Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 766 Ultraman Stone Statue

After flying along the dark and long tunnel for a while, Qin Zhaowei soon arrived at the end of the tunnel.

At the end is a huge cave that has been artificially widened. The cave is about 70 meters high and more than 100 meters wide. There is a high stone platform in the center, with many large devices and instruments placed on it.

Next to the platform, two stone statues stood quietly.

One of the stone statues is a giant of light that looks very similar to Tiga, and the other stone statue is a tall monster that looks like Godzilla with dragon horns and the same timing light as Ultraman on its chest.

There is no doubt that this statue of the Giant of Light is the prototype of the evil Tiga in the original play!

In fact, the so-called "Evil Tiga" is just the nickname of Masaki Keigo's mistaken transformation into Ultraman.

The true identity of this stone statue is actually a giant of light who left the earth in the super ancient period 30 million years ago. Like Ultraman Tiga and other giants of light, he is a righteous warrior who stands on the side of protecting mankind. .

But his stone statue is not hidden in the pyramid like the stone statues of Tiga and the other two giants.

Instead, he hid in a cave underground in Kumamoto City with his companion, the super-ancient kombu monster 'Geddy'.

Masaki Keigo found these two stone statues with the help of the underground shark monster 'Gaozak' he created, and then moved the headquarters of Sedic Technology Company to Kumamoto City, directly above the stone statues and caves.

After entering the cave, Qin Zhaowei hid his figure and floated up. He looked around and found that Masaki Keigo was not here.

This is normal. After all, Masaki Keigo was hit by Fan Xian just yesterday. Even if he had super ancient genes in his body and his physical strength and self-healing ability were far beyond ordinary humans, he would not be able to return to normal so quickly.

At this moment, he might still be in the hospital...

Thinking of this, Qin Zhaowei stopped looking at the stone platform, turned around and flew into the air at the same height as the stone statue's eyes, looking at the stone statue of the giant of light in front of him with interest.

In his perception, the composition of the stone statue was extremely special. It was essentially something like light waves and light elements. It was just that it was missing some important component, so it was in an inert state similar to the stone statue.

To make an abstract analogy, it is like dehydration in a Trisolaran person.

This inert state of stone statues should be called "stripped of light", that is, the state in which the light energy factor is extracted.

In other words, if you can convert yourself into light energy factors, you can integrate into the stone statue and become a complete giant of light even without the so-called super ancient genes.


Qin Zhaowei felt the stone statue in wonder.

If the stone statue did not involve a traveler from the native world, he really wanted to bring the stone statue back to the alliance immediately to see if the gray ball in the Traveler Square could restore it to its complete state.

At this moment, there was a slight sound of footsteps in the tunnel.

Qin Zhaowei turned around and saw the blond girl holding a pistol and walking in cautiously.

Behind her, where ordinary people couldn't see, Ning Yi and Fan Xian looked at him speechlessly.

Qin Zhaowei sneered, quickly fell from the air, and came to the two of them quietly.

"Old Qin, how do you feel?"

Fan Xian said with great interest.

Qin Zhaowei smiled and said: "You can use your spiritual sense to scan it and you will know. Although the state of this stone statue is quite strange, it does not have any restrictions on bloodline or realm. As long as it meets the conditions for turning into light energy factors, , you can easily assimilate with it, just like a giant mecha that has special requirements for the driver..."

Ning Yi thought thoughtfully: "So, the so-called super ancient genes are actually just the conditions that meet the conditions, not the conditions themselves?"

Qin Zhaowei nodded and said, "That's right."

Fan Xian's eyes shone and he couldn't help but said: "Then the alliance should have a way to replace the super ancient genes, right?"

Ning Yi nodded without hesitation: "There must be one, and there is definitely more than one."

Qin Zhaowei pondered: "If I remember correctly, in Tiga's world, TPC has been secretly carrying out Plan F, which is to analyze the composition of Ultraman stone statues, mass-produce similar substances, and combine them into new stone statues. "

"In the sequel "Ultraman Dyna", Plan F was successfully realized."

"Does this mean that we also have the possibility of mass-producing Ultraman?"

Fan Xian laughed and said, "Of course, and it's definitely easier than TPC!"

Ning Yi frowned and said, "But doesn't the Giant of Light still have requirements for his character?"

"It's like Keigo Masaki, who turned into Ultraman with the wrong intention, and then immediately went berserk..."

Fan Xian said nonchalantly: "It's just a positive mind distortion. Can it break through the protection of the mind necklace?"

"Yes." Ning Yi felt relieved and said with emotion, "Now, we are finally going to make a big profit!"

In just a few words, the three of them decided on the ownership of this stone statue, as if they had already regarded it as their own.

At the same time, the blonde girl had discovered that Masaki Keigo was not here, and this discovery made her feel a little panicked.

Because according to her memory, Masaki Keigo should have been here long ago and was busy debugging the 'Optogenetic Factor Converter'.

"……How is this going?"

"Did I cause the butterfly effect?"

The blond girl frowned tightly and thought quickly in her heart: "Gai Ozark showed up yesterday. Although a giant panda monster jumped out to disrupt the situation, the goal that should be achieved has been achieved!"

"Dagu has been seriously injured. With Masaki Keigo's strength, there is no way he will miss."

"Even if we miss, it shouldn't be like this. At least Sedic Company will definitely be scrutinized by the government and the Earth Defense Force. But none of these things happened, which means Masaki Keigo has not been caught."

"He must have been caught up in something unplanned..."

Thinking of this, the blond girl leaned over, picked up a stone, and threw it to the stone platform in front of her.


In an instant, countless blue-white electric sparks burst out around the stone platform, easily stopping the stone and electrocuting it into powder.

This is the protective mechanism set up by Keigo Masaki to protect the 'Optogenetic Factor Converter'.

The blonde girl already knew it and had a way to undo it.

But now, she had no intention of lifting the power grid restrictions. Instead, she used a stone to trigger it, then quickly walked to the entrance of the cave, clenched the Glock pistol in her hand, pressed it against the wall, and waited patiently.

After about ten minutes, there was a sudden rush of urgent footsteps in the tunnel.

Ning Yi and the others, who had been waiting impatiently for a long time, suddenly became energetic and quickly looked up.

I saw Masaki Keigo, who was knocked unconscious by Fan Xian's hand yesterday, hurriedly walking over. His head was still wrapped in a bandage, and his shirt was disheveled. It looked like he had just arrived from home.

And the reason why he came in such a hurry was because of the power grid that was inexplicably triggered.

Suddenly, Masaki Keigo, who was about to enter the cave, paused, and then looked at the tunnel wall on the right with a frown.

Although he was still five or six meters away from the end of the tunnel, he still heard the rapid heartbeat coming from the right side of the cave entrance.


Masaki Keigo frowned tightly and subconsciously raised his hand to reach his lower back.


Masaki Jingwu was slightly startled, and then he felt something bad.

What happened yesterday was so sudden and strange that his thoughts were a little confused now. After discovering that the power grid had been touched, he hurried over without even thinking about it, empty-handed.

"Who is it...?"

While Masaki Keigo was thinking quickly in his mind, he gritted his teeth and continued walking forward.

After all, the sound of footsteps in the tunnel is more obvious than the sound of a heartbeat.

If he slowed down or turned around and ran, he would be discovered by the other party.

Therefore, the best way is to slow down the other party first and hide the discovery of the other party in the dark.

It has to be said that Keigo Masaki's alertness is indeed very high, but he underestimated his opponent's alertness.

Just when Masaki Keigo's footsteps stopped, the blond girl realized something was wrong.

She gritted her teeth, tightened her grip on the pistol, counted three times, jumped out of the tunnel, and pulled the trigger toward the tunnel without hesitation.

"Bang! Bang! Bang!"

Five consecutive shots fired five bullets into the tunnel.

Masaki Keigo had already expected it, so he dodged the general direction in which the gun was pointed.

But the bullet that hit the tunnel wall still bounced back, tearing off a piece of flesh and blood from Masaki Keigo's calf.

Severe pain shot up from his legs. Masaki Keigo gritted his teeth, endured the pain and roared, and then with the help of pushing against the wall, he quickly approached the entrance of the cave with an extremely agile body.

The blonde girl panicked and couldn't help but pull the trigger continuously.

But this kind of subconscious shooting will have a mechanical law with the same time interval.

Masaki Keigo didn't even need to stare at the girl's finger. He only needed to stare at the muzzle of the gun and suddenly change the direction before the specific time arrived, and he could dodge most of the bullets.

The reason why it is most of them is mainly because the moving space of the tunnel is too narrow.

Even if he had skills far beyond those of ordinary humans, it would be difficult to dodge all the bullets.

When he got close to the blond girl, Masaki Keigo already had two blood holes and seven or eight blood marks on his arms and left leg.

But even so, his movements were still as fast as lightning. In the blink of an eye, he kicked the gun away from the girl's hand, then roared and swung his right fist, punching the girl in the face.

To the surprise of Ning Yi and others, the blond girl's skills were actually pretty good.

After the initial panic, she actually avoided Masaki Keigo's fist and instead kicked the opponent's injured left leg.

Masaki Keigo screamed in pain, and then rushed up with red eyes.

The two were fighting in close quarters. After several fights, the blonde girl's cheeks and arms were covered with bruises, but Masaki Keigo opposite was even worse, with blood almost soaking through his clothes.

Finally, after a fist and leg collision, Masaki Keigo's left leg was severely injured and he stumbled to the ground.

The blond girl, who was knocked away by Masaki Keigo's punch, got up in embarrassment, used her hands and feet to reach the fallen Glock pistol, grabbed it, and turned around to aim at Masaki Keigo.

Seeing this scene, Masaki Keigo had a look of horror on his face.

He quickly said: "Krista, I..."


There was a gunshot, and the flames bloomed at the muzzle, reflecting the pale but extremely cold face of the blonde girl.

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