Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 835 Are there any masters?

The sudden appearance of two figures shocked many powerful Jiang family men around Hualong Pond.

Ye Fan stared at the handsome young man blankly, and suddenly felt that there seemed to be an aura on him that was very familiar to him.

Just when Ye Fan hadn't figured out where this aura came from, in the sky, a Holy Lord clapped his right palm, and the bright golden light suddenly filled the entire sky, covering all the diverse golden figures. Beat it to pieces.

The remaining body of the Dou Zhan Holy Ape groaned and fell to the ground like a meteor.

"You have a small skill, but you still dare to do the same thing?"

The Holy Lord snorted coldly, and pressed down his big hand like a mountain, as if he planned to kill the monkey.

Ji Ziyue was shocked when she saw this, and quickly took the arm of the handsome young man beside her and said: "Uncle, he wants to kill junior brother, beat him quickly!"

"Okay, okay!"

The handsome young man smiled and nodded, then raised his hand lightly and tapped lightly towards the figure in the sky.

In an instant, the void, which represents the origin of space, responded extremely violently.

Nearly endless space power surges out from the void in all directions, like billions of oceans converging together and blasting toward one point.

In just an instant, the Holy Lord, who had been as arrogant as a god just now, was squeezed into a bloody mist by the nearly endless power of space.

But the handsome young man who crushed the Holy Lord to death with one finger turned his head indifferently and looked in the direction where the golden fighting holy ape fell, as if he had crushed an ant to death.


With a flash of silver light, the falling body of the Holy Prince appeared in front of everyone.

The handsome young man raised his hand and held his shoulders, stabilizing his body and taking away the strength from his body.

The Holy Prince stared blankly at the handsome young man smiling in front of him. After a while, he came back to his senses and said respectfully: "Thank you, Uncle Lin!"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said nothing.

The people around him were still immersed in the shock of him destroying the Holy Lord with just one finger, so they didn't say anything.

The whole world became silent and silent after he pointed a finger.

In the sky, the remaining twelve Holy Lords froze and floated quietly, their eyes looking at the handsome young man below in fear and astonishment.

They were completely unaware of what had just happened. They only saw the other party raising his hand and pointing, and a Holy Lord fell instantly.

What a powerful force this is!

Who is this mysterious young man who suddenly appears? !

In just a short moment, the situation was reversed. Lin Zhongtian pointed out the Holy Master and completely became the focus of everyone's attention.

Everyone looked at this uninvited guest in surprise.

Ye Fan also had his pupils narrowed, looking at Lin Zhongtian with shock in his eyes.

He finally remembered the familiar aura on the other person's body.

It is the original power of space originating from the Seal of the Void!

——The handsome young man in front of me is most likely the great being who created the Seal of the Void as mentioned by Li Yun!

"Ye Fan, what are you doing standing still? Your uncle is asking you something!"

Ji Ziyue's angry voice sounded in Ye Fan's mind.

Ye Fan suddenly woke up, and then he quickly said respectfully: "Boy Ye Fan, I have met Senior Lin!"

Lin Zhongtian looked at Ye Fan up and down, and silver light burst out from his black eyes that were as bright as stars, like a fantasy version of X-rays, and he instantly understood every secret of Ye Fan's body.

When he spied the green copper block in Ye Fan's sea of ​​suffering, the green copper block trembled at first.

Immediately afterwards, it seemed to have noticed something fishy, ​​and it calmed down in an instant. Mottled patina appeared on the surface of the green copper, as if it was trying to deceive Lin Zhongtian's eyes by concealing itself.

Lin Zhongtian laughed dumbly, immediately put away his eyes, looked up at the sky, and spoke with a smile.

"Okay, don't wait any longer, come out!"

As soon as these words came out, the twelve Holy Lords in the sky frowned.

Jiang Yun of the Jiang family and many of the Supreme Elders also looked around with vigilant faces.

Like the twelve Holy Lords, they all thought that Lin Zhongtian's words were meant for those people in the void who were hiding their heads and tail.

Of course, those who hide their heads and show their tails also think so.

They were silent for a moment, and finally their figures emerged from the void. They were three figures with extremely powerful auras.

But at the same time, the auras on these three figures were extremely decayed. At first glance, they looked like old monsters who had lived for thousands of years and whose life span was now at an end.

"Who are you, and why have I never heard of your name in these four thousand years?"

The old figure at the head said this sentence in a dry voice like metal friction.

The surrounding Holy Lords and the Supreme Elders of the Jiang family were all shocked when they heard this.

This old monster has actually lived for four thousand years. Isn't he a contemporary of the God King Jiang Taixu?

Ye Fan, Ji Ziyue, Sheng Prince and others were also horrified. They couldn't help but look at the other two old figures, thinking that they were all people who had lived for four thousand years like the old man in the middle.

Facing the old monster's questions, Lin Zhongtian turned a deaf ear and just looked at the sky quietly, as if he was still waiting for something.

Finally, an incomparably vast power of the Ultimate Way emerged in the void. It seemed that someone controlled the Ultimate Ultimate Armament, opened a path in the void, and descended on the world with great power.

It was a figure like the dark night. As soon as he arrived, he appeared as a huge shadow overlooking all living beings. Like the king of the dark night, he exuded great power and looked down upon the world.

"This is the vision of the king coming over the world!"

"He is the Night King of Middle-earth!"

Jiang Yun from the Jiang family couldn't help but exclaim.

As a descendant of God King Jiang Taixu, Jiang Yun naturally still remembers the glorious achievements of his ancestors.

It was more than 4,000 years ago, and the twin kings of Zhongzhou were famous all over the world. The elder brother was called the King of the Sun, and the younger brother was called the King of the Night. They were twin brothers who practiced the secret method of combining attacks.

The two brothers join forces to conquer the world and are invincible.

King Jiang Shen has encountered countless enemies in his life, but the battle with the Sun King was the most difficult and dangerous.

They fought all night, and no one knows how many mountains collapsed and how many oceans evaporated. Only then did Jiang Taixu use a shocking blow to kill the Sun King, destroying both body and spirit, and disappeared from the world forever.

The King of Dark Night has since formed a brother-killing feud with Jiang Taixu, so it is only natural that he would appear here.

"It turns out that you are secretly controlling the Jidao Emperor's soldiers to contain the Hengyu Divine Furnace!"

Jiang Yun and many elders of the Jiang family suddenly realized.

At the same time, they also felt extremely nervous and desperate about the appearance of the King of Dark Night.

As early as four thousand years ago, the King of Dark Night was a top figure who could compete with Jiang Taixu.

Now Jiang Taixu has spent four thousand years in vain, but the King of Dark Night is still staying well in Central Continent.

He endured it for more than four thousand years, and finally led the Jidao Emperor's soldiers to set up such a sure-kill situation.

...Can the Jiang family really resist?

Thinking of this, Jiang Yun and many strong men from the Jiang family couldn't help but turn their attention to Lin Zhongtian.

This mysterious and powerful man who appeared out of nowhere exploded a Holy Lord in the sky with one finger. The strength he displayed was by no means inferior to that of the supreme Holy Lord who mastered the ultimate imperial weapon.

I just don’t know which side he is on...

In the sky, the King of Dark Night manifested his phantom, overlooking the Hualong Pond below, and said in a deep voice: "I am here just to kill Jiang Taixu. If you are willing to stand by and watch, I will definitely use the Hengyu Divine Furnace to kill Jiang Taixu." In return!”

As soon as these words came out, everyone in the Jiang family was shocked.

Jiang Yun couldn't help but said angrily: "Shameless!"

"The Hengyu Divine Furnace belongs to my Jiang family. You use other people's things to borrow flowers and offer them to Buddha. It's really..."

"Hmph!" The Dark Night King snorted coldly, and the billowing divine power suddenly washed away, forcing Jiang Yun to resist.

"A turtle in a urn, when death is imminent, still dare to speak harshly?"

"The Hengyu Divine Furnace fell into your hands, what a waste of resources!"

Having said that, the Dark Night King looked at Lin Zhongtian again and said in a deep voice: "What do you think, Your Excellency?"

Lin Zhongtian turned a deaf ear and just stared at the silver crack in the sky quietly, with a hint of surprise in his dark eyes.

Ye Fan was a little unsure of Lin Zhongtian's position, and couldn't help but whisper cautiously: "Senior Lin?"

Lin Zhongtian glanced at Ye Fan, then sighed and said helplessly: "I tell you, if you don't come out, you will really be regarded as clowns!"

……What? !

Are there any experts? !

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, everyone including Ye Fan was shocked.

Even the twelve Holy Lords, the three old monsters, and the King of Dark Night could not help but frown tightly.

The next moment, a figure flew out of the hundred-meter-long silver crack.

The man was wearing a dark gold black dragon robe, a twelve-bead crown on his head, and a dark gold imperial sword on his waist. Golden thunder emanated from his black eyes, and his whole body was filled with an imperial aura that looked down upon the world.

As soon as he appeared, dark clouds rolled in from the sky, and golden thunder flickered in the clouds, like a golden sword, easily tearing apart the vision of the 'king of the world', causing the King of Dark Night to groan and endure. The shadow of the king could not help but be removed.


The King of Dark Night was hidden in the night sky, looking at the figure that suddenly appeared with anger and uncertainty.

But the young man in dragon robe ignored the Shadow King's question.

He just looked at Lin Zhongtian beside the Hualong Pond and explained with a smile: "Brother, don't worry, Lao Li has just returned to the body and is refining the holy body that he took away from his body into an incarnation. We are just staying for a moment to help him." It’s just a helping hand!”

Lin Zhongtian said angrily: "What about now?"

Zhao Lihe smiled slightly and turned to look at the silver crack.

I saw streams of light shooting out from it, turning into figures with extremely terrifying auras in mid-air.

Among them, there is a silver-haired goddess who is wearing a gorgeous gold-red dress with a beautiful appearance, and a sea of ​​​​fire appears behind her.

There is a handsome middle-aged man wearing a white robe, with an aura like an abyss, with his hands on his back and a five-clawed green dragon on his feet.

There is also a beautiful female ghost in a white dress, smiling and looking around. She looks as innocent as a girl, but in fact she has a ghostly aura, just like Yama from the underworld coming to the world, causing half of the sky to be covered by ghost clouds...

A strange and powerful man exuding a terrifying aura crossed the sky, causing everyone present to suddenly wake up.

It turned out that from the beginning, they had mistaken the person Lin Zhongtian was talking to...

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