Unlike Lin Zhongtian's clones with independent personalities, the consciousness of Li Yun's clone is more like a differentiated spiritual thought.

He and the original soul are indistinguishable from each other, and there is no second consciousness. It is the kind of traditional avatar that is purely dominated by the original person.

After communicating information with Li Yun's clone, Lin Zhongtian handed the little Sigor holding his hand to Li Yun, and then looked up at Lu Ying and Dr. Schmidt who were wrapped in energy shields above.

With just one glance, Lu Ying and Dr. Schmidt felt an indescribable feeling of palpitations.

It seemed that he had seen the most extreme horror in the universe, and his whole body began to tremble unconsciously from the depths of his soul.

Especially Dr. Schmidt, he felt that he had been seen through by that mysterious black-haired young man from top to bottom, from body to soul. Even the soul sealing effect that the company was proud of could not escape him. shape.

...what is he? !

Dr. Schmidt looked at Lin Zhongtian in shock and horror.

Lin Zhongtian frowned and raised his hand, and the two people wrapped in the energy shield immediately flew over.

"Are they from Category 9 Affairs Company?"

"...That's right."

Li Yun hugged little Xi Geer and nodded, and then calmly told all his experiences during this period.

During this period, Lu Ying and Dr. Schmidt were frightened by what they heard, fearing that the terrifying black-haired young man would be dissatisfied with the company, which would lead to the destruction of the entire ninth category affairs company.

But fortunately, Lin Zhongtian didn't seem to be angry with them.

After listening, he just nodded and then skipped the topic lightly.

"The Crimson Demon has been imprisoned in the [Cage of Despair] by me, and I have seen the existence behind him."

"That guy has a very high status and belongs to an existence that transcends the multiverse. The so-called end of all worlds and the end of all things is not an exaggeration by the Crimson Devil."

Having said this, Lin Zhongtian paused, glanced at Li Yun and said, "Have you also seen the crimson abyss across the void?"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of Lu Ying and Dr. Schmidt suddenly changed.

They were all extremely horrified by Lin Zhongtian's behavior of directly naming the 'Crimson Abyss'.

But then, they discovered that the so-called Crimson Abyss did not respond to Lin Zhongtian's behavior...

At the same time, Li Yun next to him didn't seem surprised.

He nodded calmly, indicating that he had indeed seen the crimson abyss.

Seeing this scene, Dr. Schmidt suddenly remembered the first meeting between Li Yun and the Crimson Demon.

At that time, he was puzzled by Li Yun's ability to ignore the side effects of 'spiritual language', and Li Yun's answer was that there was an equally terrifying existence behind him...

Could it be that the terrifying existence behind him is the black-haired young man in front of him?

How can this be? !

According to the past tests of Category 9 Affairs Company, such a terrifying existence should not be able to enter this universe!

... Could it be that the great being in front of me found a way to sneak into this universe?

Thinking of this, Dr. Schmidt couldn't help but look at Lin Zhongtian in shock and fear.

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him, then looked at Li Yundao: "Since you have seen the crimson abyss across the void, you should also have seen the countless light spots in the abyss, right?"

"Each of those red light spots is a universe that has died."


Li Yun's pupils shrank and he looked at Lin Zhongtian in shock.

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "Don't worry, this universe has a blocking effect that can be called the highest. No great being who has transcended the multiverse can enter it."

"The most they can do is penetrate their will into the universe and form all kinds of weird containment objects..."

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, Li Yun, Dr. Schmidt and others were all shocked.

Dr. Schmidt couldn't help but said: "You mean, the birth of the containment object is the work of those alien gods?"

Lin Zhongtian glanced at him in surprise: "Outer God?"

"Is this what you call them?"

"It's quite accurate."

"However, to attribute all the contained items to the handiwork of the outer gods would be to look down upon them!"

"Indeed, humanoid anomalies like the Crimson Demon are indeed fueled by external gods, but this is limited to the Crimson Demon's mind and belief in the Crimson Abyss."

"His 'Knowledge Sacrifice' ability has nothing to do with the Crimson Abyss."

Dr. Schmidt couldn't help but ask: "What do you mean?"

Lin Zhongtian said calmly: "It means that after the power of the outer gods penetrates into the universe, it has nothing to do with them. The real culprit that led to the birth of the contained objects is actually the supreme rule unique to this universe."

"If I'm not wrong, this supreme rule is the fundamental reason why those outside gods flock to us."

At this point, Lin Zhongtian paused and did not continue to explain.

Dr. Schmidt scratched his head anxiously, wanting Lin Zhongtian to continue talking.

But considering that Lin Zhongtian was probably the incarnation of a great existence, he did not dare to speak out.

Lin Zhongtian turned his head and looked at the body of the Iron Grinding Beast crumbling down like building blocks, and said with a smile: "Old Li, don't you really want to know how this guy broke through the containment?"

"It's very simple. The Crimson Demon gave it a piece of mind-isolating alloy."

"After absorbing the mind-isolating alloy, the Iron-gnawing Beast has the ability to withstand the power of the mind. Even [Fox Jade] can no longer let it fall into a deep sleep..."

Li Yun suddenly realized: "So that's it!"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and stretched out a hand: "The iron-biting beast with the power of spiritual isolation has become an existence that humans cannot control, but to you and me, it is just a bigger beast!"

Before he finished speaking, the body of the iron-gnawing beast below suddenly accelerated in its collapse speed.

Countless body fragments mixed with metal containment chambers exploded in all directions, forming lasing cavities.

At the same time, a silver stream of light shot out from the broken steel body, flew to Lin Zhongtian in the blink of an eye, and turned into a docile little beast lying in his arms.

The body of this little beast is covered with light silver scales. It has a body like a musk deer and a tail like a dragon. It is about thirty centimeters in length and looks about the same size as an ordinary house cat.

What concerned Li Yun the most was the single horn growing on its forehead.

Both the proportions and the shape are very similar to the one horn of the Iron-gnawing Beast.

At this time, this little beast that looked very much like an iron-gnawing beast was lying in Lin Zhongtian's arms, with frightened eyes and trembling, letting Lin Zhongtian stroke the glorious light silver scales on its body.

"This is... 1-017 Iron Grit Beast?"

Li Yun looked at the little beast with some surprise.

Lin Zhongtian smiled and nodded: "It should be said that it is its true body."

"The huge steel body on the outside is just the result of the accumulation of abnormal effects of the Iron-gnawing Beast. Its real body only has this small part, so even if you destroy its entire body, you cannot eliminate it."

As he spoke, Lin Zhongtian raised the chin of the light silver beast, looked into its big frightened eyes, and said with a smile: "This little guy's body scales also have all the effects of the external body. It is no longer controllable by you." exists.”

"So, I took it away without hesitation!"

Having said this, Lin Zhongtian glanced at Dr. Schmidt next to him.

Dr. Schmidt was shocked, but he did not dare to object.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Where are the other contained objects in Base 3?"

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said: "Take them away together!"

Although the effects of most of the contained objects can only take effect in this world, the power of the supreme rules contained in them is of great reference significance to Lin Zhongtian.

If the fundamental reason for the formation of the containment object can be revealed, then with his status as the Lord of the Void Gap, he might be able to inscribe various special rules that resemble the containment object in the void gap.

At the same time, he might be able to set up great rules in his own world like Hong Meng, so that members of the alliance can understand the power of strange rules similar to contained objects through practice...

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian immediately stretched out his right hand and pointed it at the wreckage of Base No. 3 below.

In the blink of an eye, the entire Pacific Ocean surged with turbulent waves, and billions of tons of seawater rushed straight into the sky like a tornado. In an instant, a super giant vortex with a diameter of more than thirty kilometers was formed, revealing the No. 3 base located deep under the sea.

Outside the sea area with a radius of thirty kilometers, the containment personnel who had just arrived for support suddenly stopped.

Either staying in the various planes, helicopters, or fighter jets directly owned by the company, or standing on the deck of an emergency battleship, staring blankly at the huge waves in front of them like a chasm in the sky.

"What...what's going on?!"

"Isn't there a 'weak water' effect in the sea area where Base 3 is located?"

"Why can this seawater break through the sea level and even fly into the sky?"

In the shocked and puzzled eyes of all the containment personnel, a figure slowly rose from the super giant whirlpool with a diameter of thirty kilometers.

His figure is naturally extremely small compared to the entire sea area, but everyone just can't ignore his existence, as if the other person's existence has completely occupied their spiritual world.

"...Bai Ze, can you project the picture you see?"

On the deck of a battleship in the sea, a man in military uniform shouted anxiously to the young man next to him.

The young man was wearing a white combat uniform, with flowing black hair, and an ordinary face, but his dark eyes showed a dark back and countless bright star points like a starry sky.

This person is the captain of the elite containment team "Bai Ze" and possesses a powerful abnormal effect called "God's Perspective".

His pair of star eyes cannot see things like ordinary people, but like God's perspective, he can overlook everything in the universe at will through various functions such as zooming and panning.

This ability is extremely powerful, but at the same time, it also makes him often fall into a state of 'lost vision'.

Therefore, under normal circumstances, Bai Ze will firmly lock the center of his vision on his own body, and use his own body coordinates as the starting point to survey the overall situation around him.

At this time, after hearing the words of the man in military uniform, Bai Ze came back from the shock and quickly projected the scene he saw.

In an instant, a picture scroll slowly unfolded in front of everyone on the battleship.

The background of the scroll is a giant whirlpool with a radius of thirty kilometers, as well as huge waves that connect the sky and the earth.

And in the center of all this, a black-haired young man wearing a green shirt, with handsome appearance and indifferent expression, rose slowly like a god, with a terrifying power of great will rippling all over his body.

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