Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 771 Okay, then I’ll do it!

Time passed minute by minute, and finally, night came.

Qijela's body, which was constantly spreading pollen and floral fragrance, fell into silence, standing on the plain as if asleep.

At the same time, the Qijela flowers blooming all over the world also stopped moving, and all the confused humans woke up from their dreams.

But just as Krista said before, human beings who woke up from happy dreams have fallen into the pain of real life.

They began to show symptoms of addiction, craving pollen from Qijela, and wanted to return to that happy world again.

Even the members of the Victory Team at the Earth Defense Force's Far East Headquarters are showing signs of weakness.

Krista, as a time traveler, is naturally very clear about this.

So she didn't ask Gu to go back to the meeting, for fear that he would lose his newly inspired determination again because of this meeting.

However, how could Ning Yi, Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei let her succeed so easily?

With just some small tricks, they 'inadvertently' opened the surveillance network of Sedic Company.

Through the holographic projection screen that emerged on the cave console, Dagu still saw the scene of the victory team's meeting.

All members of the victory team, including captain Megumi Nakama and vice-captain Munakata Seiichi, were hesitant about whether to deal with Chigera.

Even Director Soichiro Sawai, the former Director-General and Secretary-General of the United Nations and the founder of the Earth Peace Alliance, also implicitly expressed his unwillingness to become enemies of mankind around the world because of Qijera.

Of course, that's what they said, but both Dagu and Krista understood that Director Sawai was also obsessed with the effect of Qijela pollen.

"how so……"

Dagu stumbled back a few steps and looked at the screen in a daze.

At the same time, Krista finally turned off the holographic projection and gritted her teeth: "Who is it?!"

She finally realized that behind all this, there was a mastermind controlling everything.

The giant stone statue of light that disappeared inexplicably was probably moved away by the mastermind behind it.

"who is it?"

"Who is it?!"

Krista stared angrily at the screen in front of her, typing on the keyboard with her hands, trying to find the piece of surveillance where the stone statue disappeared.

But unfortunately, the mastermind behind the scenes had thought too carefully, and no matter how she operated, she couldn't find any clues.


Krista suddenly tapped the keyboard, stood up angrily, snatched the divine light rod from Dagu who had not yet recovered, and inserted it directly into the groove of the light factor converter.

"... Damn it, don't you just not want Dagu to transform into Diga?"

"Okay, then I'll do it!"

"When I kill Qijela, I will definitely pull you all out and crush you all!"

Krista thought while gritting her teeth and started the light factor converter without hesitation.

In an instant, blue-white sparks burst out from the four obelisks, and the divine light rod inserted into the light factor converter also burst into dazzling white light.

Seeing this scene, Dagu finally came to his senses and stood up in shock.

Qin Zhaowei next to him blinked his eyes and whispered: "Old Ning, have we gone too far?"

Ning Yi smiled and said: "It's true, but there is no way. The alliance is not the same as before. The assessment is really an assessment. After avenging her father, the thing Krista cared about most became the Giant of Light. the power of."

"This is her obsession, and it's also a weakness that makes it very likely that she won't be able to pass the exam."

"If she can give up her obsession and even transform into a monster in order to save the world, then this test will be nothing to her, and subsequent reviews will also give her a green light and release."

Fan Xian nodded and said, "That's the truth, but..."

As he said that, he turned to look at the blond girl on the platform who was gradually turning into light, and said in a strange tone: "Why do I feel that the reason why she turned into a monster is not right?"

With the sound of tinkling bells, the blond girl completely turned into light under the action of the divine light rod and the light factor converter.

Pale golden light bloomed from the center of the four obelisks and flew towards the timer on the chest of the monster statue.

In the blink of an eye, the light merged into the timer, and the originally stone timer turned into a blue light full of energy.

The huge stone statue also restored its original appearance under the influence of light, returning to its original metallic purple-black color.

To be honest, judging from the appearance alone, this super-ancient Komonu monster can be said to be extremely good-looking.

His whole body is covered with purple-black scales like steel armor. His body is thick and majestic, and there are three pairs of towering dragon horns above his head. His whole body is like a dragon version of Godzilla, extremely powerful and majestic.

Let's put it this way, if Qin Zhaowei was asked to choose between his own image and the image of this monster, he would definitely give up the silly giant panda and choose to become this mighty dragon beast without hesitation.

Of course, the premise is that the bloodline of the original black and white iron-eating beast can also be transferred...


The fifty-meter-tall monster let out a roar, and the thick metal door above its head slowly opened.

Seeing this scene, Dagu couldn't help but exclaimed: "Wait a minute, this is -"

Before she finished speaking, the monster transformed by Krista jumped out of the opened metal door.

The heavy body, weighing 48,000 tons, fell on the square in front of the Sedic Company headquarters building. In just a moment, it stepped on two huge craters, and its feet sank deeply into the hard ground.

A mighty-looking monster suddenly appeared in the center of Kumamoto City, but it failed to cause much commotion.

Because Sedic Company was already empty at this time, the original staff had already left the city of Kumamoto City in various vehicles together with the residents of Kumamoto City, heading towards the main body of Qijela on the suburban plains.

They plan to seek pollen from Qijela's body and return to the dream world where there is only happiness and joy.

And thanks to their thirst for Zigella pollen, Krista's first transformation caused little panic.

But even so, after seeing the steel jungle-like high-rise buildings in front of her, Krista woke up from her anger and couldn't help but feel scared.

"……so close!"

"I almost turned into a monster!"

Krista felt happy in her heart, and then cautiously stepped towards the outside of Kumamoto City.

Although her motivation for transformation was not very in line with Light's taste, it didn't matter. The powerful soul belonging to the origin world traveler still allowed her to quickly master this body and did not go berserk and out of control like Masaki Keigo.

Of course, there's a little help from the yellow puppy.

It was also angry at Qin Zhaowei and the other three who took away the stone statue of its master, so it was vaguely consistent with Krista's mood at this time.

Not long after, the fifty-two-meter-tall super-ancient Komonu monster appeared on the plain.

All the humans surrounding Qijela were startled, looking at the monster with horror on their faces.

"It's... it's a monster!"

"What's he going to do?"

"Is it to destroy Qijela?!"

What is different from the original plot is that these addicted humans are not just sitting back and watching.

Many people angrily blocked Krista's path, either using vehicles to block her, or directly resisting with their bodies.

In short, they would never allow another monster to kill Zijra.

"Get out of here, monster!"

"We must not let him hurt Qijela!"

Thousands of human curses came from the monster's feet.

If it were Tiga, he might hesitate because of this.

But Krista wouldn't. She sneered and stepped forward, ignoring all the attacks from stupid humans, and strode towards Qijela.

A moment later, Krista arrived in front of Qijela. The light energy storage organ in her body was operating rapidly, condensing a blue energy light group on her chest.

The next second, azure energy rays blasted out, shooting towards the purple-yellow bud on Qijela's chest.

In an instant, the earth cracked, and extremely thick root vines emerged from the ground, intertwining in front of Qijela, forming a giant vine shield twenty to thirty meters thick.

As a monster that can put Tiga into a tough fight, Qijela's physical ability is naturally very powerful.

Its root vines can extend freely and are extremely powerful. The defensive strength of its skin can even resist Tiga's hand knife attack, and it can also emit electric current to give energy attacks.


There was a loud noise, and azure blue light struck the giant vine shield, blasting a huge crater out of the thick shield.

Then, the ground beneath Krista's feet cracked, and an equally thick root vine stretched out from the ground and wrapped around her legs.

Krista sneered, raised her thighs as thick as tall buildings, and stepped onto the vines at her feet.


The thick vines instantly withered under the weight of 48,000 tons, and green juice splashed out.

At the same time, Krista's chest once again gathered a blue energy light group. With a blue light, it successfully shattered the vine shield and shot it towards Qijela's bud behind.

But unfortunately, the blue light that penetrated the vine shield was no longer enough to kill Qijela and could only cause it severe pain.


A roar of unknown species sounded out, and Qijela seemed to wake up all over his body. Thick root vines extended from his body, dancing crazily in the air like a demon.

Krista stepped forward, avoiding and stepping on the vines under her feet, while approaching Qijela's body.

She finally understood why Da Gu liked to fight hand to hand.

Because the energy consumed by light technology is too much!

After just two light techniques, Krista felt that the energy stored in her body was reduced by one-third.

This is mainly because the monster stone statue has been sleeping for too long, and there is not much energy in the body, so it needs to be used sparingly.

Along with the tremors coming from the earth, Krista finally approached Qijela's body and began to fight hand to hand with him.

At this moment, the figure of the victory team's "Feiyan" appeared in the distant sky.

The pilots sitting in the Feiyan are Dagu's teammates Nanase Rina and Shinjo Tetsuo.

At this moment, looking at the two monsters fighting each other below, Lina and Xincheng couldn't help but have hesitant expressions on their faces.

They were hesitating whether the Victory Team should help Qijela or this strange monster that suddenly appeared.

"...They are all monsters anyway. It shouldn't matter which one you kill first, right?"

Tetsuo Nijo, who was sitting in the passenger seat, looked down and murmured.

In a daze, his heart that was eroded by Qijela pollen subconsciously made a choice.

As a result, a high-energy laser beam was shot from the laser cannon at the tip of the Feiyan and shot towards Krista's back.

At this moment, a dazzling white light suddenly flashed, and a familiar tall figure descended from the sky. He crossed his arms and held up an Ultra Light Shield to block the attack from behind for Krista.

"...It's Tiga!"

Lina and Xincheng looked at the silver, blue and red giant of light with astonishment on their faces.

The former hurriedly pressed down the joystick and controlled the Victory Swallow to hover in the air. After a half circle, he pointed the front towards the battlefield again.

At this time, Diga had lowered his arms.

He raised his head with firm eyes, looked at Lina and Xincheng who looked stunned, shook his head, then turned around, waved his knife at Qijela's vines without hesitation, and chose to join Krista's camp.

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