Soon after, the cave deep underground in the Sedic Company headquarters building.

There was a flash of green light, and the fifty-two-meter-tall super-ancient Komonu monster appeared instantly.

At first, she was still stretching out her two forelimbs, which were extremely short compared to her body, and swung forward with a look of reluctance on her face, as if she was planning to break the wall of the crystal ball from the inside and escape.

Immediately afterwards, the sudden change of scene made her look startled, and she quickly shook her head and looked around.

After confirming that she had escaped from the inexplicable crystal ball, Krista couldn't help but be filled with surprise.

At this moment, a voice that sounded like a smile but not a smile came from below.

"How does it feel to transform into a monster, Krista-kun~"


Krista was slightly startled and looked in the direction of the sound. She saw three boys in black school uniforms standing at her feet. The leader was Ning Yi, who had just sealed her into the crystal ball.

As for the person who said this, it was the handsome young man on the left holding the yellow puppy.

If Krista remembers correctly, he, like the boy on the right, was an international student who transferred to Kumamoto University with Ning Yi.

Combined with the previous conversation with Ning Yi, Krista immediately realized that all the accidents that happened to her these days were definitely caused by these three mysterious classmates!

"Who the hell are you?!"

Krista spoke angrily, her bright yellow vertical pupils staring at them threateningly.

Qin Zhaowei chuckled and said: "Don't worry, you will know everything you need to know... But before that, we have to solve your problem first. You don't want to talk to us with this attitude, right?"


Krista was a little confused.

Qin Zhaowei didn't explain, he just raised the yellow puppy in his arms and chuckled: "Little Geddy, it's your turn!"


The yellow puppy barked, and immediately his whole body glowed with dazzling golden light.

Krista's eyes widened and she immediately recognized the identity of this puppy. It was the real owner of her body!

In an instant, the yellow puppy turned into a stream of dazzling golden light particles in the golden light, shooting directly at the timer light on the chest of the Komon Inu monster.

In just an instant, the monster's body changed hands, and a ray of light mixed with white and gold was easily ejected, fell to the ground, and turned into a blond girl rolling on the ground.


The blonde girl screamed in pain, then climbed up with her slender waist, staring at the monster's body in front of her with wide eyes, as if she was a little reluctant to leave the monster's body.

"...Why, you seem a little reluctant?"

Qin Zhaowei walked from the side and looked at her in surprise: "No, I remember that when you transformed before, you seemed to dislike this monster body. Why do you seem to be a different person now?"

"It's normal. It's just a feeling of disparity caused by losing strength."

Ning Yi explained with a smile, then looked at the blonde girl thoughtfully and said: "Of course, there may be other reasons. After all, Ultraman's activity time is only three minutes, and the monster's activity time is much longer than Ultraman's." Too much!

"Moreover, human beings are born with a certain degree of destructive desire, which is especially obvious among adolescent boys and girls."

"Krista-san is only a seventeen-year-old human girl after all. It's normal to like the feeling of being a monster..."

Hearing Ning Yi's serious analysis, Krista's face suddenly turned red and she glared at the three of them angrily.

"You are the one who likes to be a monster, and your whole family likes to be monsters!"

"Also, who are you?!"

"Why do you know the secrets of me and Sedic Company?"

"Have you been monitoring my every move from the beginning?"

On the surface, Krista was pretending to be an angry girl, but in reality she was dragging the three of them down with words. At the same time, she was looking around with her peripheral vision, looking for a way out of the cave.

"Don't look, you can't run away."

Fan Xian said with a smile: "And I think it is necessary to explain that we are not monitoring your private life, we are just paying attention to this cave where the Giant of Light statue is buried!"

...Sure enough, they stole the stone statue of the Giant of Light!

Krista's heart sank, and she gradually despaired of the possibility of escaping.

Not to mention Ning Yi's god-like performance, just the method of stealing the giant stone statue of light without anyone noticing is enough to show that the other party has crushed him in all aspects.

So, who are they?

Are they aliens from the universe who have not appeared in the original plot, or are they...

Just as Krista was thinking anxiously, the man named Ning Yi suddenly sighed helplessly.

"Okay, Lao Fan, don't scare her. This child is only a few years older than my eldest son. How can you be so embarrassed?"

With that said, Ning Yi turned his head, faced Krista's blank gaze and said with a smile: "Please introduce yourself seriously, my name is Ning Yi, from the Alliance of Travelers..."

The understated words fell into her ears, like a thunderbolt on a sunny day, shocking Krista's pupils to shrink suddenly.

Although she is an international student from Germany, she has been in Neon Island for so long and has some knowledge of Japanese light novels, so she easily understands the concept of the "Travelers Alliance".

Krista asked hesitantly: "You...what do you mean?"

Ning Yi nodded and said simply: "Yes, we are from the same world as you!"

Later, in Krista's eyes full of shock, excitement, and excitement, Ning Yi, Fan Xian, and Qin Zhaowei revealed the identity of the time traveler and the existence of the time traveler alliance.

After listening, Krista stood there with a shocked face. She digested it for a while, then looked at the three of them steadily and said:

"So, I have passed your test now?"

"No." Ning Yi shook his head and said with a smile, "To be precise, you have only been recognized by the three of us. Later, auditors will come from the alliance to conduct a second review of the results we submitted. .”

"In this part of the process, you have to look at your own performance..."

Krista said dissatisfied: "Hey, I haven't decided to join you yet!"

Ning Yi, Fan Xian, and Qin Zhaowei looked at each other, and then couldn't help laughing.

Krista hummed softly: "Why are you laughing? You haven't asked me yet, how do you know that I will definitely join?"

"Besides, I hate your arrogant attitude that seems to have everything under control. What if I am impulsive and have to give up this great opportunity?"

Ning Yi was startled for a moment, then stopped smiling, and asked seriously: "Then I'm going to ask you formally now, do you want to join?"

"Join, of course, you are a fool not to join!"

Krista answered without hesitation.

Qin Zhaowei said speechlessly: "Then what are you pretending to be?"

Krista curled her lips and said: "You have been playing tricks on me for so many days, can't I play tricks on you?"


Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei laughed dumbly.

Krista couldn't wait to ask: "You said that the Alliance has the technology to analyze the Giant Stone Statue of Light. Is this true?"

Ning Yi smiled and said: "Of course, to tell you the truth, that stone statue has been sent back to the Alliance, and is now undergoing analysis and analysis by the artificial intelligence life 'Void' and the God of Forging Hephaestus in the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures] Research."


Krista's voice suddenly rose an octave, her eyes widened, and she said in disbelief: "Hephaestus, is he the Fire God Hephaestus I thought?!"

"That's right."

Ning Yi said with a smile: "However, now that Hephaestus's flame priesthood has become a deputy priesthood, forging authority is the real confidence that he can become a formal employee of the alliance and master the [Shen Weapon Pavilion]."

"Shenbing Pavilion?"

"You can think of it as a shop specializing in selling various weapons and equipment."


Afterwards, Krista asked a lot about the alliance.

Ning Yi picked up some common sense that could be told to her and explained patiently.

After a while, Krista stopped the topic with satisfaction, then turned her head, looked at the super ancient Komatsu monster next to her with wide eyes, and looked down at them condescendingly: "So, what should this guy do?"

"Don't worry!" Qin Zhaowei walked over, raised his hand and patted its toes and said with a smile, "It has been adopted as my little brother!"

"...Little brother? Just you?"

There was a hint of distrust in Krista's eyes.

This is not her fault. After all, among the three people present, Ning Yi has already demonstrated his strength in front of her, and his words and deeds are as reliable as a mature adult.

Although Fan Xian next to him was a bit 'suspicious', the skills he practiced would not hide his aura too much. Krista had already noticed the energy in his body when he transformed into a monster. It was definitely the most powerful thing she had ever seen. Powerful humanoid creature.

Compared with these two people, Qin Zhaowei, who practices ancient skills, seems to have returned to his original nature.

Not only does he have the same aura as ordinary people, but he also looks like the youngest of the three, like a junior high school student under fifteen years old.

Ning Yi smiled and said: "Don't underestimate him, he is the strongest among the three of us!"

Krista was slightly startled and said suspiciously: "Really?"

Qin Zhaowei was a little angry, and immediately glared at her, leaking some of his energy.

In an instant, Krista seemed to see the shadow of an ancient black and white bear behind the boy.

It was standing on the top of a barren mountain, raising its upper body under the bright sun, looking up to the sky and letting out a roar.

The extremely ancient and wild aura instantly calmed the ignorant girl, making her legs weaken and she stumbled back a few steps, staring blankly at the handsome young man with black and white hair.

"Ha, you know you're afraid now, right?"

Qin Zhaowei looked at her with a proud face and said.

Krista recovered from the shock, blinked her eyes, and couldn't help blurting out:

"Are you that giant panda that can only make fire?!"

"...It's the ancient iron-eating beast, the wild black and white bear!!"

Qin Zhaowei couldn't help but glared at her again, and then muttered angrily: "Forget it, you will know how powerful it is in the future..."

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