Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 817 Seizing the Holy Body, Gray Mist and Sea of ​​Misery

The treasure house of King Qingjiao is located on a mountain peak that towers into the clouds. On the peak, there are beautiful buildings and jade buildings, numerous fairy palaces, and lingering clouds and mist. It looks like a palace in the sky, giving it a fairy-like atmosphere.

Li Yun followed the little Jiao King in green on the jade steps, and soon came to an extremely magnificent palace.

At this time, in the square outside the palace, there were many old monsters enjoying the shade under the trees.

They were drinking tea, playing chess, watering the flowers, or sweeping the floor. Everyone was doing their own thing slowly like a real old man in his old age.

Li Yun glanced over these old demons and easily detected their strength.

Sure enough, these old monsters who seemed unable to walk were actually strong men from the older generation under the command of the Green Dragon King.

Most of the old demons are at least at the Dragon Transformation Realm. There are a few extremely old white-haired old demons, and they are even on the first level of the Immortal Stage, and their strength is comparable to that of the Supreme Elders of the Holy Lands.

This is the background of King Qingjiao and the real reason why he dares to let his grandson take charge of the cave for him.

But...that's it!

Li Yun's eyes swept over the old demons, not caring about these so-called strong men who even the little dragon king in green had to treat with respect.

Not to mention that he will be able to obtain the holy remains immediately, even if it is just this incarnation, it is definitely not something that these old guys can touch.

After the little Jiao King in green told the whole story, several old demons looked at Li Yun calmly, then stood up, walked slowly to the palace gate, and opened the thick white jade door.


As the white jade gate opened, strands of spiritual energy poured out from it like waves.

Li Yun's eyes were shining brightly, and with just one glance, he saw the dense gleaming brilliance in the treasure house.

Each of those dazzling brilliance is an extremely precious treasure.

Among them are the golden long sword that shines with golden light, the red spear that is shrouded in blood light, the copper divine bell that is surrounded by purple energy and melodious, the Panlong Baoding that is simple and elegant, and is engraved with real dragon patterns, etc...

Treasures are displayed in the treasure house one after another, and they are all rare treasures in the outside world.

If someone else came here, they would definitely salivate over this treasure.

But Li Yun was different. When he saw the Green Dragon King's treasure house, he only missed his storage ring more and more.

...What does this little thing mean?

There are as many as three real immortal weapons in his storage space!

Li Yun usually used the real dragon beads, phoenix blood, and basalt meat for food.

And in this place, a dragon bead is considered the most precious treasure among all treasures.

That’s it…

Li Yun's eyes did not stop at all, and he walked into the depths of the treasure house without stopping.

He didn't even look at the various rare treasures placed on the shelves around him, he just wanted to get the remains of the holy body.

Seeing this scene, the little dragon king in green finally breathed a sigh of relief.

As the grandson of King Qing Jiao, Little King Qing Yi is naturally very familiar with his grandfather's collection.

Before coming, he had worried that Li Yun would be attracted by the treasures in the treasure house and couldn't help but snatch them.

But when he really saw Li Yun's expression, he suddenly understood that these so-called treasures that he was so proud of seemed to be nothing at all in the eyes of this mysterious power.

Upon discovering this, a complex emotion emerged in the heart of the little dragon king in green clothes.

He composed himself and said respectfully: "Senior Shenjun, please follow me."

The palace of King Qingjiao is divided into nine levels, and the holy remains that Li Yun wants are in the ninth level. There are more treasures there, which are piled high and dazzling.

In the center of the many treasures, there was a skinny corpse, sitting motionless.

Its flesh and blood had long since dried up, but it had not rotted away. It just stuck tightly to the bones, showing a pale golden sheen.

Although his face is as thin as a skeleton, he still maintains his youthfulness, and even the hair that hangs down his back is pitch black.

...It's him!

An unknown holy body from the post-desolate ancient era, an ancient sage who cultivated a single secret realm.

Li Yun's eyes glowed with divine light as he examined the specific situation of this ancient holy body.

After a moment, the light in his eyes disappeared, and he turned to look at the little Jiao King in green and said calmly: "Is there a quiet room here?"

The little dragon king in green was slightly startled and said quickly: "Yes, it's right next to the side hall. Our ancestors sometimes go there to practice."

Li Yun nodded, waved his sleeves, took away the remains of the holy body, and said calmly: "Take me there, I want to retreat for a while."


The little Jiao King in green looked stunned, as if he didn't expect Li Yun to make such a request.

After thinking for a moment, he nodded and respectfully took Li Yun to the quiet room in the side hall.

When he arrived at the quiet room, Li Yun waved his hand to the little Jiao King in green and gave him a cloud of black and yellow energy, asking him to leave.

Then he took out the remains of the holy body, and his soul left the body and entered the body without hesitation.

I thought that the process of seizing the remains of the holy body would not be that easy. Li Yun even prepared a lot of spiritual powers for this purpose.

But in the end, he found that these early preparations were of no use at all, because the ancient holy body had really been annihilated, and the few remnants left in the remains were too insignificant in front of his true immortal soul.

In just an instant, the entire remains of the Holy Body completely changed hands.

All physical conditions are easily controlled by Li Yun's original soul.

He could see that the golden sea of ​​bitterness at the Dantian of the Holy Body was almost dry, and the remaining golden sea water had already become cold and hard. It was not like a sea, but like a dark yellow frozen earth.

But it doesn't matter, Li Yun has already prepared everything.

He first moved his mind and used the Tiangang magical power he had just learned - [Fetal Transformation]!

This magical power is the top magical power of change in the world. It allows Li Yun to transform everything in the world at will, and each form is the original form. There is no loss in combat power or practice. It can be said that he has achieved the wonders of the changes in the sky. .

Under the influence of fetal transformation, the originally dry remains of the holy body changed violently.

Paths of colorful rays of light flow and bloom from the surface of the holy body. Each time they flow, the dry flesh and blood will become full.

Not only that, the facial features of the holy body are also constantly changing, and the golden bones in the body are making sounds and rising.

In just a few minutes, a heroic young man with a height of over 1.95 meters, a heroic face, strong muscles, and long black hair flowing behind him appeared in this quiet room.

The next second, the heroic young man opened his eyes, and two golden divine lights suddenly burst out.

When the golden divine light was about to penetrate the wall of the quiet room, the heroic young man grabbed it with his big hand, stirring the void and grabbing the two lasing golden lights in his palm.

The heroic young man used his five fingers to crush the golden light in his palm with slight force, and a smile appeared on his handsome face.

"It's so smooth, it's really beyond my expectation..."

Li Yun looked at his palm with a smile on his face, and kept opening and closing his fingers, feeling the vitality of flesh and blood. Then he sat cross-legged again, closed his eyes, and let his mind sink into his body.

He originally thought that the only thing that Tiangang's magical power could change was the body and flesh.

But the moment he saw the sea of ​​suffering in his body again, he suddenly realized that he seemed to have underestimated this magical power.

Because what changes with the magical power is not only the flesh and blood, but also the golden sea of ​​suffering in the holy body!

At this time, his sea of ​​suffering changed from the previously dry golden ocean to a pitch-black void.

The void is filled with wisps of gray mist, constantly gathering and dispersing, flowing quietly like a sea of ​​clouds.

"……How is this going?"

Li Yun looked surprised. He found that his sea of ​​gray mist seemed to be very similar to the sea of ​​mist in the void!

Li Yun pondered for a moment and felt that this change should not only be the result of the transformation, but also the influence of the power of his soul.

His soul has absorbed a large amount of gray fog and has long been deeply tainted with the breath of gray fog.

Now that he has seized the remains of the holy body, his soul is constantly transforming the body in the process of merging with the body.

Now, this body can no longer be regarded as a pure ancient holy body, but should be regarded as an ancient holy body transformed by gray mist.

Li Yun didn't know whether this change was good or bad.

But since this was the case, he had no choice but to accept it.

Li Yun calmed down and began to accept the legacy left by this body.

Different from the Dacheng Holy Body in the ancient era, this holy body appeared in the post-ancient era.

In his era, the ancient holy body had become a waste body and could not break through the Tao Palace and advance to the four extremes.

Therefore, he gave up the path of the Four Extremes and chose to cultivate a single secret realm to perfection.

Li Yun could sense that the body's secret realm of the wheel and sea had already been cultivated to perfection. He had cultivated four of the five sacred treasures in the secret realm of the Tao Palace to the state of great perfection. Only one of the sacred treasures of the heart was not yet full. .

But even so, the strength of this body is still comparable to that of the Saint of Immortal Four.

It's even worse in real battles, and other saints can't compare with it.

After learning this, Li Yun smiled again.

He sank his mind from the Dao Palace into the Sea of ​​Wheels, and began to carefully perceive the ancient secret techniques practiced by this holy body during his lifetime.

Although this body has already cultivated the Wheel and Sea to perfection, it is someone else's thing after all. Li Yun only received the inheritance, and it is not yet the true wheel and sea state of perfection.

Because of this, he planned to rebuild it along the original path, at least to be familiar with the magic of Lun Hai and Tao Palace.

At this moment, the gray fog sea suddenly shook violently.

The two streams of light were repelled by the gray fog sea and flew directly out of the body.


With a soft sound, Li Yun opened his eyes and looked at the ground of the quiet room in front of him in surprise.

I saw a broken war gun stuck there, and a few broken bronze bell fragments.

Seeing this scene, Li Yun was thoughtful, thinking that these two things should be the 'vessels' used by the Holy Body for sacrifice during his lifetime.

But now that the sea of ​​suffering is changing, they are not tolerated by the gray sea of ​​mist, so they are rejected.

"Can we only re-sacrifice..."

"It doesn't matter. Fortunately, I was prepared!"

While Li Yun was thinking this, he controlled the avatar in front of him to wave his sleeves and robe, releasing a large amount of black and yellow energy.

Countless black and yellow energy poured into the sea of ​​gray fog, entangled with the wisps of gray fog, and continued to gather and condense.

Before actually seizing the Holy Body, he had already thought about various possible situations.

Not only that, he has already thought about what the ‘vessel’ for sacrifice should look like!

Gradually, under the control of Li Yun's mind, the black and yellow energy merged with the gray mist, gradually forming the appearance of a large seal.

Under the big seal, there are several strange twisted lines carved impressively, which represent the Void Seal of the Lord of the Void Gap!

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