Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 765 He is a ruthless person

After the morning class ended, classmates Qin Zhaowei and Fan Xian, who had just transferred to another school, came to the rooftop.

The two used violent methods to easily drive away the group of delinquent teenagers who smoked on the rooftop and took over the place.

Taking out the lunch box, Fan Xian casually placed it on the rooftop, glanced at Qin Zhaowei and said with a smile, "Old Qin, do you really think that American student is a time traveler?"


Qin Zhaowei stood on the edge of the rooftop, leaning against the railing, crossing his arms, and said confidently: "The so-called back row by the window is the king's hometown, and the back row by the bucket is the king's territory."

"According to my experience, the protagonists of all Japanese campus dramas will definitely sit in these two positions."

"Travelers are no exception. Most of them have mature souls that transcend their physical age. No matter how much they want to integrate into the student community, they will definitely feel a little alienated. Therefore, the seat by the window in the back row is their first choice..."

"Is it just because of this?" Fan Xian said speechlessly, "Isn't that true?"

"If you don't believe it, let's just wait and see!"

Qin Zhaowei turned his head with confidence and looked at the iron stair gate in the center of the rooftop.

Not long after, the iron door opened, and Ning Yi walked out, coming to the two of them with a strange expression.

"How about it? My guess is correct, right?"

Qin Zhaowei immediately asked with a smile in Chinese.

Ning Yi nodded, shook his head, and said: "That girl is indeed very suspicious, but I am not completely sure yet. I can only say that she is definitely the most interesting one among our classmates."


Fan Xian became interested and immediately said, "Let's talk and listen."

Ning Yi said softly: "I have already inquired about it. The girl's name is Krista Jay. She is an American. She suddenly came to Neon a year ago and became an international student at Kumamoto High School."

"It is unknown why she transferred to another school, but it does not seem to have been influenced by Japanese culture, because she behaved extremely withdrawn after entering school. She lived alone on weekdays, did not join any clubs, and did not make any active friends. "

"At the same time, because of her American identity, all the Neon classmates in the class stayed away from her. Only a few girls tried to make friends with her, but she basically rejected them all except one."

Qin Zhaowei asked curiously: "Who?"

Ning Yi said meaningfully: "Noruikana."

Hearing this name, Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei couldn't help but look at each other.

"……who is she?"

Ning Yi smiled and explained: "I have already inquired. Noruikana has a cousin who is within the third server. He is a genius in computer science. He graduated from the TPC Training Academy when he was only eighteen years old and officially joined the Earth. Defense Force.”

Hearing this, Qin Zhaowei suddenly realized: "Is it Yasumi Norui, a member of the victory team?"

Ning Yi nodded and said with a smile: "That's right, it's that Yerui Basumi. Krista turns a blind eye to everyone around her. Only Yerui Basumi's cousin can talk to her. This is a doubtful point. one."

"As for the second doubt, it has to do with Krista's family background."

"Kumamoto City is not that big. Many classmates have witnessed Krista entering the building of Sedic Technology Company. I checked and found out that the second largest shareholder of Sedic Technology Company is a construction company in Germany. The director of the company The long last name is Jay.”

Fan Xian frowned and said, "You mean, Krista's elder is Masaki Keigo's partner?"

"Then it shouldn't be a problem for her to come to school in Kumamoto City. After all, the headquarters of Sedic Technology Company is located in Kumamoto City."

Ning Yi nodded and said: "Indeed, but there is a third more suspicious point on her body, and that is the fingers of her right hand, which have slight gunpowder residue..."

"Gunpowder residue?"

Hearing these words, Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei couldn't help but frown.

Ning Yi chuckled and said: "This kid has a gun, and more than just touched it. He may have been doing shooting training before going to school this morning."

"Not only that, I asked Noruikana. Krista used to be very serious in class, at least she would not be in a state of absent-mindedness like today. This shows that she has something on her mind today, and it is most likely related to guns. concerns."

"Otherwise, she wouldn't have gotten up so early just for shooting training, and she wouldn't have even been in such a hurry that she didn't completely clean off the gunpowder residue..."

"Based on the above information, I have a bold guess, that is, she may take action today, and this action will use a gun."

Having said this, Ning Yi paused and said in a meaningful tone: "What do you think she plans to do?"

Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei frowned tightly and fell into deep thought.

After a moment, Fan Xian seemed to realize something.

He raised his head suddenly and looked at Ning Yi in disbelief: "It can't be... Masaki Keigo?!"

Hearing this name, Qin Zhaowei was slightly startled, and then suddenly realized.

Fan Xian frowned and said: "Yesterday the shark monster 'Gaozark' appeared. This is an extremely obvious plot signal. If Krista is really a time traveler who knows the plot, then she must have known what will happen today. Drama.”

" she planning to deal with Masaki Keigo today?"

In the original plot, Masaki Keigo had already snatched the divine light rod from Dagu's hand at this time, and took the divine light rod to the cave he discovered underground in Kumamoto City.

There, there is a giant stone statue left by a giant of light 30 million years ago.

Masaki Keigo used Dagu's Divine Light Rod and the 'Optogenetic Factor Converter' he developed to assimilate his body with the stone statue left by the Giant of Light, turning him into the evil Tiga in the series.

At the same time, due to Masaki Keigo's excessive arrogance, he almost completed the entire planning process alone.

If when he enters the underground cave, a yellow bird hiding behind suddenly appears, it may really become a fisherman and take away the results that Masaki Keigo has planned for so many years.

Ning Yi, Fan Xian, and Qin Zhaowei looked at each other.

Qin Zhaowei asked doubtfully: "But is she so sure that she has the super ancient gene that can transform into Ultraman?"

"Who knows?" Ning Yi shrugged and said lightly, "It doesn't matter if you have super ancient genes, or if you don't. For an ordinary time traveler who only knows the plot, this is already the easiest way to obtain the power of Ultraman. Alright?"

"Even if there are no super ancient genes, there is still value in trying."

"Anyway, it's just an attempt. It doesn't matter if it fails. The worst thing is to kill Keigo Masaki and leave as soon as possible. If you take care of the situation, you won't be afraid of being discovered by the Earth Defense Force..."

In today's era, even smartphones have just appeared, and even the most technologically advanced Earth Defense Force is using large computers.

In this era, no matter how crude a plan is, as long as the motive is well hidden, it will never be suspected.

Unless the Earth Defense Force also has time-travelers, then the motivation can be associated with the time-travelers' foresight...

Fan Xian pondered: "Indeed, if it were me, I might do the same thing."


A smile appeared on Qin Zhaowei's face: "However, after saying so much, it is just suspicion after all. How about we take a walk after school to see if she will go to that underground cave to ambush."

"I think so too."

Ning Yi smiled and nodded.

Fan Xian, who was standing next to him, complained: "Investigation is investigation, can you please stop using such obscene words as last line?"

The smile on Qin Zhaowei's face froze, and then he scratched his head awkwardly: "I'll pay attention next time."

Sure enough, when the first class came in the afternoon, Krista did not come to the classroom.

Ning Yi, who was already on good terms with her classmates, inquired about it and learned that Krista had taken sick leave and had now left.

"Sure enough, she really went to deal with Masaki Keigo..."

Qin Zhaowei couldn't help but sigh: "He is a cruel person!"

Ning Yi sighed: "Does she really want power that much?"

Fan Xian shrugged: "Who knows, maybe she has some difficulties."

The three of them communicated for a moment, and then quickly got up and left the classroom on the excuse of going to the toilet.

Arriving outside the teaching building, Ning Yi used his magical power to create three wooden puppets and let the wooden puppets take their place in class. He quietly left Kumamoto High School and followed the mark that Ning Yi left on Krista in the morning. past.

Not long after, the three people appeared outside a villa on the outskirts of Kumamoto City.

Through the vision of her consciousness, she could see that Krista had changed her clothes in the villa. She was currently wearing a brown windbreaker and stuffed a black Glock pistol into the bag she carried.

A minute later, Krista got into a black car and left the villa under the driving of the driver, heading towards the city center.

Qin Zhaowei used his magic power to hide the three figures, followed Krista's car back to Kumamoto City in mid-air, and then arrived at the door of a tall office building in the city center.

The words hanging on the side of the building are exactly the words 'Sediq Technology'.

After getting out of the car, Krista asked the driver to wait outside while she walked into the Sedic Building with the bag containing the gun, and then turned at the stairs into the basement of the building.

Not long after, Krista opened a secret door in the basement.

Behind the secret door is a dark and lengthy artificial tunnel, leading diagonally deeper underground.

Seeing this scene, Ning Yi, Fan Xian, and Qin Zhaowei, who were hiding nearby, couldn't help but look at each other.

Qin Zhaowei's face was full of excitement, and his spiritual consciousness said: "I will go to the front to take a look first, and you continue to monitor her!"

After saying that, before Ning Yi and Fan Xian could react, Qin Zhaowei took the lead and flew into the tunnel.

A figure that was completely imperceptible to the naked eye passed by, bringing with it a slight air current.

The breeze blew past her. Krista frowned and looked around with a wary look. Then she breathed a sigh of relief. She put her right hand into the bag on her arm and nervously held the cold gun. handle.

"Whether you can master Ultraman's power depends on today!"

Thinking of this, Krista took a deep breath and stepped into the tunnel with determination.

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