Building B

Chapter 1866: Fight in the mist

The shadow of the sword and the sword flashed quickly on Lou Yi's side, and the speed of the two was extremely fast. It was originally the battle between the two of them, but now it has become a battle surrounding him as an intruder.

This sudden scene made Lou Yi a little bit dumbfounded, especially when he saw Kaga Chunyu trying his best to stop the attack of the mist hidden thunder, he felt even more helpless, touched his nose, and said to the anger beside him. "Do I look weak?"

With a violent growl, his huge head swayed from side to side, as if denying Lou B's question, Lou B nodded and said, "That's right, I seem to need someone to protect me."

As a result, his voice just fell, and suddenly the surrounding fog began to surge, and then many misty ninjas wearing blood-red ninja clothes rushed out of the thick fog, and the long swords in their hands came straight to the head of Building B.


Fury let out a roar and waved huge paws at them. When the paws swept their bodies, a lot of white mist appeared, and then these misty ninjas disappeared...

Instead, it was a wooden stake the size of a ruler, which crackled and fell to the ground. At this moment, Lou Yi's figure moved back and forth strangely, as if he had been upper body by a ghost, looking like a convulsion.

However, his fingers were pinching the curse imprint, and the mantra was chanting quickly in his mouth, but when he was about to complete the curse imprinting technique, his brain suddenly buzzed and he almost fell to the ground, his head staggered. Moving out suddenly, a strand of hair fell from the tip of the hair weirdly, as if it had been cut off by something.

He propped the ground with the palm of his hand, and Shenzi quickly moved to avoid the ground, and muttered to himself, "There are indeed two sons. No wonder it can stop the Oda clan's attack. It seems that the patriarch of Nara has a plan for the leader of the country. It's been many years..."

The curse seal could not be successfully cast, and it was most likely related to the thick fog. Lou Yi could not analyze whether the two were connected for the time being, so he could only change his strategy and use force to solve all of this.

But at this moment, the thick fog was turning again, and a group of people in black suddenly joined the battle, and went straight to the empty place, and then slashed with a knife, as if crazy.

In fact, Lou Yi and them are not crazy, but because the misty ninjas are passing through the thick fog here, performing invisibility techniques, so Lou Yi swaying like a ghost upper body, and the dark guards Crazy general hacking with a knife.

The piercing sound of collisions one after another. Under the training of Kaga Haruyu, the abilities of the guards have been greatly improved, especially the chief of the guards of Anjo Hashimoto Nana, she seems to be born as a ninja material, in Kaga Under Chun Yu's training, she can be said to have greatly increased her strength now.

More importantly, Lou Yi also taught her some spiritual cultivation techniques. Although she missed the path of Onmyoji, she could increase her strength several times when she performed ninjutsu.

I saw Hashimoto Nana's figure like a avatar, followed by a ghost on the left and right. At first glance, it seemed that she was divided into three people at the same time. Six ninja swords were flying in the air, making the misty ninjas tired.

Lou Yi held Teng Chi's hand and slowly put it down. He felt that at this time, it seemed that he did not need to act. He turned to look at the rage and said to it, "Don't guard me, you too Go and make trouble!"


The anger roared with excitement, and the huge body stood up fiercely. It quickly waved the bear's paw against the air, then found a direction and rushed directly.

At this moment, Lou Yi suddenly raised his head to look at the sky above, smiled meaningfully, and then lowered his head to observe the battle between Kaga Chunyu and Mist Hidden Thunder. Although the opponent held a long sword, his speed was faster than Kaga Chunyu. The double knife is faster, no wonder Kaga Chunyu is about to send a signal.

Unsurprisingly, Kaga Chunyu was about to be unable to hold on. At this moment, Lou Yi's figure suddenly moved forward quickly, and there was a puff puff sound behind him, and some ninjas pierced exactly where he was standing. If he doesn't move, I'm afraid he has become a target now.

Lou Yi squinted his eyes and glanced at the top, and the figure suddenly disappeared in place. Seeing a flash of cold light, he heard a scream from above, followed by a few muffled noises. Three misty ninjas in blood-colored ninja suits , Lying motionless on the ground, obviously dead...

In the battle, the mist was hidden by thunder, and his movements suddenly stopped. Obviously he was frightened by Lou B's movements. His distraction gave Kaga Chunyu a chance to counterattack. Kaga Chunyu quickly turned his double knives in his hands and ran straight. The fog hides the key to thunder.

However, after evading his attack, the opponent suddenly swung the knife from the bottom up and picked it up. While listening to the clang, the Shinobi in Kaga Haruyu's left hand took off and flew away, while the fog hidden thunder hid the knife in both hands and cut diagonally from the left. If Kaga Chunyu loses his balance, if this knife is cut, Kaga Chunyu will undoubtedly die.

However, Kaga Haruyu was ready to die together, and when he was about to use the Shinobu sword in his right hand to stab the fog hidden Lei Zang, he suddenly felt that his back was pulled, and his body involuntarily moved backwards. , A voice said to him, "Don't do such meaningless things. If you die, how can I explain to your friends and the princess?"

It was Lou Yi who rescued him naturally. The misty Thunder Hidden slashed into the air, immediately put on a defensive posture and kept a distance from the two. Obviously he was very jealous of Lou Yi and treated him as a dangerous target.

Lou Yi released his hand and lifted Jiahe Chunyu up, and at the same time, he looked at Wuyin Lei Zang, and said with a smile, "To live more than two hundred years old, the experience is really extraordinary. Are you interested in changing the owner and putting it under my command?"

Wuyin Leizang looked at Lou Yi, shook his head and said, "The ancestors of Nara and I have a great grace to save lives. There is no retribution in this life. It is useless to say more, do it!"

Lou Yi's smile slowly dissipated, and he said to Kaga Chunyu, "Go help Nana and the others, just leave it to me here!"

Jiahe Chunyu glanced at him, nodded and agreed, turned and left, Lou Yi touched his nose, and whispered, "It's really obedient, so next, I'm going to be serious!"

His eyes suddenly sharpened, and a special aura wrapped around the knife in his hand. As the Teng Chi knife was slowly pulled out, the temperature around him also dropped instantly, and the sky suddenly began to rain. The mist dissipated a lot.

Lou Yi looked up at the sky, bathed in the rain, and muttered to himself, "Well, this feels much more comfortable..."

But at this moment, the fog hidden thunder hideout suddenly slammed, like a teleportation, and he slashed towards the building B. The latter's footsteps were like dragonfly splashes, flashing quickly on the ground, and at the same time he looked at the mist hidden thunder hideout and said. , "Want to be so impatient, it's a pity that such a good atmosphere!"

"You are too dangerous, I can't let you leave this place alive!" This is the last word that the mist hidden Leizang said. The two figures quickly shuttled through the dense forest, the shadows of the swords and swords flashed randomly, and the surrounding trees were frequently lazy. Cut off, collapsed suddenly.

But neither of them cares about the surroundings. At this moment, they only see each other and the knife in their hands. The knife hidden in the mist is as fast as thunder, and so is the figure. His fighting style is direct and domineering, like thunder. Rushing, without any fancy moves, can be described as deadly with knives and knives, and there is no room for carelessness.

Lou Yi's figure is as light as the wind, always avoiding when the opponent's knife is about to hit him. At the beginning, he was not eager to attack, but was studying his opponent, the sword technique hidden by the mist. , Makes him feel incredible, he is also trying to steal the teacher to learn art.

However, he soon discovered that he had nowhere to enter, which meant that this sword technique needed a special technique to perform. Some disappointed, he finally began to counterattack. The Teng Chi sword emitted a blue light, and the light was divided into ten. The time of the knife is dazzling and dazzling.

But after all, Lei Zang in the mist is an old monster who has lived for more than two hundred years. His eyesight is extremely tricky to find the true body in these blade lights, and every time he uses the gap of Building B's attack, he launches a fatal attack.

Lou Yi was beaten back steadily by him. Soon the two of them left the main battlefield and headed towards the depths of the dense forest. They roared in the direction where Lou Yi was leaving, but did not get any response. The needle felt-like hair stood up suddenly, becoming more and more violent.

Haruyu Kaga led Hashimoto Nana and the guards trained during this time, began to encircle these misty ninjas. The battle between the two sides was extremely fierce, but this place was the opponent's home court, and their numbers were obviously at a disadvantage. Fortunately, Kaga Chunyu's art is bold, and coupled with a more full-blown rage, the two sides have come and go, and they have entered a state of stalemate.

Wuyin Leizang chased Building B all the way forward. He was always in an advantageous position. In addition, it was his site. Naturally, there was no reason to retreat. What's more, the other party even dared to go deep into this misty forest. Dead end.

However, how did he know that Lou Yi was doing it deliberately, the reason is very simple, he still has the back hand and did not use it, and if he did it in the previous place, it would definitely involve his own people. Body.

Fog Hidden Leizang discovered that Lou Yi, who had been running around like a headless fly, suddenly stopped not far in front of him. For some reason, he suddenly felt a little in his heart. He intuitively told him that things were not quite right. It might be in his plan.

Lou Yi looked back, without any panic on his face. Instead, he glanced at the surrounding environment and said to the misty Lei Zang, "The environment here is quiet and quiet. As your burial place, it should be more suitable..."

Wuyin Leizang did not fight with him. He raised his mental power to the extreme and prepared to fight Lou Yi for the last time. But at this moment, the other party's clothes suddenly began to dance without wind, and the knife in his hand suddenly bloomed. With a brilliant blue light, a huge creature appeared behind the opponent.

Wuyin Leizang looked at Lou Yi in disbelief, and opened his mouth and said, "How..."

Before he finished speaking, his body froze at an astonishing speed. Lou Yi walked over to him, looked at his frozen body, and slowly said, "You want to know how I broke your fog. Surgery? This question waits for you to go and figure it out for yourself..."

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