Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 822 Everything goes as planned!

"It turns out to be sister Ziyue..."

The Golden-winged Xiaopeng King said calmly: "I respect you as the beloved disciple of the God King and don't want to argue with you, but even so, you are not qualified to arrange my affairs. I will kill if I want and fight if I want. You can help me." What am I?"

Ji Ziyue curled her lips and said: "After saying so much, it's just because I'm afraid that I won't be able to defeat the ancient holy body of the same level!"

The Golden Winged Peng King sneered: "What a clumsy way to provoke generals, do you think I will be fooled?"

Ji Ziyue spread her hands and said, "You said you were fooled, so don't you think it's a trap?"

"Since it is a trap, it must be able to trick you. If you think you can defeat the ancient holy body of the same level, how can you talk about traps and being fooled?"

The Golden-winged Xiaopeng King was unmoved and said calmly: "Sharp teeth and sharp mouth, it fits Yan Ruyu's description of you."

Ji Ziyue's smile froze, and then she glared at him angrily, raised her head and shouted: "Master, someone is bullying me!"

As soon as these words came out, the expressions of everyone present, including the Golden-winged Little Peng King and the Tsing Yi Little Jiao King, changed.

Everyone raised their heads and looked at the extremely huge whirlpool of spiritual energy in the sky.

The next moment, the spiritual energy vortex rotated violently, and a dazzling golden light shot out from the center of the vortex, turning into a big golden hand in mid-air, rumbling towards the crowd.

The expression of the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King changed, and he immediately transformed into golden light, trying to avoid the big hand with the speed of Tianpeng.

But unfortunately, this big golden hand came over and suppressed the Golden Winged Peng King in place like a forbidden space. He could only watch the big hand covering his head.

In just a moment, the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King noticed that the four poles running through his body had become blocked.

Four of the five great divine treasures that shone brightly in the chest and abdomen became dim, and the entire person's cultivation level instantly fell from the four-pole secret realm of the first echelon of the younger generation to the first level of the Tao Palace.

This is one of the seventy-two magical powers of Earthly Evil - [Qi Tao]!

It can move with Qi, forbid all things, and suppress cultivation, which is just a matter of hands.

Feeling his current state, the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King's face became extremely ugly.

He suddenly raised his head, glared at the whirlpool of spiritual energy in the sky and said, "Senior Shenjun is an ancient powerful man with astonishing cultivation. If you attack me, don't you feel that you are lowering your status?"

At this time, everyone around them also recovered from the oppressive feeling of the golden hand just now.

Hearing the roar of the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King, Tu Fei couldn't help but click his tongue in surprise.

"This idiot is really not afraid of death!"

Ji Ziyue next to her snorted and retorted: "What senior?"

"If a higher level of cultivation is considered a senior, then if you attack Mark, wouldn't you also be degrading yourself?"

Hearing Ji Ziyue's sophistry, the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King could not help but be speechless for a moment, and his eyes towards Ji Ziyue became angry.

At this moment, the spiritual energy vortex in the sky finally started to move.

Li Yun's faint voice floated down from it.

"I can make arrangements if I want to, and take action if I want to. What can you do to me?"

There is no doubt that this sentence is a replica of Golden Wing Xiaopeng Wang Fangcai.

When Li Yun said this, he was obviously standing up for his disciple Ji Ziyue.

...Damn it, I was tricked by Yan Ruyu!

The Golden-winged Xiaopeng King had a gloomy expression. Yan Ruyu had been with Li Yun's master and apprentice for so long, so it was absolutely impossible that she didn't know Li Yun's protective character.

She knew that the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King was arrogant, but she still did not warn him. Instead, she said a few bad words about Ji Ziyue overtly and secretly. This must be a deliberate attempt to teach the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King a lesson.

As for the reason, it is also very simple.

The Golden-winged Xiaopeng King claims to be the best genius among the younger generation of the demon clan. This time he comes to the Northern Territory. In addition to participating in the Yao Chi grand event, he also plans to propose to Yan Ruyu, the princess of the demon clan.

After all, in the eyes of the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King, in the entire demon clan, she is the only one who is worthy of her.

"...Okay, okay!"

The Golden-winged Xiaopeng King suddenly turned his head, looked at Ye Fan with fierce eyes and said:

"Since senior wants to see it, then junior will kill it for you to see!"

Before he finished speaking, the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King took action instantly. The extreme speed talent possessed by the Tianpeng bloodline caused his fist to turn into a golden light, which instantly crossed the space and hit Ye Fan's cheek.

Ye Fan laughed loudly and slapped the big handprint of the void with his backhand.

Since obtaining the Dou Zi Secret, one of the Nine Secrets, Ye Fan has been able to use this fighting secret to evolve many fighting moves he has seen.

Among these moves, he is the most proficient in the Ji family's Void Mahamudra.

There's no way, why is Ji Ziyue's best at this move?


In an instant, the big black handprint and the golden fist collided.

The violent energy swept away, causing the entire mountain to shake violently.

Amidst the deafening noise, the two collided with each other, constantly hitting each other with fists and feet, and fighting hand-to-hand.

"Boom! Boom! Boom!"

A series of roars like thunder exploded in everyone's ears.

The tall mountain peaks could not withstand the strength of the two men's battle. A corner of the mountain cracked with a rumble and turned into countless broken boulders, which shot out in all directions with a roaring sound.

With Li Yunzhi's words first, even the nominal master, Little Jiao King in Qingyi, did not dare to interfere in the battle between the two.

They quickly exited the battle circle and looked at the scene of the two fighting in front of them with different expressions.

"Why is this birdman so perverted? His physical body can really resist the ancient holy body!"

Tu Fei looked at the sky in shock, as if he did not expect that the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King could not fall behind in front of Ye Fan.

The little dragon king in green said with a solemn expression: "Of course, the Tianpeng clan is not only unparalleled in speed, but they can also fight against dragons physically."

Tu Fei couldn't help but said: "No wonder he dares to speak so wildly!"

When Ji Ziyue heard everyone's words, she couldn't help but smile.

Of all the people present, she was the only one who knew Mark best.

This guy only used the Void Big Hand Seal to deal with the Golden Winged Peng King. He obviously wanted to get familiar with the Dou Zi Secret he had just obtained during the battle.

He just regarded the Golden Winged Peng King as a whetstone.

If there is a real life-and-death fight, and they are both on the same level as the Dao Palace, Ye Fan can crush the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King to death with one hand.

Sure enough, with the collision between the golden Tianpeng claws and the black handprint, Ye Fan became more and more familiar with this move, and the power of the void handprint became more and more powerful.

On the other hand, the golden-winged Xiaopeng King opposite, faced with the ancient holy body that seemed to never be exhausted, the divine power in his body gradually became exhausted.

Finally, in a collision, the big black handprint shattered the golden light, suppressed it with a rumble, and wiped out the entire peak.

Seeing this scene, the Golden Winged Peng King's eyes widened with disbelief on his face.

"How can this be?!"

The Golden-winged Xiaopeng King roared angrily, looking at the large black handprint overturned above his head, and finally had to reveal Tianpeng's true form.

In an instant, golden light shot into the sky, dazzling, and a huge roc appeared, facing the big black handprint.

Its body is tens of meters long, and its wingspan exceeds a hundred meters. Its feathers seem to be cast from gold. When its wings vibrate, infinite golden light flows on them, tearing apart the large black handprint in the blink of an eye.

Then, Tianpeng's real body roared loudly, flapped its wings and swooped in.

The huge golden claws tore through the void and grabbed Ye Fan's head without mercy.

"Manifestation true body, right?"

"Who doesn't?"

Ye Fan raised his eyebrows, and the divine power in his body moved rapidly, flowing along mysterious paths.

"Tiangang Secret Technique - Big and Small Ruyi!"

In an instant, golden divine power surged out crazily, wrapping Ye Fan's body into a ball of golden light.

Then, the golden light rose in the wind, and in the blink of an eye, it skyrocketed from about 1.8 meters to a giant light group hundreds of meters high.


Accompanied by a deafening loud noise, a big golden hand stretched out from the light group, forcibly caught the claws swung by Tianpeng's true form, and then used another arm to wrap around Tianpeng's neck and hit it hard. Fell on the nearby mountain peak.


The mountain peaks cracked, the earth shook, countless gravels sputtered, and smoke filled the sky.

The golden light on Ye Fan's body faded away, revealing a huge golden body that was hundreds of meters high.


Blood spurted out of Tianpeng's mouth, and his true body was half-embedded in the mountain peak. His eyes widened and he looked at Ye Fan in front of him with disbelief.

Not only him, but the people around him, including Tu Fei, Ji Ziyue, Little Dragon King in Qingyi, etc., all looked dull.

They never thought that when faced with the true form of Tianpeng, the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King, Ye Fan did not outsmart him. Instead, he became equally huge, manifesting a divine body that was hundreds of meters high, and confronted it head-on!

What secret method is this? !

Tu Fei, Little Dragon King in Qingyi and others looked shocked.

Ji Ziyue stared at her beautiful eyes and couldn't help but feel a little sore in her heart.

Obviously she is Li Yun's disciple, but so far Li Yun has only taught her some earth evil magical powers, such as the supreme divine power of heaven and earth, such as the Nine-breath Convince and Big and Small Ruyi, but Li Yun has only taught her Ye Fan.

No, after this time, she must have her master teach her the Tiangang supernatural power!

Ji Ziyue made up her mind and continued to watch the battle with bright eyes.

I saw golden light bursting out of Ye Fan's eyes, and his thick arms rumbled out, holding down Tianpeng's head and smashing it against the mountain.

After hitting it five or six times in a row, Ye Fan let go of Tian Peng's bird head, raised his Optimus Prime-like thigh, and stepped on the opponent's chest and abdomen, causing blood to spurt out from his seven orifices, and all the bones in his chest and abdomen were broken.

After doing this, Ye Fan seemed to be still angry.

He stepped on the chest and abdomen of the Golden Winged Peng King with his feet, held down the bird's head with one hand, and grabbed the right wing with the other hand. The muscles of both arms bulged and he exerted force.


Golden blood was flowing freely, and a Tianpeng wing that shone with golden light under the afterglow of the setting sun was torn off by Ye Fan.

The Golden Winged Peng King let out a painful cry.

Everyone on the outside of the battlefield was shocked, and even Tu Fei couldn't bear to see it.

"This is too cruel..."

Tu Fei expressed sympathy on the surface, but in fact his face was full of gloating.

"What's this?"

Ji Ziyue curled her lips and immediately shouted: "Ye Fan, tear off the other wing of his, too. Let's eat grilled chicken wings tonight!"

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