The victory message was passed back, and the city of Chang'an was filled with thunderous cheers.

The boisterous voices extended from the city gate all the way to the palace. Soon, the imperial guards on the palace wall also cheered.

Li Er, who had changed into a suit of armor at some point, smiled, put the long sword back on the saddle, turned around, and muttered to himself while looking at the boiling Chang'an City outside the palace.

"I have fewer and fewer opportunities to personally fight the enemy..."


Outside the Taiji Palace, a palace official on duty hurriedly climbed the steps, holding the hem of his robe.

Before he could stand firmly, he reported the victory to Li Er with a happy face: "Congratulations, Your Majesty, congratulations, Your Majesty, General Li Jing completely defeated the Turkic army at the foot of Yinshan Mountain, killed 20,000 in battle, and captured countless people!"

"Good, good, good!"

Li Er took the document and read every word on it with joy. It seemed that he could see the battlefield at the foot of Yinshan Mountain through the ink-stained paper, with heads rolling and murderous aura rising to the sky.

After the official on duty left, another familiar figure appeared in Li Er's eyes.

Li Er closed the document, lowered his arms, and looked at the dusty Hong Cheng in front of him with a smile.

Just as Li Jing said in front of the tent, Hong Cheng was not a minister, but Li Er's confidant and servant. Therefore, after seeing Li Er, Hong Cheng knelt down without hesitation, crawling all the way to him, with an excited face.

"What's the matter, you servant, so happy?"

Li Er smiled at Hong Cheng who crawled to him.

Hong Cheng was excited, holding a wooden box wrapped in yellow silk with both hands and raised it high above his head.

Li Er was curious, untied the yellow silk, opened the box, and a crystal clear jade seal immediately appeared in front of him.

Without any hesitation, Li Er grabbed the jade seal and looked at the eight big characters engraved on the seal with a sharp gaze.

"Is this the imperial seal?" Hong Cheng said with a smile on his face: "Before I set out, your majesty gave me a pattern to identify the seal. After going through hardships on the grassland, I finally lived up to your majesty's trust and found it!" "During this period, Lantian Hou Yunye and his senior brother Lin Zhongtian also used this seal and helped me a lot." Li Er glanced and said lightly: "Oh? Yunye?" "Isn't he in Shuofang?" "Didn't Li Jing order him to return to Beijing? Why did he run to Yinshan again? How dare he disobey the general's order?" Hong Cheng knelt on the ground and explained: "Reporting to your majesty, Lantian Hou was deceived to Yinshan by a forged document!" It must be said that Hong Cheng is still very loyal. He said he would say something good for Yunye and the others, and he did not break his promise. He told Li Er everything he knew. In terms of facts, he did not hide anything, but when it came to Lin Zhongtian and Yunye, he basically praised them for their merits, and his subjective tendency was extremely obvious. After listening to what Hong Cheng said, Li Er nodded thoughtfully.

"So that's how it is. No wonder Li Jing dared to send troops when the Yin Fu Book was leaked. No wonder your servant had to speak for Yun Ye. It turned out that he improved the Yin Fu Book... Haha, this saved your life!"

Hong Cheng looked embarrassed, and then patted his chest and promised: "Your Majesty, don't worry, from now on, Baiqi Division will never have such a thing!"

Li Er glanced at him and said unhappily: "That is also Yun Ye's wisdom, what does it have to do with you?"

Hong Cheng laughed and said: "The old slave spent five thousand strings of cash!"

Li Er laughed and frowned slightly: "Yun Ye's senior brother... Can you confirm his identity?"

Hong Cheng's expression straightened and said respectfully: "Reporting to Your Majesty, it should be correct!"

Li Er did not comment: "What's the reason?"

Hong Cheng whispered: "Whether in the military camp or on the way home, the old slave has dealt with him a lot, and found that his words, deeds, and even temperament are very similar to Yun Hou."

"Not only that, in On the matter of improving the Yin Fu Book, he and Yun Hou had not communicated beforehand, but they tacitly solved the Yin Fu Book. In addition, he and Yun Hou had similar conversations, which showed that they were from the same school and had learned the same things. "

Speaking of this, Hong Cheng hesitated for a moment, and then said: "However, unlike Yun Hou, this person is both civil and military, and his martial arts attainments are far superior to ordinary people. Your Majesty, you know Cheng Chumo, the son of Duke Lu, who has practiced martial arts since he was a child and is considered a rare master among the younger generation, but he can't last more than three rounds under this person. "

"Every time I am in the same room with him, I feel an indescribable sense of awe in my heart..."

"Really?" Li Er said with interest, "You have been with me since the time of Qianlong, and you have been through many battles. How could you feel awe in a young junior?"

Hearing this, Hong Cheng was not ashamed, but said solemnly: "Every word I said is from the heart, and there is no falsehood. I hope Your Majesty will understand!"

After speaking, he knelt down.

Li Er waved his hand and said, "Okay, I didn't say you were deceiving the emperor. I remember Yun Ye also said that when he was learning from that master, he was the one who was playful and restless and the least capable."

"Now there is a senior brother who is better than him in both literary and military strategies, so it's not a strange thing."

Hong Cheng whispered, "Your Majesty, I secretly sent people to investigate this person's past and asked the palace soldiers in the convoy. It was found that this person seemed to appear out of thin air and no trace of his past could be found. It was like... just like the original Yun Hou!"

Li Er raised his eyebrows and shook his head and said, "At least Yun Ye has been confirmed to be the bloodline of Yun Dingxing's lineage left outside. Even if this person is a disciple of the immortal like Yun Ye, it is impossible for him to be rootless."

Hong Cheng hesitated and said, "What does your Majesty mean?"

"Check!" Li Er said calmly, "Didn't he say that he is from the Central Plains? Then go to the Central Plains and check. Maybe, what can't be found in Yun Ye can be found in him."

Hong Cheng bowed his hands respectfully: "Yes!"

Li Er asked again: "Where is he now?"

Hong Cheng was a little embarrassed: "Your Majesty, this man has a weak temperament, is otherworldly, does not want fame and wealth, and is also highly skilled, so he always behaves casually. Therefore, after the old slave came to the capital, he left on his own and disappeared. "

Li Er asked curiously: "With more than a thousand cavalry, no one can watch him?"

Hong Cheng nodded awkwardly, his face full of shame.

Li Er said with great interest: "This is interesting. Tell me, where did he go?"

Hong Cheng pondered: "Except for Marquis Yun, this person has no worries in Chang'an. Perhaps he went to Marquis Yun's house."

Having said this, Hong Cheng quickly said: "Old slave knows that Your Majesty always loves talents, but this man's martial arts skills are too amazing, comparable to Xiang Yu in ancient times. If Your Majesty wants to see him, you must bring a hundred black armors and have them personally handed over by General Yuchi." Protect your left and right!"

So exaggerated?

Li Er was startled by Hong Cheng's solemn tone, and then he raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said thoughtfully: "It's interesting."

Everything is bleak in the winter in Guanzhong, but Chang'an City is still crowded with people.

The news of Yinshan's great victory spread throughout the city in an instant, as if it had grown legs.

All the people in Chang'an were beaming with joy, the officials were writing eulogies, the scholars began to sing war songs, and even Yan Lailou quietly put up a sign offering 50% off drinks.

On these good days when everyone is celebrating, Yunjiazhuang at the foot of Yushan Mountain will naturally be no exception.

Since the Yun family built the dirt road in the center of Zhuangzi wide and wide, many villagers and even outsiders have come here and set up stalls on the flat ground on both sides of the road.

What about meat sellers, cloth sellers, carrot sellers, biscuit sellers, small silver jewelry sellers...

In this Yunjiazhuang market, it can be said that everything is available.

Lin Zhongtian put on white clothes and walked among the bustling crowd, looking at the market-like scene around him with interest.

It coincides with the great victory in Yinshan, and everyone is celebrating. King Wu can't help it tonight. Many villagers are smiling and flocking to the stalls selling vegetables, meat, grains and eggs, ready to buy some ingredients and go back to celebrate with their families.

Sure enough, if you want to feel the joy after victory, you have to come to this countryside.

As for the Tai Chi Palace, Li Shimin, in Lin Zhongtian's eyes, could not even compare to the smile of a country man.

There is no way, in the mythical multiverse world next door, the journey to the west has been repeated too many times.

Lin Zhongtian also saw many different versions of Tang Taizong, and he was really not interested in Li Shimin, who was biased towards official history in this world.

He stopped an old farmer pulling a donkey cart and asked about the location of the Lantian Marquis Mansion.

The old farmer looked him up and down and said with a smile, "Are you a student of Yushan Academy?"

Hearing these words, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but raise his eyebrows.

He knew that Yun Ye had set up an academy on Yushan Mountain, and wanted to teach and educate people according to the model of the university in his previous life, and cultivate a group of New Tang Dynasty people with the same modern thinking as him.

But so far, the college is still in its infancy and has not achieved any results.

Only the people from Yunjiazhuang at the foot of Yushan could see them often and mistook the good-tempered Lin Zhongtian for a student in the academy.

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian smiled, shook his head and said, "No, I am an old friend of Marquis Yun."

The old farmer asked curiously: "Master Hou's old friend?"

At this time, Lin Zhongtian had discovered that the old farmer had an unusual relationship with the Lantian Marquis Mansion.

He smiled and took out the jade pendant and family letter, and showed them in front of the old farmer.

The old farmer's face immediately changed slightly, and he quickly called an acquaintance passing by and asked him to help look after his donkey cart. Then he straightened his expression, cupped his hands towards Lin Zhongtian, and said, "Sir, please come with me!"

Lin Zhongtian nodded with a smile, stepped forward, and followed him towards the front.

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