Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 775 The World of Reincarnation

Time goes back to when dozens of new world portals were just opened.

As the strongest time traveler among the lone wolves, Li Yun naturally chose to enter a high-energy world alone.

It is said to be a high-energy world, but in fact it is just a high-energy world among this batch of new worlds.

After all, the power of the heavens and the world is so complex that if you look closely, it can be divided into dozens of levels.

Therefore, Void just divided these dozens of new worlds into three levels: low, middle and high. Among them, the recommended level for the world with the highest energy level is only the ninth level or above of the true immortal level.

The world Li Yun chose to enter was not the strongest one, but a new world with a recommended level of only eight.

After entering the world, Li Yun discovered that it was a Western fantasy world similar to "Dragon Quest". There were brave men and demon kings in the world, as well as so-called goddesses who summoned brave men from other worlds.

With strength comparable to that of a true immortal, Li Yun can be said to cover the sky with one hand in this world.

He first slapped the king and the brave in the face in the kingdom that summoned the brave, and then traveled northward, collecting magical knowledge and special powers in this world while heading towards the Demon King's lair.

During this period, all the demon armies were wiped out by Li Yun.

He also easily killed the corrupt human noble lords, and gave the civilians strength and awareness, allowing them to rise up and resist.

Not long after, Li Yun arrived at Demon King's City, and with his complete crushing strength, he razed the entire Demon King's City to the ground with a wave of his hand.

The so-called demon king who was said to have the power to destroy the world died in frustration without even seeing him.

Li Yun didn't care at all about the so-called Demon King and the Demon Clan. He took away all the treasures collected by the Demon King and then prepared to leave.

But when he returned to the human kingdom in the south, the whole world suddenly changed.

The original human kingdom changed its name, and the king and noble lords became another person.

Not only that, all traces of his previous journey north had been erased by some strange force.

It was as if he had never come to this world and never left any trace in this world.

Upon discovering this, Li Yun realized something was wrong.

He returned to the capital of the kingdom and once again witnessed the scene where the king summoned the brave men.

But this time, both the summoned hero and the king who had turned into another person showed expressions of extreme shock and fear after seeing his appearance.

They called Li Yun the Demon King, and swarmed him regardless of their own safety, trying to kill the Demon King who appeared in the capital.

Li Yun was a little confused, but in the face of those real murderous intentions, he still took action decisively and eliminated everyone.

Just after he defeated the unlucky hero, the world changed again.

The royal city that had been razed to the ground by the battle was restored to its original state in the blink of an eye, and the king and troops he killed also came back to life.

And just like the previous experience, everyone who was resurrected became different, with different names and experiences.

At this point, the something wrong in Li Yun's heart had turned into a bit of horror.

He realized that the problem might be the world, or the goddess who only existed in people's beliefs.

Considering that killing the king and the brave man might cause the world to turn back in time, Li Yun did not kill them this time.

He just defeated the king and the third brave man who was summoned, and then left the royal city directly, trying to find the mysterious goddess and explore the truth of this world.

But not long after he left the royal city, the world returned to its original state.

And what was different from before was that this time, he actually followed the world back to the palace.

Now Li Yun felt even more horrified.

He hesitated whether to report this matter to the Alliance, but after thinking about it for a while, he decided to explore this world by himself. The Alliance only sent some information about the world and did not ask for help.

After all, except for this phenomenon that seems to go back in time and space, there is no character in this world who can compete with him.

So, in the fourth round of the world, Li Yun repeated the actions of the previous round.

But this time, he did not leave the royal city, but stayed quietly to see what caused the world to roll back.

Sure enough, half a day after he defeated the brave man, the demon king's army arrived at the royal capital as if teleporting, and then captured the entire royal capital with a devastating force, and then executed the king and the brave man in public.

In the world of the fifth round, Li Yun looked at the scene in the palace where the king summoned the brave men with black lines on his head.

When the fifth unlucky hero was summoned, Li Yun took action decisively and killed everyone.

This was naturally not an act of anger, but Li Yun noticed in his last reincarnation that one of the two men, the king and the brave, was the key figure in turning the world back.

So, after the fifth round of testing, he finally found this key figure.

——It is the brave man from another world who was summoned!

As long as the brave man is killed, the world will return to the moment when the king summoned the brave man.

Upon discovering this, Li Yun thought he had found a breakthrough.

He crippled the brave man in the sixth round of the world, and then sealed it into a crystal ball, preparing to carry it with him to protect the brave man to prevent the world from returning to the moment when the brave man was summoned.

But what he didn't expect was that the moment the brave man was sealed, the world turned back again.

At this moment, Li Yun's whole body went numb.

Not even killing, not defeating, not even sealing...

So what should we do to leave the royal city and find the truth?

As a result, Li Yun began various attempts, including but not limited to persuading the brave, defeating the Demon King's army, packing away the entire royal city, preventing the king from summoning the brave, and even ordering the Demon King's army to surrender to the brave in the name of the Demon King...

But no matter how he tried, the world would always return to the moment when the king summoned the brave in various ways.

After twenty-seven rounds of attempts, Li Yun became angry. He directly transformed into the World-Destroying Demon King and unleashed the deadly nuclear light without hesitation, completely annihilating the entire continent into dust.

Then, the world rolled back and time and space went backwards.

Li Yun stood in the palace, looking ahead expressionlessly.

There, the twenty-eighth king is summoning the twenty-eighth brave man.

When the brave man showed up, Li Yun didn't bother to be polite to him, he showed up directly and punched him into a bloody mist.

He has lost all his patience and is ready to use the most brutal method to destroy this world and see how many times it can reincarnate.

So, the twenty-ninth round, the thirtieth round... the one hundred and fifty-eighth round, the one hundred and fifty-ninth round.

Li Yun reincarnated the whole world hundreds of times in just ten minutes.

In these hundreds of reincarnations, he discovered the second characteristic, that is, the strength of the brave actually improved with each round.

It was just because Li Yun himself was too powerful that he failed to notice this 'tiny' increase in strength.

Then, by the 160th round, the strength of the newly summoned hero had reached level seven.

Such power is naturally insignificant to Li Yun, but compared to the brave man in the first round, it is already hundreds of thousands of times stronger.

The battle between the two, or Li Yun's unilateral crushing and instant killing, caused a terrifying tide of energy to wash away, tearing the sky, exploding the earth, and turning the whole world into chaos, and then the mysterious energy returned. Return and revive under the power of strength.

This goes on and on, seemingly forever.

On Earth, located at the bottom of the ocean in the middle of the Pacific Ocean, is an undersea base hundreds of meters high.

Three researchers in white coats stood in front of the one-way glass, holding recording pens and recording documents, looking solemnly at the space behind the one-way glass.

It was a closed room with alloy walls. The facilities in the room were extremely simple. Apart from the incandescent lamp hanging from the ceiling, there was only a brown wooden desk, a brown wooden chair, and a book spread out on the desk.

At this time, a man wearing a brown uniform sat on a wooden chair in the room.

He was holding a seemingly ordinary pencil and writing furiously on the open book.

Judging from the movements, the man's pen-holding posture is extremely standard, and his writing movements are also extremely smooth.

But when your eyes shift from the man's hand movements to his face, you will be horrified to find that the man's face is extremely old, and his two eyes are cloudy and hazy as if they have been mixed with impurities.

From the corners of his slightly grinned mouth, thick saliva continued to flow, dripping onto the pants on his left leg.

There is no doubt that this man who is writing furiously is already an old man suffering from Alzheimer's disease.

But even though his thoughts were no longer clear, the old man's writing movements still didn't pause at all. It seemed that the person who was writing furiously was not him, but the pen, or the book.

"The king summoned the brave man. Unexpectedly, Li Yun, the world-destroying demon king, was already waiting at the palace. When the brave man appeared, the demon king instantly swayed a cyan-blue light that could destroy the world. It was the legendary world-destroying death light!"

"But the brave man will not be defeated so easily. He has the protection of the goddess (crossed out)... The World-Destroying Demon King used the strongest world-destroying death light in history to kill the brave man, and destroyed it with the overwhelming demonic power. the whole world.”

Start another line: "The king summoned the brave..."

Before he finished writing, the old man's body suddenly trembled, and his whole body exploded into a sky full of stars like stacked building blocks.

Seeing this scene, the three people in white coats on the other side of the one-way glass looked solemn.

The leader quickly pressed the red button in front of him, and the door on the wall suddenly opened. A young man also wearing a yellow uniform walked carefully into it, sat on the chair where his predecessor had disappeared, and looked at the book and pen in front of him. He spat.

"D-15621, pick up the pencil in front of you and write on the book."

"Write... what to write?"

"Write whatever you want. It's not important. What's important is that as long as you survive this experiment, all the crimes you have committed before will be wiped out by us."

"That's what you said!"

The young man was extremely excited. He gritted his teeth and finally picked up the pencil.

At that moment, he discovered to his horror that his hands were waving uncontrollably, constantly writing new content in the blank spaces of the paper...

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