Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 816 Holy Body Remains


Ji Ziyue noticed that Li Yun's tone did not seem to be fake, and she couldn't help but open her red lips in surprise.

At this moment, several figures flew from a fairy mountain shrouded in clouds and mist in front of them.

The person at the head was only eighteen or nineteen years old, but she had an unparalleled appearance. As soon as she appeared, she eclipsed all the flowers. Her white dress fluttered in the wind, her black hair was disheveled, and she had an ethereal temperament. Like a fairy from heaven descending to earth, she is so beautiful that she captivates the country and the city.

From appearance to figure to temperament, this woman in a white dress can be said to be flawless.

Even a beautiful girl like Ji Ziyue couldn't help but be in a trance for a moment after seeing her.

When she came in front of everyone, the beautiful girl bowed lightly and said calmly: "I have met all of you, seniors."

The Peacock King glanced at Li Yun's expression and saw that he was unmoved. He breathed a sigh of relief and said, "Let me introduce to you. This is the princess of my demon clan, Yan Ruyu. She is the queen of the demon emperor. You The sacred heart in her hand is a relic of her ancestors."

It is indeed Yan Ruyu!

Li Yun nodded slightly, and then asked calmly: "Where is the Green Dragon King?"

Hearing Li Yun's question, Yan Ruyu and several young people around her couldn't help but frown slightly.

They didn't know the identity of the person in front of them, and they couldn't detect the other person's state, so they planned to see the reaction of Maurya King, Tu Tian and others before deciding how to deal with it.

Later, they were shocked to find that the Maurya King and others didn't care about Li Yun's questioning attitude, as if it was a matter of course for him to say such words in his identity.

There is no doubt that this is a senior who is at the top of his game!

Thinking of this, the man in green standing behind Yan Ruyu immediately walked out.

Li Yun raised his eyes and saw that this man was tall and strong, with handsome appearance, eyes like stars, and a pair of crystal dragon horns drilled out of his green hair. He looked like a dragon alive, mighty and powerful. And handsome.

In the Zhetian world, true dragons are legendary existences equivalent to true immortals.

Therefore, only the second-class dragons can appear in the Beidou Star Territory.

But even so, Jiaolong is still one of the most powerful royal families among the demon clan.

The young dragon in front of me should be the grandson of the Green Dragon King, the famous Green Dragon King among the younger generation!

"Returning to senior." The little Jiao King in green said with a smile, "My ancestor left for something the day before yesterday and has not returned yet. If senior has anything important to do, just tell the junior!"


Li Yun looked at him and said calmly: "Can you make the decision?"

The little Jiao King in green was slightly startled, and then said respectfully: "My ancestors have said that in the cave, the younger generation can make the decision for my father when it comes to matters."

"Of course, if the matter is too serious and even the juniors don't dare to make the decision, then we can only wait until the ancestors return... I just don't know, what is the senior matter?"

Hearing the words of the little Jiao King in green, Tu Tian, ​​Jiang Yi and Peacock King couldn't help but cast their eyes on Li Yun.

Although they knew that Li Yun wanted to make a deal with King Qingjiao, they really didn't know what the specific content of the deal was.

So, in the curious eyes of everyone, Li Yun stared at the little dragon king in green and said calmly: "I heard that the remains of an ancient holy body are stored in the treasure house of the green dragon king?"


As soon as this statement came out, everyone was shocked.

Jiang Yi couldn't help but said: "So this is what you want?"

The Peacock King said thoughtfully: "I remember that the young man beside you is the Ancient Holy Body. Is it for that boy that you want the Holy Body remains collected by King Qingjiao?"


Li Yun ignored everyone's words. He just stared at the little Jiao King in green and asked, "Can you make the decision?"

The little Jiao King in green looked hesitant and didn't know how to answer for a moment.

He was somewhat unsure of the value of the holy remains.

This thing is precious. It is indeed precious. It is rare to see one in tens of thousands of years.

But if you really want to say that it is so important that it is indispensable, then it is not so important. At least as far as Little King Qingyi knows, this remains has been stored in his grandfather King Qingjiao's treasure house for hundreds of years, and no one has been found yet. Suitable for use.

To be fair, the little dragon king in green didn't care much about the remains of the holy body.

But he was not sure of the weight of this thing in the eyes of his grandfather, King Qingjiao, so he did not dare to say for a while.

"Give it to him!"

Just when the little dragon king in green was hesitating, the voice of the Peacock King suddenly sounded.

The little Jiao King in green was slightly startled, then turned to look at the Peacock King: "Are you sure?"

The Maurya King nodded and said calmly: "It's just the remains of a holy body. If he wants it, just give it to him. Who wants him to hold an offer that we can't refuse?" offer you can’t refuse?

The little Jiao King in green and Yan Ruyu next to him were both stunned.

The Peacock King turned to look at Li Yun: "Li Shenjun, take it out. After all, I am just a guest and cannot be the master of King Qingjiao. If you want to obtain the holy remains through normal transactions, you have to look at the attitude of this junior."


Li Yun nodded, waved his sleeves and robe, and the demon emperor's heart suddenly appeared.

Seeing this familiar heart, the little dragon king in green and Yan Ruyu finally understood what the Peacock King meant.

It is indeed an offer that cannot be refused!

Yan Ruyu frowned slightly and couldn't help but cast a doubtful look at the Peacock King.

The Mauryan King sighed softly and explained for a moment via voice transmission.

After listening, Yan Ruyu stretched her slender eyebrows and said softly: "I see, thank you very much, senior, for finding the holy relic for my demon clan."

As soon as these words came out, the nature of Li Yun's display of the Demon Emperor's heart was determined.

There is no doubt that this is Yan Ruyu's goodwill released to Li Yun as the princess of the demon clan. They did not intend to provoke Li Yun, so they took a step back and never mentioned the disappearance of Ye Fan and the demon emperor's heart.

...some means.

Li Yun glanced at Yan Ruyu in surprise, and then said calmly: "Where are the remains of the Holy Body?"

The little Jiao King in green also knew everything through sound transmission at this time.

He sighed in his heart and said respectfully: "Senior, please come with me!"

Li Yun nodded, turned to look at Ji Ziyue and said, "Will you come with me, or stay here first?"

Ji Ziyue blinked her eyes, thought for a while, and said abruptly: "Master, I'd better stay, this will be more sincere."

Li Yun frowned, and then said calmly: "That's fine, if someone wants to do something to you while I'm not here, then use the methods I left behind. Even if you destroy this cave, you can never do it." I feel a little wronged, do you understand?"

As soon as these words came out, everyone including Tu Tian, ​​Jiang Yi, and Maurya were stunned.

If it were anyone else, they might think this was alarmist, but the Peacock King had seen with his own eyes the methods Li Yun used on Ye Fan, and would never doubt the authenticity of this statement.

Ji Ziyue smiled sweetly and said, "I understand, Master!"

Li Yun nodded, then turned around and walked forward under the respectful guidance of the little Jiao King in green.

After Li Yun's figure disappeared from everyone's sight, Jiang Yi exclaimed: "As expected of an old monster, he is so domineering!"

The Peacock King glanced at him and said calmly: "He has domineering strength, what can you do?"

With that said, the Peacock King turned to look at Yan Ruyu.

"Ruyu, we are all young people, Li Shenjun's beloved disciples, it is up to you to entertain them!"

After saying that, the Peacock King waved his sleeves and robe, and his body turned into five-color divine light and disappeared in front of everyone.

Tu Tian and Jiang Yi looked at each other and flew up to catch up with the Peacock King.

After all the powerful seniors left, the younger generation of the demon clan finally breathed a sigh of relief.

Ji Ziyue blinked her eyes, looked at the woman in white who looked like an immortal, and said with a smile: "Fairy Yan, we meet again."

Yan Ruyu looked indifferent and said softly: "Yes, the last time we met was when your Ji family surrounded and killed my monster camp - how is your Ji family's divine body now?"

Ji Ziyue smiled and said: "Brother is very good, I don't have to worry about Fairy Yan."

Yan Ruyu frowned slightly, and suddenly said: "Senior Shenjun is an ancient powerful man with astonishing cultivation and powerful magic. Since you have worshiped him as your teacher, you must have learned a lot of ancient magical powers and secrets, right?"

Ji Ziyue said with a smile: "I am disappointed with Fairy Yan. Ziyue has a dull talent and has only entered the school for a short period of time. She has only learned a few kinds of magical powers and secrets, which are not as good as Master Shiyi."

Hearing the seemingly casual conversation between the two, but actually concealing murderous intent, the younger generation of demon clan around them couldn't help but feel awe-inspiring in their hearts.

However, there were still some idiots who did not notice the strange atmosphere. A demon man said with a smile: "It doesn't matter, since it is passed down by the Lord God, it must be earth-shattering. I wonder if Sister Ziyue, can you let me see it for a while?"


Ji Ziyue agreed without hesitation.

She seemed to be looking at that person, but in fact she glanced at Yan Ruyu and said, "Let's compare?"


Before the man could finish speaking, the person next to him immediately covered his mouth.

Yan Ruyu said calmly: "Sister Ziyue is joking. If you want to have a discussion, I'll do it!"

Ji Ziyue smiled and said: "It's my wish, but I don't dare to ask for my ear!"

On the other side, Li Yun followed the little Jiao King in green to an extremely towering mountain peak.

Before officially climbing the mountain, Li Yun paused, as if he suddenly remembered something.

He looked back at the place where he was before, and his expression gradually became weird.

He suddenly remembered that during this period of traveling together, Ye Fan once boasted in front of Ji Ziyue, saying that after the demon clan put the heart of the demon emperor into his sea of ​​suffering, the demon princess Yan Ruyu would become his wife , practicing with him day and night.

Although for Ye Fan, this was just a normal bragging, Ji Ziyue remembered it in her heart and always grudged her.

Ji Ziyue took the initiative to stay this time, and it must have been more than just for Li Yun's sake.

She might face Yan Ruyu face to face, and the ending would definitely not be good...

Fortunately, he did have some means on Ji Ziyue. Even if she accidentally killed Yan Ruyu, he could still keep her alive.

...Forget it, Ye Fan, it's not easy for a brother to interfere with things like feelings, you'd better ask for your own blessings!

Thinking of this, Li Yun took another step and followed the little dragon king in green on the jade steps of the mountain road.

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