Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 774 [Jie Yinxian Palace]

A week later, the void gap, the Traveler Square.

The blond girl, who came here for the first time, stood in front of the silver portal, looking at the surrounding scene with surprise on her face.

As in the beginning, the Traveler Square is still surrounded by silver light portals, with a gray ball statue standing in the center.

It's just that compared to before, there are many more silver light portals in the square now, and they are arranged more densely. The concentration of spiritual energy in the air is a thousand times that of the spiritual world in the world of immortality, and is comparable to the concentration of spiritual energy in the immortal world.

This is because after Zhou Tianyi, the head of the Zhou family, ascended to the spirit world, the active place of the alliance members also changed from the Tianhua world to the spirit world.

Many alliance experts, including Li Yun, Zhao Lihe, and Deng Yougang, have received invitations from Zhou Tianyi more than once to explore with him the secret realm of the True Immortal-level forbidden land in the spiritual world.

In these forbidden secret realms, all alliance members above T1 level have gained what can be called a sudden fortune.

Many of the ninth-level immortal veins were sold to the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures] by strong men from the alliance who did not need spiritual energy. Void buried one of the chaotic immortal veins that was best compatible with the gray fog into the ground of the square, making the traverser The square has become a paradise that is not inferior to the Zhou family's land in the spiritual world.

As soon as Krista stepped into the square, rich spiritual energy surged instantly, cutting off her hair and cleaning her marrow, improving her body.

In just half a minute, Krista's physical fitness has made a qualitative leap.

If she could only be considered an athlete before, now she is at least comparable to Captain America.

"...Is this the Alliance of Travelers?"

The blonde girl clenched her fists, feeling the new power in her body with excitement.

Qin Zhaowei next to him joked: "Okay, don't look like a country bumpkin. This is just a square. There is something even more surprising for you in the Alliance Building behind it!"


The blond girl was full of expectations and didn't care at all about Qin Zhaowei's teasing.

The four of them walked out of the square and walked towards the area outside the square.

After passing through a luxurious avenue paved with spiritual crystal jade, what comes into view is the [reception area] and [resting area] on the first floor of the building.

At this time, the decoration style of the building has been rotated to [Fairy Family Paradise].

Looking ahead from the end of the Spirit Crystal Jade Avenue, you can see the continuous towering mountains and lush woods below.

The mountains rise and fall like a real dragon, connecting end to end, surrounding a blue fairy lake. A faint white mist rises from the lake, in which many docked dragon boats and phoenix pavilions can be vaguely seen.

There were several figures standing there on the boat, seemingly fishing on the boat.

At the top of the highest peak, countless floating islands, large and small, are suspended in the sky.

The island is shrouded in clouds and mist, with numerous palaces, various palaces and pavilions, and rare and beautiful trees standing among them. The melodious sound of silk and bamboo fairy music is heard, dotted with the colorful clouds on the horizon, creating a fairy atmosphere.


Suddenly, an extremely long dragon roar came from the front.

Krista was startled and hurriedly hid behind Ning Yi, Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei, looking forward cautiously.

In the clouds and mist ahead, two white jade-colored dragons were seen flying towards them with their teeth and claws waving, dragging a jade boat behind them, which was engraved with various complex and mysterious formation patterns.

The most conspicuous one is naturally the seal of void located in the center of the boat.

In just a few seconds, the Jade Dragon Flying Boat cut through the sky and arrived in front of everyone.

Qin Zhaowei stepped forward first, turned around and looked at Krista who was hiding behind the two of them and joked: "What are you afraid of? They are just two Nascent Soul stage dragons whose minds have been wiped out. They can't hurt you!"


Krista glared at him, then walked out slowly, watching the two white jade dragons with her peripheral vision, and carefully stepped onto the flying boat.

Ning Yi and Fan Xian, who were behind them, looked at each other and smiled. They also stepped onto the flying boat and gave instructions to the two dragons dragging the flying boat.

Two white jade dragons let out dragon roars and immediately swam, leading the three of them towards the main island among the floating islands.

Due to the seal of the void engraved on it, this spaceship can actually penetrate the void and teleport to any place in the void gap.

But since it was Krista's first time to come to the Traveler Alliance, Ning Yi and the other two had some discussions and felt that it was better not to ruin Krista's first experience in this way.

Therefore, two tool dragons appeared in front of the void flying boat.

Along the way, Krista's initial fear quickly turned to excitement.

Now, she has discovered the protective function of the flying boat for the passengers. At this moment, she is lying on the edge of the flying boat, holding the transparent shield in front of her with both hands, and looking at the spectacular scene around her and her feet with bright eyes.

Not long after, two dragons dragged the flying boat past many floating islands and arrived at the edge of the largest main island.

Ning Yi, Fan Xian, and Qin Zhaowei were the first to set foot on the main island, then turned around and urged the blond girl to get off the boat.

Krista reluctantly stepped off the flying boat, waved goodbye to the two dragons dragging the flying boat, and then followed Ning Yi and the others towards the extremely magnificent [Jie Yinxian Palace] on the main island.

Jie Yin Xian Palace, as the name suggests, is the reception hall in [Xianjia Blessed Land].

Just like the [Star Destroyer] reception hall in the [Space Fleet] style is really a Star Destroyer, this [Jie Yin Immortal Hall] is also a real fairy weapon worthy of the name!

It was originally a trophy obtained by Lin Zhongtian's immortal clone from a forbidden area in the world of immortality.

However, due to the incomplete intelligence of the main body of the Immortal Palace, it was not placed in the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures]. Instead, it was taken over by the artificial intelligence 'Void' and became one of the most commonly used clones of Void.

After stepping into the gate of Jieyinxian Palace, the concentration of spiritual energy in the air increased tenfold again.

Krista's whole body was glowing with brilliance, and her physical fitness seemed to be improving every moment.

Ning Yi, Fan Xian, and Qin Zhaowei, who were standing next to them, had obviously adapted to this level of aura.

Although their realm is still at the fourth and fifth levels, their physical strength has already surpassed their own realm, and their potential is like that of immortals. They are the kind of peerless geniuses who will be snapped up by all the super sects as long as they appear in the spiritual world. .

This is also a matter of course.

After all, even Ning Yi and Fan Xian, who were indigenous time travellers, only took ten years to reach the peak of Nascent Soul.

Although this kind of speed cannot be compared with the origin world traveler who has activated the gray mist hanger, in the world of cultivating immortals who often stay in seclusion for hundreds of years, it is already at the level of a peerless monster.

If the super sects in the spiritual world knew that even such peerless monsters were complaining that they were not practicing fast enough, it would probably cause a large group of so-called geniuses to have their hearts broken and inner demons to breed.

Taking Krista to the reception area of ​​the Immortal Palace, Ning Yi began to patiently help the newcomer register information.

Next to them, Fan Xian and Qin Zhaowei couldn't wait to chat with Void, asking about the analysis progress of the Giant of Light statue.

After learning that the power of the Giant of Light could indeed be copied and that it was likely to be put on the shelves of the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures], both Qin Zhaowei and Fan Xian couldn't help but cheer excitedly.

After all, one of the rules of the [Pavilion of Rare Treasures] is related to the provider’s dividends.

For example, if the Giant Stone Statue of Light they provide is put on the shelves as [Ultraman Power] in the future, then the alliance members who are providers will receive a dividend ranging from 10 to 20% of the revenue.

If the provider is a plurality, then the allocation will be negotiated by the provider or based on contribution.

Although Qin Zhaowei and the other three are direct suppliers, they did not forget to fill in Krista's name. The specific profit distribution matters will be discussed by the four of them after the new products are put on the shelves.

This is a long-term source of income, and it is also one of the fundamental reasons why many veteran members have no shortage of resources.

Of course, rather than providing raw materials and technology, directly providing goods to [Qiuzhenbao Pavilion] is the most profitable way.

But not everyone can use this method. After all, the alliance itself does not have no products that alliance members can provide.

Unless it is something irreplaceable, such as [Godzilla Scales] and [Godzilla Blood] provided by Bailang to the alliance.

The majority of the revenue from this kind of product will be accounted for by the provider, and the [Exquisite Treasure Pavilion] itself only charges a handling fee of 8% to 15%.

Not long after, the blond girl received her Void Jade Tag and officially became a member of the Traveler Alliance.

Just when she was happily making friends with Ning Yi, Fan Xian, and Qin Zhaowei, the expressions on the three people's faces were suddenly startled, and they immediately opened the message about the general group of time travelers with solemn faces.

In the latest news, the ‘Void’ deity sent an urgent message to ‘ @all members’.

The content of the message is very simple. To sum it up, there are only four words: ‘Li Yun lost contact’!

[Ancient Beast King (Qin Zhaowei): What’s going on? 】

[Ancient Beast King: Brother Li is seventh on the Heavenly Ranking. His combat power is comparable to that of a true immortal. He is only recommended in the eighth-level indigenous world. Is there anything else that can hurt him? 】

[Fairy Shushan (Bai Youyou): It’s not an injury, it’s a loss of contact! 】

[Fairy Shushan: Maybe it was sealed somewhere, and even the news of the Void Jade Tablet cannot be spread. 】

[Ancient Beast King: Huh? 】

[Ancient Beast King: Is that world really such a terrifying place? 】

[Her Majesty the Queen (Daenerys): Which world, tell me, I will set off immediately! 】

[Ghost Hunting Master (Nie Changchuan): Sister Dani, don’t worry, the portal in that world has been closed by the Void Stewardess. Now the news has been sent to Boss Lin. It depends on when the boss returns...]

Messages from the traveler group popped up like crazy.

All alliance members were communicating intensely, discussing how to form a team to rescue people.

"……what happens?"

Krista leaned over with curiosity on her face.

She hasn't been pulled into the main group yet, so she doesn't know what happened.

At this moment, Ning Yi, Fan Xian, and Qin Zhaowei suddenly breathed a sigh of relief. The seriousness on their faces melted away like snow in early spring, and they seemed to suddenly become relaxed.

Krista's eyes widened and she looked at the Void Jade Tablet curiously.

In the general group’s messages, an account named ‘group owner’ ended the topic.

The message he sent was also very simple, only nine plain words——

"Leave it to me, I'm already here."

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