Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 796 Confronting the Foreign Gods

"So, boss, have you decided yet?"


Lin Zhongtian nodded, raised his hand to hold up the manuscript that exuded silver light, and said softly: "The world in the book derived from 1-189 has been completely controlled by me, but that world relies on the carrier of the manuscript. As long as the manuscript is destroyed , the world in the book will be destroyed.”

"So, I need you to choose someone to keep this manuscript after I leave..."

After hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, the alliance members looked at each other.

Fourth on the Heavenly List, Fang Yuan, the ‘Unparalleled Ancestor’ from the world of beast control, stepped forward with a calm expression and said: “I’ll do it!”

Next to him, Yamu, the Saiyan ranked third on the Heavenly Ranking, nodded and agreed: "Leaving aside fighting, Brother Fang's various methods are far better than mine, so it is naturally best for him to keep this manuscript."

Many alliance members expressed their agreement.

Lin Zhongtian immediately handed the manuscript to Fang Yuan and asked him to keep it.

At this time, Li Yun had already told everyone everything he knew.

He also introduced the existence of little Sigor to all his companions in the alliance.

After knowing the identity of this child's reality distorter and his contribution to contacting Lin Zhongtian, everyone became friendly and close to this poor little girl.

Daenerys held little Sigor's hand and said coldly: "I will draw people from the Flame God Cult and the Dragon God Cult to take over all the containment bases of the Ninth Category Affairs Company. If they dare to resist, I will I will take action against them, this should be no problem, right?”

Obviously, she doesn't have a good impression of Category 9 Affairs Company in this world.

Lin Zhongtian shook his head: "Kunlun Group is the best at dealing with this kind of thing."

Daenerys retreated and said: "Then leave Europe and the United States to me, and Asia to the Kunlun Group."

Lin Zhongtian thought for a while, nodded in agreement, then looked around the crowd and said, "Where are the others?"

Fang Yuan shook his head and said: "This world is too dangerous. Too many people are too complex, which is not a good thing. Let Daenerys and Zuo Yu send people over to establish a subsidiary containment organization. I will stay and guard the earth and the world." manuscript."

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said: "Okay, I will leave all the specific matters to you."

"With you here, guarding the earth shouldn't be a problem, but we still can't be careless. If you can use a clone, use a clone. It's best not to face those anomalies directly, so as not to capsize in the gutter and be tricked by some abnormal anomaly effect that defies the heavens."

Fang Yuan smiled and said: "Don't worry, Brother Chen will help with this matter."

As soon as he heard Chen Feng's name, Lin Zhongtian felt relieved immediately.

This guy's cautious character is best suited for dealing with this kind of contained object. With him in charge, he can at least ensure that there will be a backup plan for the operation, as well as a backup plan for the backup plan, etc...

He turned to look at Chen Feng, and when he saw Chen Feng nodded, he turned his attention to Li Yun's clone.

Li Yun understood what Lin Zhongtian meant, and immediately reached out and rubbed little Sigor's head, telling him to listen carefully to his brother and sister, and then flew to Lin Zhongtian's side.

Lin Zhongtian looked at the reluctant Xi Geer and said softly: "This child's ability is also an abnormal effect. If she is willing, she can be brought back to the alliance. As long as she leaves this world, most of her abilities will disappear. , she can also have a normal childhood as she wishes."

Daenerys nodded: "I will."

After explaining the last things, Lin Zhongtian grabbed Li Yun's shoulders, and with a thought, led him to break through the space and enter the void.

In an instant, the surrounding space underwent earth-shaking changes.

Looking at the endless darkness around him, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but frown tightly.

He has discovered that this place is indeed void, but it is not the endless void he knows.

Its root properties are somewhat similar to those of Endless Void, but its level and level are several levels lower than those of Endless Void.

Lin Zhongtian's vast will spread like a sea of ​​stars, and with a little awareness, he knew the true details of this void——

The creator god of this world, after creating countless multiverses, seemed to have created an extremely vast dark void outside the multiverse by imitating the endless void.

To give a simple analogy, it is a place similar to the Hongmeng Space in "Canglong".

This place is beyond the multiverse and is an unknowable place where ordinary life cannot come.

At the same time, if Lin Zhongtian guessed correctly, those so-called foreign gods should also exist in this place!

Sure enough, just when Lin Zhongtian thought of this, some dark and deep things began to slowly squirm in the void in the distance.

Along with the squirming of those dark and profound things, a series of heavy murmurs with the meaning of trembling and buzzing were faintly heard.

Although the surroundings were still dark and unable to see, Lin Zhongtian could feel the extremely high power.

That power is crazy, weird, and indescribable. It seems to be able to ignore the dimensions of time and space and penetrate directly into it from the spiritual level.

Lin Zhongtian frowned, and his will covered Li Yun, protecting him. Then he looked directly at the creeping darkness, and without hesitation, he condensed a Zhanzhan silver knife across the void at the level of his will, and thrust the opponent towards him with one blow. The dark tentacles were cut into two pieces.

The invisible thing slowly squirming in the void paused for a moment, and then began to dance wildly like an incompetent rage. Countless mountain-like tentacles twitched crazily in the void, pulling out streaks of void lightning that could tear the world apart.

"...What the hell?"

Lin Zhongtian frowned, realizing that this guy seemed to be an incommunicable being.

His power is far weirder and crazier than that of the so-called Broken Ring. At least the latter can spread dependents on the earth, but this guy can't even understand the concept of dependents.

Lin Zhongtian was too lazy to contend with this guy. He immediately waved his hand and tore the void apart again, preparing to leave.

At this moment, a crimson abyss spanning all realms appeared in the dark void, with a bright broken star ring next to it.

In addition to these two great beings who have already met, there are many equally terrifying great beings that have emerged at the same time, including the purple flesh-blood combination that devours the world, and the sacred six-pointed star that blooms with dazzling white light...

Many terrifying beings gathered here, and great wills that could explode the universe collided with each other.

The aftermath of the collision of wills alone can easily tear apart the void and instantly destroy many individual universes spread throughout the void.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun was extremely shocked. For the first time, he felt that the power he was proud of was so small.

Lin Zhongtian frowned and led Li Yun suspended in the dark void, looking around at the many behemoths with a cold expression.

"What, you want to fight?"

The vast ocean of will surged out and collided unceremoniously with many great wills.

Under the influence of the rules of the world, the surging power of will manifested into a boundless sea of ​​gray mist, in which dots of silver light floated, seemingly all-encompassing and carrying the light representing all the heavens and worlds.

In just an instant, the will of many great beings was shunned by Lin Zhongtian.

Their status is half a level lower than Lin Zhongtian, so the quality of the ocean of will cannot compete with him.

During this brief confrontation, Lin Zhongtian not only withstood the temptations of many foreign gods on his own, but also absorbed a lot of information and knowledge about the world from them in the collision of wills.

Among them were the honorable names of these great beings, as well as the guy who had ill intentions towards him in the first place.

That guy's honorable name is the Lord of Disorder, and his true form is a river of eternal darkness flowing in the void.

He is the craziest and most disordered existence in the entire void. Except for equally crazy guys like Broken Ring, even the Crimson Abyss will actively avoid him, unwilling to provoke this immortal madman.

In addition, most of the foreign gods who appeared in front of Lin Zhongtian were from the chaotic neutral camp similar to the Crimson Abyss.

But there are also some great beings who prefer order, such as the sacred six-pointed star that actively sent him a large amount of information and expressed its intention to trade during the collision of wills just now.

Thanks to him, Lin Zhongtian finally knew the truth about this world.

In the beginning, a supreme being was born in the chaotic sea of ​​ether.

He is the source of all existence in this world and the source of all tangible and intangible things.

Like the creation myths of all worlds, this transcendent supreme being also began to create everything for some unknown reason.

The first ones created by Him were the incomparably powerful and great existences such as the Crimson Abyss, the Broken Ring, and the Sacred Hexagram.

According to Cthulhu's world view, he can be called an outer god.

But soon, this supreme being stopped creating alien gods and began to focus on smaller things.

For example, the universe, the planet, and the tiny life forms that live on the planet, such as humans.

Among all the tiny beings, the Supreme Creator God seems to love human beings especially.

He gave these tiny beings the possibility of transcending everything, and even used his own body to create a unique universe, and placed all human beings in this universe to survive.

This is the true origin of the ‘earth universe’.

It is also the fundamental reason why many outside gods are flocking to this universe.

As the last legacy left by God the Father, the earth's universe contains an incomparable and supreme power of rules.

In the description of the sacred hexagram, it is a powerful force that transcends everything and controls everything. As long as you master that thing, the entire world and even the endless void can arise and die in a single thought.

Even an alien god as powerful as Crimson Abyss can destroy and create at will.

Because of this, all the outer gods in the void have set their sights on the earth and the universe.

They all want to inherit the legacy of God the Father and become the next supreme being.

But unfortunately, the power of the supreme rules of the earth's universe is too powerful, and the outer gods cannot enter it. They can only penetrate their own will and power from outside the universe.

After these wills and powers enter the earth's universe, they will merge with the power of the supreme rules to form strange anomalies.

But these anomalies are beyond their control, and some can even harm them in turn.

As a result, the returned alien gods began to find another way, and turned to humans, intelligent creatures, to start a game for inheritance on that tiny earth...

After learning all this, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but frowned tightly.

He finally knew the reason why these great beings surrounded him!

Just like the transaction conditions proposed by the Holy Hexagram, all great beings want to get a secret from him——

That is, how can a being like him enter the earth's universe!

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