Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 813 Do you still remember me?

While Ye Fan was comprehending the scriptures of the "Western Emperor", Li Yun was also comprehending the scriptures.

The body he was eyeing was not the Great Holy Body that had cultivated all five secret realms, but the Ancient Holy Body that had only cultivated a single secret realm.

Under such circumstances, Li Yun naturally also needed the Daogong chapter of the "Western Emperor Sutra".

After a while, Li Yun's eyes dimmed and he looked at the stone wall with a smile on his face.

He has already obtained the Dao Palace chapter of the "Western Emperor Sutra", and the next four-pole realm sutras are the Jiang family's "Hengyu Jing".

But there's no need to worry now. It won't be too late to think about this again after the remains of the holy body are taken away.

Thinking of this, Li Yun couldn't help but turn his head and look at Mark.

I saw Ye Fan sitting cross-legged under the sun, his eyes closed tightly, holding a Bodhi seed in his right hand, obviously still in the process of enlightenment.

Next to him, Ji Ziyue also sat cross-legged, closing her eyes and feeling.

Time passed by minute by minute, and soon, six hours passed.

At first light, Ji Ziyue opened her eyes first and stood up in high spirits.

After seeing Ye Fan still sitting cross-legged with eyes closed, Ji Ziyue couldn't help but show a proud smile on her face.

"It seems that my senior sister is more enlightened!"

Before he finished speaking, Li Yun raised his hand and gave her a blow, and said angrily: "It took six hours. Is this called a high level of understanding?"

Ji Ziyue covered her head and looked at Li Yun with a look of grievance: "I'm definitely not as good as you, but isn't Ye Fan slower than me~"

Li Yun shook his head and said: "It only took Ye Fan ten minutes to understand the Dao Palace chapter of the "Western Emperor Sutra". Now, he is striking while the iron is hot, preparing to use the insights left by the Western Emperor's mother to break through the Dao Palace in one go. Secret realm.”

"...It's only been a few days, and we're going to make a breakthrough again?!"

Ji Ziyue ignored the pain on her forehead and looked at Mark in shock.

Sure enough, in her perception, the five internal organs in Ye Fan's body became extremely active.

In particular, the heart, which represents the secret realm of the Taoist Palace, is blooming with blazing red light like a celestial sun.

There are five great secrets in the Tao Palace, which correspond to the five major organs of the heart, liver, spleen, lungs and kidneys. They are collectively called the five internal organs, also known as the five gods. They store essence and energy without diarrhea, and contain life and immortality. It is an extremely important one among the five secret realms. .

As the saying goes, if a person can nourish his spirit, he will never die. If the five spirits are always present, he will remain in eternal spring.

Among the five internal organs, the heart is particularly important. It is the source of the human body and the foundation of the five internal organs.

Because of this, the Dao Palace scriptures left by the Queen Mother of the West manifested into a heavenly mark.

Not long after, Ye Fan's body suddenly rumbled like thunder.

Li Yun immediately used the divine light in his eyes to observe the situation inside Ye Fan's body using the technique of "insight across the wall".

The heart in his body turned into a fiery red sky, and the five treasures evolved into five qi, like five long dragons rising into the sky, forming a strange scene in the outside world of five-colored divine smoke penetrating the sky.

Seeing this scene, Ji Ziyue was stunned, and after a long time she murmured: "Really a breakthrough?"

A smile appeared on Li Yun's face. In the world of Zhetian, from ancient times to the present, the truly strong men have never conquered the world simply by virtue of their physical strength.

Taking the Ancient Holy Physique as an example, there are many strong men with this physique, but in the end only Ye Fan can become the top.

This is because the truly powerful thing is not the Ancient Holy Body, but Ye Fan himself.

Li Yun sighed in his heart while looking around to protect Ye Fan who was making a breakthrough.

Soon after, Ye Fan's body's five qi converged, and he opened his eyes with bright eyes, and stood up lightly.


"Yes." Ye Fan nodded and said with a smile, "Now, I am also a Dao Palace monk!"

Ji Ziyue curled her lips and said in a sour tone: "It's just the Dao Palace realm. I have been there for a long time, and the leaders of the younger generation are all at least the Four Extremes Realm. You are just entering the Dao Palace for the first time, so you are still far away. !”

"Really?" Ye Fan rolled his eyes, raised his hand and glowed with golden-red light, eager to try, "How about the two of us practice?"

"You want to hit me with the divine light of the sun that my master taught you?"

Ji Ziyue's eyes widened, she quickly ran behind Li Yun and said angrily: "Master, beat him!"


Li Yun twitched the corner of his mouth, raised his hand to suppress both of them, and said angrily: "Stop making trouble... Ye Fan, now that you have entered the Taoist Palace, and with the divine light of the sun I taught you, you are not even in the Four Extremes Realm." Your opponent."

"Just in time, I figured out that you have another adventure in the Northern Territory, but I also have something to do. Are you willing to act alone?"

"Ah?" Ji Ziyue couldn't help but widen her eyes in surprise when she heard Li Yun's words that seemed to mean driving him away.

She quickly turned to look at Mark, only to find that Mark nodded and agreed without hesitation.

"...Do you really want to leave?"

Ji Ziyue looked at Mark with some hesitation.

Ye Fan said with a smile: "Young birds can't always stay under the wings of their elders. I've been comfortable with Brother Li for so long, and it's time to go out on my own!"

As he said that, Ye Fan looked at Li Yun: "Brother, you said I had another adventure in the Northern Territory, maybe you can figure out the location?"

Li Yun nodded, then shook his head: "I only know that it is a purple mountain, and it is related to the Nine Secrets, but the specific location is not clear. I only know that it is probably tens of thousands of miles away from the Holy City in the Northern Territory, and it is related to Shake The source ore mining area controlled by the Holy Land of Light is in the same direction."

"If you are interested, you can go and inquire about it after you leave."

Adventures related to the Nine Secrets!

Ye Fan's eyes lit up and he immediately said without hesitation: "Don't think about it, brother, just send me out now!"

Li Yun smiled and said: "Don't worry, I'll teach you a technique first. This technique is called [Dream Marry], and it is one of the seventy-two earthly evil magical powers."

"With this magical power, no matter how far away we are, you and I can communicate through dreams. If you are in danger, you can also guide my spiritual thoughts to come from your dreams. In this way, I don't need to stay in your body. Divine Mind can help you at all times.”

After hearing Li Yun's words, Ye Fan immediately calmed down.


"Three people?"

Ye Fan looked at the girl in purple beside him with some surprise.

The girl held her jade hands behind her back and said with a smile, "I learned it a long time ago!"

Three days later, somewhere in the Northern Territory, in an oasis called Quzhou.

The circumference of this place is more than three thousand miles, which is not a big state. There are many such oases in the boundless northern region, so it looks inconspicuous.

The reason why Li Yun, Ye Fan, and Ji Ziyue came here is because this state is jointly controlled by the Huanggu Ji family and the Yaoguang Holy Land, and a lot of news related to the two families can be obtained from here.

The city in the center of Quzhou is in the ancient city called Chaoyang City.

Li Yun transformed into a young man in a green shirt and sat on the top floor of the teahouse, drinking tea and looking at the street outside the building.

Next to him, there was a girl in purple with a bright smile, who was diligently serving him tea and water, and rubbing his shoulders and back.

Such a diligent and even flattering look made the tea drinkers around him extremely envious.

But Li Yun felt a little helpless.

He put down the teacup, looked at Ji Ziyue and said helplessly: "I told you, just take a rest. We are just separated from Ye Fan for a while, it is not a separation of life and death. Besides, I didn't teach him [Marriage Dream] Do you have supernatural powers?"

"Even if something happens, the divine will will come in time..."

Hearing Li Yun's words, Ji Ziyue curled her lips, put down the teapot, and sat across from Li Yun.

"Since Mark's adventure is related to the Nine Secrets, why can't we go together?"

Li Yun explained: "I'm not saying I won't go, but it's best to wait until I finish the things at hand."

The power of this incarnation was limited and could not be replenished. He couldn't wait to replace it with a real flesh and blood body.

Fortunately, he found some information about the demon clan in Quzhou, and after sending Ye Fan away, he could go to find the demon clan's Green Dragon King.

As for why he didn't take Ye Fan with him, it was because the holy bodies had mutual reactions, and he was not sure whether his behavior of seizing the holy body would have any impact on Ye Fan.

Considering this, Li Yun simply sent Ye Fan farther away.

It just so happens that in the original plot, Ye Fan had two extremely important adventures in the Northern Territory.

That is, the inheritance of Yuan Tianshi, and the Dou Zi secret passed down to him by Jiang Taixu, the god king of the Jiang family.

Both of these things are extremely important and will have an extremely significant impact on Ye Fan's future life.

If Ye Fan missed these two things because of Li Yun, then it would be more of a loss than a gain.

Right here, Li Yun turned his eyes and saw a young man also wearing a green shirt walking up to the top floor and walking towards the two of them with a smile. It was Ye Fan who went to inquire about Zishan.

"...Have you heard about it?"

Ye Fan nodded, sat next to Ji Ziyue, and said with piercing eyes: "I heard that there is indeed a purple mountain near a source mine in the Yaoguang Holy Land. That place is very mysterious. It is said that the Supreme Being died An elder-level figure.”

"Therefore, even if it is the Shaking Light Holy Land, we would not dare to explore it easily."

Ji Ziyue frowned and said, "Is it so dangerous?"

Ye Fan smiled and said: "Don't worry, I have Brother Li as my backer, so I will definitely be safer than them."

Besides... that's a secret puzzle!

The world's number one secret fighting technique, even a very visionary boss like Li Yun said it was a supreme offensive technique. How could Ye Fan miss it?

"When are you going to leave?"


Li Yun was slightly startled and said in surprise: "Now?"

Ye Fan nodded.

Li Yun's face was clear, and he immediately raised his hand and drew several strange arcs in the void.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan's eyes widened and he quickly said: "Wait, I mean you can leave now, not here -"

Before he finished speaking, a dark vortex with a height of one person opened up instantly, and mysterious Dao patterns surrounded the vortex.

All the surrounding tea guests stood up suddenly, looking at the Void Realm Gate that exuded a terrifying aura with astonishment on their faces.

Li Yun paid no attention to the attention of the people around him. He just stared at Ye Fan and said softly: "If the domain gate is unstable, don't forget to use the Void Seal."

"……I will."

Ye Fan looked helpless, stood up immediately, and stepped into it in full view of everyone.

When the dark vortex disappeared, Li Yun's aura changed, shining like a scorching sun across the world, exuding an extremely terrifying sense of oppression, making everyone around him breathless.

Everyone's faces were pale and frightened, and they had obviously realized that this was a great man with profound cultivation.

Li Yun didn't pay attention to them. He waved his hand and released golden light, carrying Ji Ziyue and flying out of the teahouse. In the blink of an eye, he traveled a hundred and twenty miles and arrived at a quiet and peaceful mountain village outside Chaoyang City.

This place seems ordinary, but in fact it is the stronghold of the thirteen major bandits in the Northern Territory.

At this time, in this stronghold, an old acquaintance of Li Yun was visiting.


There was a loud noise, the sky changed color, and an inexplicable sense of pressure spread out.

The face of the handsome young man who was talking to someone in the stone house changed, and he suddenly looked up to the sky. He saw a heroic young man floating in the air, with golden light blooming all over his body, and his eyes shining brightly, facing him across the stone house. See.

And beside the heroic young man, there was a figure that was very familiar to him.

It was Ji Ziyue who was staying with the mysterious young man in the mountains.

"meet again……"

The heroic young man spoke slowly, his voice spreading like rolling thunder, and it contained a trace of indescribable amusement and laughter.

"Little peacock."

" you still remember me?"

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