Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 811 First visit to the Northern Territory

After entering the domain gate, what comes into view is an unknown and invisible darkness.

Everything around them was eternal silence. Li Yun, Ye Fan, and Ji Ziyue were in it, like a lonely boat in the black ocean, looking lonely and small.

The bodies of the three people were wrapped in golden light, and the golden light contained countless mysterious Tao patterns.

Ye Fan looked at the surrounding void scene curiously through the golden light and Dao patterns.

As a descendant of the Ji family, Ji Ziyue is no stranger to things like crossing the void, so she turned to look at Li Yun and complained: "Master, although we have the strategic goal of deterring Taixuanmen, there is no need to send Taixuanmen away." There are so many things in Xuanmen, right?”

"The Xuanhuang Qi, as well as the Sword Peak and Sword Intent, are much more precious than the Domain Sect!"

"Instead of giving it to them, you might as well give it to me. I will definitely let my family arrange it properly for you!"

Li Yun glanced at her and said angrily: "What do you know? I am returning favors for Mark."


Ji Ziyue was slightly startled.

Ye Fan came back to his senses, thought for a moment, and suddenly realized.

Li Yun pointed at the manifested sword peak and it stood next to Zhuofeng. It will definitely be included in the inheritance of Zhuofeng in the future.

Unless they are willing to open another peak, but that will destroy the number one hundred and eight, which is the way of heaven and earth.

Therefore, although Sword Peak is precious, it will eventually fall into the hands of Li Ruoyu, the master of Zhuofeng Peak, and Li Ruoyu is a person who has great kindness to Ye Fan and is willing to keep the secret of Ye Fan's acquisition secret.

What would happen to such a person even if he was given a sword peak?

After understanding what Li Yun meant, Ye Fan couldn't help but look at Li Yun gratefully.

Li Yun didn't care, and turned his head to look into the void, his eyes shining with divine light, looking at the Dao patterns that could cross the void.

The most important reason why he wanted to borrow the Taixuan Sect's domain gate to go to the Northern Territory was because of this Dao pattern technology.

The Beidou Star Territory is really too big. The territory of Donghuang alone is at least 200 million miles wide.

Even if we could travel at the speed of light, it would take more than five minutes to cross such an area.

Because of this, major forces have developed domain gate technologies that can span space and cross the void.

Li Yun is very interested in this technology.

Coincidentally, one of the Tiangang supernatural powers he mastered was called [insight across the wall].

This magical power can see clearly and deeply, and you can see in all directions, in the sky and on the earth, without any obstruction.

Inside and outside Liuhe, ghosts, gods and figures appear in great and small shapes, all of which are clearly distinguishable.

With his [insight across walls] that is comparable to clairvoyance, all the Dao patterns in the golden light, no matter how big or small, are clearly visible in his eyes, and he can easily understand their true meaning as if he were looking at the patterns on the palm of his hand.

After a while, a portal appeared in the dark void ahead. Behind the portal was a stone platform carved with Dao patterns.

——There is no doubt that that is the end of this journey!

Li Yun closed his eyes as if he had realized something, and with a wave of his hand, the golden light enveloped Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue and flew out, landing on the stone platform.

At this time, seven or eight monks with powerful auras were standing around the stone platform. The leader of the group, whose aura was particularly powerful, was the Supreme Elder of the Ji family who guarded the source mine here.

As one of the five major regions of the Beidou Star Region, the Northern Region is also vast and boundless.

But unlike the Eastern Wasteland, the population here is sparse and most of the land is barren.

This is because the Northern Territory is rich in source minerals and is famous all over the world, and sources are the crystallization of spiritual energy and life essence. Being able to produce such a large amount of source minerals will also affect the spiritual energy of the entire Northern Territory.

At the same time, due to the source mine, the distribution of forces here is extremely complex.

Holy land-level forces in the entire five major regions basically occupy a place here.

The domain platform where Li Yun and others arrived was a source mine belonging to the Ji family.

The Supreme Elder who was guarding this place had already received the message from the Holy Master of the Ji family using a secret method when Headmaster Taixuan was debugging the domain gate, so he hurried over in a hurry to prepare to welcome this big boss who suddenly appeared.

Looking at the three people who appeared out of thin air on the high platform, the Supreme Elder smiled on his face.

Just when he was about to step forward to greet him, Li Yun suddenly raised his right hand and made several gestures in the air with a thoughtful expression.

In an instant, wisps of Dao lines spread from his fingertips, like sharp blades, easily cutting through the void, forming a black vortex the size of a fist.

Subsequently, the dark vortex continued to spread and fluctuate, and it seemed that it was about to collapse.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun frowned, then raised his hand and made a few seemingly casual gestures on the dark vortex.

In an instant, silver light burst out, and an extremely ancient and mysterious mark flashed away and disappeared into the dark whirlpool, immediately stabilizing the miniature domain gate the size of a fist.

Ye Fan's eyes widened. He was standing next to Li Yun, so he could see very clearly.

This fleeting mysterious mark is the mark of the void that Li Yun taught him before!

And not only him, Ji Ziyue and the Supreme Elder of the Ji family also saw the mark.

The latter's pupils shrank, and he couldn't help but feel a shock coming from the depths of his soul.

To be honest, if it were anyone else, they wouldn't necessarily have such a strong reaction to Lin Zhongtian's Seal of the Void.

But he is different. He is the supreme elder of the Ji family and a descendant of the ancient Void Emperor.

The Great Emperor of the Void used the infinite void to prove the Tao and controlled the end of space. The Ancient Void Sutra passed down by him is a unique space skill that no one in the world can surpass.

Because of this, the Supreme Elder of the Ji family has an extremely keen sense of space and void.

Although it was just a glimpse, he could still detect that the complicated and mysterious mysterious mark was definitely something closer to the origin of space than the "Void Ancient Sutra" he had compiled!

Realizing this, the Supreme Elder of the Ji family was frightened, and the smile on his face became even brighter.

"Senior Shenjun, you..."

"Grandpa Ninth Ancestor!"

Before the Supreme Elder of the Ji family could finish speaking, Ji Ziyue, who was next to her, walked over with a smile and said in a sweet tone: "Grandpa Jiuzu, is it your turn to take charge of the Yuan Mine this time?"

"Yes, it's my turn!"

The Supreme Elder of the Ji family looked at Ji Ziyue with a smile and said.

Then, he glanced at Li Yun and said hesitantly: "Ziyue, Lord Shenjun, what is this?"

Ji Ziyue said with a smile: "Master had some insights while crossing the void. You don't need to worry about him. Junior Brother Ye and I will just watch from the side."

Hearing Ji Ziyue's words, the Supreme Elder of the Ji family looked stunned. After hesitating for a moment, he led someone to wait beside him.

Ye Fan twitched the corner of his mouth and couldn't help but said: "Is this the junior brother?"

Ji Ziyue glanced at him and said with a half-smile, "What else, little kid?"

Ye Fan refused to accept it and continued to quarrel with Ji Ziyue via voice transmission.

The two quarreled for a while at the spiritual level, until Li Yun waved his hand to disperse the fist-sized miniature domain gate, and then they quickly stopped transmitting sound.

"...What are you doing here?"

Li Yun glanced at the people around the high platform and frowned slightly.

The Supreme Elder of the Ji family hurriedly stepped forward and said respectfully: "Master Shenjun, my holy master has said that the Lord Shen is the most distinguished guest of my Ji family. During this trip to the Northern Territory, I must entertain you well..."

"Thank you for your Holy Master's kindness for me."

Li Yun shook his head and said: "But no need, I have other goals for this trip and will not stay here."

Having said this, Li Yun paused, and then added calmly: "However, if you are really serious, you can send a message to the various families and holy places in the Northern Territory on my behalf, so as not to let some unsighted people come to me. Jumping up and down in front of me.”

"If there are such idiots who were slapped to death by me, no wonder I didn't remind them."

The Supreme Elder of the Ji family was overjoyed and said respectfully: "Yes, Lord Shenjun."

Perhaps he was shocked by the Seal of the Void just now, but he did not feel that Li Yun's order to him was an offense.

On the contrary, Li Yun's behavior of asking the Ji family to pass the message on his behalf allowed the outside world to bind Li Yun's position to the Ji family.

This can be called good news for him and the Ji family.

"But, Lord Shenjun."

The Supreme Elder of the Ji family quickly said: "The forces in the Northern Territory are complex. Not only are various aristocratic families and holy places active here, but there are also many local forces that can compete with the holy places."

"The most noteworthy among them are the Thirteen Bandits of the Northern Territory."

"The origins of these thirteen bandits are all extraordinary. There are strong men from the Eastern Wilderness who escaped from the Holy Land, there are powerful men from Zhongzhou who wandered here, and there are giants from the Western Desert who escaped."

"They are extremely powerful and bold. They even dare to rob the mining areas of various holy places head-on."

"That's why we, the Family Holy Land, will send people of the Supreme Elder level to guard the source mine..."

Hearing the words of the Supreme Elder of the Ji family, Li Yun also remembered the plot of the Northern Territory in the original work.

He nodded and said: "I see... In this case, you don't have to entertain me anymore!"

"Stay here for now, I have my own place to go!"

After speaking, Li Yun waved his hand, and the golden light suddenly spread all over the sky, wrapping Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue, turning into a beam of light that penetrated the sky and the earth, and disappeared in front of everyone in an instant.

Seeing this scene, the Supreme Elder of the Ji family was shocked.

"Is this the golden light escape technique that the Holy Master mentioned?"

"Sure enough, he escaped thousands of miles!"

"I just wonder if Ziyue has the chance to learn..."

While thinking this, the Supreme Elder of the Ji family waved his hand to summon his servants and asked them to spread Li Yun's words to various holy places.

On the other side, before Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue could react, they were wrapped in golden light and fled thousands of miles away.

After seeing the surrounding high-altitude environment clearly, Ji Ziyue was shocked and said quickly: "Master, stop quickly!"

Ye Fan glanced at her and asked doubtfully: "What's wrong?"

Ji Ziyue smiled bitterly and said: "Although the Northern Territory is famous for its rich source minerals, when it comes to the most productive areas, it must be the area around the Taichu ancient mine. With it as the center, the area of ​​​​100,000 miles is the source mine of the Northern Territory. The richest location.”

"Each Holy Land has divided up these source minerals, and the mining area we were just in is one of them."

Ye Fan was shocked when he heard this: "You mean, we are around the Taichu Ancient Mine now?"

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