After saying that, Li Yun stopped talking to Dr. Schmidt outside the containment room and turned back to look at the Crimson Demon.

The handsome crimson demon grinned and revealed an evil smile.

"You seem to really want to cooperate with them!"

"They are just using each other, there is no cooperation at all."

Li Yun looked at the crimson demon and said calmly in the language he had just learned: "It's you, if I'm not mistaken, your soul should be just that of an ordinary human being, right?"

"How did you become what you are now?"

Hearing Li Yun's words, the crimson demon was slightly startled, and then his eyes became a little complicated, as if he was a little jealous of Li Yun.

"You can actually look directly into my soul?"



"I am so devout to the Crimson Lord, why do I get less grace than you do?!!"

As he spoke each sentence, the crimson demon's face gradually became ferocious, his voice became crazy and hysterical, and his eyes looking at Li Yun were full of jealousy, violence, and inexplicable hatred and murderous intent.

Looking at the crimson demon struggling crazily on the alloy chair, Li Yun frowned and snorted angrily.


In an instant, the raging flames ignited again, causing the crimson demon's crazy shouts to turn into miserable wails.

Not long after, Li Yun extinguished the flame of the soul, looked at the crimson demon who had become depressed and said lightly: "Grace? What kind of grace? Why didn't I feel the crimson lord in your mouth..."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yun's expression froze, as if he was in a trance for a moment because of the name.

At this moment, a picture flashed in Li Yun's mind. It was an extremely dark void, with a crimson crack of unknown length spanning across the void.

The black-red abyss in the crack seemed to be shining with countless bright stars.

"...This is the Crimson Lord, no, the Crimson Abyss?"

Li Yun stood there in a daze, seemingly still immersed in the shock and emotion of looking directly at the greatness.

At the same time, the Crimson Demon suddenly raised his head and chanted enthusiastically: "The great Crimson Lord, across the Crimson Abyss of the void, He is the ruin of all realms, the end of all things... "


Before he finished speaking, a ray of silver light bloomed from Li Yun's soul, like a ray of holy light that purified the world, dispersing all the crimson cracks that silently penetrated into Li Yun's spiritual world.

In an instant, Li Yun's eyes returned to clarity, and he took two steps back with a somewhat frightened expression.

When he came back to his senses, the look he looked at the crimson demon became extremely gloomy and unkind.


His act of torturing the Crimson Demon with the flame of the soul also allowed the Crimson Demon to cross the barrier of psychic protection, and reversely affected his heart with the power of psychic distortion that was extremely difficult to detect.

Otherwise, he would never have revealed the name of the 'Crimson Lord' so easily.

After all, in such a weird world, it is normal for there to be alien gods similar to the Cthulhu Mythos, or the supreme divinity similar to that world.

For such a great being, let alone mentioning his name, even if you just think of him in your heart, you will be affected by the other party.

Thinking of this, Li Yun instantly waved the sword of the soul, cutting off the distracting thoughts in his heart, and sealed the name of the Crimson Lord.

After doing this, Li Yun opened his eyes and looked unkindly at the crimson demon in front of him.

The crimson demon showed a disappointed expression on his face and murmured: "Sure enough, you have received far more favor than me..."

With that said, the crimson demon seemed to have recovered from the state of being a fanatical believer, and his face became calm again.

"There is a great being behind you, right?"

"I can feel that it is the great aura deeply imprinted in your soul. Through that aura, I can see a boundless sea of ​​gray fog like a vast nebula..."

Li Yun's heart sank when he heard the words of the crimson demon.

There is no doubt that the breath that the crimson demon sensed was the breath of gray mist.

And the great being he spoke of was his biggest backer, Lin Zhongtian, the Lord of the Void Gap.

The Crimson Demon juxtaposes the Crimson Lord with Boss Lin. Doesn’t this prove that there is a terrifying existence in this world that is comparable to Boss Lin?

Thinking of this, Li Yun's mind came alive.

Although this information is quite bad, but thinking about it on the other hand, he can also use Lin Zhongtian's name to fake the power of the tiger.

Anyway, others don’t know that he has lost contact with the alliance. Even if he faces those great beings in the future, he might be able to escape with the help of Boss Lin’s face ability...

Li Yun composed himself, then clenched his fists and walked over expressionlessly.

The crimson demon's expression changed and he quickly said: "What are you going to do?"


Li Yun did not answer, but just punched the crimson demon in the face, causing the strong scales on his face to shatter instantly, and blood with the smell of sulfur spurted out from his mouth and nose for free.

Since methods involving the mind and soul are at risk of reverse invasion, then use physics instead.

No matter what, let’s beat this dirty bastard first, and then we’ll talk about it!

So, under the stunned eyes of Dr. Schmidt and others outside the containment room, Li Yun raised his fist and beat the crimson demon on the alloy chair with extremely exquisite force.

I have to say, this guy's body is quite hard.

Only when Li Yun increased his strength to the point where he could smash mountains was he able to break through the defense.

Of course, this is the result of simply using physical attacks to break through the defense. If the mind-isolating alloy is used, the crimson demon's body strength will instantly weaken to a level consistent with the body's physical structure.

This is because the Crimson Demon's power comes entirely from the power of mind distortion.

His body is not very strong. Without the influence of the power of mind distortion, he is only about three to five times stronger than humans.

This is also why the mind-isolating alloy can bind him here.

This thing is as deadly to him as kryptonite is to Kryptonians.

When the crimson demon became dying, Li Yun finally stopped and activated nuclear power to evaporate the blood on his fist.

"Okay, now we can have a nice chat."

Li Yun took out a chair from the storage space, sat opposite the crimson devil, looked directly at his swollen and deformed handsome face, and said lightly: "Your past and abilities are recorded in the files of the people outside. , it is said that as long as I sacrifice a human soul to you and then ask you a question, I can get the answer to the question from you?"


The crimson demon's eyes widened and he stared angrily at Li Yun without opening his mouth to answer.

Li Yun sighed, stood up from the chair, and clenched his fists again.

The crimson demon's expression changed, and he quickly said: "Wait a minute, you and I are both dependents of a great being, and we should be on the same camp. Why do you have to do things for these insignificant humans?"

"We all have powers given by great beings, and we also have communication methods that cannot be known to humans. As long as we join forces, we can easily escape from this damn place!"

"...Oh?" Li Yun sat down again and asked with interest, "How do you plan to escape?"

The Crimson Demon calmed down and said in a deep voice: "About my ability, they recorded it correctly. However, the knowledge about the answer to the question does not come from me, but from the great Crimson Lord. I only have The gift of knowledge can only be obtained after certain conditions are met.”

“They’ve asked me a lot of questions over the past few years, and I don’t have to tell them all the answers, just polish them and tell them the necessary parts.”

"So, my understanding of the abnormal objects in this base is actually far greater than that of the humans outside."

"Even if it's the [Immovable Lock] that traps you, it's the same."

"As long as you agree to join forces with me, I can tell you its hidden characteristics..."

Li Yun said lightly: "You also said that you did not tell all the information to the humans outside, so how can I be sure that you will tell me all the information?"

The Crimson Demon said without hesitation: "You and I can swear an oath in front of the Crimson Lord."

Li Yun's face changed slightly, he swung his sword in his mind to cut off the distracting thoughts, and said unkindly: "If you dare to mention that person's name again, I will kill you immediately!"

The crimson demon curled his lips and said nothing.

Li Yun thought for a moment and said, "Well, you tell me some information first. For example, how much do you know about me?"

"to you?"

The crimson demon glanced at him, shook his head and said: "You have the grace and protection of that person. I can't answer questions about you. All the answers are automatically passed on by the great deep... ahem, the great Lord. To a human named Ang Lee.”

"So, you don't have to worry, what I told them was just information about Li An!"

I see……

Li Yun suddenly realized it, and at the same time he breathed a sigh of relief.

Fortunately, the locking skill [Boss Lin's Asylum] is still there, so you don't have to worry about being seen through inexplicably.

After thinking for a moment, Li Yun asked again: "What about the group of people outside?"

The crimson devil smiled and said, "You mean, Category 9 Affairs Company?"

"Very good, it seems that you also want to leave this ghost place, so let me tell you, the predecessor of Category 9 Affairs Company is a shelter organization called the Balance Sect. They are dedicated to sheltering all anomalies and bringing the world back to normal. balance……"

As the Crimson Demon slowly narrated, Li Yun finally gained a more comprehensive understanding of the organization that took him in.

As he expected, this ninth category affairs company is indeed similar to that organization, but it is different from that organization. They have obviously fewer rules and their attitude towards abnormal items is more ambiguous.

The so-called place where poisonous snakes live, there must be an antidote within seven steps.

The Kinkou sect believes in this concept and believes that even weird and crazy anomalies have their own natural enemies.

Therefore, they are very keen to use abnormalities to deal with abnormalities, and they also use abnormal items frequently.

If not for this, the ‘Pandora Project’ in cooperation with Li Yun would not have been implemented so quickly...

Hearing this, Li Yun secretly shook his head.

The attitude of this group of people towards abnormal objects was obviously too dangerous and did not fully conform to the concept of containment in his memory.

There is nothing wrong with such an attitude for a while, but in the long run it can easily lead to irreversible consequences.

However, this is nothing surprising.

In such a crazy world, those who protect it must also be a group of crazy people.

If you don’t have a crazy enough idea, how can you fight against this crazy worldview?

Thinking of this, Li Yun glanced at the camera in the corner of the containment room and sighed quietly in his heart.

If he had arrived in another way, he would definitely have chosen to help this group of weak yet powerful humans.

But now, let’s find a way to get in touch with the alliance first...

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