Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 814: Beating up the child creates a psychological shadow

As soon as these words came out, the Peacock King's expression suddenly changed.

The middle-aged man next to him, about thirty years old, raised his eyebrows, looked at the heroic young man in the sky, and said in a playful tone: "Peacock King, what's going on? The enemy is here?"

"……Hard to say."

The Mauryan King slowly said these three words.

After thinking for a moment, he frowned, floated up against the coercion emanating from the heroic young man, and came to the other side.

The Peacock King first looked at Ji Ziyue, and after confirming her identity, he turned to look at the heroic young man.

"Are you the one who caused trouble in the first place?"

"Where is that young man? What is his relationship with you?"

Hearing the calm words of the Mauryan King, Li Yun smiled slightly and gently raised his right hand.

In an instant, the situation in the sky and the earth changed. The originally clear blue sky was instantly covered by the dark starry sky. Countless stars bloomed with brilliance, just like a large array of stars in the sky, forming a mysterious star array in the sky.

Seeing this scene, the Maurya King's expression changed, and he subconsciously wanted to turn around and run away.

But at this moment, he suddenly discovered that the stars in the sky seemed to only look scary, and did not exude a substantial aura like last time.

Realizing this, the Mauryan King froze and looked at the sky with an extremely gloomy expression.

The next second, his eyebrows cracked, and a ray of divine glow shot out from it, instantly piercing the starry night sky.

Then, the dark starry night was torn apart by the divine clouds, and the daytime appearance of the clear sky was revealed again.

...It is indeed just an illusion!

Upon discovering this, the Mauryan King's face became extremely ugly.

Li Yun, who was opposite him, was actually a little surprised. He just wanted to use magical means to prove his identity, but he didn't expect that his behavior of playing with the phenomenon of stars shining in the sky would actually leave such a deep impression on the Peacock King.

...It’s bad, it’s giving the child a psychological shadow!

Li Yun had a smile on his face, looked at the Peacock King meaningfully, and said lightly:

"It are quite impressed by me!"

Hearing these words, the Mauryan King's face became even more ugly.

Ji Ziyue next to her pursed her red lips tightly, trying not to laugh out loud.

If Ji Ziyue had to hold back her smile considering her junior status, then the thirty-year-old middle-aged man below would not have such worries.

After being stunned for the first time, he actually burst into laughter, hugged his belly, and burst out laughing in an extremely arrogant manner.

"Haha...Peacock have today too!"

"Hahaha, I'm laughing so hard!"

The middle-aged man laughed so hard that tears almost flowed out.

The Mauryan King's face was gloomy, and he turned his head suddenly and stared at the middle-aged man below, exuding an extremely terrifying aura.

"...Jiang Yi, shut up!"

"Do you want to fight me?"

Hearing the angry roar of the Maurya King, Jiang Yi opened his eyes wide and stared back without showing any signs of weakness.

"Just fight, am I still afraid of you?"


The Peacock King snorted angrily, turned around without hesitation, opened his five fingers, and five divine glows bloomed.

Jiang Yi waved his hand, and fifteen large flying bloody flags appeared behind him.

Every big flag was shaking loudly, and between each shaking, streaks of blood would burst out, colliding with the divine glow radiating from the five fingers of the Peacock King.

In just an instant, the land with a radius of one kilometer was torn apart by the collision of the two men's forces.

All the stone houses, trees, and even the nearby mountains collapsed under the aftermath of this energy.

In the sky, Li Yun and Ji Ziyue looked down with surprise, as if they did not expect that the two people would start fighting after a disagreement.

Judging from the title of Peacock King, this middle-aged man named Jiang Yi should be the traitor of the Jiang family who ranks ninth among the thirteen major bandits in the Northern Territory.

He was originally a genius of the ancient Jiang family. Because his eldest brother Jiang Zhe ran away from home, he was at odds with the family head, so he left the Jiang family angrily and became the ninth largest bandit among the thirteen bandits in the Northern Territory.

In terms of strength alone, Jiang Yi's combat power is actually far inferior to that of the Peacock King.

But now, in front of Li Yun, who once had him under his control, the Mauryan King did not dare to release his vision of "stars shining in the sky". At the same time, he was distracted during the battle and was wary of Li Yun's movements.

This resulted in that although his combat power exceeded Jiang Yi, he was completely unable to defeat him.

On the other hand, Jiang Yi, as the ninth bandit, was originally a fearless and rebellious person. Seeing that the Maurya King was timid, he became more courageous as he fought, and he had a tendency to slap the Maurya King in the face.

Li Yun watched with great interest, and suddenly realized that he had something to do and wanted to see the Peacock King.

So he stretched out his right hand, pointed it at the two of them from afar, and said calmly: "Suppress!"

In an instant, the two men who were fighting suddenly felt an extremely heavy pressure, as if an extremely heavy mountain had been transferred to their shoulders by some force.

This is one of Tiangang's thirty-six magical powers - [moving mountains and filling seas]!

The so-called mountain-moving and reclamation, as the name suggests, can move mountains and fill the sea.

In addition to its literal effects, this magical power also has many different magical uses.

What Li Yun is currently using is a suppression technique called "Mountain Moving", which can connect the energy of the mountain with the person being suppressed, making them feel the terrifying pressure of being suppressed by the entire mountain.

If you don't have the physical strength to shoulder the mountain, you will be crushed into powder in an instant in front of the mountain-moving technique.

As a powerful monster of the demon clan, Maurya King's physical strength is naturally not weak, and Jiang Yixiu has the Jiang family's secret method "Eight Gods Brutal Strength", so naturally a mere mountain cannot suppress him.

If one is not enough, get another one!

Li Yun's spiritual thoughts spread out and moved all the mountains within a hundred miles.

At this time, the Mauryan King finally couldn't bear it anymore.

Under this mountain-moving force that could only be resisted by his physical body, the figure of the Mauryan King fell straight to the ground, creating a huge hole in the ground.

Jiang Yi finally realized something was wrong. He blushed, gritted his teeth and raised his head, looking at Li Yun in the sky and asked:

"Who...are you?"


Li Yun brought Ji Ziyue down slowly, glanced at Jiang Yi and said lightly: "I have many names, Fission Divine Lord, Fission Divine Lord, Fission Divine Lord, and Great Sun Divine Lord are all names I have used before. "

"Which one are you asking about?"

When Jiang Yi heard the words "Great Sun God Lord", his eyes widened and he blurted out.

"Are you the old monster that was just born in Donghuang not long ago?"


Li Yun raised his eyebrows and looked at Jiang Yi with a somewhat unkind expression.

Ji Ziyue, who was next to her, recovered from the shock of Li Yun suppressing the two powerful men with one hand, pursed her red lips, and tried not to laugh out loud.

Li Yun glanced at Jiang Yi and gave up the idea of ​​lifting the suppression for him. Instead, he walked towards the crater where the Mauryan King fell.

The Peacock King's handsome cheeks were pressed against the ground, and his original clear and graceful demeanor completely disappeared. Instead, he angrily said: "Damn Lord Sun God, what on earth do you want to do?!"

"I have gone to the Northern Territory to avoid you, but you still don't want to let me go?!"

Hearing the angry words of the Mauryan King, Li Yun was slightly startled, and then felt a little embarrassed.

He coughed lightly and said calmly: "I heard that you and King Qingjiao are good friends?"

The Peacock King was startled for a moment, then frowned and said warily: "What do you want to do?"

Li Yun said lightly: "It's nothing, I just heard that there are some things in his cave that I want."

The Peacock King's face darkened: "You want to attack the Green Dragon King?"

"Even in my dreams, I will never tell you about him!"

Hearing the categorical words of the Peacock King, Li Yun's face darkened, and he resisted the urge to add another mountain to him, and said calmly: "I am not a person who takes anything by force. If you are willing to match up, I can work with that person." The little dragons trade equally, but if you are not willing, then I will have to find it myself..."

"...Equal deal?"

The Maurya King's eyes were full of distrust.

Li Yun twitched the corner of his mouth and was about to speak when he heard Jiang Yi, who was half-bent behind him, shouting: "I told you earlier. If you want to find the fourth brother, I can help you. King Qingjiao is the fourth brother." The big bandit is also one of our thirteen big bandits!”

Oh yes, I almost forgot about this one!

Li Yun glanced at him and said in surprise: "Are you willing to pull the strings?"

Jiang Yi said without hesitation: "Of course, but you have to wait a moment. When my seventh brother comes back, we will go to my fourth brother's cave together. With your amazing cultivation ability to suppress the two of us, you shouldn't worry. One more?"

Hearing Jiang Yi's slightly irritating words, Li Yun thought thoughtfully: "The seventh great bandit, Tu Tian?"

"I know that he has the incomplete Heaven-Swallowing Devil's Jar of the Supreme Emperor's Armament in his hand. However, if you think that you can resist me with just an incomplete Imperial Armament with a missing lid, then you are wrong! "

Li Yun said calmly, and then he waved his hand to remove the mountain-moving power from Jiang Yi.

Jiang Yi got rid of the shackles of the power of the mountain and stood up immediately, rubbing his neck and looking at Li Yun in surprise.

To be honest, he did have the idea of ​​waiting for Tu Tian to come back and the three of them team up to deal with Li Yun.

However, Li Yun revealed his conspiracy while giving him free rein, which made him a little suspicious.

…Isn’t this too confident?

Could it be said that he also possesses a Ji Dao Imperial Weapon?

Jiang Yi frowned and speculated quickly in his mind.

At the same time, Li Yun waved his hand again, and a pavilion suddenly rose from the ground and solidified automatically.

Li Yun walked into the pavilion and sat on the newly formed stone bench.

The slim girl in purple clothes next to her immediately walked in, took out the tea set with a smile, waved her hand, and used the flame breathing technique to attract a stream of flames, which surrounded the teapot and started cooking.

Jiang Yi and Peacock King frowned tightly, both unsure of Li Yun's thoughts.

Suddenly, the Mauryan King found that the suppressive power in his body disappeared.

He immediately flew up from the bottom of the crater, divine light surging all over his body, sweeping away his embarrassment.

When the Peacock King fell to the ground with a gloomy expression, Li Yun's long voice suddenly came from the pavilion.

"Come in and have a drink..."

Hearing Li Yun's words, the Peacock King was slightly startled, and couldn't help but look at Jiang Yi. Both of them looked surprised.

Li Yun glanced at them and said calmly: "Why, don't we have to wait for Tu Tian?"

Jiang Yi was startled for a moment, then laughed and said, "Okay, okay, it's just what I want!"

"I just like arrogant and confident people like you!"

"Of course, it would be even better if the tea could be replaced by wine!"

With that said, Jiang Yi strode into the pavilion and sat down opposite Li Yun unceremoniously.

The two of them picked up their teacups and turned their attention to the handsome young man outside the pavilion.

Under Jiang Yi's slightly amused gaze, the Peacock King's expression changed for a while, but he finally gritted his teeth, took steps, and walked over.

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