Building a sect from scratch

Chapter 162 Liberal Arts Research Group, online!

"'Quanxian' should have first appeared in the Records of Strange Things by Ren Fang of the Liang Dynasty in the Southern Dynasties. The original text is 'Jiaoren, that is, Quanxian, also known as Quanke'. This record is too late. Even the name 'Jiaoren' did not appear until the Han Dynasty. There were only records of 'Di people' before the Qin Dynasty."

"I don't agree that 'Quanxian' is 'Quanxian'. I still say that the statements we see are all deliberately translated by that α. Who knows if there will be deviations?"

"Hasn't Professor Qiu deciphered part of the text? Hey? Professor Qiu, don't fall asleep! Say something, Professor Qiu!"

"Ahem... ah, yes, yes, there is a preliminary demonstration of some of the text! That's right, our group found that many ancient books collected from chambers of commerce and business alliances use the same text as Jia Some of the symbols in the bone script are highly similar, and even most of the deformation and evolution can be explained, so our team is currently using the translation built into the game to reverse decipher the oracle bone script. If the final result is a readable and logical text record, then both parties can verify each other... Huh... Huh..."

"Okay, I fell asleep again!"

"Let Professor Qiu sleep a little longer. I heard that he hasn't had a good night's sleep for a long time. It's really hard! Come on, let's continue to talk!"

"What are you talking about! Doesn't this prove that the Guixu Realm and Blue Star have a close relationship? ? It can't be that the ancient myths and legends were all true, and then one day, everything recorded in the "Classic of Mountains and Seas" was split into another world, so Blue Star is gone, right?"

"It's worthy of being a masterpiece "You have a rich imagination, so it's not impossible!"

"No way! The time doesn't match! Our history is only a few years old, but they have had writing for tens of thousands of years, and the oracle bone script is less than four thousand years old. Their writing is more advanced than the oracle bone script and has evolved more and more complete, which must be at least five thousand years old!"

"Hey, Professor Yuan, we can't speculate based on the standards of Blue Star. What if they really have some means of traveling through time and space?"

"It's true that the various concepts in the Guixu Realm that are reflected in the myths and legends of Blue Star's flower planting and the records of ancient literary classics are in a mess! There is no pattern to be found!"

"We can indeed find a lot of concepts corresponding to the 'Xi Ling family', but the very contradictory point is that in 1957, The records in the Wuwei Han Dynasty bamboo slips clearly prove that Xiping County was called "Xiling" before the Han Dynasty. If the "Xiling" in the ancient legends of the flower-growing family refers to the "Xiling clan" of Guixu Realm, then what is the "Xiling" in the Wuwei Han Dynasty bamboo slips? "

"The records about "Xiling clan" in "Shiben" should be the earliest records, and coincidentally, the original text also mentioned Leizu - the ancient characters "Lei" and "Lei" are the same, Leizu is "Leizu". "

"It is obvious that this is not a coincidence, but what is puzzling is why the history books of our Blue Star flower-growing family record the history of Guixu Realm? "

"Look at it in a good way, isn't this "since ancient times"! "

"What kind of history book is "Shiben"? It can only be said to be a reference! "

"In a broad sense, anything that records history is a history book! "

"But it is not authoritative and can only be used as a reference! "

"I don't agree with this. If the ancient books of the pre-Qin period are not authoritative, then what else can be considered authoritative? Even if there is artistic processing, it is the first reference material! "


There are constant disputes in the conference room. Several historical researchers, ancient characters researchers and flower-growing mythology researchers all hold their own opinions and argue fiercely.

It is now more than eight o'clock in the morning in the imperial capital time. The project team almost rushed the cultural research and text decryption team members to the meeting on time, and sorted out all the content of the communication with Shanhu last night, and each person had a copy.

In the project team targeting the Guixu Realm, there are of course not only various science and engineering research groups, but also various liberal arts research groups mainly focusing on history, text research and sociology research. They have been established for a long time, but they have never encountered urgent matters, so they seem to be idle.

This time, diplomacy with the Quanxian tribe has been highly valued, and even urgently listed as the top priority of the entire project team. The liberal arts research group finally came online and showed its presence.

The human cultivators in the Guixu Realm are short-sighted and have no regard for the Quanxian tribe. Concept, but many scholars and leaders of the Flower Planting Family are not stupid - a tradition that has been passed down for tens of thousands of years, has its own language and social system, and is suspected to be inextricably linked to the ancient myths and legends of the Flower Planting Family. There are too many things behind it!

The simplest question - are mermaids and humans so similar in appearance related? If so, why do mermaids live so long, while humans can only live for a few decades? If not, what is the reason for the two being so similar? It can't be that there is really a "hand of God" behind everything, right?

Just as everyone was talking and talking, Aunt Wang, who had been waiting silently, quietly pushed the only science professor who was deliberately pulled over, who was sitting on the Diaoyutai like her - Academician Wu, a famous paleoanthropologist and researcher at the Institute of Vertebrate Paleontology and Paleoanthropology of the Flower Planting Family Academy of Sciences.

"Academician Wu? What do you think of this? "


Professor Wu is a slow person. He deliberately lowered his voice and said slowly: "I really don't have any ideas. Wang Rabbit, you know, this is the first time I have seen a real mermaid creature today..."

"Hey, how can I not have any ideas! Professor Wu, you are definitely the best in human biology," but someone was very sharp-eared and immediately pulled Professor Wu to join the discussion. While talking, he gave a thumbs up and then invited him warmly: "We are all a group of people who are engaged in writing and history. Many times, we are prone to professional misunderstandings, right? You see, you should talk about it from your more scientific perspective. For example, do you think that this 'Quanxian tribe' has anything to do with us humans?"

"Uh... this ..."

After hearing such a long paragraph of praise, Professor Wu's hairs began to stand on end. He subconsciously glanced at Aunt Wang, but she just shrugged indifferently and gave him a helpless look. He had to swallow his saliva and tried to choose his words carefully: "Well, after all, I am just a biologist and don't understand these historical myths. From a biological point of view, I think there is a high probability that mermaids and humans have a very close relationship.

"First of all, mermaids live on the bottom of the sea, and in the deep sea, but what is the environment of the deep sea? Low temperature, no light, and pressure that most animals with air cavities cannot survive. In order to adapt to this environment, some organisms have evolved to solve the osmotic pressure problem by adjusting the concentration and composition of body fluids. These structures are completely different from or even completely opposite to those of the human body.

"As for the form of mermaids, let's just talk about the upper body. They have no gills and probably breathe with lungs. So it is almost impossible for this physiological structure to evolve in a natural state and in an underwater living environment.

"Since it is a human-like feature that appears in an unnatural state, then we must boldly speculate why this race living on the seabed has not evolved an appearance that is more adapted to the underwater environment, but instead is more similar to humans?

"Of course, this is just my personal private speculation based on my understanding of biology. It may be completely wrong. After all, there is spiritual energy in the Guixu world!"

Continued from the previous chapter-

Records about Wangshu: Wangshu in front is the pioneer, and Feilian behind is the runner. ("Chu Ci·Li Sao")

Records about Xian'a: "Huainanzi" says: Yueyu is called Wangshu, also called Xian'a. (Hong Xingzu (Northern Song Dynasty) added notes in "Chu Ci·Li Sao")

Records about the prototype of the Jinling clan: There is a country called Dingling, whose people have hair from the waist down and are good at running on horse hooves. (Classic of Mountains and Seas·Hai Nei Jing)

Records about Lei Zu: Huangdi married Lei Zu and gave birth to Chang Yi. (Classic of Mountains and Seas·Hai Nei Jing)

Records about Xiling clan: Huangdi lived in Xuanyuan Hill and married the daughter of Xiling clan, Lei Zu, who gave birth to Qingyang and Chang Yi. (Book of Family Origins·Volume 1 Emperors' Genealogy) (In addition: there is no "Lei" in oracle bone script, it is "Lei")

Records about Qingqiu and the like are already everywhere in immortal cultivation novels, so I won't post them one by one, after all, I'm lazy QAQ

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