Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 105 Before the Birth of Truth

Next to the rocket launcher pile, the Giant of the Palace of the Savior recorded the data and shouted loudly: "Next batch! Are there any gunners who signed up for the next batch?"

"Yes, yes, yes! I want to play too!"

"Me too!"

"Please give me a spot, I really want to try it!"

A group of players rushed over, and some even hugged the Giant of the Palace of the Savior in an exaggerated way.

"This classmate... classmate, you get up first, there will definitely be a chance, there are still many rocket launchers," the Giant of the Palace of the Savior was shocked by the enthusiasm of the players, and he added: "Two of the three rocket launchers in the next batch have no secondary propulsion design, um... and no soul-drawing margin is designed, basically instant, so it's a bit dangerous, if you don't wear protective armor in the game, you may die..."

"It doesn't matter! I'm not afraid of death! I die three times a day!"

"I just died three times!"

"I died six times!"

"Do you eat oil cakes? ? Why are you guys even competing in this! ? "

Laboratory Malou advised: "Let's set up three launch points first. If you want to experience it, take turns in line!"

When a military fan heard this, he immediately moved stones to set up a launch pad, and said: "Big brother, please leave a spot for me!"

Soon, the players had four or five launch pads in a crooked manner. The giant who was responsible for the pot couldn't stand it anymore, so he began to adjust the placement of stones one by one, and finally instructed the players to place three rocket launchers with special marks on the "launch pad".

The three selected players squatted down beside each rocket launcher happily, while the laboratory Malou began to evacuate the players who were too close, and soon cleared a field.

"Everyone, take your positions--"



The Jade Emperor, who had a loud voice, volunteered to command. As his last word fell, two seconds later, a not-so-uniform "bang bang" sounded, and three rocket launchers rushed to the battlefield, lighting up the sky again.

A few seconds later, three more mushroom clouds exploded in the pile of corpses and evil spirits.

However, the damage of this explosion was smaller than the last one, and the mushroom cloud was visibly smaller than the last one.

Because there was no real launcher and bracket, and no protective baffle, the shock wave caused by the rocket launcher knocked the three players to the ground, and they looked seriously injured.

A military fan player half-collapsed on the ground and roared: "Quick! Damn it, let me revive! I can't move!"

The onlookers rolled their eyes: "Attacking green names will get you locked up in a small black room! If we kill you, we will all be banned! You can commit suicide yourself!"

So, under the complicated gazes of the elders and disciples of the Guangcheng Sect, the three players committed suicide by slitting their necks. The speed and cruelty of the attack were simply incomprehensible.

The Giant of the Back-up Palace and the Laboratory Ma Lou were discussing and recording the observation results: "The design of the secondary propulsion of psychic energy will not reduce the power of the rocket launcher, and may even increase the power... Well, it remains to be discussed, but at least it will not reduce the power."

"It is necessary to design the margin of spiritual energy. Otherwise, without armor, it will be a loss of 8,000 for 10,000 enemies, which is not worth the loss!"

"But why are the results of the two tests much smaller than we imagined?"

"Maybe the spiritual energy in the air has an effect on the rocket launcher? For example, it creates a kind of 'resistance'?"

"It is very likely, we need to find a way to verify it!"

"Let's prepare to test the third group first, and we will go straight to the maximum power!"

The Laboratory Ma Lou made the final decision and instructed the players to set up the five rocket launchers.


The Jade Emperor suddenly said, "Let's aim at that BOSS! He should be within the attack range, right?"

The Giant of the Back Shot Palace frowned and said, "Yes, he is standing less than two kilometers away from here, but the accuracy of the rocket launcher is very low. Even if you aim, it is difficult to hit that position exactly. You can only rely on luck."

The Jade Emperor insisted, "Let's rely on luck. Anyway, it's best to aim at that BOSS. What if?"

"Then I'll try!"

The Giant of the Back Shot Palace said, and readjusted the angle of the rocket launcher.

This time, three rocket launchers with instant launch and two rocket launchers with soul-inducing margin were tested, so the area near the launch point was still cleared.

While the area was cleared and the final launch preparations were made, Zhu Fukun, who was nearly two kilometers away, had a gloomy face and remained silent.

The second attack with the same method was also seen by Zhu Fukun. Although he has always been arrogant, he is not without brains.

The reason why he first troubled Guangcheng Sect was because he had his eyes on the female disciple who had amazed everyone with her talent in alchemy at the Penglai Immortals Meeting. He wanted to stage a drama of forced marriage and then use secret methods to deprive her of her qualifications and cultivation.

The purpose of offering the Immortal-Destroying Banner was to give Guangcheng Sect a warning, not to really destroy the sect. After all, this was the territory of Zhongzhou, and it was not good to act too recklessly, otherwise it would be difficult to say to Taiyi Sect.

But he did not expect that a small and inferior sect could actually resist a little, and even hid a lot of powerful means. Instead, he became angry and wanted to destroy the sect - as long as he did it cleanly and refined all the cultivators into Yin corpses and ghosts and put them into the Immortal-Destroying Banner, even if it was Taiyi Sect, there would be no problem without evidence!

What's more, no matter who was against Piaomiao Immortal Sect, wouldn't they have to give Piaomiao Golden Immortal a face?

But now, seeing that this sect is becoming more and more difficult, Zhu Fukun simply released the secret method again and released the ghost general in the Immortal-Destroying Banner!

A three-meter-tall "giant" emerged from the Immortal-Destroying Banner. The giant held two axes and wore black armor. Thick black mist emanated from the gaps in the armor. He also wore a ferocious colorful mask under his helmet. Not only did he look very intimidating, but even the pressure he exuded was close to the level of a cultivator in the God-Transforming Stage!

Elder Hu became even more anxious - if this thing attacked the mountain protection formation, I'm afraid the mountain protection formation would not last for ten minutes! He once again urged the disciples around him to ask for help, but looked at Fang Xianyu, whose face was even more solemn, with a little expectation.

Fang Xianyu also knew the urgency of the situation. She took the initiative to tell the players for the first time: "Aim at the Ghost General. If he gets close to the mountain protection formation, I'm afraid we won't be able to hold on for long!"

"Got it!"

Laboratory Ma Lou took the lead in jogging to a rocket launcher and began to adjust the angle.

The Jade Emperor also posted on the world screen: "Players who are not afraid of death, go and hold back the biggest Ghost General! The master asked us to attack him first!"

Even Master, who was resting after exhausting his stamina and mana after a wave of attacks, received a private message from the Jade Emperor: "Brother Master, you are the best equipped at the moment. Can you find a way to hold back the Ghost General, or keep him in a certain position? Our rocket launchers are aiming at him! The master said that if he gets close to the mountain protection formation, we will all die!"

"Okay! I'll try my best! Go directly to my position!"

Master agreed, called his teammates who had just cooperated well with him, put on the best golden equipment he had bought at a huge cost, and walked out of the mountain protection formation in high spirits.

Explain the content of the recent chapters.

First of all, I am a useless art student who failed in math, physics and chemistry.

Secondly, I have been looking for information about 107 for a long time. I first came into contact with it in that rabbit, but unfortunately, I did not find any introduction to the specific close-up and power level after it exploded (including the degree of gasification of objects, etc.), so all my descriptions are based on my personal imagination, because I am afraid of writing "the queen making pancakes" content. I even caught several readers who are much stronger than me but not very familiar with them to discuss related content, and also found n related videos to review repeatedly, but I am still worried about making a "queen making pancakes" joke in a field I don't understand.

So, welcome the big guys who know to join the group to argue with me, so that I can write more smoothly hehehe.

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