Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 795 The collective arrival

Seeing this scene, everyone on the battleship couldn't help but look shocked.

Suddenly, the black-haired young man in the scroll turned his head, his dark eyes staring straight in the direction outside the scroll.

The next moment, Bai Ze, whose vision was projected, screamed, and two lines of blood and tears flowed from his eyes. He fell to the deck with a plop, covering his eyes and rolling back and forth in pain.

As for the vision picture he projected, it had naturally been forcibly closed when he screamed.

Seeing Bai Ze writhing in pain, everyone around him was shocked and quickly stepped forward to check.

"Bai Ze, are you okay?"

"'s okay..."

Bai Ze recovered from the initial sting. With the help of the people around him, he stood up through gritted teeth and whispered, "Don't be nervous. He just gave me a warning, and it did not contain murderous intent."

The man in military uniform couldn't help but ask: "Who is he? Are the human beings housed in Base 3 abnormal?"

Bai Ze gritted his teeth and said: "I don't know, but I am certain that He is definitely not an existence that the company can contain!"

At the same time, on the exposed deep seabed, Dr. Schmidt and Lu Ying were suspended in a golden-red energy shield, raising their heads and looking at Lin Zhongtian above them with shock on their faces.

From their perspective, they could see waves on both sides of their heads, one after another.

Countless abnormal containment objects that previously belonged to Base 3 were wrapped in silver translucent barriers, floating up from the wreckage of the base beneath their feet, and flying towards the incomparably majestic figure in the sky.

At the same time, all contained objects wrapped in silver barriers are tightly imprisoned by some kind of force.

Even the dangerous anomalies that trouble Base No. 3 the most are unable to break through their confinement at this moment.

On the way to control the abnormal contained objects to fly, Lin Zhongtian's spiritual thoughts were divided into thousands. As the Lord of the Void Gap, he constantly sensed the abnormal effects engraved in the source of their information from the contained objects.

By the time the imprisoned abnormal container flew in front of him, he had completely mastered all its characteristics.

Later, based on the characteristic information he learned, Lin Zhongtian created corresponding containment measures with a wave of his hand and completely contained him.

In just three minutes, a large-scale containment failure that shocked the world was easily resolved by Lin Zhongtian.

At this moment, a black light shot out from the wreckage of the base on the seabed below, seemingly planning to take advantage of this opportunity to escape.

But how could Lin Zhongtian give him this opportunity.

He turned his eyes, looked at the black stream of light and sneered.

"Want to run?!"

Before he finished speaking, Lin Zhongtian waved his hand, and the terrifying power of space suddenly spread over him.

In just an instant, the black stream of light burst into silver cracks in all directions. Each silver crack contained Lin Zhongtian's aura, completely blocking every direction in which it could escape.

The next moment, Lin Zhongtian raised his hand and grabbed it.

That long, slender white hand seemed to have penetrated layers of void and accurately grasped the body of the black flowing light.

After grabbing it directly from below, Lin Zhongtian looked up and found that the black stream of light was a dark statue, shaped like a broken ring, dotted with many broken star belts around it.

Through this statue, Lin Zhongtian seemed to be able to detect another great existence that was no less than the Crimson Abyss.

He thought for a moment, raised his hand to move Li Yun and others from the bottom of the sea, and then raised the statue in his hand towards Dr. Schmidt.

"What's this?"

Dr. Schmidt came back from the trance of space changes, took a closer look, and couldn't help but clenched his fists with anger on his face.

"It is indeed the Broken Palace!"

"...The Broken Palace?"

Li Yun looked at Dr. Schmidt with doubts.

Dr. Schmidt calmed down and explained: "The Broken Temple is an abnormal organization that controls the contained objects. It is also one of the enemies of our ninth category affairs company. They believe in a great extraterrestrial being named Broken... "

At this point, Dr. Schmidt reacted and quickly stopped talking.

Lin Zhongtian said calmly: "It doesn't matter, as long as I'm here, you can call each other by his honorable name."


Dr. Schmidt gritted his teeth and said bluntly: "Broken Ring!"

In an instant, the picture in front of everyone changed. It seemed that through the endless world, they could see a broken star ring suspended in the dark void, rising and falling in a ring shape...

The next second, bright silver light burst out, dispelling the illusion in front of everyone.

Lin Zhongtian said thoughtfully: "So, is it something similar to the Crimson Abyss?"

Dr. Schmidt suppressed the shock in his heart and nodded: "This being is different from the one behind the Crimson Demon. His power and mind are biased toward madness and disorder. The Broken Temple where his followers live is called the most powerful one on earth. Extreme terrorists."

"The past two world wars, the Cold War nuclear bomb crisis, the global virus crisis..."

"These major events that will destroy the earth if left unchecked are almost always the work of these madmen."

Having said this, Dr. Schmidt paused, looked at the statue in Lin Zhongtian's hand and gritted his teeth and said: "I had some guesses before, and now that I see this thing, I am almost certain that the containment of Base 3 failed this time. It’s definitely the work of the Broken Palace!”


Lin Zhongtian frowned and glanced at the long purple knife in Lu Ying's hand seemingly casually.

If he read correctly, this long purple sword also contained a great aura that was no less than that of the Broken Ring. It seemed to be the third great existence besides the Crimson Abyss and the Broken Ring.

...I have a headache!

In just a short time since I arrived, I have already discovered at least three great beings.

The number of alien gods coveting this universe seemed to be more than he expected.

Lin Zhongtian thought for a moment and took out the manuscript numbered [1-189] from the storage space.

He still has to go to the endless void to find Li Yun's soul, and has no time to tangle with these annoying alien gods on earth.

So... let's shake people!

In an instant, the manuscript turned automatically without any wind, and bright silver light burst out from the flipping paper.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun showed a smile on his face, stretched out his hands to hold little Xi Geer in his arms, touched her head and whispered: "I will introduce you to some brothers and sisters later. When I leave this world, Let them take care of you for me!"


Little Sigor was a little reluctant to give up, but still nodded heavily.

The next second, in Dr. Schmidt's shocked eyes, a huge silver light curtain appeared in the sky behind Lin Zhongtian.

Powerful figures emerged from the silver light curtain, each exuding an extremely terrifying aura and power. It seemed that just appearing there would make the whole world tremble.


With a loud noise like a burst of flames, a stream of fiery red light shot out from among the many figures, appearing in front of Li Yun and Xiao Xigor in the blink of an eye, looking at him with furrowed brows.

Dr. Schmidt subconsciously turned around and saw that the man was wearing a golden-red dress, with long silver-white hair hanging down to his hips. His whole body exuded a divine and holy aura, which made people look at him. Heartfelt worship.

At this moment, on that beautiful face, a pair of amethyst-like eyes were staring closely at Li Yun's slightly wry smile.

After a moment of silence, she asked: "Where is your soul?"

Li Yun sighed and began to tell Daenerys about his experience after losing contact.

At the same time, many other figures also landed one after another, surrounding Li Yun, Daenerys and Lin Zhongtian, quietly listening to him talk about his experiences after losing contact.

After hearing that he had been taken into custody by Category 9, Daenerys couldn't help but huff.

Golden-red flames that were enough to burn through the space appeared out of thin air, slapping towards Lu Ying and Dr. Schmidt beside them.

Both of them were shocked. Just when they thought they were about to be burned to ashes, the golden-red flame suddenly disappeared silently.

Daenerys was slightly startled, and then looked at Lin Zhongtian with some confusion.

Lin Zhongtian raised his hand and patted her shoulder, turned to look at Dr. Schmidt, and said calmly: "Go back and tell your company's board of directors that you have worked hard on the front line to fight against the crazy feats over the years."

"From now on, I will contain the anomalies on your behalf and fight against the evil gods outside the sky."

"Don't think of this as a gift from God. We are not gods, we are just earthlings from another universe!"

"If you guys have trouble understanding, you can think of us as another more powerful containment organization, but our goal is not just this earth, but the entire multiverse with containment objects!"

Having said this, Lin Zhongtian waved his hand and said calmly: "Go and tell them my exact words. If possible, persuade those stubborn senior officials for me, hoping that they can make the right decision..."


Dr. Schmidt spoke quickly.

But before he could finish speaking, the world in front of him and Lu Ying changed drastically.

Many containment personnel, including Bai Ze, stood on the deck, looking at them in astonishment.

After a brief silence, everyone gathered around. The man in military uniform at the head couldn't help but said: "Dr. Schmidt?!"

"Are you OK?"

"How is the situation at Base Three?"


Dr. Schmidt came back to his senses, smiled bitterly, and sighed: "The situation may be more complicated than you think..."

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