Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 950 Another time traveler

Looking at the handsome young man with a smile on the top of the carriage, everyone below looked at each other, as if they were shocked and overwhelmed by the overly calm demeanor of the man in green shirt.

Cheng Chumo protected the young man beside him and looked at the man in green shirt with piercing eyes.

"It's you?!"

The man in green shirt glanced at him, smiled slightly and said, "General, we meet again!"

"Cut the nonsense!"

Cheng Chumo shouted sternly, holding the horse's baton in his hand, striding forward, waving the horse's pole towards the man in green shirt sitting on the edge of the carriage, and shouted righteously: "Bold maniac, trespassing into the military camp, do you know what to do?" crime?!"


The fine horse was swung over with great force.

The man in green shirt looked helpless and immediately knocked off the carriage with his heel. He floated up like a wild goose and easily avoided the horse's trap and landed behind the top of the carriage.

Seeing this scene, the young man opened his mouth slightly, almost stunned.

Since he came to the world of the Tang Dynasty, he has seen many powerful generals who have dominated the battlefield and left their names in history, but this is the first time he has seen a master with such an elegant figure, like a heroic hero in Jin Yong's works...

That's right, the young man's name is Yun Ye, the Marquis of Lantian in the Tang Dynasty, and he is a time traveler!

Cheng Chumo was not surprised when he saw the man in green shirt easily avoiding his horse.

His eyes were bright, and he drew and swung the horsetail in his hand, like a dragon coming out of the sea, quickly poking at the man in green shirt.

The man in green shirt pointed his toes, and his body floated down like the wind. At the same time, he used his right hand to tap the horse's shaft lightly with strength.


In an instant, a powerful force came from the horse.

Cheng Chumo was shocked. The horse in his hand swung uncontrollably to the left and plunged into the ground.

At the same time, the speed of the man in green shirt increased dramatically, like a strong wind blowing from the ground, passing among the crowd in an instant.

All the guards were startled and quickly turned around to look, only to see the man in green shirt appearing next to the white camel. He was like an immortal, spanning a distance of nearly twenty meters in one step.

"……How can this be?!"

An old man beside Yun Ye couldn't help but exclaimed.

Another old man frowned tightly and immediately shouted: "Fire the arrow!"


Two voices sounded almost at the same time.

The guards had only listened to the military orders of Yun Ye and Cheng Chumo. At this moment, the two of them spoke in unison, naturally lowering their crossbows and not daring to release arrows.

Cheng Chumo pulled out his horse's shaft, pushed aside the crowd, walked to the front, and looked at the man in green shirt with piercing eyes.

"The strong man is really good at martial arts!" Cheng Chumo praised, then held the horse's spear, cupped his hands and said with a smile, "A certain family is very talented, and I have offended many people. I hope you can forgive me, strong man!"

"Easy to say!"

The man in green shirt smiled slightly and put the parchment in his hand back into the silver box. Just as he was about to reply, he saw the young man striding out, looking at him with excitement and saying, "Hero!"

The man in green shirt was startled for a moment, then looked at the young man thoughtfully.

Yun Ye didn't notice the expression of the man in green shirt, and still asked excitedly: "I wonder which sect the hero comes from. Is that the legendary Qing Kung that he used just now?"


The man in green shirt twitched the corner of his mouth and immediately looked at Yun Ye helplessly.

Qinggong, martial arts, heroes...

No more running away, this is another time traveler!

Lin Zhongtian sighed, thinking how he could run out for a vacation and meet the time traveler.

It seems that it is destined that he will be entangled with various time-travelers in his life...

At the same time, seeing that Lin Zhongtian did not answer, Yun Ye thought that he had made a mistake and asked a question that he could not ask.

So he quickly changed his words and said with a smile: "So that the heroes will know that Yun Ye is the Marquis Yun mentioned in the letter!"

"……I see!"

Hearing the name Yun Ye, Lin Zhongtian suddenly realized that he finally knew the identity of this world.

Yun Ye, Zi Buqi, is the protagonist of "Tang Brick". He traveled to the world of the Tang Dynasty and relied on the knowledge of his previous life to become the Marquis of Lantian County of the Tang Dynasty. Now he has returned from Shuofang with his troops. It should be around the fourth volume. timeline.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian smiled slightly and said leisurely: "It turns out to be the Marquis of Lantian of the Tang Dynasty!"

"My surname is Lin, a native of the Central Plains. I passed by here a few days ago and saw everyone fighting with the barbarians. On a whim, I joined in the fun. As for this roll of parchment, I just took it out to have a look out of curiosity!"

With that said, Lin Zhongtian raised his hand and knocked on the silver box.

As he swallowed his strength, the silver box suddenly flew out and landed accurately in front of Yun Ye.

"The present property returns to its original owner, I hope Marquis Yun will forgive me!"

Lin Zhongtian smiled and cupped his hands, looking calm and like a master.

The old man beside Yun Ye frowned and looked at Lin Zhongtian who was pretending suspiciously.

Cheng Chumo glanced at him, paid attention to his eyes, and immediately whispered: "Sir, you don't know. This man did participate in the war just now, and he only killed the beard and did not hurt the Tang people. I don't think he had any ill intentions."

"As for the matter of breaking into the military camp without permission, a certain family suggested that we can postpone the matter."

"It should be noted that this man is walking around in front of the battle, killing people and beheading him, as if he is in a deserted place. His martial arts skills are astonishing and are the only ones he has seen in a certain family's life. If a conflict or argument breaks out here, it may be difficult to protect Mr. …”

As soon as these words came out, the old man immediately fell silent and quietly retreated.

At the same time, the guard beside Yun Ye had opened the silver box, taken out the parchment, and handed it to Yun Ye.

Yun Ye read the parchment and found that the words on the parchment were exactly the same as what Lin Zhongtian had read.

At this time, Yun Ye had calmed down from the initial excitement.

He frowned, stuffed the parchment back into the silver box, and looked at Lin Zhongtian opposite him again.

On the wasteland, I met a peerless master from the Central Plains, and at the same time, there was also a foreign nobleman who used the lives of hundreds of slaves to make a show and invited him to attend an inexplicable banquet...

With so many suspicious things coming together, Yun Ye had to become suspicious.

After thinking for a moment, Yun Ye suddenly asked: "Are you also a messenger?"

Lin Zhongtian was slightly startled, then laughed and said, "Of course not."

Yun Ye said in a deep voice: "I'm sorry for Yun's blunt statement, but your martial arts skills are astonishing and your behavior is cunning. You even dare to break into the military camp without permission. If you can't be honest with me, it may be difficult to convince Yun."

Lin Zhongtian asked with interest: "Then what do you want to do?"

Yun Ye smiled and said: "Brother Lin's martial arts skills are amazing. If we were in another place, Yun would definitely take the initiative to make friends with Brother Lin. But now, Yun still has military affairs to attend to, and has no time to take care of him. Please ask Brother Lin to leave first."

"When things here are over, if Brother Lin wants to pay a visit, Yun is willing to sweep up his bed in Chang'an and wait for him!"

Speaking of this, Yun Ye's meaning was already very clear.

He couldn't figure out the origin of Lin Zhongtian, and was afraid of Lin Zhongtian's force, so he wanted to take a step back so that both parties could live in peace.

Lin Zhongtian nodded and said with a smile: "What if I don't want to leave?"

Cheng Chumo and the guards were slightly startled, and then their expressions gradually became serious.

Yun Ye remained calm, stopped everyone, and said with a smile: "To be honest with Brother Lin, there are still five hundred fine cavalry behind us. If Brother Lin insists on not leaving, please tell me the reason. If not, I will ...I'm so stupid!"

Before he finished speaking, Yun Ye couldn't help but cursed and stared at Lin Zhongtian dumbfounded.

Lin Zhongtian reached into his arms, took out a shiny silver M1911, held it in his hand, pointed the muzzle at Yun Ye, and looked at him with a half-smile.

Yun Ye's eyes widened and he looked at the black muzzle of the gun. His face turned red and he was speechless.

Next to him, Cheng Chumo glanced at Lin Zhongtian, who was smiling but not smiling, and then at Yun Ye, whose face was gradually becoming frightened. He frowned slightly and asked in a low voice in confusion, "What's wrong?"

"Isn't it just a piece of fine iron? Why did it scare you like this?"

A piece of fine iron?

Not enough?

Do you know what this thing represents? !

Yun Ye's eyes widened and he looked at the silver pistol. He felt as if his mind was in a trance. It seemed that the world view that he had finally rebuilt after time travel began to gradually collapse again.

Seeing Yun Ye's interesting reaction, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help laughing.

Although he came to this world for vacation, as a member of the alliance, he still must not forget his duties when meeting time travellers.

Of course, Lin Zhongtian is eyeing Yun Ye, but after all, he and Yun Ye are both time travellers, and do not exist in history.

Under such circumstances, it would be difficult to win Yun Ye's trust.

In this case, Lin Zhongtian simply showed his cards directly. It just so happened that in order to explain his knowledge of past lives, Yun Ye fabricated an outsider named Xiaoyaozi out of thin air, saying that he was his mentor.

In addition, there is a hidden sect called Bai Yujing.

Lin Zhongtian knew Yun Ye's identity, and naturally thought of this sect, which could be used by him.

He laughed loudly and said in a friendly tone: "Look at how stupid you are. It's only been ten years since we said goodbye to Bai Yujing. Don't you already remember what we are like as brothers?"

As soon as this statement came out, everyone around was in an uproar.

Whether it was Cheng Chumo, Xu Jingzong or Sun Simiao, they all looked at Yun Ye in shock.

Cheng Chumo quickly lowered his horse, his eyes widened, and his gaze kept wandering between Lin Zhongtian and Yun Ye.

Yun Ye was also stunned for a moment, and then realized that if Lin Zhongzhen was really a time traveler like him, then he might have heard about what he had done, and therefore came to see him specially. .

Thinking of this, Yun Ye sighed helplessly, looked at the muzzle of the gun that was faintly pointed at him, and said with gritted teeth:

"Master...senior brother!"

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