Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 161 The History of the Quanxian Clan

"The Taiyin God is an ancestor of the Guquan clan. The Wangshu clan, Taoxian, died thousands of years ago!"

Yinshuang added.

As an intelligent race with a long lifespan, the Quanxian tribe has its own historical records.

Among them, it not only records the history of the Quan ancestors, but also records the origins of many races currently active in the Guixu world, including some legends of ancient gods.

Before the human race was completely formed with the structure of living together and ruling by monk clans as units, the relevant historical records were trivial and unsystematic. And because the Quanxian tribe had little contact with the human race, there was little exchange of literature and history between the two. ——They both dislike each other!

The Quanxian tribe believes that the human race is just a lower race that requires practice to achieve spiritual enlightenment. Even though it develops rapidly, has many novel and interesting things, and has excellent artistic attainments, there is no need for lower races to have in-depth communication and contact.

The human race mistakenly believes that the Quanxian tribe is a kind of "monster tribe", such as the Qingqiu Fox tribe, the Chiyuan Fox tribe, the Huaijiang Jinling tribe, etc., all of which are "monsters". And "demon" has always been compared with "evil" and "devil". In the eyes of the human race, it is synonymous with being violent by nature. It is backward, barbaric, unreasonable and without rules. Therefore, the human race is not willing to Mr. Izumi. Dealing with tribes.

And the only thing that barely allowed the two tribes to communicate with each other was "profit".

The human race likes the sea spirit beads raised by the Quan ancestors and the shark gauze weaved by the Quan ancestors. Therefore, they have even compiled many strange stories about the sharks crying and giving beads to repay their kindness. They are very popular among the monks and can be regarded as a different kind of fantasy. It has become a "popular novel" in the world.

The Quan ancestors are very eager for metal products. In addition to daily metal knives as consumables, they also like "shiny" things and metal "handicrafts" - such as various jewelry - because they live in the dark seabed all year round.

After all, the Quan ancestors are not good at smelting. The metal knives they make are either shaped and carved from natural high-purity gold ore, or they simply grind the bones of strange animals in the sea to make knives. The former is precious, and the latter is troublesome. It is really better to use it from the human race. It's convenient to buy there.

As for the only remaining contact between the human race and the Quanxian clan, they probably rely on various bold business alliances and chambers of commerce.

According to the historical records of the Quanxian tribe, the predecessor of the Quanxian tribe was the ancient Quanxian tribe, and the current Quanxian tribe was actually called "Di people" or "Di people" at that time.

The ancestors of Guquan were active tens of thousands of years ago. At that time, sea water surged out of the entrance of Guixu Sea all year round. There were no ten continents and three islands. There were only endless oceans and dotted with pitiful small islands in the world - —That was the predecessor of the Ten Continents and Three Islands including Zhongzhou and Penglai Island.

At that time, human beings did not yet exist, and the Quanxian clan did not only refer to the sharks, but also included various dragons, ancient god clans and many ancient races. In short, as long as those living in the sea had spiritual intelligence and could interact with each other Those who communicate and are unified are called the Quanxian clan.

Many ancient Quanxian clans, such as the Wangshu clan, the Paoxi clan, the Nuyi clan, and the Xiahou clan, are also called the Gushen clan. They all have the head of a human and the body of a dragon. These races are born with spiritual wisdom, knowledge of magic, and powerful strength. They are the rulers of the ocean and the leaders of the ancient Quan clan. The venerables and elders in those ethnic groups are mostly called "gods" because of their strong cultivation and profound Taoism. They also shoulder various responsibilities and lead everyone through one catastrophe after another.

That's right, the title "god" originally only referred to the leaders of various races and respectable individuals. It was an honorific title for some people who made great contributions to the creatures of heaven and earth. It did not become the title of "god" as it is now in Guixujie. A kind of position title used to distinguish status and enlightenment.

As for the many so-called "catastrophes of heaven and earth", they are actually things that the ancient gods worked together to do to benefit the survival of all living beings.

The most well-known ones are the use of Xuwei Mountain to seal the Jiuyou Realm and the use of the five-color formation to block the entrance to Guixu. These are recorded as the two largest catastrophes in ancient times.

Among them, the latter is closely related to the Quanxian clan——

According to legend, the ancient goddess Nuwa of the Nuwa clan led other ancient gods to set up an array with five-color soil to block the entrance to Guixu. Together with the Guquan ancestors, they built the Quanxian King City as the eye of the five-color array to suppress Guixu. The entrance to the sea. This will isolate the evil spirits from the Gui Xu Sea, make the heaven and earth pure, and cover all living beings in the Gui Xu World.

Since then, the sea has changed, and the seawater that poured in from the Guixu Sea gradually flowed back, and the land pattern of ten continents and three islands gradually formed. Some ancient Quan ancestors left the seabed and chose to settle on land.

Until the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, the ancient gods fell and disappeared one after another, and the human race began to appear. They pursued the figure of the ancient god, began to seek immortality, ask questions, and practice cultivation, and established the current scattered pattern of power dominated by monk sects.

Taiyin God Xian'a is one of the few ancient gods who is still alive after the catastrophe of heaven and earth. He relies on the worship of the new masters of the Ten Continents and Three Islands, the human race, to survive. However, few people knew that she was an ancient god, only that she was the newly born Taiyin God who was destined to attain enlightenment during the Great Tribulation of Heaven and Earth.

It's a pity that she survived the great catastrophe of heaven and earth, but she did not survive the calamity thousands of years ago, and she died long ago.

Although this matter is unknown to the human race, it is not considered a secret among the Quan ancestors. Because the Wangshu clan, which inherited part of the legacy of the Koizumi Xianwangshu clan, still exists, but it has long since lost its presence due to the sparse population. After Xian'a's death, the clan's vitality was severely damaged, and all members of the clan had difficulty making progress in their spiritual practice. I heard that the last time the royal city counted clans, there were only a few hundred people left!

If there is a new Taiyin God who attains enlightenment, they will definitely feel it, and the news will inevitably spread among the Quan ancestors, but in the past hundreds of years, they have never heard of such a thing!

There must be something weird about this Taiyin Sect!

Yinshuang's words were like a wake-up call, causing Coral to panic.

Although he did not learn history well from Quanxian, he still remembered a few things about the Wangshu family. At this time, Yinshuang reminded him and finally thought about it: "But, I have never heard of a new Taiyin God's enlightenment. Serve you?"

"No matter what, the Xiling clan can no longer be restrained by a knife,"

Yin Shuang said: "This is the intention of the clan leader. She said that she will rush to Taiyin Sect and pay a visit early tomorrow morning. You have to meet her at Longshan Port and we can find out some information!"

Coral immediately breathed a sigh of relief: "It's easy to tell if the patriarch is coming!"

"Don't worry, your contribution this time is not small. No matter what happens to the Taiyin God enshrined by the Taiyin Sect, your benefits are indispensable!"

Coral suddenly seemed to have little hearts in her eyes: "Really? I've wanted the patriarch's pink gem crown for a long time! And the ruby ​​flower crown! Last time I saw her wearing it with the wide-sleeved skirt of the human race. , It’s so beautiful! If she is willing to give it to me, I will start changing my gender tomorrow!”

All the content about the ancient gods, Quan Ancestors, etc. is all made up by me. After all, I am the author and I have the final say. I hope no friends will come here with other novels (regardless of ancient and modern novels). They accuse me of writing something wrong here and that. Stories about strange things are not real in the first place. What the sharks (Quanxian) look like and what the ancient myths look like have evolved over thousands of years and there is no standard.

However, in order to prevent confusion, I still post some information that I referenced.

The earliest record of Nuwa that can be tested contains: There are ten gods named Nuwa's intestines, who turned into gods and lived in the wilderness of Liguang, crossing the road. ("The Classic of Mountains and Seas·The Great Wilderness Western Classic")

Records about Nuwa's name and origin: Nuwa's family name, the Emperor granted Diwa to Yang of Ru River, and later became the Son of Heaven. Because she was called the Queen, she was later called the Nuwa family. There were Nv Ai in the Xia Dynasty, Nv Jiu and Nv Fang in the Shang Dynasty, and Nü Wa in the Jin Dynasty. Women's favorites are all after them. ("Shiben: Surnames")

The origins of the names of each race: the Pao Xi family, the Nuyi family, the Shennong family, and the Xiahou family. They have a snake body and a human face, an ox head and a tiger nose: this has an inhuman appearance, but has the virtue of a great sage. ("Liezi·Huangdi")

Records about the image of Nuwa: It is said that Nuwa has the head of a human and the body of a snake, and she transforms into her body seventy times a day. Who is the craftsman who made it like this... (Wang Yi (Eastern Han Dynasty) commented in "Tianwen")

If I can’t write anymore, I will continue to post the next chapter.

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