Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 812 The old place of Yaochi

The so-called Taichu Ancient Mine is one of the seven forbidden areas of life in the Eastern Wasteland. It is extremely dangerous and dangerous, no less than the ancient forbidden areas.

In a place like this, even a super power like the All Saints would dare to explore cautiously only after being fully prepared.

Ji Ziyue said quickly: "Yes, that's why I suggested Master to stop. If we accidentally run into the Taichu Ancient Mine, it would be bad!"

Li Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, I can still react at this level of speed."

"But Ziyue is right, the Taichu Ancient Mine is indeed dangerous. So far, it is not a place we can explore..."

If Li Yun remembers correctly, there are at least a dozen supreme beings who have killed themselves in the ancient mines of Taichu, and most of them are famous ancient emperors in history. Overall, it can be said that it is the most restricted area among the seven. A strong one.

Li Yun doesn't think his incarnation can compete with more than a dozen supreme beings, so he doesn't plan to enter the Taichu Ancient Mine now.

His target is the former place of Yaochi located near the ancient mine of Taichu, where there is the Taoist Palace Chapter of the "Western Emperor" that Ye Fan needs.

At that time, the Queen Mother of the West founded a sect at a historic site outside the ancient mines of Taichu and founded the Yaochi Holy Land. Later, the Queen Mother of the West died and there was no emperor-level powerful person in charge of Yaochi. Then something happened, and the descendants had to move the sect. .

According to the description in the original work, the hometown of Yaochi is about 10,000 miles away from the ancient mine of Taichu.

But Li Yun didn't know exactly where it was, so he needed to search around the Taichu ancient mine.

Fortunately, Li Yun's vertical golden light escape speed was astonishing. In just half a day, he flew a full circle around the ancient Taichu mine, covering a distance of more than 10,000 miles.

Finally, Li Yun saw several ethereal white figures on the reddish-brown land.

"It's Yaochi Feixian!"

Li Yun's eyes lit up, and he immediately waved his hand and flew over with Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue.

The so-called Yaochi Feixian is a wonder of heaven and earth in the hometown of Yaochi. It is said to be an afterimage left from ancient times, a reflection of endless years ago, and one of the evidences that the world believes that there are immortals in the world.

When they arrived at the place where the flying fairy scene appeared, the previous white shadow had long since dissipated.

Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue opened their eyes wide and looked at their surroundings curiously.

"Master, is this really the hometown of Yaochi?"

Ji Ziyue couldn't help but asked.

Although she has never seen the former place of Yaochi Holy Land before its relocation, she has heard some legends.

It is said that it is a landscape with extremely beautiful scenery and is a rare paradise for immortals.

But now, all they see is desolation, and nothing else can be seen except red sand all over the sky.

Li Yun knew that this was because the husband of Queen Mother Xi, a great saint in the ancient times, voluntarily died at the hands of his wife Queen Mother Xi due to something unlucky in his later years.

Afterwards, the Queen Mother of the West passed away, leaving behind a back-up plan, hoping to use the Dharma of Nirvana to resurrect herself and her husband.

But at that time, the underworld had been coveting the imperial corpse of the Western Queen Mother and the corpse of the Dacheng Holy Body for a long time.

Just when they tried their best to open the two coffins, the supreme ominous curse poured out from them, polluting the entire Yaochi Holy Land, which caused the Yaochi Holy Land to basically become a ruin.

Recalling the plot in the original work, Li Yun couldn't help but feel a little pity.

Although the Emperor's Corpse and the Dacheng Holy Body are extremely attractive, unfortunately, they are infected with an ominous curse.

Of course, even if there was no curse, Li Yun would be too embarrassed to take away the bodies of the Western Queen Mother, the couple, and their son, the first innate holy body Taoist fetus in history - Emperor Wu Shi.

...It’s better to get another one!

Coincidentally, Li Yun knew that there was another holy body's remains hidden in the Northern Territory.

Thinking of this, Li Yun calmed down and turned his gaze to the earth below.

In an instant, divine light burst out from Li Yun's eyes, sweeping towards the earth like two radiating beams of light.

There is no doubt that he used Tiangang's magical power - [insight across the wall]!

As soon as the divine light comes out, there will be no obstacles in the nine heavens and ten earths, inside and outside, and in the six directions.

Just for a moment, somewhere in front of the seemingly barren red soil, a clear light rose into the sky and penetrated into the sky.

Li Yun waved his hand, and the golden light enveloped Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue as they flew over. A strong wind blew up from his sleeves, blowing away the layers of reddish-brown soil on the ground and flying all over the sky.

"……found it!"

Both Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue's eyes lit up.

After the red soil was blown away, what was revealed was an ancient well surrounded by ancient jade.

There is a huge stone above the well, which is emitting slight fluctuations and constantly absorbing the sunlight projected from the sky.

"right here!"

Li Yun lifted up the boulder, waved his hand, and the two people around him flew into it with golden light.

Ji Ziyue exclaimed, and before she could react, she went more than two thousand meters into the ancient well and stepped on the mud-filled ground.

Feeling the touch from the soles of her feet, Ji Ziyue wrinkled her delicate nose, waved her hand, and released several gentle breezes, forming an invisible wind wall around the soles and body surface.

This is one of the seventy-two earth evil magical powers - [Borrowing the Wind].

It can drive any kind of wind anywhere, even the hurricane of heaven and earth that destroys mountains and cities, and even the strong wind caused by the opponent's weapon are also within the driving range.

After holding up the wind wall barrier, Ji Ziyue finally relaxed and walked forward with Li Yun and Ye Fan.

Afterwards, the three of them traveled thirty or forty kilometers at extremely fast speeds, and finally noticed that the terrain was getting higher and seemed to be gradually rising.

After walking for a few more miles, the sky light came through, and it was obvious that there was an exit ahead that connected with the outside world.

When the three finally arrived at the exit, they discovered that it was actually the entrance to the lake of an underground river. It was just that the underground river had dried up, so it became the mud tunnel it is now.

The dry underground river leads to an equally dry lake.

The surface of the lake has long been dry and cracked, and there are many huge white fish bones lying on the ground.

A cursory glance revealed that many of the fish bones were nearly twenty meters long. It was obvious that they were powerful spiritual fish in life.

Li Yun jumped up and climbed onto the shore of the lake. Ye Fan and the others followed closely and arrived at the land beside the lake.

There are countless towering ancient trees growing here, but just like the lake next to it, these ancient trees are all shriveled and withered, and they are completely bare. They have obviously been cursed and have extinguished their vitality.

Looking at the shocking scenes around him, Ye Fan couldn't help but ask: "Brother, do you know what happened in Yaochi?"


Li Yun glanced at him and said calmly: "Just a monk in the Wheel Sea Realm, don't worry so much."

"These are not things you should know now... Let's go, I will take you to find the Tao Palace chapter of "The Western Emperor Jing" first!"

Ye Fan immediately responded happily: "Okay!"

Ji Ziyue glanced at him speechlessly, then took steps to follow Li Yun.

Since Li Yun's moral level was pretty good, he came here only for the Western Emperor Sutra and did not intend to offend the Western Emperor's mother and the Great Saint.

But unfortunately, just because Li Yun is moral, it does not mean that others are also moral.

On their way to the stone carvings of the "Western Emperor's Scripture", the fairy lakes, palaces, and even medicinal fields they passed had all been looted. In some places where no one knew what existed, even the entire land had been dug away. .

"...Too cruel, too cruel!"

Ye Fan looked at the surrounding scene and couldn't help but complain: "Who did this? Can't you leave something for those who come after you?"

Li Yun glanced at him and said: "Most of them were done by descendants of Yaochi, and a small number were done by monks who accidentally fell here... What, do you regret that you came late?"


Ye Fan nodded subconsciously, reacted immediately, and smiled in the face of Ji Ziyue's disdainful eyes: "Of course, if it were me, I wouldn't even dig up the land."

Ji Ziyue complained: "But there won't be anything else left, right?"

Ye Fan said eloquently: "You come from an ancient family, how can you understand the hardships of our casual cultivators? What is born in this world and what is left by our predecessors are all gifts. If you really keep them, this is a waste of nature!"

The two of them were bickering while moving forward behind Li Yun.

Not long after, the three of them came to a stone forest.

There is no grass growing here, and there are rocky mountains and cliffs everywhere.

On every stone mountain cliff, there are many incised pictures.

Some of them are the secrets of martial arts at first glance, while others are the wonders of heaven and earth, birds and rare beasts.

Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue walked among the stone forests, curiously looking at the stone carvings engraved with martial arts.

Some of the stone carvings with Taoist patterns are mysterious, and both Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue want to stay and understand them.

But it is a pity that Li Yun scorned the secrets of fighting on these stone carvings, devaluing them as worthless, and then urged Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue to find the cliff engraved with the mark of the sky.

According to the original description, when the "Western Emperor Sutra" was first created, the Western Emperor's mother was engraving the Tao while she was enlightening it. As a result, the sutras of various realms in the "Western Emperor Sutra" were scattered among the stone mountains and were not gathered together.

The stone mountain cliffs engraved with the mark of the sky are the scriptures of the Daogong chapter of the "Western Emperor Sutra".

"……found it!"

Ye Fan's voice of surprise came from not far away.

Ji Ziyue's eyes lit up and she quickly flew over with the divine rainbow.

I saw Ye Fan and Li Yun standing in front of a stone mountain, looking thoughtfully at the Tianri mark on it.

Ji Ziyue looked at the stone carvings expectantly, then her expression froze and her eyes widened.

"...Mao boy, are you right? Is this really a scripture?"

"It's just a ring, what can you see?"

Li Yun smiled and said: "This is indeed a scripture from the "Western Emperor Sutra", but to understand it requires not only an extremely high and amazing understanding, but also the scriptures of Yaochi."

Ye Fan rubbed the Tianri Brand and turned his head in surprise: "Jingyin?"

Li Yun nodded and said: "Yes, I originally planned to take you to find the scriptures first, but now, it is no longer necessary."

As he spoke, Li Yun closed his eyes and then opened them suddenly.

In an instant, two rays of divine light burst out from his eyes and hit the stone wall.

In just an instant, divine light penetrated the stone wall, and the sky was filled with brilliance. A round of sun broke away from the stone wall and rose into the sky, dyeing the entire sky red like a real scorching sun.

...Sure enough it can!

Li Yun smiled brightly, and immediately patted Ye Fan on the head: "Why are you standing there in a daze? Why don't you understand the scriptures quickly?"

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