Building B

Chapter 1959: Simultaneous rescue

Lou Yi’s guess is not wrong. The breath of the bereavement is gradually weakening over time, but the Xuanming bone armor seems to know this too. It actually wants to save the power of the bee. How could he escape Lou Yi's eyes.

Since it does not interrupt the recovery of the Xuanming Bone Spear, Lou Yi can only use a backup plan, which is to continuously launch attacks. Now which bone shadows are not too threatening to him, he can easily Approaching the funeral, and using brute force to bombard the barrier created by Xuanming bone armor.

Blindly passive defense would naturally consume the witch power in the fascination. Before long, the light of the Xuanming bone armor began to dim, and even the barrier began to become thinner.

However, Lou Yi didn't relax because of this. He even raised the corners of his mouth slightly and said to himself, "That's right, I know how to be clever."

Lou Yi casts the blue and white secret pattern on himself, covering it outside the skin, and then deliberately relaxes his guard. It can be said that the empty door opens wide, and he desperately beats the fading black light mask, Xuan Ming bone armor sees it The other party was fooled, and the black light covering above suddenly withdrew.

And at the moment when the black light mask was removed, it concentrated all the magic power together, and then activated the most powerful Xuanming bone shadow. In a flash, the death was like a black sea urchin. There are terrible black bone spurs, these bone spurs are completely different from the previous ones, possessing extremely powerful destructive power.

Lou Yi was strung into a sieve in an instant, but the mountain peaks on his face carried an intriguing smile. The light of the Xuanming bone armor was completely dimmed after this blow. This was its desperate blow, in order to protect the funeral. Sacrifices made.

But although it has its own will, it is still too tender after all. Lou Yi deceived it with deception, and reappeared on the spot again intact, without the Xuanming bone armor backed by witch power, and could only keep his eyes open. Seeing Lou Yi walk into the funeral, there was a very faint black light like mist around it, and it seemed that it still wanted to force itself.

Lou Yi stepped forward to look at the unmovable bereavement, and said to Xuanming bone armor, "Don't worry, I won't hurt him, I'm here to save him!"

Xuanming's bone armor emitted a very weak light, flashed at Lou Yi, and then completely dimmed. Lou Yi sighed silently, looking at the wrapped stern death, he started to kill the loss. The Xuanming bone armor on his body faded, and then all was thrown into the formation ball, in case he would cause unnecessary trouble when he was looking for the cause.

The bereaved body was extremely thin and weak. After removing the Xuanming bone armor, he was like a pile of unsupported flesh at the same time, he was so weakly paralyzed on the ground, his eyes staring at the top without a god.

Lou Yi checked his body first, and after confirming that it was okay for the time being, he turned his gaze to Pagota. At this moment, around Pagota's body, the curse of the strange Dark Witch was enveloped. He didn't know this. What was it? So he asked the few dark witches who had survived in the witch language.

They were able to survive not because of their high strength, but because they were afraid of death. Under Lou B's coercion and lure, Lou B lifted the weird witch curse that enveloped Pagota's body. This is a kind of isolation from heaven and earth. The curse of power is to weaken Pagota's recovery ability.

Since the blood witches were cured by Lou Yi, their strength has increased day by day, especially Pagota, whose physical power is almost invincible among the witches, and this is the main reason why the prisoners dare not face it. reason.

Lou Yi put his palm on Pagota's heart, and Zhen Yuan began to wander into his body through his skin, but during this time he felt heavy resistance, as if a force was preventing his Zhen Yuan from entering it.

Lou Yi moved forward slowly, until Zhen Yuan smoothly entered its meridians, and finally figured out why Pagota was unconscious.

It turned out that Pagota’s meridians were covered by the curse of the Dark Witch, causing almost all functions in his body to be in a stagnant state, and his heartbeat became extremely slow. It seems that the other party did this deliberately in order to ensure him. Without dying, weaken its power as much as possible.

Pagota’s body acupuncture points are sealed by witchcraft, in order to prevent them from extracting even the slightest vitality of the world for Pagota, plus the witchcraft that shrouded the outside before, I believe that soon, Pagota will Falling into a deep sleep, slowly losing the power of the physical body, completely turning into a useless person.

And when all of this is over, it is when the prison and Bei Ming took the initiative to clean up the blood witches. I have to say that the prison is really a wishful calculation. Lou Yi can't help but snorted and began to use his mental power. It gets rid of the witchcraft in Pagota.

At the same time, he split up a part of his mental power and entered the body of Funeral. Funeral was completely opposite to the situation of Pagota. The Dark Witch Clan sealed his mud palace with a curse, allowing his own will to be trapped in consciousness. They couldn't get out of trouble in the sea, but because of the Xuanming bone armor, they didn't kill the bereavement immediately, but ordered him to guard it with the order of the king of the witch clan.

Xuanming's bone armor couldn't disobey the Witch King's order, so he could only come here to guard him obediently. Lou Yi sighed silently, and began to carefully try to uncover the seal of the Witch Clan, but this didn't seem to be a simple matter. , It is even more troublesome to do.

Because he is worried that the dark witches will make small moves, Lou Yi needs to continue to deduce the structure of these witches, and then wash them away a little bit. In this process, he must be very careful. Once the wrong step is taken, it is very likely It caused a chain reaction, and both of them could be killed instantly by the witchcraft.

Just as Lou Yi carefully dismantled the witch curse for the two, the unwilling witch tribesmen and the dark witch tribes began to exchange their eyes secretly. The dark witch tribe’s tribe is indeed the way to solve the curse. It is easy to tell, but this is also to wait for opportunities.

They wanted Lou Yi to really believe that they didn't have the courage to launch a sneak attack while he was casting the curse. They wanted to pretend that they were really scared, but in fact, both they and the witches are waiting for this godsend. Because the spell-solving requires full concentration, if you launch a sneak attack at this time, the probability of success is extremely high.

For these people, if the mission fails, they will be punished. It is more terrible torture than death, especially some of the dark witches’ spells, which are simply worse than death. They waited for a while and saw Lou Yi thoroughly. They stopped moving and couldn't bear it anymore, and at the same time launched a sneak attack on Building B.

But at this moment, two purple lights flew out of the breeding ring and the Teng Snake Jade Ring, blocking the front of the Witch Clan and the Dark Witch Clan. After Lou Yi's mouth rose inexplicably, he stopped paying attention to them. Now, because Zi Li would handle all this, but what he didn't expect was that the Zerg Queen would also come out to help him block the opponent.

The Zerg Queen glanced back at him, her eyes flickering with purple electric light, while she retracted her gaze, she glanced at the purple Li on the other side, and then two identical lightning powers burst into the cave.

After the thunder roar, all the voices disappeared. Those dark witch tribes and other witch tribes were blasted to the point that there was no scum left. The Zerg Queen glanced at Zi Li again and turned into a purple light and went back. Zi Li chose to stay, staying beside Lou Yi and guarding the surroundings.

Lou Yi opened his bow from left to right, and the speed gradually increased, and the breath of Pagota and mourning began to overflow as the witch seals disappeared, and the curse seals became more complicated as the witch seals disappeared.

That's because the initial witch seals were all specially strengthened. They formed a whole through countless branches. This required extremely complex analytical capabilities, which would affect the whole body when one step was wrong, and all would be lost.

Fortunately, Lou Yi's method of numbering has not fallen over the years. After he derived the structure and outline of the witchcraft, he only had to disassemble the branches one by one in order.

During the dismantling process of Lou Yi's full attention, an accident suddenly appeared outside. It may be that the curse of the blood witch clan was a bit too long this time, and finally attracted the attention of the dark witch clan surveillance personnel. This incident informed the upper part, and now the upper level of the Dark Witch Clan has sent someone here to learn more.

Once they perceive the abnormal situation in the cave, it will inevitably cause a chain reaction. At that time, their secret infiltration plan will be completely wiped out. Menglu anxiously looked at the Bone Witch Clan’s resident and muttered to himself, "It's been too long..."

Not long after the Dark Witch clan appeared here, a blind old woman, leaning on a cane, followed by a few tightly wrapped women But judging from the size, it seems that I can't tell their specific ages, but looking at their defiant appearance, you know that they have been in the upper ranks for a long time...

Menglu asked the blood witches to begin to retreat, and at the same time, he thought about how to delay the time longer. There were dark witches coming down from the tall building, and they knelt down in front of these people, pointing to the blood witches’ residence. Know what is being said.

After listening to the report, the old woman looked very angry. She took the person of the same race who was in charge of monitoring with a crutches and flew out. The other party got up and came to the other party again, lying on her feet humbly, her body trembling slightly. Did not dare to breathe.

After the old woman lifted her foot and kicked it down, she walked towards the blood witch clan's residence with a cold snort. This person was named Besava, who was the main warrior who advocated cleaning up all those who did not succumb to their rule.

There are three factions in the Dark Witch. One advocates peaceful coexistence, but the number of people is too small, so they have always been marginalized. The other advocates maximizing benefits, and they are also the majority who choose to co-rule with prisons. The rest is the main battle faction of Besava. They are the most radical faction in the Dark Witch Clan. However, because of the same small number in the Dark Witch Clan, they cannot have a decisive influence, so they only Can do some small actions secretly.

This time, after the report was passed back to the Dark Witch Clan, she intercepted the report first and brought her faction to the place. They had been upset by the Blood Witch Clan for a long time. How could such an excellent opportunity be easily given up? Too!

Besawa walked towards the blood witch clan's residence with a gloomy expression, and shot all the bone witch clan people in the way out. They arrived at the blood witch clan residence aggressively, and she sternly said, "How dare you insult. The great king of the witch clan, whoever is the main culprit comes out by himself, otherwise all of you will be executed for betraying the witch clan!!!"

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