"Well, according to what you said, isn't that right?" When Allen heard this, he suddenly realized and understood the truth.

But soon, Lucy, who was already colder and smarter, also thought of the answer and said it immediately.

"I understand. As long as we break open the top and make a big hole, the sea water will pour in and the ship will float out and float to the sea."

"Ah, is that so? It seems that the original pirates did not take this into consideration, otherwise they would not have built such a magnificent and beautiful ship here."After hearing what her sister said, Lu Ke also understood and said

"Now, this big ship definitely belongs to us, and it will also be our first pirate ship in the future. Seeing the golden horse head on the bow, as the saying goes, there are many good horses, but few good horse trainers. I decided to name this ship the Bole. Do you have any objections? For example, you have a better name."Kuruda expressed his thoughts and also wanted to seek the opinions of his partners.

But the other three basically shook their heads. Obviously, they also thought that Kurda's name was very good, so naturally they had no objection. Besides, they were going to form a pirate group, and Kurda was the captain. It was just a name, and there was nothing to argue about.

"And within the past six months, you actually already know my thoughts, right?"Kuluda said again, and what he said this time was that he had long wanted to be a big bad guy.

When hearing this, Allen and the two sisters were stunned for a moment, and then suddenly After falling silent, they had already heard about Kuruda's future thoughts.

They had already expressed their willingness to support this and were willing to become such big bad guys, because the three of them were Kuruda's partners. , and to put it more unpleasantly, he is also a subordinate, so naturally he will not say anything more, but will give unconditional support.

But in fact, this so-called subordinate relationship is just the beginning, after so many years of living on this desert island. , this relationship has almost been completely wiped out, and the only thing left in everyone's hearts is a pure friendship.

And relying on this friendship, Allen and the two sisters are also willing to support Kuruda, and to put it bluntly, they become big bad guys. It just makes those powerful people feel fear and disgust. Just like the four emperors today, Kuruda just wants to be.

Now, they have such a good background, why can't they go. Give it a try and support Kuruda's dream, and their dream can actually come true on this journey.

Allen's dream is actually very simple. He aims to be the best chef in the world and learn to make more dishes and cook. They have cooking experience and have tasted delicious food all over the world.

The two sisters are almost the same, even a little whiter. Let’s not talk about their current careers as navigators, but in fact, the two girls have always had a dream in their hearts, that is, to become outstanding performers. They had never thought of what to perform before, but now they have thought about it.

But it was actually Kuruda who helped them decide. Kuruda once told the two sisters about the comet, which is the so-called comet performance..

And at that moment, the two sisters suddenly realized, their eyes lit up, and they knew what they were going to perform, that is, to treat Kuruda's enemies, their own enemies, just like the Tianhuixing sisters, destroy them.

They also decided to start their adventure with this goal after going to sea.

But what they didn't understand was that Kuruda. Why is it brought up now?

But soon, Kuruda gave the answer.

"We will set up a pirate group in the future, so we will naturally have our own name. The people in my pirate group, whether we or the future crew members, must not only be strong and talented in all aspects, but also must be the big bad guys in my mind. However, it turns out to be the big bad guys. It doesn't sound good to call it the Big Bad Pirate Group directly. Bad guys are generally called fallen people, so I plan to name our navy group the Fallen Pirates."Kuruda said with a smile.

The Fallen Pirates, such a name, he had thought of it a long time ago, and now he said it out.

"The other three immediately repeated the name in surprise.

But after thinking about it carefully, according to what Kuruda said, it seems reasonable to marry a pirate group with such a name.

"I think it's ok"

"Listen to Brother Ku"

"I have no objection, it sounds good." The three of them agreed one after another.

"The last thing to be determined is the flag of the pirate group. I have also drawn it. Take a look."After saying this, Kuruda took out a flag directly from his pocket. It was a square flag. When the whole flag was unfolded, it was at least 3 meters long and 2.5 meters wide.

The background color of the whole flag was black, just like most pirate groups. Kuruda naturally had to follow the crowd on this point.

Otherwise, if he looked like a nobody, he would be embarrassed to go out and say that he was a pirate, and how could he hang the flag on the flagpole.

Then in the middle of the flag there were three white skulls. Most pirates were skull-based.

The three skulls were fan-shaped, protruding in the middle. From left to right they were a smiling face, an angry face, and a crying face. Yellow, red, and blue flames emerged from their eyes. There were three angel wings symmetrically on the left and right.

And this was the name Kuruda designed for his pirate group.

When seeing this pirate flag, Allen and the other two suddenly felt a little scared for some reason, as if the skull on the pirate flag was alive and looking at them, especially���Those three pairs of wings add a dignified and sacred atmosphere to the evil skull.

But overall, this pirate flag is still great.

So the three of them nodded again, indicating that there would be no problem using this pirate flag.

"Okay, everything is settled, everyone, come together to break the stone wall and the beach above, so that our pirate ship can see the sun again."After taking back the pirate flag, Kuruda looked at the stone wall above and said with a smile, but at the same time he had already taken out the ultimate battle instrument.

"good."After Allen laughed, he also took out the Clear Sky Hammer, and at the same time used the Taotie Fruit to enter the orc form.

"Finally something has been done""Let’s all work together."The two sisters Lu Ke and Lucy also laughed one after another, but at the same time they also summoned their own meteors.


The four of them wrapped the armed colors Haki and Overlord colors around their weapons at the same time, and then simultaneously threw the weapons towards the four corners of the stone wall above.

"Boom——"With such four powerful forces, the originally fragile stone wall was suddenly smashed into pieces, and the water splashed, and the sea water poured directly in. However, everyone could see that the stone cave they smashed out was fully able to contain it. Bole, get out and float to the surface

"Quick, get out of the tunnel first."Kuluda said immediately after taking back the ultimate combat instrument.

Allen and the two sisters quickly followed him, walked out of the tunnel, and returned to the cave on the island.

"It's so dangerous. You have to know that we are Devil Fruit users now, and we are most afraid of sea water."Luke said with some fear.

"Fortunately, we came out in time, and the damage just now did not affect the tunnel."Lucy said with great luck.

Fortunately, the tunnel was not affected by their previous attacks.

"We'd better get out quickly, maybe we can still see the moment when the big ship emerges from the water." Allen said

"OK, let's go."Kuluda nodded, and then everyone left the cave together.

By coincidence, when they walked out of the cave, they happened to see the Bole floating on the sea.

Kuruda said nothing, He flew directly to the ship, dropped the anchor, and stabilized the ship first.

"Oops, the whole boat was wet."Allen and the other three quickly came to the boat, but when they saw that the boat was completely soaked and even dripping water in some places, Lu Ke complained a little. She didn't like the wet boat.

"Don't worry, the weather is hot and it's still morning. If we expose it to the sun for a while, both the outside and the inside of the boat will be dry. Kuruda didn't care at all. You know, the pirate world is basically dominated by summer, and the weather is still very hot. Before going out to sea tomorrow, the boat will definitely be dry.

"Okay, let's go and pack up. The things that will be carried on the ship tomorrow, the wealth we looted, some important daily items, food, etc. all need to be carried on board, otherwise we will have to go to sea tomorrow without making multiple preparations."Kuluda turned around and said.

Soon, everyone started to work.

Kuruda, go to their fields, harvest all the crops, vegetables, and fruits that have been planted and can be harvested, and put them in In some baskets or baskets, they were finally covered with a piece of cloth to avoid the sun, and then they were all moved to the beach, next to the boat.

Allen also put some food stored in the wooden house, as well as the kitchen utensils he usually used for cooking. Coals, seasonings, etc. were all moved out and placed on the beach, just when they met Kuruda

"Now move here, our lunch and dinner today, as well as tomorrow's breakfast, will be served on the beach." Allen said

"There will be barbecue for lunch and lunch. We will get up early tomorrow morning. My two sisters and I will move other things. You move your kitchen utensils to the kitchen on the ship and make breakfast immediately. After breakfast, we will set off."

Kuluda quickly made up his mind. After Allen nodded, the two separated and continued to move things.

What a coincidence was that as soon as they left the stall, the two sisters moved the money to the beach.

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