Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 809 Seventy-two Earthly Evil Magical Powers

Hearing Li Yun's words, Ye Fan turned around quickly and saw a heroic young man in a green shirt striding out. His eyes were bright and his momentum was overwhelming, like a scorching sun that was hard to ignore.

"Brother, how dare I!"

Ye Fan complained: "This old woman is a dragon-level figure. Even if I have the light of the sun, I'm afraid it will be difficult to hurt her, right?"

"It's you, brother, what kind of magical power is this?"

"Is there a secret in the legendary sleeve?"

Ye Fan looked at Li Yun with wide eyes.

Li Yun smiled, shook his head and said: "It's not the universe in the sleeves, it's one of the seventy-two earth evil techniques, Hu Tian."

The universe in the sleeve is huge, the sun and the moon are long in the pot, and the earth evil magical power [Hu Tian] is a space-like magical power similar to the universe in the sleeve. It can open up a space or a cave, and absorb the mustard seeds.

As a member of the alliance, Li Yun has the highest talent in this type of magical power.

After he condensed this incarnation, he immediately opened up a space in his sleeve robe.

At present, the size of this space is only about ten miles in radius, and it is filled with the Xuanhuang Qi taken away from the lake, as well as the Demon Emperor's heart that is about to be drained by him.

If Li Yun hadn't been merciful for Ji Ziyue's sake, Ji Hui would have been instantly crushed into powder by the black and yellow energy that filled the sky just as she was absorbed by the [Hutian] magical power.

Thinking of this, Li Yun turned to look at the imprisoned Ji Ziyue.

With a wave of his hand, the restrictions on Ji Ziyue were immediately lifted.

After regaining her freedom, Ji Ziyue smiled bitterly and said apologetically: "I'm sorry, senior, my great-aunt has such a personality. If she offends you, you can punish her as long as she lives..."

"What do I punish her for."

Li Yun turned to look at Ye Fan and said calmly: "Tell me, what do you want to do with her?"

Is this the feeling of having a backer?

Ye Fan blinked his eyes, feeling extremely emotional.

He looked at Ji Ziyue and saw that Ji Ziyue just smiled bitterly and did not plead for mercy, so he smiled and said: "Okay, it's not a big deal, just teach her a lesson. Brother, let her out!"

Li Yun nodded, waved his sleeves, and a figure rolled to the ground in a panic.

Different from her previous arrogant appearance in front of Ye Fan, Ji Hui looked frightened at this time, with bleeding from all her orifices. The wooden staff in her hand had already been broken, and all the bones in her body were crushed to pieces, making her suddenly shorter than before.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan couldn't help but feel refreshed.

Li Yun glanced at Ji Hui lightly and said: "Go back and tell the Ji family that Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue are now my registered disciples. For the sake of you and Ziyue being both members of the Ji family, I will You can ignore your offense."

"As for Ziyue's whereabouts, you won't have to ask about it anymore!"


As he spoke, Li Yun waved his sleeves, and a strong wind suddenly blew up, blowing Ji Hui to the ground and flying out of the cave.

Ji Hui steadied her figure in mid-air outside the cave, looking at the cave below in surprise and unwillingness.

She gritted her teeth and said unwillingly: "Senior, Ziyue has been promised to Senior Nangong as his disciple by the Holy Master of the Ji family. You..."

Ji Ziyue looked helpless and quickly sent a message: "Guzu, you must stop talking!"

Ji Hui was slightly startled, and then heard Li Yun's faint voice.

"Is Nangong Zheng?"

"Let him choose someone else!"

"If he doesn't want to, tell him that I don't mind breaking his building wood again..."

As soon as these words came out, Ji Hui's scalp suddenly went numb.

As early as in the Taixuan Sect, she had already heard about the current situation between the human race's mighty Nangong Zheng and the demon race's Peacock King.

According to rumors, these two holy master-level figures met in a valley somewhere. After a battle, they both ended up losing.

At that time, Ji Hui thought that this was really the case. It was not until she returned to the Ji family that she learned the truth from the mouth of the Holy Master of the Ji family.

It turns out that in that battle, besides Nangong Zheng and Peacock King, there was a mysterious third party.

The man appeared in the middle and fought one against two, severely injuring the two saint-level figures and even scaring them into fleeing.

Of course, the key to the escape was the speculation of the Holy Master of the Ji family.

Because Nangong Zheng himself was vague about this and kept secret. He only said that a mysterious strong man passed by and intervened in his battle with the Peacock King. After saying that, he left in a hurry without even informing Ji Ziyue.

Because of this, Ji Hui was completely unaware of the previous connection between this matter and Ji Ziyue.

Until now...

Ji Hui's expression changed from gloomy to bright, but in the end, despite the bleeding look from her orifices, she bowed respectfully to the cave below.

"Senior, Ziyue is in charge of you!"

After saying that, Ji Hui immediately turned around, controlled the divine rainbow, and left in embarrassment.

"Look, after beating her, she still has to thank us!"

Li Yun turned around with a smile, and found that both Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue were looking at him with bright eyes.


Ye Fan called out tentatively.

Li Yun was slightly startled and said angrily: "Master, you believe what I said to fool her?"

Ji Ziyue was immediately disappointed.

Li Yun smiled: "Stop being so embarrassed, I am not qualified to be your master. I don't have ancient scriptures, and I can't guide you in your practice. I can only teach you some secret techniques and magical powers. This is not a master."

Ji Ziyue said quickly: "It doesn't matter, I have the ancient scriptures!"

Li Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, glanced at her and said, "Let's investigate further!"

Ji Ziyue immediately cheered up, walked forward with a smile, and helped Li Yun squeeze his shoulders and back.

Ye Fan saw that Li Yun really had no intention of accepting him as his apprentice. Although he was disappointed, he also breathed a sigh of relief.

His current relationship with Brother Li is suitable, and there is indeed no need to change it.

Regardless of whether he has the status of apprentice or not, Li Yun will teach him the lost ancient magical powers and secrets.

That's enough for him.

After leaving the cave, Li Yun did not use any flying magical powers. Instead, he asked Ye Fan to control the divine rainbow and take him to fly to Taixuan Sect.

Regarding this point, both Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue were a little confused.

Li Yun Chuanyin explained: "This body is just an incarnation. Its power is limited and difficult to replenish. It is basically a disposable item. Of course, I save as much as I can and use good steel on the blade."

"When I go to Taixuanmen later, I will take action to intimidate you and let Taixuanmen lend us the Domain Gate. But after that, if you encounter any unavoidable battles, you will have to rely on yourselves."

"Don't worry, I will help you stop those big shots."

"But if it was a junior, it would be difficult for me to take action."

"Otherwise, the opponent will not respect martial ethics and resort to the tactics of a sea of ​​people, and my incarnation will not be able to withstand it..."

After hearing Li Yun's voice transmission, Ye Fan's face became clear.

"I understand, brother, leave it to me!"

Ji Ziyue also nodded repeatedly: "I can also stand up for Master. However, Master, since I claim to be your registered disciple, you must teach me some methods. Otherwise, if you only use the Ji family's methods, you will definitely be People can spot the clues!”


Li Yun glanced at her helplessly, thought for a moment, and said through a message: "Listen up, I will teach you three moves now, all of which are seventy-two evil magical powers. How many can you learn before going to Taixuan Sect? It’s up to you!”

Ji Ziyue's face was full of surprise, and she immediately said in a sweet tone: "Thank you, Master!"

Li Yunkou was dissatisfied with his integrity and looked disgusted on the surface, but in reality he began to teach seriously.

Soon, the day passed.

Li Yun, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue finally arrived thousands of miles outside Taixuan Gate.

Before coming to visit, Li Yun first asked Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue to stop, then controlled the avatar, waved his hand, and transformed into bright golden light, wrapping the bodies of the three of them.

The next moment, golden light spread across the ground, traveling thousands of miles in the blink of an eye, and arrived above Taixuan Gate.

This is one of the Thirty-six Divine Powers of Tiangang, the supreme escape technique passed down by Yuanshi Tianzun in mythology - [Longing Golden Light]!

Looking up from the Taixuan Sect, I saw golden light shining on the horizon, and an extremely dazzling golden divine bridge coming from a distance, spanning thousands of miles of sky, and falling in front of everyone in the Taixuan Sect.

The golden light is dazzling and radiant.

The disciples, elders and even the headmaster of Taixuan Sect were all alarmed by this sudden vision.

Many powerful auras rose up and flew towards the end of the golden avenue.

But compared to the headmaster of Taixuan Sect, two other figures appeared here faster.

Their bodies were all covered in hazy brilliance, and their appearance could not be seen clearly, but the aura on their bodies was like the sea or the abyss, like gods descending from the sky, which was intimidating.

"It's the Holy Lord of the Ji family and the Holy Lord of Yaoguang!"

"Aren't they hunting down the Maurya King?"

"Why did you suddenly come to Taixuanmen as a guest?"

"……when did it happen?"

Seeing the two approaching figures, the disciples on the one hundred and eight main peaks of Taixuan Sect were all shocked.

And not only them, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue were also quite surprised. They did not expect that these two holy masters would actually show up in Taixuanmen.

In comparison, Li Yun was much calmer.

Ever since he was tricked once in the world of containment, his character has become a little more cautious.

Therefore, after letting Ji Hui go, he considered the possibility of the appearance of the Holy Lord of the Ji family.

The scene where the Holy Lord of the Ji family and the Holy Lord of Yaoguang appeared together was what he had expected.

Looking at Li Yun who was enveloped in golden light in front of him, the Holy Master of the Ji family frowned and found that he could not sense the other party's realm, as if the other party had not even mastered the most basic secret realm of the Wheel and Sea.

But how is this possible!

Not to mention the other party's record of defeating Nangong Zheng and Peacock King, but this ten thousand feet of golden light is by no means an ordinary magical power.

...Sure enough, after the old madman from Tianxuan Holy Land, has another ancient powerful man been born?

Holy Master Ji Family and Holy Master Yaoguang looked at each other with solemn expressions on their faces.

Li Yun glanced at the two of them and said calmly: "I am only here to visit Taixuan Sect and use the Domain Sect to go to the Eastern Wasteland and Northern Territory. If you two have anything to talk about, please discuss it later."

"As for now, get out of the way, otherwise, I will have to clean it up myself!"

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