Building B

Chapter 1960: No coffin

Pesava's aggressiveness made the blood witches angry. They slammed their fists against each other, and their muscles banged. One of them yelled at her, "Where is the prison? Where is Peymin? Let them get out!! !"

Pesava was very restrained, and her fingers were shining with a dark red and dangerous aura. Just as she was about to do it, one of the people behind her whispered, "Elder Sava, wait a moment, let them make more noise. , So we can kill them all!"

Pesava nodded, and the curse mark on her hand slowly faded away. She pointed to the person who yelled just now and said, "I was caught by him. I want these dirty red pigs to know, curse the witch The end of Lord Wang!"

"Yes, Elder Besava!" the person behind immediately replied.

They made a color to each other, and their fingers were shining with the light of the witch curse. The blood witch tribe showed their vigilance and surrounded and protected the cursing man, but it seemed that these were all in vain. A dark red cursed chain flew out, ignoring the crowd, and directly wrapped it around the person's limbs and neck, pulling him out of the crowd.

They deliberately slowed down their movements so that the blood witches could see the man’s painful expression. The witches roared and began to hit the fence. The witches arranged around them began to shine. Some witches were injured by the witches, but Still desperately slammed forward.

Besava smiled unabashedly. For her, this picture is really beautiful. Her finger pointed at the person who was bound by the curse chains, and the person began to twitch, and the five chains began to pull him in different directions. body.

His proud physical body seemed to be unable to contend with the effects of the spell. His body was constantly being stretched and lengthened, making unbearable noises, but the blood witch tribe didn’t make a sound from beginning to end, which made Pesava. Very unhappy.

Her one eye gave out a cruel gaze like a poisonous snake, and she began to use the curse that tortured the prisoner, in an attempt to make the person surrender and scream that made her feel happy.

However, the other party failed to fulfill her wish. This made her patience gradually lost, and her face became distorted. Just as she was about to order the blood witches to be killed, the surrounding environment suddenly began to be distorted, and they were not aware of it. What happened until a thunderous voice burst in their ears...

"What are you going to do to my children?!!!" the voice roared.

Pesava and others were startled. When they turned their heads, they saw a giant with terrible blood all over, waving a future as big as a water tank, and blasting over with thunder, Pesava was shocked. Jump, but the reaction is also quick.

She quickly cast the magic spell to avoid the attack, but the few people behind her did not have such good luck. Two of them were too close, one was smashed into **** mud by the fist, and the other He was kicked and exploded by the opponent.

The remaining people were quickly torn to pieces under the raging anger of Pagota. The remaining Dark Witch tribes began to rush around. Several people fled to Besava, trying to seek her protection. .

But when Pargota rushed towards them, Pesava did not hesitate to use their bodies as a shield. She yelled at Pargota, "Do you want to rebel against the old thing?!!!"

Pagota did not answer him, his body exuded a scorching breath like steam, chasing Besava frantically. The latter suddenly thought of something and asked, " did you escape? !!!"

Besava realized the seriousness of the problem, and she began to want to escape from this place. Just then two people appeared in her sight. One naturally rescued Pagota’s building B, and the other was The bereavement re-equiped neatly.

At this moment, his eyes looked extremely cold, and when he swept across Besava, the latter's hair on his body stood up. She pointed to Lou Yi and asked, "! Who are you?!!!"

Lou Yi did not answer her, just wanted to look at her like a dead person, which made Besava feel humiliated and angry, but she is not a stupid person, as in the current situation, she must rely on her own strength. It can't fight against so many of them.

After avoiding Pagota’s anger and bombardment, Besava began to want to escape from here, but when she rushed to the waiting outside with hope, her face suddenly hit an invisible barrier and was severely hit. Bounced back.

Pesava bounced off the ground and swept around with the only one eye left. She was unwilling to rush outside again, but was bounced back fiercely again. This time she understood her situation and turned her head back to face Lou Yi and the others yelled, "You know what the price is for killing me. Our patriarch’s humble status is even higher than your holy maiden. If you let me go now, there is still a chance. if not……"

"Shut up to me, stinky girl!!!" Pagota waved his fist without waiting for her to finish, but was evaded by Besava, Pagota's angry fist It hit the protective barrier fiercely, forming a large ripple-like ripple, Lou Yi sighed and said, "Senior Pagota, get angry and get angry, don't break it, when the time comes It's not good to let her run..."

Pagota snorted coldly, "Don't worry, this **** stinky lady, I can't go anywhere!!!"

He waved his fist violently and chased down Besava. Originally, Building B only needed to say a word to the bereavement around him. The bereavement would kill him, but Pagota said he would take care of the opponent himself. His power It is indeed powerful, but it is also limited to the brute force of the flesh.

Against people like Besava who rely on the power of witchcraft to act, he will suffer a lot. Lou Yi saw that the other party constantly used witchcraft to interfere with Pagota’s sight and consciousness, causing his fists to fail frequently. At the same time, he secretly set up a witchcraft trap, it seems that he intends to kill the opponent, even he and the funeral are killed together.

Lou Yi raised his lips contemptuously, and muttered to himself, "I really don't see the coffin or cry..."

He decided to help Pagota. After all, what happened here will always be exposed. The longer it takes, the easier it will be to get out of the way. In fact, Besava is planning something, although her sight seems to be on Pago. The tower was on the body, but in fact it was always on Lou Yi and Sangyu's side.

For Lou Yi, she did not know his strength, but felt that the young man was unfathomable and unpredictable. For the funeral, she was simply afraid. You must know that in order to capture the funeral, they and the Witch clan were dead and injured. Disastrously, six or seven elders and thousands of elite forces died.

This enabled the humble patriarch to successfully seal the consciousness of bereavement, but now this terrifying madman appeared in front of her unharmed, which made her feel uneasy.

But at this time, she took advantage of Pagota's recklessness and quietly set up a lot of back-ups. She hoped that Lou Yi and Funeral would keep watching so that her plan could be realized.

However, Lou Yi's sudden disappearance made her suddenly feel a very bad feeling, and soon Lou Yi appeared at the first witchcraft trap she set up, deliberately stepped on that trap with his feet, and Besava subconsciously Yelled.

"No, don't..." But her voice was not over yet, Lou Yi's foot had already stepped on the trap, and Besava's face suddenly became distorted, and he shouted at him, "Bad my good deeds, You have to die too!!!"

"Really?" Lou Yi looked at her mockingly, and under her gaze, raised his foot and walked towards the second witchcraft trap, but Besava was stunned. At this moment, a violent air wave, mixed with the scorching wind, smashed against her body, and Besava trembled all over and realized that he was distracted.

At this time, she wanted to cast a witch curse to avoid it. It was too late. She supported the snake stick with both hands, and wanted to use her witch power to forcibly take Pagota's fist. The latter snorted and slammed his fist while shouting, "Death!! !"

With a loud bang, Pesava flew straight out, the snake stick in her hand was bent into a crescent, Pesava's arms were dripping with blood, and the ten fingers of one of his hands turned back exaggeratedly. past.

Pagota chased her again and beat him violently. Besava lost the snake stick and Lou Yi's actions just now brought her too much soul shock, making her completely panicked, and soon she would be back There is no way to resist the power of Until the moment of death, she exhausted all her strength and asked, " do you...maybe...all right?! !"

Lou Yi did not answer her question. He watched her widen the one-eyed one and looked at him bitterly. After she died, Lou Yi smiled and touched the snake jade ring on his hand, muttering to himself , "I didn't expect you to still have this ability. What an unexpected gain..."

After solving these dark witch tribesmen, Lou Yi brought Funeral, Pagota, Menglu, and Bianhuo together. After some discussions, Lou Yi decided to take them straight to the forbidden land of the witch ancestors.

Funeral and Pagota returned to their own tribes. Under their call, the Blood Witch Clan and the Bone Witch Clan began to secretly prepare. On the surface, they still maintained their original appearance, but in fact they were ready to go to war. ready.

Funeral went to the Baiji Mountain Range and asked all the Bone Witch tribes on the Baiji Mountain Range to complete the task of blocking. At the same time, Lou Yi also asked Baitu Jili and Bai Tuqian Prisoners to stay and help the Bone Witch Clan defend the Baiji Mountain Range. , And at the same time let them prepare to meet Jiang Feng who has attracted the attention of the Wu Clan.

There are two soldiers on Lou Yi’s side. He asked the three Xu brothers to stay and guard the land of the two clans. Once an accident occurs, he will deal with it by himself. Now the bone and blood witches have been liberated, the only thing to worry about There are only Wu A'duo's curse witch tribe, but now Lou B and the others are heading to the back, thinking that if the prison forces the curse witch tribe to fight, he can also appear in time to stop it.

As for the remaining people, there is no need to worry at all. The Barbarian Witch Clan with Wutu bones, coupled with Gu Ani’s Gu art, plus the ground guards led by the Xu family’s three brothers, believe that the Dark Witch Clan and the witches There is only one dead end for the clan to come together, but Lou Yi still asks them to reduce the killing as much as possible, so as not to bring irreversible consequences to the Wu clan.

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