Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 104 Tens of thousands of ghost soldiers, can you defeat me in one second?


The huge noise made the Jade Emperor and other players who were watching the rocket launcher go deaf for a moment. It was not until this moment that everyone seemed to realize the authenticity of the rocket launcher.

In the sky covered with dark clouds, a pillar-shaped object shining with golden light suddenly appeared and flew towards the battlefield, quickly attracting everyone's attention.

It suddenly accelerated twice when it had just taken off less than five meters away. It also produced a strong light yellow smoke trail and a violent shock wave at its tail. Even though the core point of this shock wave was in the air, the remaining power still affected many players. Fell to the ground.


Accompanied by a loud noise, a burst of fire burst into the sky, immediately illuminating the sky outside the mountain guarding formation as bright as day. Immediately, a small mushroom cloud burst out from the black evil ghosts and corpses. Finally, the earth shook the mountain. shake.

The area around the huge explosion crater turned black, cracked earth and rocks splashed everywhere, and everything within the diameter of the explosion center vaporized and disappeared.

Compared with the self-destruction tactics of the Jade Emperor, the power brought by the Ling Neng 63-type 107 light towed rocket launcher not only shocked all the indigenous people in the Guixu Realm, but also made most of the blue who had come into contact with highly lethal heavy weapons at such close range for the first time. Star players are distracted.

"The design of the second propulsion of psychic energy has basically achieved the expected effect, but the time of the second propulsion should be later, so that the damage caused by the shock wave to the gunner will be further reduced..."

Ma Lou of the laboratory observed the entire process and discussed with the giant who took the blame: "But the current design can reduce this damage to a very surprising level."

The giant who took the blame nodded, holding a rough cowhide book while recording, and said: "The activation time of spiritual power is too long, and it is not easy to grasp the timing of the battlefield. This needs to be improved."

"The power is smaller than expected. I'm not sure if it has something to do with the design of the secondary propulsion. Well, let's check it out. Next, we will send out the test product without the secondary propulsion design to see the effect."

"It may also be an issue with the equivalent amount of thunder spirit energy. I saw the mark is the minimum cubic meter. I can compare the effects of different specifications later."

While Ma Lou in the laboratory and the giant in the scapegoating palace discussed the test results with each other, Elder Hu was the first to react. He glanced at the dozen rocket launchers that the players had moved out of the teleportation array, and took a deep breath. I couldn't help but ask: "Fang, Sect Leader Fang, what kind of magic weapon is this... of yours?"

"This is my division's secret weapon,"

For some reason, Fang Xianyu suddenly felt the refreshing feeling of leaning against a big tree. She suppressed the urge to raise the corners of her mouth and replied calmly: "As my sect disciples said, this is one of the It’s called Ling Neng 63-type 107 light towed rocket. It’s relatively low-cost, and its effect… As you can see, elder, it’s about the same as the attack of a monk in the Transformation Stage.”

In the first game, even though the system was used as a plug-in, Fang Xianyu had gained her cultivation and status through her diligent practice. The system's help only accelerated the efficiency of her practice, and did not create something from scratch.

It's not that she hasn't thought about changing the other world through technology, but the problem is that there are specialties in the arts. As a liberal arts student, the limit she can do is to use some middle school knowledge that she has not forgotten to develop some small tools and alchemy. Techniques, at most, apply modern scientific thinking methods such as the control variable method to learn and practice. She didn't even know that the controlled variable method was one of the technical methods of the Monte Carlo method. Newton's three laws had been given to the physics teacher long ago. She only remembered the periodic table of elements at the beginning: "hydrogen, helium, lithium, beryllium, boron, carbon, nitrogen and oxygen." "Fluorine and neon", I don't even know what the words are, let alone expect her to come up with something like steam power.

Now we have limited cooperation with Grandma from China, and within a month we have developed this kind of weapon that is extremely lethal even in the Guixu world. It can be regarded as the right medicine for her phobia of lack of firepower. How can she not be able to do this? Happy?

Dozens or hundreds of them can be produced in the experimental stage. Then if the conditions are mature and mass production can be carried out in the future, it is not too much to start with ten disciples per person in the sect, right?

It’s not in vain that she approved Elder Lu Ying’s funding for more than a dozen research projects from another world!

Such an exaggerated attack was naturally noticed by Zhu Fu Kun at the first time. His eyes almost popped out of his sockets. He couldn't imagine why a mere Guangcheng Sect would have such an attack method!

There are no artillery in the Guixu Realm. If anything, in mortal society, there is only an extremely primitive artillery carriage that utilizes the principle of leverage - note that it is "cannon", not "cannon". The two have essential characteristics. difference.

Although in modern dictionaries, there is an equal sign between these two words, some clues can be seen from the radicals. The "cannon" vehicle does not project gunpowder, but ammunition based on stones. In the history of China, as early as the Spring and Autumn Period and the Warring States Period, there were "artillery" vehicles such as trebuchets. However, it was not until the Song Dynasty that gunpowder was used for military purposes on a large scale that "artillery" gradually became "artillery".

Of course, the artillery carts and psychic rocket launchers in the Guixu Realm are no longer the same kind of products, and they are even incomparable. The difference between the two is not at all a matter of technical generation, but that you are still eating chaff with wild vegetables in Chaoge. I have already There was a state banquet in the Great Hall - almost four thousand years apart.

Therefore, Zhu Fu Kun didn't understand what the devastating rocket launcher was at all. He could only rely on his common sense as a normal monk from the Ruins Realm to guess that it was a one-time magic weapon or spiritual weapon.

How could such an exaggerated lethality comparable to the attack of a cultivator in the God Transformation Stage not be a one-time attack! ? If it really wasn't a one-time attack, it couldn't be controlled by a mere inferior sect!

In Zhu Fukun's opinion, this kind of thing was Guangcheng Sect's last resort, and it would only come once or twice at most. And this little damage wouldn't even hurt the tens of thousands of ghost soldiers in the Immortal Destroying Banner!

Therefore, although Zhu Fukun felt sorry for the hundreds of corpses and evil spirits that were blown to ashes, the Piaomiao Immortal Sect and the Heavenly Grade Spiritual Weapon, the Immortal-Destroying Banner, still gave him full confidence:

"I don't know where you got these evil tricks from, hum! How dare you show off in front of me! There are tens of thousands of ghosts in my Immortal-Destroying Banner. Even if there are a few more, how many can you kill? You are just struggling to death!"

Then, he shouted crazily: "When I break through this mountain protection formation, I will refine all of you into corpses! By then, I will let you all enter my Immortal-Destroying Banner! Under my ghost army! For eternity, never reincarnate!"

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