Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 821 Golden Winged Peng King

Ye Fan couldn't help but said: "I didn't do anything!"

Tu Fei's face was full of disbelief: "You will be hunted down if you don't do anything?"

Ye Fan looked depressed when he heard this, and couldn't help but look at the big black dog next to him fiercely.

At the same time, Tu Fei finally noticed the Black Emperor. He was surprised and said: "Hey, where did you find the big black dog? The tail is bald. It looks like it is old at first glance. This is a great supplement!"

"It just so happens that I have a good place nearby. Find a good cook tonight and let's eat black dog meat!"

As soon as these words came out, the Black Emperor, who had been silent all this time, suddenly became furious.

It rushed over, bit Tu Fei's arm, and said viciously: "You are Da Bu, and your whole family is Da Bu!"

Tu Fei was taken aback, and immediately screamed in pain and tried to shake off the Black Emperor, but the Black Emperor's bite was so hard that even if Tu Fei used his divine power, it would be difficult to get rid of him in a short time.

In the end, Ye Fan, who was still gloating about his misfortune, took action and pulled the Black Emperor down.

Tu Fei covered his bleeding arm and stared at the grinning big black dog. He couldn't help but said angrily: "What's the origin of this dog?"

"Damn it, I have never suffered such a loss since I was a child. Ye Fan, don't stop me, I will skin it alive today!"

Tu Fei was furious and stared at the big black dog with an angry face.

The big black dog raised his head and bared his teeth and said: "Don't look at me like this. I will not accept you as a pet. If you are taken out as a pet, I will only lose you." face!"


Tu Fei was furious and was about to sacrifice his treasure and fight with the Black Emperor.

But the Black Emperor struck faster, biting his ankle and circling him continuously.

The two were fighting and arguing for a while, but Ye Fan couldn't stand it, so he could only take action and give the Black Emperor a bright sun light.

The main reason why they didn't fight each other was that Tu Fei was bitten so badly by the Black Emperor. Ye Fan was embarrassed to take action against Tu Fei, for fear that he would be seriously injured by this powerful strike from the sun.

After they were separated, Ye Fan stood between the two people who were glaring at each other, and said helplessly: "Tu Fei, don't argue with it. If you have a chance, I will join forces with you to beat up this damn dog!"

"Okay, this is what you said!"

Tu Fei's tone was still angry, but at least he no longer had the intention to take action.

Ye Fan took the opportunity to ask: "King Qingjiao is the fourth largest bandit, you should know where his cave is, right?"

Tu Fei looked at him in surprise, then nodded and said with a smile: "What a coincidence, I just said that there is a good place nearby, and this place is the cave of the fourth largest Kou Qingjiao King!"

After saying that, Tu Fei asked curiously: "Why did you take the initiative to ask about this?"

Ye Fan said calmly: "Didn't I tell you before at the Pyramid Mining Area? I also have a backer behind me, and they are no weaker than you."

Tu Fei said with great interest: "Really? Let's talk about it?"

Ye Fan raised his right hand, with a golden-red light in his palm, and said with a half-smile: "Don't you want to know the name of this move? I will tell you now, this move is called the Great Sun Divine Light. Guess, it is Who taught me this?”

...the light of the sun?

Tu Fei thought about it for a moment, then his expression changed and he looked at Mark in confusion.

"The backer behind you is the senior Divine Lord?"

"...No wonder you want to go to King Qingjiao's cave!"

Li Shenjun was a guest in King Qingjiao's cave. This news was originally top secret, but Ye Fan actually knew it.

This shows that Ye Fan has a certain relationship with Li Shenjun. Coupled with the name of the Great Sun God, Tu Fei feels that this guy is probably the one Ji Ziyue said, who has not yet appeared in the eyes of everyone in the Northern Territory. Junior brother.

"Okay, brother!" Tu Fei smiled and hugged him, "I knew you were no ordinary person!"

Ye Fan's shoulders burst into gold light, he flicked Tu Fei's arm away, and said with a look of disgust: "Don't touch me with your hands, they are covered with saliva."

Tu Fei's face froze, and then he glared angrily at the big black dog next to him.

Ye Fan looked at the man and the dog looking at each other, and suddenly thought of another thing in his heart.

While in the Yunduan Mountains, he accidentally overheard that Yan Ruyu, a descendant of the Demon Emperor, seemed to be in King Qingjiao's cave.

The fact that Yan Ruyu can appear there means that his friend Pang Bo, who came to the Beidou Star Territory with him, is most likely there too.

Before meeting Li Yun, Ye Fan and Pang Bo witnessed the birth of the Qing Emperor from the tomb.

Ye Fan had many adventures there, and Pang Bo's adventure was even more special. He was possessed by the soul of the 19th generation grandson of Qing Emperor, and became the successor of Qing Emperor with a status as high as Yan Ruyu in the demon clan.

The last time she went to the Monster Clan's residence, Yan Ruyu didn't want Ye Fan to meet Pang Bo.

This shows that Pang Bo's soul still exists, and is probably in a state of two souls competing for one body with the nineteenth-generation grandson of Qing Emperor.

Li Yun was busy refining the Seal of the Void before, and Ye Fan was embarrassed to ask Li Yun to help visit Pang Bo at this time.

But this time, he went to King Qingjiao's cave in person, saying that he wanted to see Pang Bo again!

Thinking of this, Ye Fan immediately said: "Tu Fei, take us to the cave of King Qingjiao!"

"You guys?" Tu Fei looked at the big black dog with disgust, "Does it want to go too?"

Ye Fan smiled and said, "Of course, when we get there, we have the final say on how we want to handle it, right?"

Tu Fei's eyes lit up and he couldn't wait to say: "Then what are you waiting for? Come with me quickly!"

The Black Emperor's eyes wandered between the two of them suspiciously, hesitating for a moment, and finally followed their footsteps.

In the evening of that day, Ye Fan and Black Emperor, led by Tu Fei, entered the small world where King Qingjiao lived in seclusion.

As the grandson of Tu Tian, ​​Tu Fei is naturally good friends with the grandson of King Qing Jiao, King Qing Yi Xiao Jiao.

After the two met, they joked and exchanged a few words, and then Tu Fei introduced Ye Fan beside him to the little dragon king in green.

But before he could speak, a golden light flew from the sky, landed next to the little Jiao King in green, and transformed into a heroic man in golden clothes.

As soon as he landed, the man in gold ignored Tu Fei and Ye Fan, frowned slightly and looked at the little Jiao King in Tsing Yi: "Tsing Yi, what's going on? I've been waiting for you for a long time, but I haven't seen you back..."

The little Jiao King in green said with a smile: "If there are unexpected guests coming to visit, I will naturally entertain them."

The man in gold frowned, glanced at Tu Fei and Ye Fan and said, "Are they them?"

Tu Fei glared at him: "What, you're not convinced?"

The little dragon king in green knew the tempers of the two men and quickly introduced: "This is Tu Fei, the grandson of Tu Qiye Tu Tian."

The man in gold clothes was about to attack, but when he heard Tu Fei's name, he immediately frowned and said calmly: "So it's you. I've heard of you. Your strength is pretty good among the younger generation, but you're just not bad!"

"For the sake of Master Qi, I admit that you are an honored guest."

"What about the guy next to you?"

Just when the little Jiao King in green was about to speak, Ye Fan smiled slightly and answered first: "My name is Ye Fan. I have no family or sect. I only have a slightly special physique. It seems to be called the Ancient Holy Body..."

"...Ancient Holy Body?!"

The man in gold's eyes suddenly shot out two soul-stirring rays of light, looking up and down at Mark.

The little Jiao King in green frowned, but before he could say anything to stop him, Tu Fei next to him laughed maliciously.

He sent a message to the little Jiao King in green: "Don't say it, don't say it. I've seen this guy unhappy for a long time. I just need to cooperate with Brother Ye to teach this arrogant and arrogant guy a profound lesson!"

After saying that, he turned to Ye Fan and said: "This guy is a descendant of the powerful Peng King of the demon clan in the central region of the Eastern Wasteland. He is also known as the Golden Winged Peng King. He is the top master of the younger generation of the demon clan."

"He came to the Northern Territory this time to participate in the Yaochi Grand Meeting, and to compete with the Holy Son of Yaoguang."

"...Brother, are you sure you can trick him?"

Hearing Tu Fei's words, Ye Fan was shocked. The Holy Son of Yaoguang was the most invincible of his generation in the southern part of the Eastern Wasteland. This golden-winged Xiaopeng King was so confident, indicating that he was also the same in the central part of the Eastern Wasteland. The same invincible existence.

However, no matter how invincible the young master is, if he encounters him, he will encounter a tough opponent!

Ye Fan sent a message: "If we start fighting directly, I can't say, but if I can find a way to stimulate him to suppress his cultivation, I guarantee that I can beat him up!"

Tu Fei's eyes lit up and he agreed without hesitation: "Okay! That's it!"

At the same time, the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King seemed to have detected Ye Fan's realm.

The light in his eyes dimmed, and he said disappointedly: "It turns out it's just a second-level Taoist palace..."

As he spoke, he looked away and said calmly: "The ancient holy body that has not broken through the Four Extremes Secret Realm is just a waste body with no hope for the future. Can such a waste be regarded as an honored guest?"

"Kick him out, don't bother me..."

This guy is really annoying!

Tu Fei was furious and couldn't help but glare at the Golden Winged Peng King.

The golden-winged Xiaopeng King was tall and glanced at Tu Fei condescendingly: "What, you want to stand up for him?"

"Let's take a look at your own cultivation first. As I said just now, I am willing to admit your identity as a distinguished guest for the sake of Master Tu Qi. If we really fight, I can defeat you with just three moves. Destroy you!"

Tu Fei was furious: "Okay, you should give it a try!"

The Golden-winged Xiaopeng King sneered, but no movement was seen from him, and a golden light struck like lightning.


There was a sound like gold and iron clashing, and the green-robed Little Dragon King manifested its dragon claws and blocked the attack of the Golden-winged Little Peng King.

"Brother Peng, what are you doing?!"

The little dragon king in green said angrily: "Brother Tu is my guest."

The Golden Winged Peng King sneered and said, "I'm just testing his strength. Unfortunately, he doesn't have the courage to fight me."


Tu Fei was immediately furious and immediately offered a jar, which was a replica of the Jidao Emperor's Sky-Swallowing Demon Jar.

Ye Fan stretched out his hand to stop him, glanced in a certain direction with his peripheral vision, and said angrily: "You are still watching the show, why don't you come out and say a word to me?"

As soon as he said this, laughter like silver bells suddenly sounded from not far away.

Everyone turned around and saw a girl in purple clothes coming gracefully and landing in front of everyone. She said with a smile: "Brother Peng, they say that the ancient holy body is invincible at the same level. Since you claim to have the appearance of a great emperor, why not suppress it?" In terms of cultivation, how about competing with him at the same level?"

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