Build the Traveler Alliance from scratch

Chapter 962 The Yun Family Women

Not long after, the jade pendant and family letters in Lin Zhongtian's hands were delivered to the hands of the Yun family's grandmother.

The old woman of the Yun family opened the family letter with slightly trembling palms, and burst into tears looking at the familiar handsome small characters.

She greedily read every word on it. After reading it, she carefully collected the letters from home, stood up with her crutches in hand, and said loudly:

"Let's go and greet the distinguished guests!"

The old woman called the housekeeper's aunt, and brought along the younger girls from the Yun family, and the group arrived in the front yard.

When she opened the courtyard door and saw the handsome young man in white outside the door, the old woman couldn't help but feel dazed for a while.

When she learned from a letter at home that the person visiting this time was her grandson's senior brother, the old lady had also imagined what Lin Zhongtian looked like.

The standard she followed when imagining was naturally the imaginary immortal master described by Yun Ye.

Therefore, to a certain extent, the image of Lin Zhongtian who she had not yet met was extremely otherworldly in her eyes.

But when she saw Lin Zhongtian in person, she found that his temperament and appearance were even more outstanding than she had imagined.

If there really is a fairy in this world, then he must look like this!

The old woman looked at the young man in white outside the door with dazzling eyes, thinking that he was indeed a son of a god and a disciple of a master.

When my grandson grows up, he should look like this...

At this time, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but feel a little embarrassed when he saw all the female relatives in the courtyard staring at him and keeping silent.

Just when he raised his hand to introduce himself, the oldest grandmother suddenly smiled kindly.

"You are the senior brother mentioned in Brother Ye's letter, please come in quickly!"

As she said that, she glared at the dazzling female housekeeper next to her and said angrily: "What are you doing standing still? Why don't you get some reward money for Brother Liu who led the way? If it weren't for him, how could our family have received the distinguished guests so quickly?" ?”

The housekeeper came to her senses, said oh, walked past Lin Zhongtian with a red face, and gave the old farmer money.

At the same time, the old lady on crutches, supported by two little girls, came over and welcomed Lin Zhongtian into the house with a smile on her face.

Feeling the enthusiasm of the old lady and the Yun family, Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but smile.

He glanced at the old farmer outside the door and asked without warning: "Old madam, who is that person?"

The old lady said with a smile: "He, he is my old neighbor. When the Yun family was in trouble and Brother Ye was still wandering around the world with you, I and others received a lot of help from these neighbors."

"Now that Brother Ye is born and the Yun family has made a comeback, I can't forget the kindness of these old neighbors, so I often help with gifts such as copper coins, cloth, grain, eggs, and meat."

"Over time, these old neighbors have become inseparable from the Yun family. If anything happens in Zhuangzi, they will tell the Yun family."

"The old man outside the door also sent his grandson to the Hou Mansion. Now he is helping in the kitchen. When he learns the craft, the Yun family will help him open a restaurant outside, which can be regarded as repaying the kindness..."

Lin Zhongtian asked with great interest: "This is what junior brother taught you?"

The old lady laughed and shook her head.

Lin Zhongtian showed admiration, gave a thumbs up and said: "Old Madam, you are so righteous!"

Although it was their first meeting, Lin Zhongtian's words and deeds gave the old woman a great sense of intimacy.

There is no other reason. They are both from later generations. Lin Zhongtian's conversation and demeanor are really like Yun Ye.

Even without the family letter and the jade pendant, the old lady could be sure that he definitely came from the same school as Master Yun Ye!

Not only her, but also the timid little girls next to her seemed to sense something similar to Yun Ye from Lin Zhongtian, and the eyes they looked at him became inexplicably intimate.

Lin Zhongtian glanced at the girls and grandmothers around him, as well as all the Yun family members in the courtyard.

To be honest, since the establishment of the Traveler Alliance, he has never seen a time traveler with such a large family of relatives.

People like Zhao Lihe, Deng Yougang, Fan Xian, and Ning Yi all have soul-piercing souls, so they have families.

But Yun Ye is wearing it, and it is extremely rare in the world for him to have such a group of female relatives.

It was both fate and coincidence. Although Yun Ye was wearing the clothes, his appearance and age were very consistent with the eldest son and grandson of the old woman in front of Lin Zhongtian, so he was recognized as a member of the Yun family.

What's even more coincidental is that this Yun family happens to be Yun Ye's ancestors in his previous life.

His appearance can be regarded as a throwback to his ancestors. He is not only pretending to be his identity, but also has a good foundation.

In this situation, among the time-travelers Lin Zhongtian has seen, it can also be called a scorpion-poisonous one!

Thinking of this, Lin Zhongtian smiled and asked: "Junior brother should have made it clear in his letter about my situation, right?"

The old lady nodded and said with a smile: "Since Brother Ye went on the war, the Yun family has lost its backbone. Now that Brother today is willing to condescend to stay in my Yun Mansion, I can be considered relieved."

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said: "The old lady is serious. I am just here to stay temporarily. I can barely be regarded as a guest invited by my junior brother. As for the affairs of the Lantian Marquis Mansion, the old lady still has to be at the helm."

While the two were talking, the housekeeper's woman had quickly caught up with him.

Lin Zhongtian knew that most of the female relatives in Yun Ye's family were from the Yun family, and the housekeeper was Yun Ye's aunt.

When the Yun family suffered a disaster, all the men died, and only a few women and children survived. Among them, there were eight younger ones, such as Yun Ye's sisters, and many aunts, all of whom were regarded as mourners by their husband's family. Take a break.

Now that Yun Ye is the Marquis of Lantian in the Tang Dynasty, those snobbish husbands naturally want to come back.

Some of Yun Ye's aunts had already given birth and missed their children, so they were coaxed back to their husband's house with sweet talk.

But some were more stubborn and did not want to go back, so they stayed in the mansion and took on positions such as housekeepers.

The old lady glanced at the housekeeper's aunt and saw that her face was filled with peach blossoms. She knew that she was interested in Brother Ye's senior brother.

But she also knew that, not to mention the age of the housekeeper's aunt, even if she was still the young lady of the past, she would never be worthy of someone like Lin Zhongtian who was as pure as a fairy.

Thinking of this, several other older girls of the aunt's generation popped into the old woman's mind.

But unfortunately, these girls will never be so lucky...

The old lady looked at the little girl next to her again, pondered for a moment, sighed and shook her head.

It's pity for her that the Yun family is so big. All the talents are concentrated in Yun Ye. Other than that, no one is outstanding. It really makes people feel worried...

At this time, Lin Zhongtian didn't know that the old lady had already set his sights on him, and was thinking about kissing her.

He was squatting in front of the two little girls next to the old lady, and asked with a smile: "What are your names?"

The older girl on the left turned her head shyly.

The girl on the right opened her big eyes, pointed at herself and said, "My name is Xiaoya, and her name is Daya!"

"I see, I remember it." Lin Zhongtian nodded and said with a smile, "My name is Lin Zhongtian, and I am your brother's senior brother..."

Before she finished speaking, Xiaoya's eyes widened and she asked excitedly: "My brother is a disciple of an immortal, are you also a disciple of an immortal?"

"Well..." Lin Zhongtian thought for a while, shook his head and said, "No."


Xiaoya was stunned for a moment, as if she didn't expect Lin Zhongtian to answer like this.

Lin Zhongtian smiled and said in a serious tone: "I am a god!"

As he spoke, he raised his hand and grabbed Xiaoya's ear, and unexpectedly pulled out a delicate peach out of thin air.

Seeing this scene, Xiaoya and Daya were shocked.

The old lady and housekeeper aunt next to me were also surprised.

The aunt couldn't help but said: "Where do the peaches come from in this cold winter..."


Before she could finish speaking, the old woman coughed twice, glared at her, and signaled her to drive away the irrelevant people.

The old man's thoughts are very stubborn. She believes that with Yun Ye's relationship, the Yun family can be regarded as related to the gods, but it is different for others.

The magical method is a top secret that only the Yun family can know.

Even if Lin Zhongtian himself doesn't care, he can't let outsiders know...

Lin Zhongtian didn't pay attention to the old lady's actions. He tossed the peach in his hand and shook it between the little girl's nose.

Lin Zhongtian couldn't help but smile when he saw Xiaoya drooling from the corner of her mouth due to the sweet smell and her eyes moving up and down with Tao Zi.

"Looking at your face, I think it's delicious. Call me brother and I'll give you this peach!"

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, Xiaoya's eyes immediately lit up, she sweetly called "brother", then took the peach from Lin Zhongtian's hand and ate it happily.

Lin Zhongtian smiled and turned his attention to Daya next to him.

Da Ya was a little shy, but when she saw Xiao Ya getting the gift, she endured her shame and looked at Lin Zhongtian expectantly.

Lin Zhongtian looked at her thoughtfully, then suddenly reached out and pinched the back of her white and tender neck, and then pinched the joints of her arms.

Da Ya was startled by his actions and immediately lowered her head shyly, her ears and neck turning red.

The old lady next to him seemed to have noticed something, and looked at Lin Zhongtian expectantly, not paying any attention to his offensive behavior.

Sure enough, Lin Zhongtian stood up, looked at the old lady and nodded: "This girl has some talent. If the old lady doesn't give up, let me teach her some self-defense skills!"

The old lady was overjoyed when she heard this, and she quickly stared at Da Ya and said, "Why are you standing there in such a daze? Why don't you kowtow to Brother Tian?"

"No!" Lin Zhongtian refused quickly, touched Da Ya's head, shook his head and said, "Da Ya does have some talent, but she is not up to my disciple's standards for accepting disciples. Forget about becoming a disciple, the old lady will treat me as a substitute junior disciple. Take care of your sister!"

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's words, the old lady couldn't help but feel a little disappointed.

Da Ya also heard Lin Zhongtian's straightforward words and immediately lowered her head sadly.

Lin Zhongtian smiled and rubbed her black hair, and said calmly: "Don't worry, even if you don't get started, with the skills I teach you, you will be able to wield a sword and dominate the world in the future. Even the so-called fierce generals in the world will not be able to do anything in your hands." Just one match!”

Hearing Lin Zhongtian's naturally domineering declaration, the old lady, Daya and others couldn't help but look stunned.

After a moment, Da Ya suddenly reacted, widened his eyes and said, "Wait, what do I want to learn?"

"Of course martial arts!" Lin Zhongtian said matter-of-factly, "You have flexible muscles and good bones. It would be a pity not to learn martial arts. As for what to learn first, let me think about it..."

"Well, let me teach you "The Jade Girl's Heart Sutra" and "The Nine Swords of Dugu" first. These two are simpler."

"Counting the time, if you study hard and practice hard, when your brother comes back, he won't be able to beat you!"

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