Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 836 A little shock to the time traveler

They don't care about the Holy Lord and the King at all, they are just talking to their fellow disciples.

It's ridiculous that they all just thought it was right and were so sentimental that they were alarmed by Lin Zhongtian's words and took turns walking out of the void to communicate with this mysterious strong man in a serious manner.

Who knows, they have no intention of paying attention to them...

After thinking about this, the twelve Holy Lords in the sky, the three old monsters, and the King of the Night who were mercilessly slapped in the face by Zhao Lihe all felt a little angry.


The King of Dark Night roared low, and regardless of Hengyu Furnace's entanglement, he controlled the Jidao Imperial Soldiers to unleash the Jidao Divine Power on the group of people.

The vast divine power tore through the void, like billions of stars falling, manifesting into a terrifying silver torrent in the sky.

Seeing this scene, the dragon-robed emperor glanced at the King of Dark Night lightly.

He was about to take action to stop the silver torrent, when another even more terrifying aura came from the direction of the silver crack.

It was a heroic young man in black armor. He was muscular, tall, and full of blood. He was like an ancient wild beast, exuding a terrifying aura that was hard to ignore.

As soon as he appeared, the heroic young man saw billions of stars hanging down from the sky.

His eyes immediately lit up, he opened his mouth, and an extremely huge and ferocious head appeared behind him, almost spanning the entire sky.

In just one mouthful, the ferocious monster head covered with black scales swallowed the billions of stars pouring in, then burped and looked at the stunned King of the Night with dissatisfaction.

"Hey, why are they all fake?"

...Does that mean you still want it to be true?

The King of Dark Night came to his senses, suppressed the shock in his heart, gritted his teeth, turned around and fled decisively.

"Want to run?"

The dragon-robed emperor sneered, and when he reached out with his big hand, the world was suddenly filled with golden thunder.

The golden gravitational thunders gathered together to form a golden thunder ball with a diameter of more than a thousand feet.

The terrifying attraction was born in an instant and merged into one, locking the King of the Night who had escaped into the void from afar.


With a soft sound, the space was distorted and torn. The King of Dark Night, who had escaped into it, turned into a stream of light and flew out with a look of horror on his face. He actually 'actively' flew towards the thunderball under the influence of the gravity.

On the way, he tried to control the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers to fight against the gravitational thunder.

However, the Holy Master of the Ji family imitated his method and controlled the Hengyu Furnace to contain the Ji Dao Emperor's soldiers, making the Dark Night King completely unable to control it. He could only watch the golden sea of ​​thunder getting bigger and bigger in his eyes.

"It doesn't matter, I still have the divine clothes of the ancient sages, and - ah!!"

In the golden thunder ball, the figure of the King of Dark Night twitched crazily.

An extremely tragic wail came from it, making everyone onlookers tremble.

His saint-level divine clothes, the most bizarre physique in the world, and the powerful secret method that can quickly heal and resurrect him, all can only end up being wasted in front of this golden thunder ball with a diameter of more than a thousand feet.

The King of Dark Night was frantically looking for opportunities to escape while enduring the attack from the thunderball.

But unfortunately, the terrifying gravity has completely locked him, and even the surrounding space has been distorted and blocked by gravity. Even a being like the King of the Night has absolutely no chance of escaping.

The dragon-robed emperor faintly glanced at the black shadow in the center of the golden thunder ball.

He waved his hand, and the golden thunder ball with a diameter of thousands of feet gradually shrank, and finally turned into a golden thunder ball the size of a table tennis ball, suspended between the powerful five fingers.

Zhao Lihe flipped his hand and put away the golden thunder ball and the Dark Night King together.

The heroic young man in black armor flew over, looked at the Hualong Pond below, and said with great interest: "Jiang Taixu, the Hualong Pond, so this is the plot!"

"What do you mean, which side should we help?"

Zhao Lihe glanced at the enthusiastic Bai Lang speechlessly.

He has already taken action to suppress the King of Dark Night. Who should he help? Who needs to say?

In the underground palace, Ye Fan stood beside the Hualong Pond, looking at the sky with shock on his face.

The appearance of the Dark Night King just now was so high-profile that even the Holy Lord-level Jiang Yun felt a little desperate about it, so much so that Ye Fan really thought that this guy was one of the most powerful people in the world today.

But now, in front of this dragon-robed emperor, the King of Dark Night could not even hold on for one round, and was suppressed and taken away in a flash.

...Are these people the companions of Brother Li?

Just as Ye Fan was thinking in shock, the silver-haired goddess in a golden-red dress waved her jade hand.

In an instant, the sky was covered with fire clouds, and the billowing flames showed colorful colors, wrapping up from all directions.

Waves of fire swept across, engulfing the figures of the twelve Holy Lords and the three old monsters in the sky.

After a while, the flames dissipated, and seven of the twelve Holy Lords were burned to ashes by the flames. Only five escaped, looking at the beautiful silver-haired goddess with horror on their faces.

As for the three old monsters, each has a variety of strange ways of escaping.

They sensed the fatal danger of the flames and fled from the flames as soon as possible.

The three old monsters looked at the sky with lingering fear. When they turned around, they found a black-haired young man floating behind them, watching them quietly.

This person's realm is unknown, but his aura is extremely terrifying. His body is covered with a silver energy shield, and his jet-black hair stands up like a hedgehog. He does not look like an ordinary human being.

The three old monsters looked at each other, gritted their teeth, and all attacked this person.

They have been top masters for more than four thousand years, but now they rely on the Yin Ming Grass to survive. Their physical bodies have long been decayed and they cannot practice. They can only continue to delve into the power of spiritual consciousness.

Now, their attainments in spiritual consciousness are unparalleled in the world.

Even a figure at the level of a Holy Lord would only end up in a state of disarray if they join forces.

In an instant, three divine thoughts were like three oceans of different colors, setting off huge waves that hit the black-haired young man in front.


Three vast oceans of blood, green, and black came crashing in, but they seemed to hit a hard silver reef. The soft seawater was immediately separated by the reef, and continued to flow around the silver reef.

"How can this be?!"

The three old monsters looked at the unmoving black-haired young man in front of them with shock on their faces.

Under their spiritual attacks, even the King of Dark Night would be injured in a head-on confrontation.

But the person in front of him actually ignored their spiritual attacks. How did he do this? !

The black-haired young man was suspended in the air with a calm expression. He looked at them and raised his right hand, saying calmly: "Is there anything impossible? The so-called power of divine consciousness is nothing more than consciousness with energy attributes!"

"And when consciousness has the attribute of energy, then it can be affected by energy..."

One of the old monsters couldn't help but retorted: "But energy is riddled with holes in front of spiritual consciousness, how can it be completely defended?"

"How is it impossible?"

The black-haired young man looked at the three of them indifferently, and in the palm of his raised right hand, there was a bright silver light.

"As long as I have enough energy, can't I make it flawless?"

After the words fell, the three old monsters were all startled, as if they found it difficult to refute the black-haired young man's words.

The next moment, the silver light in the palm of the black-haired young man exploded, and a silver beam of light shot out from the sky and the earth, like a bright Milky Way flowing from the ground to the sky, instantly drowning the decaying bodies of the three old monsters.


The silver beam of light exploded with roar, pierced through the clouds and flew high into the sky.

Everyone at the Hualong Pond not far away was startled by the earth-shattering movement and couldn't help but cast their eyes over.

Taking advantage of this opportunity, the five remaining Holy Masters fled into the void one after another, tacitly escaping in all directions.

But unfortunately, there are now as many as nine figures flying out of the silver cracks.

Each figure exudes an aura as deep as the sea. Each figure occupies a position and looks at the escaping figures with a playful expression.

A laughter like a silver bell rang out. Bai Youyou, who was wearing a white dress and filled with ghostly aura, stretched out her white jade arms. The billowing black energy formed a tens-meter-long dark ghost claw in front of her jade hands, instantly piercing the void. Caught a figure out.

Next to him, Fang Yuan, the unparalleled ancestor from the world of beast control, stood on top of the five-clawed green dragon with his hands behind his back. His dark eyes swept forward, and in an instant he shot out two bolts of lightning that penetrated the void and shot down a figure flying toward him. .

The Kryptonian Danaus was wearing a black suit, holding his hands across his chest, floating in the air.

Just when he was about to use nuclear heat vision to sweep the third Holy Lord out of the void, Li Yun's voice suddenly appeared in his mind, making him raise his eyebrows, and the golden-red light in his eyes gradually faded away.

Afterwards, Zhao Lihe, Bailang, Daenerys, Fang Yuan, Bai Youyou, Danas and others all set their sights on the silver crack.

In the crack, a tall human man's body slowly emerged. His face was heroic, his temperament was fierce, and his whole body exuded a terrifying aura as hot as a star.

"...Is this Brother Li's real body?"

Ye Fan's eyes glowed with divine light, and he looked at Li Yun in the sky with shock on his face.

In his eyes, this body is filled with a huge mass that is tightly restrained, as well as extremely terrifying fiery energy. It is like an extremely huge star that has been compressed into a human form...

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