied.”

"This kind of honor is rare in a thousand years. If we discard it like a piece of shit, wouldn't it be a disgrace to the college?"

"Face?" Zuo Yu's disdainful voice came from the gold-red bracelet, "Things like face are earned by oneself. If Haiwen is willing to graduate from Ernst College, he has already given them a lot of face. They Dare you ask for anything else?"

"Don't say they are leaving without saying hello. Even if Haiwen refuses in person, they will still have to say goodbye with a smile!"

Lin Lei said helplessly: "Your Excellency Zuo Yu, I understand everything you said, and I also know my uncle's temperament. However, our Baruch family still has to live here after all. There is no need to leave such a bad impression to others." Impression?"

"Also, uncle, you are a strong man in the holy realm in the eyes of the outside world. You can leave whenever you want, but why do you have to take me with you!"

Zuo Yu smiled and said: "Lin Lei, you still haven't changed your mind. Now, after the news of Hai Wen's promotion to the Holy Domain has spread, it's no longer us who have to think about how to leave a good impression, but the forces who want to recruit Hai Wen. .”

"As for you, Haiwen is helping you by taking you away."

"No matter how indifferent the powerful people in the Holy Domain are, they would not dare to offend you, but you are different."

"If Haiwen doesn't take you away, you and the three brothers in your dormitory will not be able to be clean in the next time. All kinds of big shots from the Magnolia Continent will come to visit you in turn, and even the Holy See of Light will come to recruit you. "

"You can refuse the invitation of the Kingdom of Finlay, can you still refuse the Holy See of Light?"

"That is one of the most gigantic monsters on the Magnolia Continent, and there are no less than two digits of powerful Saints hidden in it..."

"You two, it's almost done!" Haven said angrily, "I have never thought about the portraits and stone sculptures of Ernst College. Since I agreed, I will not break my promise. "

"As for the recruitment of big forces, I will reject them all for Lin Lei..."

Lin Lei was slightly startled when he heard this, and then asked doubtfully: "Then where are you going today?"

Haiwen said calmly: "Go to the Warcraft Mountains to catch a sacred dragon, then go home to see your cousin and help him awaken the blood of the dragon-blooded warrior."

Having said this, Hai Wen waved his hand, and the wind power surged out, wrapping around Lin Lei and speeding up instantly.

In just a few seconds, the two reached the sky above the central area of ​​the Warcraft Mountains.

Haiwen's whole body was filled with powerful fluctuations of divine power. He glanced at the mountains below and said loudly: "Di Lin, come out and see me!"

"Come out and see me!"

The rolling sound spread out with the power of the wind system, causing countless high-level monsters in the Magical Beast Mountains to tremble.

Even some holy-level monsters couldn't help but frantically restrain their aura after feeling the terrifying divine power mixed in the sound, for fear that they would be discovered by the strange and terrifying existence in the sky.

Not long after, golden light flashed, and Di Lin appeared in front of the two of them, looking at Haiwen with an unkind expression.

"It's you again, what do you want to do?!"

"Nothing, I just want to make a deal with you."

Haiwen looked at him and said calmly: "You should have ruled the Warcraft Mountains now. Give me a sacred dragon. In return, I will owe you a favor in my own name and I will help you once in the future."


Di Lin was slightly startled, then frowned and started thinking.

Seeing his appearance, Haiwen thought he was unwilling, so he added again: "Don't worry, I only want it to provide a little blood and I won't kill it."

...Is this what I care about?

Di Lin glanced at him speechlessly, then thought for a moment, and said in a deep voice: "It's not impossible to give you a holy dragon, but I'm not very satisfied with this condition and must change it."


Haiwen narrowed his eyes slightly, raised his right hand slightly, and a frightening light cyan arc wind blade appeared on the edge of his palm.

Seeing this scene, Di Lin quickly said: "Don't get me wrong, what I mean is, I don't want your favor, I want his!"

Having said this, Di Lin turned his gaze to Lin Lei next to him.

Lin Lei was suddenly startled, and looked at each other with Hai Wen next to him, confused.

"My favor, why?"

Di Lin chuckled and asked: "Linley Baruch, right? How old are you this year?"

Linley answered honestly: "Fifteen years old."

Di Lin chuckled and said: "A fifteen-year-old eighth-level magician is indeed a peerless genius!"

"With your cultivation speed, it is only a matter of time before you are promoted to the Holy Realm. I believe that within thirty years, you will definitely become one of the top Sanctuary powerhouses on the Magnolia Continent!"

Lin Lei didn't know why Di Lin praised him, but he still said modestly: "Your Excellency is so complimentary."

Haiwen frowned: "Di Lin, what exactly do you want to say?"

Di Lin looked at Haiwen with some surprise.

After thinking for a moment, he probed: "You have been a god for so many days, hasn't Lord Beirut come to you yet?"

Haiwen was slightly startled and said thoughtfully: "Lord the King of Warcraft in the Forest of Darkness?"

Di Lin smiled and said: "I see, although I don't know why Mr. Beirut didn't come to you, but if I don't tell you these things, I can't continue to trade with you, so I'd better sell you a favor by the way!"

Having said this, Di Lin looked straight and said: "Do you know what the other name of Magnolia Continent is in the eyes of the gods on the highest plane?"

Haiwen frowned and said, "What?"

Di Lin said in a solemn tone: "Graveyard of the Gods!"

"Five thousand years ago, due to some special reasons, many strong men from other planes came here and went through countless fights. In the end, except for a handful of top strong men, all the remaining people, up to the upper gods, left alive. , all the way down to the Holy Domain died here.”

"And the Cemetery of the Gods is where they are buried."

"This place opens once every thousand years. Every time it is opened, those saintly beings recognized by god-level experts are eligible to enter it."

"I just met the messenger sent by Lord Beirut two days ago. He recognized my identity as the king of the Warcraft Mountains and gave me some places to enter the cemetery of the gods."

Having said this, Di Lin turned to look at the mountains behind him and sighed softly: "You have seen my three children. Although they are sacred monsters with powerful blood, with their talents, they will rely on them in the future. The possibility of reaching the god level by yourself is very low."

"So, I set my sights on the Cemetery of the Gods."

"There are countless opportunities and treasures in that place, and there are also low-level gods that can be refined to allow the powerful saints to step into the divine level."

With that said, Di Lin turned his head, stared at Lin Lei and said: "So, my condition is that if you are qualified to enter the cemetery of the gods in the future, take care of the three children for me..."

Take care of the sacred monsters?

...Just him?

Lin Lei couldn't help but smile bitterly: "You think too highly of me!"

Di Lin smiled slightly, turned to look at Haiwen next to him and said: "The next time the cemetery of the gods will be opened is in the year 10023 of the Magnolia calendar, which is twenty-six years from now."

"I believe that with Lin Lei's talent, twenty-six years will be enough for him to become the ultimate powerhouse in the Holy Realm."

Linley couldn't help but ask: "What is the limit of the holy realm?"

Haiwen said calmly: "This is the state before I broke through to the god level."

Di Lin nodded, glanced at Haiwen and said: "This realm is only one step away from becoming a god, but this step is a chasm. Some people may be able to break through and become a god in a split second, such as your uncle, and some People have to stay in this realm for tens of thousands of years, such as my children and those secluded Saint Realm extreme powerhouses on the Magnolia Continent."

"I see."

lei suddenly realized.

Hai Wen nodded and said: "I accept your conditions on Lin Lei's behalf... Where is the Sanctuary Dragon?"

"Wait a moment."

The young man wearing a dark golden robe turned into golden light and disappeared in front of the two people.

Not long after, a black dragon with a body length of more than several hundred meters flew over, and above his head stood Di Lin, who had just left.

"This guy's name is Bartlett. He is one of the previous lords of the Warcraft Mountains. He is a holy-level black dragon."

"From today on, he will serve under you. If you like it, you can sign a master-servant soul contract with him. If you don't like it, then you can do whatever you want. I will never interfere."

Di Lin's indifferent words came from the top of his head, and the black dragon's body trembled, and his head hung down tremblingly.

Hai Wen glanced at the black dragon, then turned to look at Lin Lei and said, "Do you want it?"

Lin Lei was slightly startled and refused with complicated eyes: "I have Beibei."

Haven nodded and said, "Then take it back to Hogg!"

Seeing Haiwen and Dilin decide the life and death of a sacred black dragon in just a few words, Lin Lei felt extremely complicated.

In his eyes, the holy black dragon is undoubtedly a powerful existence that can destroy cities and countries, but in front of stronger god-level experts, the holy black dragon is nothing more than an ant that takes life and death.

...Sure enough, Zuo Yu was right, in the Magnolia Continent, strength comes first after all.

No matter what honor, face, or worldliness, they are all worth mentioning in the face of absolute power!

Thinking of this, Lin Lei couldn't help but clenched his fists and thought to himself:

"Will you become the most powerful person in the Holy Realm within twenty-six years?"

"Don't worry, I can definitely do it!"

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