Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 777 Category 9 Affairs

In just an instant, the cyan-blue Pilian tore through the space, pierced through the void, and exploded the smiling goddess into stars all over the sky.

"……That's it?"

Li Yun was holding a long blue whip made of [Immortal Nuclear Light], standing in the countless torn space cracks, looking at the so-called goddess in front of him with surprise on his face, who was easily killed by him.

Fortunately, he still regarded this guy as the big boss behind the scenes of the world, but he didn't expect that he was actually weaker than the brave man who was more than two hundred rounds later.

With this level of strength, do you dare to brazenly say that you want to banish him?

It’s really laughable…

Just as Li Yun was thinking this with a sneer on his face, the dark void around him suddenly began to collapse crazily.

Endless darkness struck from all directions, sweeping toward Li Yun standing in the center.

Li Yun frowned, and golden-red light burst out from all over his body. His body, which had been strengthened and evolved countless times, stood in the center of the storm, shining like a god, shining with a brilliance that dazzled the world.

The next moment, the world completely collapsed before his eyes.

A bit of white light bloomed from the collapse, like the Big Bang, allowing him to see a completely different world.

It was a room of about thirty square meters, with many basic furniture such as a sofa, wardrobe, dining table, single bed, and a brown wood desk standing in front of him.

There is a burning book on the desk.

Through the golden-red flames, one could see the curling and burning words on the open pages of the book.

"The Demon King of Destruction defeated the goddess, destroyed the world, and the universe returned to chaos. The book is complete."

Seeing the last period, Li Yun's pupils shrank, as if he realized something.

In the next second, the entire book was reduced to ashes in the flames. The ashes were decomposed into invisible particles, and then, in a completely anti-energy conservation manner, they disappeared in an instant and disappeared without a trace.

Seeing this scene, many researchers outside the room windows looked shocked.

The man in the white coat responsible for researching 1-189 even came closer to the glass window, staring at the scene in the room with his eyes wide open.

"……How can this be?!"

"1-189 was actually destroyed?!"

The white coat's face was extremely shocked. Because the drastic change happened so quickly, he didn't know what happened at the end of the story. He could only see the world-destroying demon king in the story coming to 'reality', and then 1-189 spontaneously ignited. reduced to ashes.

Next to him in a white coat, an old man with a gloomy face turned to look at Madden beside him and said: "Madden, you said that you are responsible for all the results of this experiment, right?"

Madden nodded and said calmly: "Of course, if 1-189 teleports to other carriers, I will find it and re-contain it. If the abnormal character cannot communicate normally, I will kill him, even if we both die together. "

The old man's face softened slightly, and he nodded: "It's good that you have this awareness."

At this moment, Li Yun in the room came to his senses. He raised his head and looked at the window with a frown.

There, there were about five or six researchers in white coats, and a dozen young men and women in black combat uniforms, who seemed to be bodyguards or militant figures cleaning up the mess.

"……what is happening?"

Li Yun frowned and thought for a moment. He strode to the window, looked at the white man posted on the window, and asked a few questions in English, such as where is this place, who are you and so on.

But the other party seemed unable to hear him.

Seeing Li Yun open and close his mouth, the man's expression changed from shock to joy.

He quickly turned his head and started arguing fiercely with the other people in white coats around him.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun frowned because he couldn't hear the other party's voice.

Without hesitation, Li Yun immediately released his spiritual consciousness, covering the entire room with great force. However, when he tried to use his spiritual consciousness to pass through the glass window, he was blocked by some unknown barrier and could not penetrate at all.

"...What the hell?"

"A mere glass window can actually block the consciousness of a true immortal!"

"What kind of world is this?!"

Li Yun looked at the glass window in front of him in shock.

Just then, the man outside the window seemed to have won the argument.

He turned around, took out an old-fashioned outdoor walkie-talkie from his arms with a smile on his face, shook it towards Li Yun, then raised his hand and pointed at the sofa behind Li Yun and the coffee table in front of the sofa.

Li Yun turned around and saw the same old-fashioned outdoor intercom sitting on the coffee table.

"...You mean you want me to use this thing to talk?"

Li Yun frowned, then shook his head and waved his hand to signal the people outside the window to stay away.

The man outside the window was startled for a moment, and immediately understood what he meant, and the smile on his face suddenly became wider.

But for some reason, he did not step back. Instead, he stood in front of the window with interest along with the other white coats next to him, as if waiting for Li Yun to try to break out of the room.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun had a bad premonition in his heart.

He immediately raised his right hand, controlled his strength, and flicked his finger on the glass window in front of him.


In an instant, a harsh buzzing sound came from the glass window, and it seemed that it would burst into pieces in the next second.

But as time passed, the vibrating glass window gradually calmed down, and it actually withstood Li Yun's blow without any harm.

……How can this be? !

Li Yun frowned and pointed with the index finger of his right hand, condensing an extremely bright blue light spot on his fingertip.

The next moment, a small blue-blue light beam shot out and hit the glass window in front of him, causing ripples of blue-blue energy.

"Still can't break it?"

Li Yun's face was filled with surprise and uncertainty. His finger was enough to penetrate mountains and evaporate rivers, but in front of this seemingly ordinary glass window, he couldn't even do something like melting glass.

Isn't this too outrageous?

Seeing this scene, the white coat outside the window was obviously relieved.

He smiled again and pointed to the old-fashioned walkie-talkie on the coffee table again.

Li Yun came back to his senses, glanced at him with a frown, then raised his hand without looking back, and photographed the intercom from the air.

The man in the white coat outside the window showed surprise. He immediately put the walkie-talkie to his mouth impatiently and said:

"Hey, hey, can you hear me?"

Not fluent Mandarin came out from the walkie-talkie, which made Li Yun extremely uncomfortable.

He frowned, raised the intercom, and asked in English: "What is your native language? We can communicate in that."

The man in the white coat was startled for a moment, then said in surprise: "Thank God, you actually know English!"

Li Yun said calmly: "This is not important. What is important is, what do you want to do and why do you want to trap me here? Can I understand that you have malicious intentions towards me?"

The white coat was slightly startled, as if he didn't expect that Li Yun's language logic was so clear.

A delighted smile appeared on his face and he quickly replied: "I'm sorry, Mr. Li Yun, the incident happened suddenly and it was something unavoidable..."

"Wait, you know my name?"

Li Yun suddenly interrupted his words and asked in surprise.

The white coat smiled and nodded: "Yes, Mr. Li Yun, your name is recorded in the story of 1-189. I am one of the people in charge of 1-189, so I naturally know your name."


Li Yun repeated the strange number, and the expression on his face became strange.

Isn't this world the same JJH ghost story world that frequently restarts or destroys the entire universe?

Or, other fantasy works similar to JJH?

Thinking of this, Li Yun's heart sank deeper and deeper.

Although his strength is enough to control the heavens, he is still somewhat dwarfed by such strange and strange objects.

After all, this kind of thing is unreasonable. Even the most common and ordinary contained object may have the terrifying power to kill gods and immortals...

"As for the information on 1-189, I will tell you all the information after I get the authorization. As for now, I will inform you of some of the information about our organization and other organizations in accordance with the authorization I have obtained."

The man in the white coat outside the window had a smile on his face and began to introduce the current situation to Li Yun.

During his introduction, Li Yun learned that this person's name was Joseph Schmidt, a supervisory researcher at Category 9 Affairs Company.

And this Category 9 Affairs Company, as he expected, is a global organization specializing in the collection of strange objects. Their bases and manpower are spread all over the world, and they have contained hundreds of abnormal objects.

The place where Li Yun is now is their base No. 3 on the bottom of the Pacific Ocean.

Halfway through, a man in a white coat suddenly came over.

Dr. Schmidt immediately turned off the intercom, listened for a while, and then said with a smile: "Sorry, Mr. Li Yun, I just got good news. The superiors have allowed me to inform you of all the information on 1-189."

Li Yun said calmly: "Very good, I'm listening."

Dr. Schmidt softly told Li Yun all the information about 1-189, including all its characteristics and the previous three abnormal plots.

When he learned that the world he was in before was just a "book world" derived from contained objects, Li Yun was both shocked and enlightened.

……I see!

No wonder he always felt something was wrong with that world.

No wonder that world always starts anew after the death of a hero.

Because the hero is the protagonist of the story, and if the protagonist dies or is sealed, there is no possibility of a comeback, then there is no point in describing this story...

Li Yun quickly digested the information, and then asked calmly: "So, when I came here from the story world of 1-189, you treated me as a containment object?"

Dr. Schmidt nodded slightly and said softly: "Your power is obviously not something humans can possess."

"So, yes, at least so far, in our eyes, you are a human-shaped abnormal containment object..."

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