Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 776 Project Number【1189】

Chapter 776 Project Number [1-189]

"What...what's going on?!"

The young man looked at his right hand in horror as he kept writing new content on the paper.

He tried to throw away the pen in his hand, but his entire arm was completely out of control and no longer obeyed his command.

At the same time, he also noticed that something seemed to be passing through his body.

That is his body, his soul, his vitality, all the evidence of his entire existence in this world...

Gradually, the young man stopped struggling. His eyes became dazed, his face became older, and his straight back became rickety. It seemed that he had completely reduced himself to a puppet who only knew how to write on books.

Outside the one-way glass, the man in the white coat holding the document frowned, turned to look at the people around him and asked:

"What number is this?"

The man was also wearing a researcher's white coat. He looked like a white man about thirty years old, but his eyes did not have the irises that ordinary people should have. The whole eyeball looked like only the whites of the eyes and a little black pupil.

Hearing the question from the person next to him, the man with white eyes did the math and said softly: "Twenty-three."

"...Is it already the twenty-third one?"

The man in the white coat who asked the question rubbed his temples with a headache and sighed: "The lives and existence of twenty-three D-class personnel are still unable to defeat the [Demon King of World Destruction] this time."

"Oh my god, what the hell did 1-189 do?!"

His eyes moved from the face in the white coat to the file in his hand, which was recording all the information about this book.

【Project number: 1-189】

[Project name: The old-fashioned story of a brave man fighting the devil]

[Project level: Apollyon (formerly Euclid, now corrected)]

[Special Containment Procedures: 1-189 needs to be placed on a desk made of any material and placed in a completely isolated study room. A team of monitoring personnel must be deployed outside the study room for round-the-clock monitoring. 】

[Once an abnormal situation is discovered, such as words appearing on 1-189-a, or 1-189-b moving without anyone holding it, it must be reported to the 'Observer Team' immediately, and at least one of the 'Observer Team' Conduct reading and writing experiments in the presence of an observer. 】

[Get the log: 1-189 was found in an apartment that caught fire. All the furniture in the apartment was burned. Only 1-189 survived the fire without suffering any damage. This is a special phenomenon. It attracted the attention of the agents. They investigated the apartment residents and found that they could not find any information related to the tenants. Even the landlord could not remember why he rented the apartment. 】

[Description: 1-189 consists of two parts: 1-189-a and 1-189-b. 1-189-a is the manuscript of a Japanese light novel writer, and 1-189-b was used by the writer before his death. The last pencil, after material testing, found that the material composition of the manuscript and pencil is the same as ordinary notebook paper and pencil, but it has physical properties that far exceed the material itself. 】

[Any human holding 1-189-b will lose control of his arm and, under the control of an unknown force, will continue to write the follow-up story of the brave man fighting the Demon King in the blank part of 1-189-a. 】

[Once the story is completed, the author will start a new line and start describing the story again. The general structure of the story has not changed (crossed out). The general structure of the story usually will not change. Only in rare cases will new plots appear. In other cases, usually only the character's name will change significantly. 】

[According to 'Observer' XXX, he insisted that he had read a light novel with the same story as the original manuscript, but now, the entire world except him has 'forgotten' this book and the author's story. exist. 】

[Based on the ‘observer effect’ and writing experiments involving D-class personnel, there is reason to believe that the act of continuing the story will consume the entire existence of the continuation writer, including but not limited to life, memory, social traces, etc. 】


(PS: Euclid refers to anomalies that require more resources to fully contain, or that have been contained but are not completely reliable.)

(Apollyon refers to anomalies that cannot be contained or are expected to break through containment in the near future.)

"In my memory, this is the fourth time that 1-189 has had an abnormal storyline."

The man with white eyes said calmly: "In the first two stories, a goddess and a visitor from another world appeared respectively."

"Among them, the first time the goddess was assimilated into the background of the story, and the second time the visitor from another world was easily defeated by the brave."

"The most special thing is the third time. A demonic dragon from the demonic world appears in the story, and fights with the summoned hero for twenty-seven world reincarnations."

"That time, we did not allow D-class personnel to continue writing the story in time, which resulted in 1-189 being unable to do anything to the demon dragon. It could only use the goddess deus ex machina to banish the demon dragon outside the world, which is our real world, and Caused a large-scale containment breach at Base 17."

"Therefore, I have reason to believe that the character that caused the abnormality in the plot was probably not edited by 1-189 himself."

The white coat nodded: "The world theory in the book, I know this. This theory is very popular among the survivors of Base 17, but it has not been proven after all, so I can only reserve my opinion."

Having said this, the white coat paused, then seemed to understand something, frowned and said: "Madden, you don't want to suggest that the base stop continuing the writing experiment and release that abnormal character, do you?"


'Observer' Madden did not answer directly, but looked directly into the eyes of the white coat and said seriously: "The abnormal character released by 1-189 last time was an incommunicable dragon, but this time, the abnormal character is completely capable The presence of communication.”

"If we can find a way to contain the abnormal characters, we can definitely communicate with them and obtain more information related to 1-189 and the world in the book..."

"Are you sure?" The white coat frowned tightly, "Don't forget, the one who appears this time is the World-Destroying Demon King!"

"Even a brave man who has been strengthened for hundreds of rounds and can destroy the world with one strike is still no match for the World-Destroying Demon King. If such a being appears in our Base 3, do you know how much disaster it will cause?"

"...Li Yun." Madden suddenly emphasized, "His name is Li Yun."

"This is a typical Chinese name, and the story depicted in 1-189 is a Western fantasy background, and a Chinese name has never appeared. This phenomenon can already become part of the proof of the 'world theory in the book.'"

"And he was not the World-Destroying Demon King from the beginning, but he was named the [World-Destroying Demon King] only after the second round of stories."

"In addition, in the world from the sixth to the twenty-seventh round, he tried in various ways to reach a consensus with the brave, as if he had realized that the world would reincarnate and start from scratch."

"This has never happened before in experiments."

"So, I infer that this abnormal character named Li Yun may be a visitor from another world like the second abnormal character, but he has far more power than the previous visitor from another world. This makes 1 -189 can do nothing to him."

"The above information is stored in the experimental record in my mind. When the experiment is over, I will record it and voluntarily accept the A-level psychic test..."

Hearing Madden's calm words that didn't seem to be hypocritical, the white coat couldn't help but frowned tightly.

Since the continuation writer of 1-189 will become an unobservable existence after death, the stories he wrote cannot be directly observed. Only people infected with the observer effect can leave complete memories.

This is why experiments require at least one ‘observer’ to observe and record.

At this moment, the D-class personnel who were continuing to write the story finally exhausted everything and once again exploded into points of light all over the sky.

Within three seconds of his memory disappearing, the white coat pressed the button to release the twenty-fourth D-class personnel, and then used the same dialogue to order him to pick up the pencil and continue writing the story in the book.

"Twenty-fourth, D-class personnel are being used up faster and faster."

'Observer' Madden looked at his white coat and whispered softly: "If we continue at this rate, all D-class personnel in the entire base will be exhausted within thirty-six hours at the latest..."


Hearing Madden's words, the white coat showed hesitation.

After a moment, he gritted his teeth and said: "If the experimental records are really what you said, then I can submit the application with you, but whether it passes or not is not up to me!"

Madden nodded and said, "No problem, I will take full responsibility for this."

On the other side, Li Yun has fought with the brave for two hundred and thirteen rounds.

With each round of fighting, the hero's strength is getting stronger, and now he has reached around the early eighth level.

At this rate, Li Yun estimated that in about a thousand more reincarnations, the brave man would be able to barely fight him.

Regarding this situation, Li Yun naturally had a headache.

After thinking for a moment, he made a decision. If the brave man's strength could reach the level of a true immortal, he would have to win over the alliance.

At this moment, Li Yun was suddenly startled. He discovered that the brave man and the world destroyed by his blow did not reappear.

Instead, there was an endless void of chaotic darkness, in which stood a dazzling figure of white light.

She has beautiful facial features, a perfect and graceful figure, and a divine and pure face with a smile that makes people feel like spring breeze. She is the so-called goddess in the records of this world.

After appearing, the goddess looked at Li Yun with a pair of golden eyes, her red lips opened slightly, and under the sacred white light, she made a declaration to Li Yun that she would banish him from this world.

Hearing this declaration, Li Yun was slightly startled, and then couldn't help but sneer.

"...exile me?"

"Are you worthy?"

Before he finished speaking, Li Yun circulated the energy in his body again, and with the strength of his attack that killed a true immortal in the world of cultivating immortals, he released the powerful magical power included in the 4.7 Immortal Cultivation Version of "Fission Magic".

"Immortal - Nuclear Light!!"

In an instant, the cyan-blue whip was like an extremely solid long whip, carrying the overwhelming power of tearing apart the space and destroying the void, and whipped it towards the goddess in front who was shrouded in white light.

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