
The yellow puppy in Qin Zhaowei's arms barked.

The sound wave that blurted out was easily dispersed by an invisible force before it could move more than three steps.

Qin Zhaowei raised his hand to lift the yellow puppy, and said with a smile: "Don't worry, we are just letting her borrow your super ancient body, and we will definitely return it after use."


There was clear distrust in the yellow puppy's eyes.

Qin Zhaowei was startled for a moment, then said in a funny voice: "Why did I lie to you? You don't really think that human beings want to become monsters, do you? Look carefully at that guy's expression. She found that she could only use the stone statue you left behind to transform. The whole person is almost depressed!”


The yellow puppy's face was full of anger, and he opened his mouth full of deciduous teeth and wanted to bite Qin Zhaowei's finger.

But at this moment, wisps of black water emerged out of thin air, directly binding its mouth.

Qin Zhaowei's eyes widened, he raised his hand and rubbed the dog's face and said: "You white-eyed wolf, you want to bite me, I really gave you the spiritual crystal for nothing!"

"Woo... woof!"

"You said that your master's stone statue was taken away by us. Don't worry, we will definitely not do anything strange to him. At most, we will study the composition of the stone statue and try to copy a batch of Giant of Light stone statues."


"Tch, whether it can be used or not is not your concern."


"Okay, okay, I promised to pay it back. As long as that girl passes this test and joins our organization, she will definitely choose to change her body and image. By then, we may be able to DIY stone statues. , you can shape it into whatever you want."

"Woof woof!"

The yellow puppy continued to bark, and Qin Zhaowei also talked to it seriously.

The way the two sang together made Fan Xian and Ning Yi next to them look full of admiration.

Fan Xian whispered: "As expected of a descendant of a mythical beast, he can communicate with dogs without any problems..."

When Qin Zhaowei heard his words, he couldn't help turning his head and glared at him.

At the same time, the blonde girl Krista seemed to have finally made a decision.

She gritted her teeth, used a pentagonal portable instrument to remove the restrictions of the power grid, took the divine light rod and climbed up the stone steps of the platform, and came to the optical genetic factor converter.

"You...what are you going to do?"

A weak voice suddenly came from below the platform.

Krista's hand holding the divine light stick paused for a moment, then turned her head and looked down at Dagu, who had just woken up and still looked tired.

"Dago, you wake up..."

A familiar tone came, and although the voice had changed from an electronic synthesizer to a clear and sweet girl's voice, Dagu still recognized the identity of the blond girl with his amazing intuition.

"Are you K?!"

Dagu looked at the blonde girl in shock.

He forced his exhausted body to sit up from the ground and looked around.

"This is where?"


Krista did not answer Dagu's words. She just raised her hand and inserted the divine light rod into the groove on the optogenetic factor converter, and said softly: "I forgot to tell you, Qijela is also a plant that relies on sunlight. Its activity diminishes at night, when pollen-addled humans briefly wake up from their dreams."

"But given the weakness of human nature, it is difficult for them to get rid of the pleasure and addiction caused by pollen."

"So, by then, the vast majority of humans will choose Qijela, and you must be prepared to become enemies of humans all over the world..."

Dagu looked at her blankly, then shook his head and said decisively: "Impossible, I believe humans will make the right choice!"


Krista turned around, looked down at Da Gu, and said calmly: "Then why did you lose?"


Dagu couldn't help but be speechless for a moment.

Krista turned around and continued to debug the converter, and said calmly: "Diga's power is far superior to Qijela, but you lost to Qijela in a head-on confrontation. Why do you think this is?"

"Because it was the first time I saw such a monster, and I was careless——"

"Are you really careless?"

Krista interrupted Dagu's defense without politeness and said coldly: "I can't see it!"

"During the battle with Qijela, you had several opportunities to break free from the shackles of the root vines, but you missed them all."

"I know that it's not because of your carelessness, but because your fighting will is not strong enough!"

"Tell me, Dagu, no, Diga, what are you hesitating about?!"

The girl's cold and sharp voice echoed in the empty underground cave.


Dagu looked ashamed, his lips moved a few times, but he was unable to speak completely.

Looking at the expression on Dagu's face, Krista looked cold on the outside, but actually felt a little nervous inside.

Because she did not see the whole process of the battle between Diga and Qijela, but based on the memory of the previous life and Diga's settings, she inferred that Dagu performed abnormally during the battle.

That's why she said such words, her purpose was naturally to inspire Dagu's will to fight.

If Dagu can cheer up again when evening comes, transform into Diga and defeat Qijela, then she won't have to combine with the monster stone statue.

After all, who knows if the union will be a one-time thing or a permanent one?

Fortunately, Krista's guess came true, and Dagu did hesitate in the battle just now.

As Krista said before at the Far East Headquarters, Dagu is both light and human.

But unlike Masaki Keigo and Krista, the human part of Dagu is extremely ordinary, or in other words, he thinks he is just an ordinary human being.

This kind of mentality is naturally rare for Ultraman's human body.

But in this battle with Qijela, it became Dagu's most fatal weakness.

Dagu, who considers himself an ordinary person, certainly cannot have the strong mentality to make decisions for all mankind like Masaki Keigo and Krista.

Although he was determined to fight Zijra as a human under Krista's instigation, when the battle actually came, he began to doubt whether he was qualified to make choices for humans.

Therefore, he hesitated in the battle and lost the opportunity to defeat Qijela.

In the original plot, the members of the Victory Team finally defeated themselves and chose to help Diga fight against Qijela. This move made Dagu discover that he was not alone, and that other humans had made the same choice.

That's why he regained his composure and used the light technique to kill Qijela three times, five times and two times five times.

But in this world, due to Krista's interference, Dagu chose to fight during the day.

At this time, human beings were still immersed in happy dreams and could not answer this question for Dagu.

"But, is this really the crux of the problem?"

Ning Yi next to him couldn't help but complained: "Even if the fighting will is not high, with Tiga's strength, he can definitely defeat Qijela, right?"

"Furthermore, facing an unfamiliar type of monster that has never been seen before, shouldn't the most appropriate strategy be to deal with it remotely and test it with light? Dagu directly used the compound type to go up and fight it hand-to-hand. No matter how you look at it, this is Dagu's own problem. Bar?"

Fan Xian laughed loudly and said, "Old Ning, do you really not remember the plot of Tiga?"

"This is Dagu's fighting style!"

As we all know, Diga has three forms and dozens of powerful skills with different patterns, including but not limited to powerful moves in many fields such as output, control, purification, and treatment.

But for Dagu, the human body of Diga, any ingenious and obscene skills are just a burden!

The composite type with the strongest light skills is to him a berserker with balanced abilities.

The fastest aerial type, to him is the fast berserker.

As for the powerful type, which is the most powerful, it is also called the "Old Happy Type", which is the purest berserker.

In short, don't worry about the light skills, just raise your fists after transforming, and that's it!

At the same time, Krista put her hand on the machine and said calmly: "Do you see the machine in front of me? It is an optogenetic factor converter made by a genius scientist. With the help of it and the divine light rod, With power, I can activate the ultra-ancient genes in my body, convert them into light factors, and combine with the stone statue next to me."

"So, Dagu, when evening comes, if you haven't made a decision yet, I will fight for you!"

The girl's decisive voice echoed in the cave, making Dagu feel a little ashamed and stunned.

He followed the girl's gaze and immediately his pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but said in shock: "Monster?!"

The girl's face darkened and she immediately retorted: "No, it's not a monster. It was the companion of a giant of light thirty million years ago."

...Isn’t that still a monster?

Dagu couldn't help complaining in his heart, but at the same time, he also noticed that in the center of the chest of the monster stone statue, there was indeed a stone timer of the same style as the Giant of Light.

This shows that this monster can accept the power of light, and it also shows that it is indeed on the side of humans and the giant of light.

Krista emphasized: "Of course, if you can transform into Tiga and fight Zijla alone, I won't have to transform into a monster."


Dagu gritted his teeth, stood up and said, "Give me back the divine light stick, and I will definitely defeat Qijela!"

"can you do it?"

Krista stared at Dagu and said seriously: "We don't have much time left."

"The Qijela is still just a bud. Wait until tomorrow morning, and the Qijela flowers on its chest will fully bloom. By then, even on a night without sunshine, humans will fall into a never-ending dream of happiness. .”

"I..." Dagu wanted to make a promise, but recalling the battle before coma, there was still a trace of hesitation in his tone.

Seeing this scene, Krista sighed and said, "Do you really still have to rely on me?"

Judging from the girl's face, she is no more than a teenager.

Such a girl should be enjoying her youth on campus. How can she fight for humanity like him?

...Dagu, Dagu, what are you hesitating about? !

Thinking of this, Da Gu gritted his teeth, stepped onto the stone steps with a firm expression and said, "No, at least...let me give it a try!"

Glancing at the increasingly determined look on Da Gu's face, Krista pondered for a moment, raised her hand and took off the divine light stick.

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