But in response, Kuruda just paused for a moment and said to the two sisters:

"Just put it on the beach."

He continued walking towards the wooden house. There were still a lot of things to move.

In this way, everyone was carrying supplies and busy all morning.

But Kuruda still underestimated the hot weather in the One Piece world, which made him dumbfounded. The scene happened, and there was no need to wait until tomorrow morning. By noon, the outside of the entire ship was already dry, and there was no trace of moisture or water stains at all.

But after a brief embarrassment, Kuruda also I could only change my previous idea. After having a meal at noon, which was a simple seafood barbecue,

I moved the supplies directly from the beach to the boat, and put the money, food and other items in the storage room on the boat. Inside, at the same time, the four of them chose their own rooms on the floor with bedrooms and did some simple cleaning. Since they knew in advance that this day would come, they would dress up their bedrooms on the ship. If you are prepared, you just need to move some things stored in your wooden house and arrange them a little.

Of course, Allen has to move a little more. After all, he is a chef, and he still has to move the kitchen utensils, seasonings, firewood, etc. to the kitchen. They also had to clean the kitchen.

But after the two sisters and Kuruda had some free time, they also cleaned some important rooms on the ship, such as the living room and dining room, and there were many places that belonged to them after all. A pirate ship, and this is the first pirate ship. Just like a newly bought pot, it needs to be washed before use.

Fortunately, after training for so long, and with the devil fruit ability, even the Bole ship needs to be cleaned.

It was very big, and it was very easy for the two sisters and Kuruda to clean it together, but they were busy all afternoon since they could cook on the boat instead of cooking on the beach.

Ruda asked Allen to cook a seafood feast on the boat.

In addition to the barbecue, after all, he had already eaten at noon, but at the same time, in order to say his final goodbyes, he still had to go back to the cabin to sleep after everyone finished the meal.

After cleaning the dishes, everyone went back to the wooden house to spend the night.

Soon, it was late at night. Everyone had washed up and lay on the bed.

Allen and the two sisters were lying in the dark room. The ceiling inside basically only had one thought.

A new journey would begin tomorrow, and they would continue to pursue their dreams. Although they were a little reluctant to leave this place, the three of them soon felt it. Sleepy, he fell asleep. As for Kuruda, he was still thinking about the plot. Tomorrow was the day when Luffy officially set sail from the Windmill Village.

In the East China Sea chapter at the beginning of the barrel, I met Kebi and defeated the first opponent Arrita. Then I met the Ax King Monka in Shields Town, which was also easily solved. The future number one swordsman was a novice. The gift package was taken by Luffy, and Kirby was considered to have joined the navy.

Although he didn't know how long it took him to go to sea tomorrow, the primary purpose was to immediately find the map or record pointer to Shields Town.. Tomorrow, while sailing directly to Shields Town, he will quietly deal with more pirates and navy, especially the latter, because only in this way can he collect more reputation points in a short time.

It would be best if you were in Shields Town again, maybe you could collect more reputation points from important characters like Luffy Zoro, and he would summon a partner from another world in Shields Town on the spot.

But speaking of it, it has been almost half a year since he got the system. Not to mention that he has not used Summoning from All Realms, he has not even logged into the panel, and he does not even know how much reputation it costs to summon a partner.

"System, how to use Summoning of All Realms."Thinking of this, Kuruda put his hands under his head and asked.

"As long as the host says, I want to use Summoning of All Worlds, a panel will appear, and then enter some keywords, but it cannot be accurate to any summoned character, that is, it can summon one person who is related to the keywords, and one person is completed.

The character comes over and becomes the host's partner.

Note that only 12 people can be summoned.

As mentioned before, the reputation value used for summoning is only 10,000 reputation points for the first time, and the other 11 times require 100,000 reputation points.


"The system quickly got his detailed answer.

But after hearing the price, Kuruda was dumbfounded on the spot and sat up.

"The first time you lowered the price, I thought it was reasonable, but you still wanted 10,000. The next one was even more outrageous, it actually cost 100,000.! System, are you robbing us? You should know that we have only earned more than 50,000 reputation points in the past six months."

Kuluda said angrily, and even turned it into a roar later.

"First, think about what you, hosts, have done in the past six months. You yourself know how much reputation you can earn. You also know how much reputation you can earn."

"Second, one hundred thousand is the normal price. The reputation value required for the first time has already given the host an advantage. It is this price every time."

"Third and last point, please do not underestimate the number of summons in these 12 summons. The summoned characters will be"

"Um?"The system finished speaking quickly. Kuruda was still very angry after listening to the first two paragraphs, but only the third point, don't underestimate these 12 summoned characters who came to another world? Is it possible to come here to summon characters? Will it be very powerful? In other words, it will be very powerful in a certain aspect. If so, the 100,000 yuan is indeed worth it, and the price is ten times cheaper for the first time, which is also very good. Yes

, in the past six months, they have mainly been training. Going out once or twice will not earn much reputation.

After thinking about it, Kuruda's anger suddenly decreased, and he finally accepted this.

After thinking about it, I opened the system panel to see how many reputation points I still had. Although I had earned nearly half a year's savings last time, I also spent a lot of money on the hidden beads, but it didn't matter at first glance. Surprisingly, he actually still has more than 7,000 reputation points left. If he wants to summon a partner in Shields Town, he still has more than 3,000 left.

But such a small amount of money will help him go to sea in the future, even if he goes directly to Xie. In Erz Town, Kuruda is still confident that he can make money. Nonsense, if he can't even do this, he won't be embarrassed to go out to be a pirate and become the captain of the Fallen Pirates.

So for this point, He was relieved, but suddenly, Kuruda thought of something again, so he opened the system panel of him, Allen and Luciluke again, and then he was suddenly pleasantly surprised.

【Name: Lucy/Luke】

【Age: 17 years old】

【Gender: Female】

【Introduction: A pair of twin sisters who are not ordinary navigators in the pirate world】

【Abilities: top level of knowledge and knowledge, top level of armed power, top level of overlord power, physical skills, Twin Fruit ability user (unawakened)】

【Current strength: Admiral candidate level】

【Weapon: Gemini Meteor, Gold Meteor and Purple Meteor】

【Reward amount: None】

【Reward title: None】

【Name: Allen】

【Age: 17 years old】

【Sex: Male】

【Introduction: The world of pirates is no longer an ordinary fat chef boy.】

【Abilities: top-level domineering power of knowledge color, top-level domineering power of armed color, high-level domineering power of overlord color, physical skills, gluttonous fruit ability user (unawakened)】

【Current strength: Admiral candidate level】

【Weapon: Clear Sky Hammer】

【Reward amount: None】

【Reward title: None】

【Name: Kuruda】

【Age: 17 years old】

【Sex: Male】

【Introduction: A traveler from the blue planet】

【Abilities: top-level hegemony of seeing and hearing color, top-level domineering color of armed color, high-level domineering color of overlord, physical skills, chaos fruit ability user (unawakened)】

【Current strength: Admiral level】

【Weapon: Ultimate Battle Mechanic】

【Reward amount: None】

【Bounty title: None]

Kuruda was immediately overjoyed. Compared to the last time, he probably saw it once in the middle of half a year. Kuruda did not write down the specific time.

But compared to this time, they have made great progress. First of all, after half a year has passed, they have grown from 16 years old to 17 years old.

This is for sure, the normal growth of age, and except for Kuruda, after all, he only has the most difficult to improve the Overlord Color Haki, and it does take a lot of effort to go from advanced to top.

But the two sisters and Allen have made great progress. Their domineering color has improved by one level, and they have another kind of domineering power.

As for strength, they have also been upgraded to a higher level.

Now the strength of the two sisters and Allen can fully compete with the navy's alternate generals Peach Rabbit or Tea Dolphin, but if they want to defeat them, they will probably need more training and more combat experience.

As for Kuruda, he has now reached the level of a naval admiral. Although in terms of hard power, he has just reached the level of an admiral and is not as good as the three generals of the navy, let alone the three generals of the navy who are currently at their peak strength.

However, at the same level, Kuruda's Chaos Fruit ability crushes the natural fruit ability of the three generals. Coupled with his accomplishments in Haki, he is not inferior to the three generals at all. As long as all three do not attack at the same time, even if there are two generals , and he didn’t show any cowardice.

In terms of strength, there is no problem at all.

Thinking of this, Gu Guda finally felt relieved and slept peacefully. This was his last night on the desert island.

Finally, early the next morning, the four of them left the cabin. Finally, after a sad look, Lu Ke even wiped away her tears, but she quickly cheered up.

The four of them were led across the beach towards the wooden house and onto the boat.

The upper and lower decks of the ship were put away, the anchor was put away, and there was no need to pull up the sail. After all, it was a solar panel. Regarding this, Kuruda also told everyone during dinner last night, as long as the helm confirms A good direction is enough, and there is no need to do anything else.

Since there is no helmsman yet, Kuruda is currently at the helm. The two sisters, Lucy flew to the observation deck, and Luce stood on the horse's head. Both girls were enjoying the sea breeze.

As for Allen, he had already gone into the cabin and prepared breakfast.

You can even hear the sound of cooking in the kitchen outside.

There is also steam coming out of the chimney.

Soon, Kuluda took the helm and adjusted the direction and speed. The Bole set off, and the journey belonging to Kuluda and his friends began.

A pirate group that will make the entire pirate world tremble in the future, from this moment on, he shows his fangs

"We have finally officially set sail." Kuruda said, looking ahead and smiling.

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