Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 823: If I say I want to break your arms, I will break your arms.


Hearing Ji Ziyue's words, Ye Fan's eyes were bright and he was about to reach out to Tianpeng's other wing with his big hand.

The Golden-Winged Xiaopeng King was shocked when he saw this, and his whole body lit up with golden light, and he transformed into the human form from Tianpeng's true body again.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan's body was filled with divine light, like a pale golden god. He raised his right leg as thick as Optimus Prime and suddenly stepped towards the place where the Golden Winged Peng King was.


The ground shook violently, and the broken mountain peaks suddenly collapsed in all directions like sand castles.

The violent air flow turned into shock waves and spread in all directions, shocking everyone on the outside of the battlefield to use their divine power to resist.

Ye Fan raised his legs, his eyes glowed with golden light, and he looked at the collapsed mountain peak below, and found that there was nothing there.

At another glance, in the peripheral vision, a golden light flew towards me at a very fast speed. It was the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King who avoided Ye Fan's attack with Tianpeng speed.

At this time, there was only one left arm left in his body, and his right arm was torn at the root, dripping with blood, and with white bones, which was shocking to look at.

"If you dare to break my arm, I will kill you!"

The eyes of the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King were full of anger and hatred, and the remaining left arm was blooming with dazzling golden light, like a golden arrow from the string, piercing Ye Fan's eyes fiercely.

Ye Fan was not afraid at all, his figure quickly shrank in the golden light, and also turned into an ordinary size.

To be honest, King Jin-Wing Xiaopeng's move was exactly what he wanted.

Because the magical power of Xiao Ruyi consumes too much, with Ye Fan's ancient holy body's physique, it can only last for a minute and a half at most, which is half less than Ultraman in the next world.

Now, he has been active for half a minute. If the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King persists for another minute, the divine power in Ye Fan's body will be exhausted.

Of course, this situation is only because the consumption of maintaining body shape far exceeds the recovery speed of the ancient holy body.

When Ye Fan shrank in size again, the divine power in his body suddenly surged out again, continuously supporting his actions.


Two golden figures collided in mid-air.

The violent fluctuations of divine power swept away and dyed the entire sky golden.

Ji Ziyue's eyes lit up with divine light, and she looked through the golden light in the sky at the two men fighting at close range.

I saw that Ye Fan's body was golden, and there was a layer of black and yellow energy on the surface of his fists. He kept pumping his fists, smashing the golden-winged Xiaopeng King's body with blood marks.

The fist as heavy as a mountain made it difficult for the Golden Winged Peng King, who had lost an arm at this moment, to resist.

The bones in his body were hammered to a creaking sound, and bloodshot veins overflowed from his body surface and his seven orifices.

"……How can this be?!"

"My body is comparable to the Young Emperor, how can you be stronger than me?!"

The Golden-winged Xiaopeng King was stunned by Ye Fan's hammer, and couldn't help but roar in disbelief.

Ye Fan sneered, punched away his fist fiercely, and said sarcastically: "You are the only one who can compare with the Young Emperor?"

"Don't make people laugh so hard, let's think about how to surrender to your grandfather and me later!"


The eyes of the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King turned red instantly.

He withstood Ye Fan's punch, retreated hundreds of meters, and then shouted:

"One hundred and eight thousand swords!!"

Tianpeng roared loudly, the sound penetrated the cracked gold and stone, shook the sky, and made the eardrums of everyone outside the battlefield hurt.

The next moment, golden sword light shot up into the sky. The golden sword was like a forest, with murderous intent, aiming straight at Ye Fan in front of him.

There are a total of one hundred and eight thousand golden swords, each of which is made from the feathers of Tianpeng. The golden light flashes on it, and the sharp sword energy is breathed out, making people's eyes feel sore just looking at it.


The Golden-winged Xiaopeng King shouted, and countless golden feather swords shot out, piercing the space and shooting at Ye Fan.

"Dang! Dang! Dang!"

Ye Fan waved his arm and slapped away the golden feather swords with the big hand seal of the void.

But there were so many golden feather swords that every time Ye Fan slapped his palm, he would only knock away dozens of feather swords.

Such efficiency is too slow.

Although Ye Fan has a steady stream of divine power from the Holy Body, it is still a bit too annoying to play a war of attrition with the opponent.

After thinking for a moment, Ye Fan waved a big hand seal of the void that was tens of meters wide, and knocked away thousands of golden feather swords in front of him. Then he used the word "Dou" to secretly evolve the seal of the void and sacrificed it in the sky.

In an instant, the Seal of the Void resonated with the Great Seal of the Void that Li Yun was practicing in the whirlpool of spiritual energy on the horizon.

The terrifying power of space was transmitted along the mysterious connection, turning into an invisible space fluctuation, with the Void Seal as the center, rapidly sweeping away in all directions.

In just an instant, all the things affected by the power of space were frozen in the air.

The trembling earth, the collapsing mountain peaks, the debris and smoke flying all over the sky, the golden-winged Peng King in front of him with a murderous expression on his face, and the golden sword feathers all over the sky shining with bright golden light...

Everything is solidified under this terrifying force that is close to the origin of space.

In the whole world, only Ye Fan, who had sacrificed the Seal of the Void, and the Seal of the Void were still shining.

Seeing this scene, everyone outside the battlefield was shocked.

Tu Fei couldn't help but said: "What kind of secret method is this?!"

Ji Ziyue's eyes were bright: "This is my master's supreme secret technique, the Seal of the Void!"

"Seal of the Void?"

"Wait, your master?"

"Why is this ancient holy body used?"

The young man from the Yao clan, who was attracted by the sound of the two fighting, couldn't help but asked in confusion.

Ji Ziyue glanced at him and smiled slightly: "Remember what I said, Master also accepted a male disciple, right?"

"Remember." The demon young man nodded, and then he was horrified, "Is this the ancient holy body?!"

"Senior Shenjun actually accepted an ancient holy body as his disciple?"

"What a pity..."

"Although the ancient holy body is invincible at the same level, it is cursed after all, and the future is cut off. Senior Shenjun accepts such a useless body as his disciple, why not accept me as his disciple. At least I will definitely be able to advance to the four extremes..."

After the initial shock, many young people from the demon race started talking in low voices.

When Ji Ziyue heard their words, she couldn't help but glare at them, causing them to immediately become silent and afraid to speak out.

At the same time, Ye Fan was also extremely shocked by the scene of silence in front of him.

He just wanted to use the Seal of the Void to freeze the space ten meters around him, so that the hundred and eight thousand sword feathers could not get close to his body.

But who would have thought that when the Seal of the Void appeared, it seemed to stir up some power, causing the world to be imprisoned within a ten-mile radius.

How is this going?

Just when Ye Fan was confused, Li Yun's angry voice suddenly sounded in his mind.

"Stop leaving that idiot standing there, and beat that bastard bird to pieces quickly. Your Void Seal has borrowed my power. If you don't hurry up and beat that arrogant bastard bird, I'm going to beat you up!"

...So that’s it!

"I asked why this Seal of the Void suddenly became so strong..."

Ye Fan looked embarrassed, and quickly held the seal of the void, turning into golden light and flying towards the imprisoned Golden Winged Peng King.

During the flight, Ye Fan used the Tiangang Divine Power [Big and Small Ruyi], and his body suddenly shrank in the golden light, and finally turned into a golden man with a height of only 30 centimeters. In the blink of an eye, he covered a distance of several thousand meters and flew to the Golden Wings. In front of King Peng.

This is another use of size.

When the body shrinks, Ye Fan drives the body with the same divine power, and his strength, physique and speed will be greatly improved.


With just one punch, the Golden Winged Peng King's chest was pierced.

A fiery red heart appeared in the blood hole, and it was difficult to beat under the influence of the power of space.

Looking at the heart, Ye Fan hesitated whether to kill the Golden Winged Peng King on the spot.

With the character shown by the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King, after this battle, he will definitely fight to the death.

Even if he is not killed today, there will definitely be a battle in the future.

But then again, after all, this is the cave of the Green Dragon King and the territory of the demon clan.

Isn't it a little inappropriate to kill the first person of their younger generation in front of all the demon clan?

Just when Ye Fan hesitated, Li Yun's voice sounded faintly.

"No matter what you want to do, I will support you, so feel free to do it!"

"...Brother Li."

Ye Fan's expression moved slightly, and a warm current emerged in his heart.

After thinking for a moment, he made a decision, and with his right hands pointed like knives, he cut off the left arm of the Golden-winged Little Peng King at the root.

Then, he raised his right fist, and the black and yellow energy adhered to the fist surface. He looked at the imprisoned golden eyes of the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King and said lightly: "Remember my name, my name is Ye Fan, and I keep my word." , if I say break your arms, I will break your arms!"


The golden-winged Xiaopeng King's pupils trembled sharply, and his eyes looking at Ye Fan were full of strong hatred and murderous intent.

But unfortunately, in the face of absolute power, all so-called explosive seeds are just powerless and furious.


Ye Fan swung out a punch and hit the golden-winged Xiaopeng King hard in the abdominal cavity, causing his sea of ​​pain to shake and the divine bridge to break.

Then, Ye Fan punched the Golden Winged Peng King on the back of the head again, causing him to faint in an instant with a strong sense of unwillingness.

The next second, the power of space dissipated silently.

All the imprisoned things fell to the ground, and the sonic boom caused by Ye Fan's fist also erupted at this moment.

The unconscious body of the Golden Winged Peng King fell to the ground, was caught in a ray of green light, and was caught firmly in mid-air.

Ye Fan's body shape returned to normal, and he looked towards the direction of the blue light with bright eyes.

I saw a fairy-like woman in white appearing on the periphery of the battlefield at some point, looking at Ye Fan indifferently.

"The Golden Winged Peng King provoked the God King's beloved disciple, and he deserves this end."

"Brother Ye is willing to spare his life. Ruyu would like to thank Brother Ye for his mercy on behalf of Old Peng King..."

As soon as these words were spoken, the tone was set for the matter, and the Golden-winged Xiaopeng King finally escaped.

Ye Fan smiled slightly, and just about to say something, he found that the spiritual energy vortex in the sky was spinning violently, and billowing dark clouds were gathering from all directions. It was like a catastrophe, brewing terrifying thunder, and it seemed that some important treasure was about to be born.

Seeing this scene, Ye Fan and Ji Ziyue looked stern, knowing that Li Yun's Void Seal was finally finished.

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