Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 949 Who is Marquis Yun?

In the early morning wilderness, hundreds of camels and carriages scattered chaotically around.

Cheng Chumo was fully clothed in armor, wielding a gleaming horse spear, and led more than a dozen cavalrymen also wrapped in iron armor, and rushed into the camel team like a demon descending from the earth.

In just an instant, the big cannibals blocking the cavalry were knocked flying.

The bright red blood swayed in mid-air, staining the horses and the armored knights head-on.


Cheng Chumo relied on his powerful troops and strong armor to take the lead.

His eyes were locked on the big cannibal who had just shouted. When he saw the other person turning around and running away, he immediately galloped forward, waved the horse's spur, stabbed the opponent's shoulder hard from behind, and then gave him a hard pick.

The big man-eater screamed and flew up. Cheng Chumo grabbed his belt and pinned him down on the horse's back.

"Shut up!"

Cheng Chumo gave a sharp shout and hit the big man-eating man on the back with the horse hammer in his hand. The blow made him spit out a mouthful of blood, and then he lay dying on the horse's back, unable to say another word.

At this time, a cavalry force of about 300 people had been organized behind the camel team.

But compared with the Tang Dynasty's cavalry, these cavalry were not wearing armor, and some were even bare-chested. They only held a scimitar and roared towards the Tang Dynasty cavalry.

Cheng Chumo sneered, without any fear, he led his cavalry to face the enemy head-on, piercing the enemy formation like an arrow.


The scimitar struck his armor, but it could only leave shallow cuts.

In contrast, every time Cheng Chumo waved his horse, he could take away at least one life.

In this way, the cavalry unit of 300 people was pierced through the center by more than ten Tang Dynasty cavalry.

The divided cavalry passed by from both sides, and without even looking at the cavalry behind them, they rushed straight towards the convoy in front.

Looking at the roaring cavalry in front of the cavalry, the crossbowmen on the outside of the convoy immediately clicked the trigger and fired thick arrows from the crossbow.

The arrow was shaped like a javelin, and the arrowhead was triangular. It shone coldly in the early morning sun. It was obviously made of fine steel and had no power.

Every arrow that rushes into the enemy's formation can open a bloody path in the crowd.

The big man-eater's leather shield could not block the power of the crossbow at all. He could only watch as the crossbow arrows penetrated the shield, pierced into the body, and even penetrated from their backs.

"call out--"

Accompanied by sharp sounds of piercing the air, it seemed as if the scythe of death was mercilessly harvesting lives on the battlefield.

In the convoy, the young man who retreated stood among a dozen tall and round guards, silently observing the battlefield ahead through the gap in the shield in front of him.

He frowned slightly when he saw Cheng Chumo waiting for more than ten cavalry to disappear among the gathered cavalry.

After thinking for a moment, he called his guards and told them to lead the remaining cavalry and wait for an opportunity to charge into the formation and join Cheng Chumo. They must not cause any harm to the young master.

The guard took the order and left, carrying a horse pole and getting on his horse.

At the same time, behind the enemy's formation, Cheng Chumo had already led his troops to break through the enemy's formation.

Looking at the chaotic cavalry behind him, Cheng Chumo was covered in blood, but he was full of energy and eager to try.

Seeing that the young prince seemed to be planning to go back and poke him through, the cavalryman next to him was shocked. He quickly spoke out and reminded him not to be impulsive with Marquis Yun's order, and then reluctantly held him back.

Before, they took the lead in charging, but the enemy was not ready to gain a firm foothold, so they appeared to be invincible and unstoppable.

But now, Dashi's cavalry has been intertwined into a formation. If you want to charge all the way to the end like before, it will not be that simple.

Cheng Chu sighed silently, looked at the dying big man-eating man in front of him, waved his horse, and ordered the knights to surround him from outside.

Just as they turned their horses and passed by the enemy formation from the flank, Cheng Chumo suddenly discovered that among the camel caravan on the flank of the enemy formation, there was an out-of-place figure strutting around.

The man was dressed in a green shirt, had black hair and black eyes, and a handsome face. He didn't look like a barbarian, but rather like a serious Tang Dynasty boy from a good family.

At this moment, the man in green shirt put his left hand behind his back and walked leisurely among the chaotic camel caravan.

The big man-eating man holding a long knife shouted and rushed over. Without looking, the man pushed with his right palm and sent him flying. After drawing a parabola, he fell hard to the ground.

The long knife flew away from his hand, and was caught by the man, and then he threw it forward lightly.


The long knife turned and cut off the heads of two people, and was finally nailed to the chest of the third person.

The third man's eyes widened, blood gurgled from the corner of his mouth, and he fell backward to the ground.

The man in green shirt who threw the long knife not only didn't care, but also walked casually to the carriage, lifted up the linen cloth, and curiously looked at the goods inside.

The surrounding guards were so frightened by him that they backed away repeatedly, holding long knives in their hands, looking at each other and not daring to step forward.

Seeing this scene, Cheng Chumo couldn't help being slightly startled, and his scalp immediately went numb.


Definitely a master!

Moreover, he is the kind of person who has reached the level of martial arts and is capable of defeating hundreds of enemies!

At this moment, the man in green shirt seemed to notice Cheng Chumo's gaze, turned his head slightly and looked over in surprise.

Cheng Chumo was shuddered in his heart, but his face remained calm. He waved his horse's bridle and ordered the riders to move forward quickly.

After crushing the camel caravan on the flanks, the cavalry led by Cheng Chumo finally joined the main force.

At this time, on the frontal battlefield, the cannibal cavalry had been wiped out by the Tang Dynasty's crossbow array, which was like throwing money at them.

The more than fifty armored cavalry who had gathered together immediately charged forward, clearing away the scattered cavalry like bulldozers.

According to common sense, with such losses in battle, the cannibals should have fled in all directions.

But this group of people is obviously special. It seems that they are not here to fight, but to die.

Facing the ruthless iron hoofs of Cheng Chumo and others, they not only did not flee, they did not even say a word, they just waved their scimitars and howled like wild beasts.

Not long after, this unit was finally wiped out by Cheng Chumo's cavalry and the infantry who rushed up after firing crossbows.

Cheng Chumo led the crowd to eliminate the remnants. During this period, he always paid attention to the appearance of the people in the camel caravan, but found that no matter what, he could not find the man in the blue shirt.

"It's really strange..."

Cheng Chumo frowned, then shook his head and put the matter behind him.

On the other side, the young man in the motorcade frowned and looked at the battlefield ahead, seeming to sense something was wrong.

At this moment, an old man in Taoist robes came over from behind, frowned and asked, "Who are these, Beard?"

The young man frowned and said, "Looking at their costumes, they are indeed cannibals, but I don't think it's right."

"These people bring fine wine and do not worship at sunrise. There is no way they are Muslims!"

Having said this, the young man paused, looked at General Gao holding the prisoner in front of him, and said with a smile: "What is the truth? Let's ask and find out!"


The big cannibal who had shouted before was thrown in front of the young man by Cheng Chumo.

The man looked horrified and quickly got up and rushed towards the young man's feet, seemingly planning to kiss his shoes.

The young man frowned, kicked him away with a look of disgust, and said, "Tell me, who are you and why are you pretending to be a cannibal?"

The man looked flattering and quickly replied: "Almighty and brave general, we are just servants who came to invite you to the banquet. Those damn slaves, they are just a small game before the banquet."

"Our guests all like to play a little game before the banquet. The humble Abdullah thought that the general also liked it, so he arranged such a little game..."


The young man was slightly startled, and immediately called for the prisoner. He opened his mouth and saw that his tongue had been cut out.

Cheng Chumo and others were furious, thinking that the bearded man who called himself Abdullah was talking nonsense, but the young man knew it was true, because Persian nobles did have such a custom.

However, the other party uses slaves, but the people around him are compatriots and brothers!

The young man's face was livid, and he immediately waved his hand, signaling for everyone to drag him to be beheaded.

After Abdullah was dragged away crying and screaming, the young man turned to look at Cheng Chumo: "How much was the damage in the battle?"

Cheng Chumo said proudly: "Twenty-three injuries!"

The young man was slightly startled: "Where is Death?"

Cheng Chumo laughed loudly: "No!"

The boy's eyes widened: "Really?!"

"Why did I lie to you!" Cheng Chumo smiled and hugged the young man's shoulders, and then whispered, "But there is something I think I must tell you..."

Cheng Chumo lowered his voice and told the young man about the man in green shirt who had mysteriously appeared just now.

After listening to Cheng Chumo's words, the young man couldn't help but frowned tightly.

At this moment, a jingling sound of camel bells came from the front.

Everyone was slightly startled and looked up, only to see a white camel appearing at the edge of the battlefield ahead of them and walking towards them with elegant steps.

Cheng Chumo and the young man looked at each other and immediately ordered someone to bring the camel.

When it arrived in front of everyone, the white camel immediately knelt down, revealing the silver box on its back.

The silver box is very exquisite, and it looks like it was made by a skilled craftsman.

Cheng Chumo stepped forward and opened the small lock and found that there was nothing inside. He couldn't help but look at the young man in confusion.

The old man next to him stepped forward to check it out, then turned around and said, "This box has been opened by someone."

The young man frowned, thinking that the white camel must be a messenger sent by the person behind the scenes.

But unfortunately, the letter was intercepted before it arrived.

I just don’t know who this guy is and what his purpose is...

Just when the young man's mind was churning, a long voice suddenly came from above everyone's heads.

"Marquis Yun has come from a thousand miles away. I am very happy. I sent two or three of my sons to play with each other in front of the steps and chat with the military marquis."

The sudden sound startled everyone.

The surrounding guards raised their shields to protect the young man and others. The remaining people either drew their swords or raised their bows and crossbows, and looked towards the direction of the sound in confusion.


The leading guard shouted sharply.

The young man looked up and saw a handsome man in blue shirt sitting on the top of the carriage, holding a roll of parchment. While looking at the words on it with interest, he said in a leisurely tone:

"Today we have the fine wine from Persia, and the beauties from all countries are dancing with the white snow and singing to the north wind. It is so beautiful that I hope to get drunk together with Marquis Yun. Is that okay?"

After saying that, the man in green shirt turned his head, looked at the surprised and uncertain people below, as if facing a formidable enemy, smiled and waved the parchment in his hand.

"Who is Marquis Yun?"

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