Chapter 783 【2-239】


With a soft sound, the last alloy door connected to the monitoring room slowly opened.

Li Yun's tall figure appeared in front of everyone.

The members of the elite containment team "Purple Fire" looked at him with somewhat complicated expressions. The researchers such as Ang Lee and others next to him looked hesitant. Only Dr. Schmidt stepped forward with a smile and directly handed over the blank document in his hand. Passed it over.

"……What's this?"

Li Yun lowered his head and looked at the document in his hand.

Dr. Schmidt said with a smile: "Of course they are experimental records!"

Li Yun raised his eyebrows: "You want me to write it?"

Dr. Schmidt smiled and said: "Otherwise, we don't understand the language, so we have to trouble you to write."

As soon as this statement came out, everyone including Li An and the 'Purple Fire' team couldn't help but feel a little nervous, as if they were worried that Li Yun would refuse, leading to the outcome they least wanted to see.

Fortunately, Li Yun did not refuse.

He just looked at Dr. Schmidt steadily for a while, then smiled slightly under the nervous and vigilant eyes of the members of the 'Purple Fire' team, turned his head and stretched out his hand towards Li An.

"Bring me a pen."

"……oh oh!"

Li An quickly handed over the pen.

Li Yun reached out to take it, then sat directly in the monitoring room, recording his conversation with the crimson demon, and asked casually.

"I said, after all, you are also a large international organization, so you should not be short of money. Why do you need to write down an experimental record?"

"Of course it's because of the uniqueness of the anomaly!"

Dr. Schmidt smiled and replied: "Just like 2-043, his voice also has the ability to distort the mind, so all the monitoring equipment in this monitoring room has been processed and will process 2-043's voice several times. Compiled and then transmitted to our ears.”

"To tell you the truth, I have been in charge of 2-043 for so long and I have never heard his true voice!"

"I see."

Li Yun nodded, and then handed the written experimental record to Dr. Schmidt.

Dr. Schmidt took it and of course read everything. Then he raised his head and looked seriously into Li Yun's eyes.

"Is this all?"

The unabashed words made the members of the 'Purple Fire' team next to them nervous again.

But the relationship between Li Yun and Dr. Schmidt was obviously beyond their expectations.

He actually nodded without hesitation and replied with a smile: "Of course not everything."


Dr. Schmidt asked with bright eyes: "Can you tell me the reason for concealing it?"

Li Yun shook his head: "Believe me, you don't want to know."

Dr. Schmidt said thoughtfully: "Is it about the terrifying existence behind him?"

Li Yun nodded: "That's right... In fact, I have sealed my memory about that person, so let alone you, even I can't remember that part of the unwritten conversation."

"I see."

Dr. Schmidt nodded, then raised the document in his hand and said with a smile: "But I really didn't expect that the crimson devil who is so arrogant that he doesn't bother to talk to us would actually show his kindness to you and want to join forces with you. Breach of containment.”


As soon as these words came out, the faces of everyone around him changed drastically.

The members of the 'Purple Fire' team even put their hands on the firearms or long knives on their waists, looking at Li Yun warily.

But Li Yun didn't care about the eyes of the people around him. He just looked at Dr. Schmidt and smiled: "To be honest, I am quite excited about his proposal. After all, I don't want to live under heavy surveillance and vigilance. "

Having said this, Li Yun paused, stretched and said: "However, now that we know that there are such terrifying existences in this world, hiding in your base can be considered a good place to return!"

"Haha, thank you very much for your praise!"

Dr. Schmidt answered with a smile, handed the experimental record in his hand to Li An, and asked him to file it immediately.

Afterwards, Dr. Schmidt and Li Yun walked side by side toward the monitoring room, chatting and joking like old friends.

"By the way, doctor, I think you are not in good health. Do you want to try my spiritual wine?"

"Sorry, I'm getting older and have stopped drinking."

"What about the elixir? If you take one, all diseases will disappear. It will also prolong your life~"

"Forget it, you're an old man, you can't enjoy it. If there is such a good thing, it's better to leave it to the young people!"

The seemingly daily joking conversation between the two came from the front, which made Ang Lee and the members of the 'Purple Fire' team heave a sigh of relief.

Looking at the backs of the two of them, or rather Dr. Schmidt, Ang Lee's eyes were full of reverence and admiration.

He had read Li Yun's files and knew how terrifying he was. Even the famous 'Purple Fire' team must treat him seriously and not let down their guard at all times.

But Dr. Schmidt was able to stand beside Li Yun and deal with it calmly without being affected at all.

This kind of calm spirit that completely disregarded life and death made him extremely heartbroken.

"Is this a senior executive?"

Li An thought to himself, then turned around and walked in the opposite direction with the experimental records.

Two members of the 'Purple Fire' team followed behind him to escort him.

The other team members followed Li Yun and Dr. Schmidt, always alert to Li Yun's movements.

Fortunately, Li Yun seemed to really intend to live in seclusion at the organization's base No. 3. He was very cooperative with various experiments proposed by the organization, and even agreed to the 'unreasonable request' such as extracting blood samples.

It's a pity that his physical strength is incredibly high.

According to the participants in the experiment, every cell and hair in his body was as hard as an abnormal object.

If other abnormal items are not used, no matter in the solar system can harm him at all. Even if he is thrown into the core of the sun, he can swim freely.

There is no doubt that this is an incredibly powerful body, so powerful that it can only be explained by gods or demons.

Many researchers were shocked and enthusiastic about Li Yun's body and wanted to study it.

Li Yun was also very cooperative and said with a smile that he could give them the skills he practiced.

But it was this cooperative attitude that made the researchers at the base suspicious and afraid to really accept Li Yun's kindness.

Subsequent suggestions about using the containment objects to collect Li Yun's blood samples were also rejected because of Li Yun's overly suspicious attitude.

As for the reason, it is also very simple.

Whether it is Li Yun's self-report or the reaction of 2-043 [Crimson Demon] afterwards, it shows that there is a terrifying existence behind him.

If he rashly conducts experiments on Li Yun, he might be like the [Crimson Demon], causing unpredictable and terrifying consequences.

In the following period, Li Yun's activity area was expanded to the entire seventh floor.

At the same time, under the guidance of Dr. Schmidt, he successively came into contact with other contained objects on the seventh floor.

Among them are the flame-eating vines that can swallow any kind of fire, the creeping sand that can swallow buildings and creatures, and look like living creatures, and the ones that live in the shadows, cannot be harmed by physical means, and can kill people by swallowing shadows. Shadow Eater, etc...

These abnormal abilities vary, and not every one of them is as powerful as the [Crimson Demon].

But they all have one characteristic in common, that is, they have the ability to move independently and are full of malice towards life.

Because of this, they were locked up on the seventh floor of Base No. 3, and relied on the [Immovable Lock] for perfect containment.

Among all the abnormal objects, the one that Li Yun is most concerned about is the humanoid container numbered [2-239].

She appears to be a girl of about eight years old, about one meter tall and weighing 20 kilograms.

She has shoulder-length blond hair, and her eyes are usually green, but occasionally they will change between gray and green due to changes in mood. Sometimes they will be gray-green mixed with the two, or simply a dynamic gray-green gradient.

However, compared to the abnormal eye color, the most powerful thing about 2-239 is actually her ability.

She is a reality warper, able to reflect her will into reality through virtual particles and anti-particles, thereby achieving the purpose of changing, manipulating or distorting the surrounding reality.

Speaking of which, we have to mention the concepts of virtual particles and antiparticles.

To put it simply, the so-called virtual particles refer to particles that do exist in quantum mechanics and have measurable effects. They are particles that constitute virtual matter, have a very close relationship with real particles, and are distributed around real particles.

Antiparticles are the collective name for particles such as antiprotons, antineutrons, antimesons, and antihyperons. They have the same mass and many other properties as the corresponding particles, but have different characteristics such as the charged sign, magnetic moment, and spin orientation. On the contrary, it is completely opposite.

When antiparticles meet their corresponding particles, they annihilate and transform into other particles.

According to the research of Category 9 Affairs Company, as long as the so-called reality distorter does not reach the highest level, the virtual particles and corresponding antiparticles affected by the distortion of reality can be observed.

With this discovery, a genius doctor in the organization invented a reality stabilizing anchor that can eliminate the virtual particle \u0026 antiparticle pairs needed when reality distortion occurs.

Of course, there are a large number of reality anchors placed in the containment room where 2-239 lives.

But even so, her reality-warping abilities were still not completely suppressed, so the organization locked her up on the seventh floor to prevent her inadvertent use of reality-warping abilities from causing too serious consequences.

"Ding dong——"

The crisp doorbell rang from outside the door.

Li Yun, who was lying on the bed reading a book, glanced at the door and said casually: "Please come in."

The door was pushed open, and my old friend Dr. Schmidt walked in and said with a smile: "Are you reading Dr. Scranton's works again?"

"Yes!" Li Yun closed the book, sat up, and said with a smile, "As you know, I am actually a materialist and do not agree with the theory that reality distortion is actually idealism. Dr. Scranton's theory of reality distortion The theory of phenomena is very close to my heart."

"Look, he compared reality to a 'reality field' scattered throughout the world. When the 'reality field' in an area becomes weak, it will cause reality to collapse and emerge from some unknown areas. Extract the strong 'reality field' to fill in the weak parts and stabilize those weak realities..."

As Li Yun spoke, he pointed at the contents of the book with admiration on his face.

Dr. Schmidt looked helpless and reluctantly listened for a while, then said: "I have seen these a long time ago. Since you are so interested in the reality distortion phenomenon, it just so happens that 2-239 is about to wake up. Do you want to Go and have a look?"

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