As the top powers in the post-descendant era, Nangong Zheng and the Peacock King both know how powerful the real stars are.

Once it really falls, not to mention the two of them on the second level of Sendai, the entire Eastern Wasteland and Southern Territory will be shaken.

Without hesitation, the human race's powerful Nangong Zheng and the demon race's Peacock King turned into a stream of light one after another. They didn't care about their big shot's face, and each of them fled madly in one direction.


Ji Ziyue couldn't help but be stunned as she looked at the escaping figures of the two big men.

After coming back to her senses, she swallowed and looked at 'Ye Fan' with complicated eyes.

Those are Nangong Zheng and Peacock King!

Even the Ji family, only the Holy Master of the Ji family can compete with such a person.

But in front of Ye Fan or Li Yun right now, even such a figure could only run away in embarrassment.

Looking at the two escaping streams of light, Li Yun's expression remained unchanged. With a wave of his hand, the thunder was extinguished and the dark clouds dispersed.

"Tch, he ran away now..."

In the sea of ​​consciousness, Ye Fan mocked disdainfully, and then looked at Li Yun Shen Nian in the golden lake with a smile on his face.

"Big brother is mighty, little brother admires you!"

"Stop flattering, let's see your suffering first!"

Hearing Li Yun's slightly weird words, Ye Fan was slightly startled, and soon realized that Li Yun's spiritual mind left on his own initiative, giving up control of the sea of ​​consciousness.

Ye Fan felt something was wrong and quickly palmed his body again.

The moment he regained control of his body, severe pain hit him from every part of his body.

Ye Fan's eyes widened, he endured the pain and looked at his own sea of ​​suffering.

I saw that the originally golden sea of ​​suffering had dried up, and the life spring at the bottom of the sea of ​​suffering seemed to have been closed, shrinking from the gurgling square fountain to the size of a faucet.

Even the sacred bridge erected over the Sea of ​​Bitterness had tiny cracks.

" miserable?"

Ye Fan was stunned and couldn't help but smile bitterly: "Brother Li, didn't you agree to take it easy?"

"'s really my fault. I didn't expect your body to be so fragile..."

Li Yun replied with some guilt.

He did tell the truth, but only half of it at best.

Because he has complete control over Ye Fan's physical condition.

But he never expected that the cost of moving from star to star would be much greater than he imagined.

When I used the power of my soul to experiment with Tiangang supernatural powers in the underground lake, I didn't notice anything unusual about this world.

But now, when he uses the divine power of the ancient holy body to release [Shifting Stars and Changing Fights], the whole world is reverberating violently, amplifying the power of the original soul power version of Tiangang Divine Power by more than a thousand times.

There is no doubt that this is the difference between Li Yun's soul power and the divine power of the ancient holy body.

After all, the former is a foreign object and cannot enjoy local preferential policies.

The latter are the locals and are more able to accept the rules of this world.

Realizing this, Li Yun became clearer about his positioning of strength in this world.

His True Immortal level strength, in the post-apocalyptic world of the Absolute Spirits and Forbidden Demons, can only reach the level of exploding the galaxy at most.

But in a world like Zhetian where the power of heaven and earth is active, his power will also be augmented by the power of heaven and earth. The previously estimated level of saint king is definitely not the end, at least it is the level of a great sage or even a quasi-emperor.

Of course, the premise of all this is that his body can be recognized by the rules of heaven and earth.

But now, he is neither recognized by the rules of heaven and earth, nor does he have a physical body...

Thinking of this, Li Yun couldn't help but turn his mind to the great saint bodies that appeared in the plot.

At the same time, Ye Fan has accepted the reality.

After all, things are already like this, what else can be done?

I can only find a way to mend the sea of ​​suffering and then recuperate!

While comforting himself in his heart, he took out the jade purification bottle and drank tons of the divine spring obtained from the ancient forbidden land.

Ji Ziyue next to her also recovered from the state of standing at attention, and trotted all the way to Ye Fan's side.

"Senior, how are you?"


Ye Fan glanced at her and sighed: "Senior is very hurt now, please don't talk to me, senior."

Ji Ziyue was startled for a moment, then her eyes widened and she looked at him angrily: "Okay, it turns out it's you, where's the senior?"

Ye Fan sighed and said: "I hate that my sea of ​​suffering has dried up, so I ran into the sea of ​​consciousness..."

Ji Ziyue blinked her eyes, hesitated for a moment, and finally asked.

"Maohai, Senior Li...who are you?"

"Who knows?" Ye Fan replied casually while closing his eyes to nourish the sea of ​​suffering, "I only know that Brother Li was definitely a peerless strongman who dominated the world during his lifetime. Even a figure of the level of the Holy Lord, he was completely incompetent. Take it seriously."

Before he finished speaking, Li Yun's angry voice sounded in his mind.

"You were just alive, I'm not dead yet, it's just that my soul has left the body and lost contact with the body!"

"Is this the point?" Ye Fan complained, "Shouldn't the point be the peerless strong man?"

"Brother, I'm praising you!"

Ji Ziyue didn't know about the spiritual communication between the two. She shook her head and said: "Being able to use the cultivation level of the Wheel Sea Realm to exert a power that even the Peacock King and Nangong Zheng are afraid of is no longer just using force. 'This word can describe it."

"He must have mastered shocking secrets and magical powers. He can even transcend the Nine Forbidden Rules and reach..."

Having said this, Ji Ziyue paused, seeming a little hesitant to reveal this information.

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows and thoughtfully did not ask further questions. Instead, he asked Li Yun in his mind.

"What does the Nine Bans mean?"

Li Yun explained: "Taboo refers to the ability to fight across realms. For example, if you are a monk of the Divine Bridge in the Wheel Sea Realm, and the monks who were killed by you before are in the Dao Palace Realm, and the Dao Palace has five small realms, then There is a difference of two to six small realms between them and you."

"Being able to fight across two small realms is called two forbidden realms, and crossing six is ​​called six forbidden realms."

"The eight taboos are qualitative changes, and the nine taboos are the limit. They are also called divine taboos. They mean that monks can cross up to nine small realms and cross levels to fight against the enemy."

Ye Fan nodded thoughtfully, while mentally calculating the gap between himself and the Peacock King and Nangong Zheng.

Suddenly, he took a breath of cold air and couldn't help but said: "Brother Li, you used my body to fight against the second level of Xiantai. Isn't this crossing more than a dozen small realms?"

"Does the Nine Bans no longer exist?"

"Or, what is the specialness of the ancient holy body that can surpass the nine taboos and reach the ten or even twenty taboos?"

The more Ye Fan talked, the more excited he became, and it seemed that he had already imagined how he would beat the Holy Lord by leaping up the ranks.

"What a beautiful thought!"

Li Yun ruthlessly shattered his dream and told the cold reality: "Forbidden things only depend on the realm. I am an immortal from outside the realm. Firstly, I am not a person in this realm and am not affected by the world. Secondly, the realm is comparable to Immortal Immortal, even if he only has a soul now, his realm is higher than theirs, so how could he be bound by the so-called nine prohibitions."

"...So that's it."

Ye Fan sighed, seeming a little disappointed.

Afterwards, he chatted with Ji Ziyue for a few more words, speculated on Li Yun's origins, and then began to concentrate on treating the injury.

At the same time, because Li Yun had removed the magical power of moving stars and changing fights, Ji Ziyue was worried that Nangong Zheng and Peacock King would sneak back to observe the situation, so she took Ye Fan away from here.

During the transfer, Li Yun looked at Ye Fan's ancient holy body and suddenly said: "Ye Fan."


"Did you see the magical power I just used?"

"Saw it!"

Ye Fan instantly became energetic, and the incarnation of his spiritual consciousness looked at Li Yun with bright eyes.

Li Yun chuckled and said, "Have you ever heard of the Thirty-six Transformations of Tiangang?"

Ye Fan's eyes lit up: "Of course I've heard of it, Zhu Bajie!"

The smile on Li Yun's face froze, and he said angrily: "I am talking about the real Taoist Tiangang Thirty-Six Divine Powers. It is by no means as simple as the thirty-six transformations. Just like the magical powers I defeated Nangong Zheng and the Peacock King just now. , is one of the Thirty-six Transformations of Tiangang, moving stars and changing battles!"


Ye Fan nodded repeatedly and looked at Li Yun expectantly.

He was not interested in the names of the Thirty-Six Divine Powers of Tiangang, he just wanted to know if Li Yun wanted to teach him.

Sure enough, Li Yun chuckled and said: "I also have a magical power in my hand, which is very suitable for your ancient holy body. Do you want to learn it?"

"Brother teach me!"

Ye Fan answered without hesitation.

Li Yun was not surprised and started explaining directly.

"Listen up, this magical power is called [Nine Breaths Conquering Qi]. It is a method used by ancient monks to practice qi. It can breathe in and out the nine breaths, and convert the vitality of heaven and earth into magic power. It is most suitable for meditation, breath regulation, and retreat practice. .”

"If you can learn [Nine Breath Conquering Qi], not only can you recover from your injuries faster, but you can also reduce a lot of pressure on your cultivation resources."

"The ancient holy body's cultivation in the Dao Palace realm is extremely difficult. Every time you cross a small realm, the resources required will increase tenfold."

"But with [Nine-breath Convince Qi], you can use the power of heaven and earth for your own use. Rubbing spiritual stones with one hand and squeezing the source with one hand is no longer a dream!"

Although it is not a supreme magical power such as [Mediating Creation] or [Reversing Yin and Yang], the effect of [Nine Breaths Convincing Qi] still makes Ye Fan feel extremely excited at the moment.

The reason why the ancient holy body is called the waste body is because there are too many resources for early cultivation.

With the same resources, those big forces can cultivate more monks with higher realms, and their combat power exceeds that of the Holy Body.

Under such circumstances, the Holy Lands were naturally unwilling to invest in the Ancient Holy Body.

But it's different now. Once you master [Nine Breaths Convince Qi], resource consumption will no longer be a problem.

Thinking of this, Ye Fan felt excited, and even the pain in various parts of his body suddenly became relieved.

After that, Ji Ziyue flew him tens of thousands of kilometers away and found a beautiful place to stay in the mountains thousands of miles away.

After placing Ye Fan in the cave behind the waterfall, Ji Ziyue flew out of the waterfall and prepared to look for a nearby big city to buy some healing elixirs.

At this moment, Li Yun's spiritual thoughts floated out from Ye Fan's sea of ​​consciousness and began to teach him the magical power of [Nine Breaths Convincing Qi].

Gradually, the power of heaven and earth in the cave began to fluctuate and turned into a whirlpool, constantly rushing towards Ye Fan in the center.

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