Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 784 Reality Distorter


Li Yun immediately turned over and sat up, looking at Dr. Schmidt with bright eyes.

"It's only been a week, will little Sigor wake up soon?"


Dr. Schmidt nodded, and then said helplessly: "Perhaps due to the influence of the last time I met you, 2-239's mental state was a little too active while sleeping, which caused her sleep to only last eighty hours this time. .”

"According to the observer's estimation, she will wake up in about, twenty-four minutes."

"Considering that this anomaly has a high probability to be related to you, the base's senior management has decided to let you go see her again."

Li Yun smiled and said: "What kind of logic is this? The senior management has guessed that it was my influence, why do they still let me go to see her?"

Dr. Schmidt sighed helplessly and said, "What else?"

"Letting you meet her will have a positive impact. If we really isolate you, the senior management is worried that 2-239 will cry. The resulting negative impact and distortion of reality will be much more serious than letting you meet. !”


Li Yun nodded, then immediately put the books into the storage space, stood up and said with a smile: "Then what are you waiting for? Let's go now!"

Not long after, in the containment room made of mind-isolating alloy, a little blond girl with a face as delicate as a doll, holding a soft quilt, slowly opened her eyes, lying on her side on the bed with a dazed expression.

Among the reality benders that the organization has controlled and contained, 2-239 is the youngest in mind.

She only has the intelligence level of about eight years old, and according to the organization's observation, her mind does not seem to grow and she will always remain an eight-year-old girl.

This is both bad news and good news for organizations.

The bad news is that her mental state is not stable enough and may cause reality distortion at any time.

The good news is that her young mind makes it easy for her to believe what adults say.

The base personnel used this to fabricate a complete past and told 2-239 that she was actually a witch.

In addition to stabilizing her mental state, this also convinced her that she must recite a 'spell' before using her abilities.

All ‘spells’ are provided by organization personnel and are pre-reviewed and approved.

In addition, the researchers also told her that this is a world without demons. In order to keep her magic power from drying up, she must stay in this magic house and sleep for twenty-nine days every month to recover. own magic.

Using gas with hypnotic and anesthetic effects, the researchers successfully artificially put her into a 'magic-depleted' sleep, and made her believe this setting after she woke up.

Since then, magic has really been produced in her body, and just like the setting, she has to sleep for twenty-nine days every month.

This phenomenon makes 2-239's containment procedures simpler.

Until a week ago, 2-239, who had just woken up, met Li Yun once.

That meeting was actually not that special. The only special thing was that the Li Yun who met her appeared in the containment room instead of sitting outside the glass window like other researchers.

According to researchers' speculation, perhaps it was this unprecedented close communication that caused 2-239's mental state to fluctuate, causing her to wake up early without sleeping for twenty-nine days.

Soon, the little blond girl sat up from the bed, raised her little hands, rubbed her sleepy eyes, and then looked around with a slightly dazed look.

At the same time, outside the one-way glass window, Li Yun looked at the white single-person shelter room in front of him with a complicated expression.

Unlike his luxuriously decorated residence, room 2-239 is extremely simple. Apart from the table, chairs and bed, there is no other furniture in the room, let alone any entertainment facilities.

This is because although 2-239 already believes that she is a witch, it will still affect reality subconsciously.

Any object around her, even just a plush doll, will become her partner or spiritual sustenance in this case, and thus cause reality distortion, making the plush doll become a living thing.

What's worse is that when 2-239 regards his plush doll as a protector, the plush doll becomes omnipotent and even caused a very serious containment breach in another base.

As for other entertainment facilities, such as televisions or fairy tale books, it is even worse.

Every time Li Yun mentioned this matter to Dr. Schmidt, the other party's face would change drastically.

Obviously, 2-239 had serious accidents caused by this kind of thing.

Li Yun was curious and asked again and again, only to learn that at Christmas a few years ago, an unknown researcher who had been fired told 2-239 the story of 'Santa Claus' because of his soft heart.

Since then, a new humanoid anomaly has appeared on Earth.

Moreover, this anomaly comes and goes without a trace. It possesses a powerful "magic" that can appear on the bedside of any child. It has not been caught by the containment personnel of Category 9 Affairs Company so far...

"Remember, you can only have the most basic conversations in front of 2-239. Any unnecessary conversations may lead to serious consequences. By then, even I will have a hard time guaranteeing your freedom of movement!"

Dr. Schmidt whispered instructions beside Li Yun.

Li Yun agreed with a smile, and then walked into the corridor where the mind-isolating alloy was cast under the supervision of many researchers.

After passing through the heavy alloy doors, Li Yun walked into the extremely monotonous white room.

As soon as the little blond girl sitting on the bed saw him, her originally sluggish spirit immediately became excited.

She jumped off the bed, ran to Li Yun with her bare feet, raised her head, and said happily: "Li, you came to see me again!"


Li Yun smiled and stretched out his hand, as if he wanted to rub her head.

But then, he suppressed the urge and sat on the only chair in the room with a smile.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Schmidt and the researchers outside the window couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief.

"How did you sleep this time?"

Li Yun asked with a smile.

The little blond girl sat on the edge of the bed, swinging her calves, slightly pursed her lips and said, "Well, I feel a little tired."

Li Yun smiled and said: "That may be because you haven't slept for twenty-nine days, and the magic power in your body is not enough to support activities."


The little blond girl blinked her green eyes, and the magic power in her body began to fluctuate rapidly. It soon dropped to the level of seven days of sleep, and she seemed to become a little sleepy as Li Yun said.

Obviously, this child has 100% trust in Li Yun's words.

Li Yun actually felt a little guilty about this.

However, now is not the time to tell little Sigor the truth.

At least under that guy's nose, you must not do anything outrageous.

Thinking of this, Li Yun could not help but glance at the man standing next to Dr. Schmidt outside the window.

His name is Madden, codenamed 'Observer'. When Li Yun came into contact with other anomalies before, this man named Madden was actually among the crowd next to him.

But for some reason, Li Yun would always easily ignore his existence.

Until the last time he had contact with Sigur, when he tried to secretly communicate with Sigor using his spiritual consciousness, this guy named Madden suddenly stopped him.

This shows that Madden can at least detect and even observe his outward spiritual consciousness.

It was after this incident that Li Yun began to pay special attention to this 'observer' with a thin sense of presence.

Then he discovered that this guy seemed to have an aura similar to [Crimson Demon].

In addition, whenever Li Yun does something outrageous, a vague sense of threat can be detected in him.

It is obvious that this man named Madden definitely possesses an extremely powerful abnormal ability, and is very likely to be the real supervisor hidden behind the Purple Fire Team.

Thinking of this, Li Yun stopped looking at Madden out of the corner of his eye, and instead smiled and continued chatting with little Xi Geer for a while.

After a while, the little blond girl rubbed her eyes and seemed to have become extremely sleepy.

Li Yun stood up with a smile, picked up the little blond girl under the nervous and astonished eyes of Dr. Schmidt and others, then placed her on the bed, covered her with a quilt and tucked the corner of the quilt.

Little Sigor's eyes widened and she watched Li Yun's every move intently. A strange emotion seemed to arise in her heart.

Before this emotion really brewed, Li Yun smiled and put his hand on her head, caressing the soft blond hair, and said with a smile: "Go to sleep, I will come again after you wake up." of."

The gentle words interrupted the little blond girl's thoughts.


She blinked her green eyes, nodded heavily, and then closed her eyes obediently with a happy smile.

Soon, the little blond girl fell into a deep sleep, her mental state gradually returned to stability, and the surrounding reality distortion index finally stabilized.

Seeing the index fluctuations on the screen in front of him, Dr. Schmidt breathed a sigh of relief.

Many base personnel who were watching also relaxed from their tense state.


The alloy door opened, and Li Yun walked out with a smile.

Dr. Schmidt stepped forward and complained: "I told you not to do unnecessary things, why don't you listen?"

Li Yun glanced at him and said, "Isn't this good? Or do you have a better way to make little Sigor fall asleep as soon as possible?"

"You know that's not what I'm talking about." Dr. Schmidt frowned and said, "Not to mention your dangerous move of touching 2-239, your last words alone have to make me feel sad. Suspect……"

At this point, Dr. Schmidt sighed: "Li, we are old friends. If you have anything to say, just say it. The last sentence you said made us have to wake up next time on 2-239. Arrange for you to meet again."

"Li, I really want to know why you want to meet 2-239 so much?"

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