Building B

Chapter 1865: Mist Hidden Thunder

Ampere’s fleeing in a hurry caused the curse seal technique on Sakuramachi Hanadon’s body to lose its spiritual support, and she was able to break free from the shackles of the curse seal technique, but these people from the Digtail clan were not so lucky. The two survived because they were relatively close to her, and the other patriarchs of the Duwei clan were all buried in the battle.

The madness on Bawangmaru gradually dissipated, and he became silent again, and slowly walked towards Sakuramachi Hanadon, but when he was still ten steps away from the opponent, he fell face down to the ground.

Sakuramachi Hanadon was taken aback, and hurriedly supported him with a spell, and then slowly put him on the ground, she ran to Bawangmaru to check his physical condition, the two people from the digging family, They fled in a panic.

Sakuramachi Hanadon didn't care about keeping them as hostages at the moment. She was very worried about Bawangmaru's body, but when she checked it, she found that his body was intact, but he was overwhelmed and fell asleep.

Sakuramachi Hanadon picked up the gourd containing the cursed wine, and carefully observed it in front of her eyes. Her expression soon became serious. She took the empty gourd and looked for the one who found the gourd. Stoppers, after putting them together, put them away...

At this moment, intensive footsteps came from outside the chamber. Sakuramachi Hanadon took out his shiki rune and said something in his mouth. The shiki rune emits a bright white light, and a snake-shaped figure slowly emerged. It turned out to be A white snake with a body length of more than ten feet.

Its pale golden eyes looked out of the chamber, and it exuded a strange aura. It shook its body as if it was about to attack at any time, but the two who ran out before this time came back.

It’s just surprising that the people who came here were not soldiers but unarmed women, children, and old men. Their faces were panicked. When they saw the corpses on the floor, some people cried out.

The two saw the white snake-like **** next to Sakuramachi Hanadon. After tangling a bit, they suddenly knelt down and said, "As the last direct descendants of the Digwei clan, we now represent the Digwei clan. Officially join you and His Royal Highness Hisugaya, and hope that your Princess will help the Diuwei family to avenge the Oda clan!"

Sakuramachi Hanadon secretly breathed a sigh of relief. She nodded and said, "I promise your request and accept your surrender. Get up now!"

The two brothers glanced at each other, and did not get up right away. The elder brother Kuro Kuro buried his head deeply on the back of his palm and said, "Your Royal Highness, Oda is now entrenched outside the city of Nagoya, looking forward to her Royal Highness. You can think of a way to retreat!"

"Please, your Royal Highness, please think of a way!" Juuo Juro also said on his knees.

Sakuramachi Hanadon nodded and promised, "Well, I will figure out a way to get them to retreat!"

The two brothers were overjoyed and hurriedly expressed their gratitude. Sakuramachi Hanadon signaled that they don't have to do this. After all, the future of the Digtail family will fall on them. Their identities and status have become different.

Sakuramachi Hanadon came to the corridor outside the castle alone, took out a long cylindrical object from his sleeve, pointed it at the sky, and pulled down a rope behind it, only to hear a bang, a red light The ball whizzed into the sky, shining the night sky extremely brightly.

She looked up at the sky and looked at the shining red ball of light in the sky. She felt a little nervous. This thing was given to her by Watanabe Nobuo, and the maker of this thing was Kenjiro Kigen.

Nobuo Watanabe told her that if she is in danger, she will be released, then he will come to the rescue as quickly as possible, but now that the Oda clan's army is already on the ground, she does not know whether Nobuo Watanabe is really in time. Rushed here.

However, her worries were unnecessary. As soon as the red ball of light lit up, she heard the deafening shouts of killing outside the city, and saw that a large number of dark places outside the city suddenly lit up. The number of torch shadows is more than that of Oda's army.

They made deafening shouts of killing, and the shadows of the torches were constantly swaying in the night sky, as if thousands of troops were galloping in. The Oda clan's army clearly showed a panic, because they had not yet broken through. The strong defense of Nagoya, if they were flanked by both sides at this time, the casualties would be extremely heavy.

So the Oda clan's army hurriedly retired and fled before the rear army arrived. About half an hour later, the voices around Nagoya stopped abruptly, but no army was seen.

Afterwards, the outside of the city fell into a strange and silent atmosphere. After a while, a figure came from the darkness and came outside the brightly lit Nagoya city. However, the soldiers who guarded the city found that they added up to only one hundred ten. Come, but what they had just heard was a lot of people shouting and shouting.

When the pedestrian came to the outside of the city wall, one of them looked at the guard on the wall and shouted loudly, "What are you still doing? Hurry up and put down the pontoon! Lao Tzu's voice is hoarse!"

This person was full of anger and loud voice, which made the soldiers guarding the castle suddenly realize. At this time, Sakuramachi Hanadon and the two remaining brothers of the Digwei clan came to the vicinity of the gate and waited for the floating bridge to be lowered. Hanadon met them in person.

Sakuramachi Hanadon came to understand when they told the story exactly. It turned out that all of this was a strategy used by Nobuo Watanabe, and when she released the signal, Nobuo Watanabe had taken the troops under her hand to ambush. On the way back for the soldiers of the Oda clan...

Sakuramachi Hanadon let these soldiers who had shouted for nearly an hour come into the city to rest, but she stayed on the wall and looked into the distance. Time slowly passed, and when the sky was white, she finally began to appear in the distance. The shadow of the crowd.

Not long after, a large number of soldiers began to appear in people’s sights. The guards who had worked hard all night suddenly raised their hearts to their throats again, but Sakuramachi Hanadon was not worried at all, waiting for the soldiers. When they got closer, they could clearly see the banner held by the vanguard, which belonged to the Hanadon family of Hisugaya and Sakuramachi, and then the banner of Nobuo Watanabe.

The hearts of the soldiers finally fell back to their stomachs. At this time, there was a man wearing a general's costume. He quickly drove towards Nagoya on his own. He came to the opposite bank of the pontoon without stopping, facing the Sakuramachi flowers on the wall across the moat Don shouted, "Princess, are you okay! The subordinates are late for rescue, and I hope the princess will punish you!"

Sakuramachi Hanadon looked at the handsome but exhausted man, and said, "Nobuo, you have worked hard..."

The visitor is Nobuo Watanabe. His loyalty to Sakuramachi Hanadon is beyond ordinary people’s imagination. Lou B has known this from the very beginning, so he handed over the important task of guarding Sakuramachi Hanadon. Nobuo Watanabe will handle it.

The latter was actually under heavy pressure and made the previous tactical arrangements, but he didn't know what to do, in case his plan didn't work...

So after he finished the army that encircled and suppressed the Oda clan, he rushed over in a hurry, for fear that the matter would be out of the question again. When he saw Sakuramachi Hanadon standing on the wall, his heart was finally Falling back into the distance.

The two looked at each other in the air, and the eyes between each other revealed that they were beyond the sight of ordinary people, but they were very tacitly away from the sight, and then the army entered Nagoya to ensure the safety of the surrounding area of ​​Nagoya.

At this time, Building B on the other side encountered a lot of trouble. His target was Humaro’s mother clan, but they were attacked many times during the march. The attackers came and disappeared. The generation of traces, they threw fire and thunder at the army, this thing is the size of a longan, but the explosive power covers a range of several meters.

Moreover, these guys left after throwing them away, not entangled with Lou Yi and the others, and these people, like Kaga Chunyu, possess invisible ninjutsu, and ordinary soldiers can't help them.

Kaga Haruyu, who came with him, told him that these are the Wugakunin clan closely related to the Nara clan, and they are also one of the main reasons why the Nara clan can compete with the Oda clan.

Lou Yi asked Kaga Chunyu if there was a way to crack it. The other party did not answer him immediately, but quietly disappeared. When the other party launched another sneak attack, they quietly left with these people.

Lou B had no choice but to break up the team as much as possible to avoid more casualties. At the same time, he also released the rage along with the red-tailed viper to deter the misty ninjas, and just advanced about half of it. After an hour, a dazzling red ball of light suddenly rose up in the dense forest. This should be a signal for help from Kaga Haruyu.

Lou B ordered the army to stand by, leaving the red-tailed viper to guard the surroundings, while he was furious and rushed towards the position where the light ball and has been hidden in the army. The dark guard in Zhong also chased after Lou Yi at this moment.

After a short while, Lou Yi arrived at the destination, but the place was enveloped by a thick mist. He could hear fierce fighting in the mist. He glanced at it furiously and said, "Go!!!"

Rage let out a deafening roar, and rushed into the thick fog with him. The guards who came afterwards also rushed into the thick fog under the leadership of his leader. At this time, they no longer hide their shadows and directly expose them. In sight.

The fog filled the entire forest. Lou Yi could only judge the direction of the battle by hearing. When he finally approached the battle area, a man in a scarlet armor suddenly rushed out of the fog with a hand in his hand. The long, narrow knife slashed towards Lou Yi's head.

But at this moment, another figure appeared, which happened to be between him and Lou Yi. It was Kaga Chunyu who appeared after him. He was holding a short knife with the length of a ruler in each of his left and right hands. The knife was held up.

"Master, be careful, this person is Wuyin Leizang, the patriarch of the Wuyin clan, and an old monster who has lived for more than two hundred years!" Kaga Chunyu reminded.

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