Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 808 What era is it now?

Seven days later, in the lake in front of the waterfall, Ye Fan sat cross-legged on the bluestone in the middle of the lake, constantly using the [Nine Breaths Convincing Qi] magical power.

Under the influence of magical powers, the entire lake began to stir, and the power of heaven and earth within a ten-mile radius gathered from all directions, forming streams of translucent material like water around him.

It is the crystallization of the aura of this world - the source.

The stream of streams lingered around Ye Fan's body, and most of them poured into the sea of ​​suffering in Ye Fan's Dantian. A small part was divided into thousands of parts, pouring in from the Zhoutian Acupoint on Ye Fan's body, constantly reshaping him.

On the shore of the lake, a girl in a purple skirt stood there, her beautiful hands behind her back, and her beautiful eyes staring at the boy unblinkingly.

Although this was not the first time she had seen such a scene, Ji Ziyue could not help but feel amazed every time she saw it.

Being able to use the power of heaven and earth for her own use does not require paying the same price as her Yuanling body. Such magical powers and secrets are indeed the supreme magical powers of ancient times!


Li Yun's voice suddenly came from behind.

Ji Ziyue blinked, turned her head, and asked with a smile: "Of course I'm envious, but what's the use of envy? Senior, you love Mark, but you don't want to teach me."

Li Yun Shen Nian glanced at her, shook his head and said: "You are a member of the Ji family, and you have your own inheritance. What I teach you is to teach the Ji family. Unless you two get married on the same spot, otherwise, don't think about it. What have I learned here?”


Ji Ziyue's pretty face turned red and she muttered, "I can hide it. I won't tell my family."

Li Yun shook his head again and said softly: "The so-called three or three is inexhaustible, and six or six is ​​infinite. Thirty-six represents the meaning of infinity. The Tiangang Dharma is the Tiangang magical power."

"Each of these thirty-six magical powers takes over the creation of heaven and earth. When used, they are so powerful that they cannot be easily hidden."

"It's just like the Nine-breath Convincing Qi. Although it is only a magical power to assist in cultivation, when a monk in the wheel sea realm uses it, it can still make the sound vibrate for ten miles. How can you hide it?"

Ji Ziyue pursed her lips and muttered: "If you don't want to teach, you won't teach. Why are you giving so many reasons..."

Li Yun looked at her and suddenly said: "However, with your physique, it would be a bit of a waste if you don't learn some immortal magic."

Ji Ziyue's eyes lit up and she asked excitedly, "Have you changed your mind?"

Li Yun smiled slightly: "I can't teach you the Thirty-Six Transformations of Tiangang easily, but I still have seventy-two earth evil techniques here, many of which have power that is not inferior to Tiangang's magical power. Are you willing to exchange it with me? ?”

"Of course!"

Ji Ziyue agreed without hesitation at first, then seemed to sense something was wrong, widened her eyes and said, "Wait, exchange?"

Li Yun said lightly: "As I said before, Ye Fan has no sect and he is my fellow countryman. Naturally, I am willing to teach him magical powers. But you are a member of the Ji family and have your own stand. You want to learn from me." You have to exchange things for your ability.”

"I think your Ji family's Void Ancient Scripture is quite good. It should be able to exchange for some earth evil magical powers."

Ji Ziyue held back her mouth and said aggrievedly: "I knew you were still thinking about the Ancient Void Scripture..."

Li Yun said calmly: "Otherwise, you still want to use my magical power for nothing without being able to get in or out?"

Ji Ziyue was discouraged and muttered: "The Ancient Void Scripture is the top secret of my Ji family. I am just a kid. How can I trade with you with this kind of thing... Otherwise, I will take you home, You can show your magical power again and beat up all my elders."

"At that time, let alone the Void Ancient Scripture, even if you want to take away my brother and me, they won't dare to say a word!"

"What a beautiful idea!" Li Yun refused without hesitation.

Ji Ziyue said quickly: "Don't worry, my brother has a divine body and is very talented."

Li Yun was noncommittal and unmoved.

Ji Ziyue curled her lips, turned around, and whispered softly: "Tch, if you are willing to accept it, he may not be willing to worship you yet!"

Looking at the sulky back of the purple-clothed girl, Li Yun felt a little hesitant.

Now Ye Fan has proven that the natives of the Zhetian World can also learn the Tiangang magical power, and learn it very quickly, which shows that the Tiangang magical power is extremely suitable for the rules of heaven and earth in this world.

In this way, Ji Ziyue's Yuanling body became the most suitable for practicing Tiangang supernatural powers.

No, just talking about Tiangang's magical power is a bit biased.

To be precise, she should be a genius who practices the traditional immortality techniques in the Chinese mythological universe.

Especially some magical powers related to the power of heaven and earth, such as the [Nine Breath Convince Qi] currently used by Ye Fan.

If Ji Ziyue, who is a Yuanling body, is allowed to use it, the momentum will definitely be much greater than that of Ye Fan.

Just when Li Yun was hesitating to explore Ji Ziyue's physical potential, Ye Fan, who was sitting cross-legged, suddenly opened his eyes.

In an instant, two golden lights shot out from his eyes.

The surface of the Holy Body is overflowing with light and glow, like colorful glass, crystal clear.

The most peculiar thing is that there are two black and yellow qi emerging on his body surface. It seems that he has absorbed a lot of black and yellow qi during this practice and integrated it into his body.

After a while, the light faded away, and Ye Fan's body returned to its original state and returned to its original appearance.

He stood up, walked across the water with great energy, and arrived in front of Li Yun and Ji Ziyue in the blink of an eye.

Ji Ziyue looked him up and down and said in surprise: "Have you broken through to the other side?"

Ye Fan smiled and nodded: "That's right, and he was promoted to the Great Perfection of the Other Shore in one go. He is only one step away from the Dao Palace realm."

Hearing Ye Fan's words, Ji Ziyue couldn't help but be filled with wonder.

What she marveled at was that the effect of [Nine Breaths Convincing Qi] could actually provide Ye Fan with so many resources. In just seven days, the resource black hole of the Ancient Holy Body was able to reach the pinnacle of the next small realm.

If she could also learn the Nine Breaths Convince Qi, her future cultivation speed would be unimaginable!

Thinking of this, Ji Ziyue secretly glanced at Li Yun and made up her mind to learn this magical power from him.

Li Yun smiled and said: "Very good, the most powerful ancient scripture in the Dao Palace realm is the "Western Emperor Sutra". I know where this thing is. When we leave here, we will go to that place to get the Western Emperor Sutra."


Ye Fan agreed without hesitation.

Ji Ziyue next to her quickly asked: "What about me?"

Li Yun glanced at her and said, "You are not Mark's slave. You can go home if you want. If you want to follow Mark, I won't stop you."

Ji Ziyue thought for a while and made a decision: "I will send a message to my family first, and then I will leave with you."

"up to you."

Li Yun didn't care, and immediately turned into a wisp of spiritual thought and returned to Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering.

At this time, Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering had changed its appearance. A green lotus grew in the golden ocean, and the top of the wheel sea was no longer hazy, instead a blue sky appeared.

This is a sign that Ye Fan will create a vision, but it is not a real vision yet.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun began to wonder what he would become after having a body in this world.

After that, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue simply cleaned up, then left here and rushed to the underground river.

The Eastern Wasteland is so vast that the distance between the Northern Territory and the Southern Territory can be called an astronomical unit. Before officially setting off for the Northern Territory, Li Yun planned to pack up his soul and the heart of the Demon Emperor to avoid any accidents in the future. , rescue failed.

On the way, Ji Ziyue used some secret method to send news to the Ji family.

Although this behavior may attract people from the Ji family, Li Yun did not stop him.

His true soul has already mastered many Tiangang Dharma and Earthly Evil Techniques. Even if he only has his soul, he still has the confidence to dominate in today's world.

Not to mention, during this period of time, he used the essence and blood of the Demon Emperor's Heart and the black and yellow energy in the lake to temporarily condense an incarnation.

As long as he possesses it, he can rely on the power in his incarnation to display supreme magical powers that are amplified thousands of times.

It's a pity that this incarnation is not a real flesh and blood body, and there are no major secret realms such as the wheel sea, the Tao palace, and the four poles.

In other words, he can only become the carrier of Li Yun's soul and cannot continue to practice like his real body.

After about half a month, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue finally rushed back to the area where they left the underground river.

Since this place was under the rule of Taixuan Sect, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue behaved extremely low-key, carefully avoiding various cities and villages along the way, and finally arrived here without any danger.

But just as they were about to enter the cave, a shadow suddenly appeared on the horizon.

Ye Fan noticed the movement, immediately frowned, turned his head and looked outside the cave.

I saw a figure burst out from the void, exuding a powerful aura, and landed at the entrance of the cave.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan narrowed his eyes, raised his right hand slightly, and a golden-red light brewed in his palm. It was the most powerful offensive power he had at the moment - the divine light of the sun.

"Wait, that seems to be someone from my family."

"The secret technique she just used is the Great Void Technique that allows her to escape into the void and rush on her way!"

Before Ye Fan took action, Ji Ziyue quickly stopped him and explained quickly.

Hearing Ji Ziyue's words, Ye Fan relaxed his brows, but the divine light of the sun in his palms still did not go away.

Ji Ziyue turned around and saw that the person coming was an old woman with gray hair.

Her eyes were very sharp, and the look she looked at Ye Fan was extremely unkind, but when her eyes shifted to Ji Ziyue, the original sharpness quickly turned into a smile and doting.

"Aunt Ji Hui, why are you here?"

Ji Ziyue seemed to be surprised and greeted her.

Ji Hui showed a kind smile on her face, took Ji Ziyue's delicate hand, and laughed softly: "Aren't you worried about your safety?"

"Tell me about you. You're out of danger, you're not going home, and you've only sent a few letters to your family. What else are you saying, are you going to adventure in the Northern Territory with a certain senior?"

At this point, Ji Hui sighed and said helplessly: "Ziyue, you are the little princess of the Ji family. If you want anything, let me know and someone will give it to you. If you have family resources, why don't you take any risks?" .”

"Do you know how anxious your brother was after reading the letter?"

After speaking, Ji Hui glanced at Ye Fan who was standing in front of her, and ignored Ji Ziyue's reaction, and said lightly: "Ziyue, didn't you say that you wanted to go on an adventure with a senior in the Northern Territory?"

"Where's that senior?"

"Could it be that this young boy from the Wheel Sea Realm in front of me?"

"Ziyue, let me tell you a few times. You are the little princess of the Ji family. Don't get too entangled with some unscrupulous people. I met a young man named Hua Yun at Taixuanmen two days ago. Fei, when I fought against your brother, I only managed to lose by one move."

"Such a young prodigy is the character you should really get to know!"

The white-haired old woman was still chattering, praising Hua Yunfei and belittling Mark.

"Guzu, don't!"

"Ye Fan, he's not——"

Ji Ziyue's head was pounding after hearing this, and she quickly interrupted her, for fear that she would offend Ye Fan and Li Yun.

But Ji Hui seemed determined to take Ji Ziyue away by force.

She restrained Ji Ziyue with a flip of her hand, making her unable to move or speak.

Ji Ziyue's eyes widened and she looked at Ji Hui anxiously.

But Ji Hui ignored it, instead turned her head, looked at Ye Fan and said lightly: "Boy, no matter who you are, if you dare to kidnap our Ziyue, you will have to pay a heavy price. Are you... ready to wake up? "

"What kind of enlightenment do I have to do!"

Ye Fan sighed and couldn't help but complain: "Old woman, let's put aside the facts for now. Can't you just listen to what she has to say before you make a decision?"

"What if... there really is a senior with astonishing cultivation around us?"

"...Huh?" Ji Hui was slightly startled.

The next moment, the world in front of her was spinning. Her whole person was shrinking under the power of heaven and earth, and then she was flown into the darkness behind Ye Fan with a face full of horror.

Li Yun's incarnation walked out of the dark cave behind Ye Fan, shook his sleeves and robe, and said angrily: "What age has it been, how come there is still such a harsh and mean character?"

"Ye Fan, before I come over, can't you give her a slap to wake her up?"

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